Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Vermont’s Progressive and Libertarian parties call for Yemen … – Brattleboro Reformer

MONTPELIER On the day after Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to reestablish diplomatic relations widely seen as helpful to efforts to end the civil war in Yemen the Vermont Progressive Party State Committee unanimously endorsed resolutions calling on Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Becca Balint, D-Vt., to introduce legislation to permanently stop U.S. complicity in the Yemen war.

The resolution fell on the heels of Yemen war protests in Brattleboro, Burlington and Norwich, calling on Sanders, Balint and Sen. Peter Welch, D-Vt., to introduce a new Yemen War Powers Resolution. Vermont protests were planned in coordination with similar protests across the country.

The Vermont Progressive Party calls on Vermonts congressional delegation to lead the way in reorienting U.S. foreign policy to peace and justice, prioritizing human life and global cooperation over domination and exploitation, the partys state committee resolved earlier this month. It further resolved: The Vermont Progressive Party calls on Sen. Bernie Sanders to reintroduce the Yemen War Powers Resolution in the U.S. Senate before the 8th anniversary of the war on March 25. Furthermore, the party calls on Rep. Becca Balint to co-lead the introduction of this resolution in the House before March 25th.

Olga Mardach-Duclerc, the chair of the Libertarian Party of Vermont, said her party urges Senator Sanders and the rest of the Vermont delegation to stand up to the warmongers in D.C., in true representation of the will of Vermonters, and reintroduce the Yemen War Powers Resolution. ... The Libertarian Party continues to call for an immediate end to U.S. support of genocide.

If the Yemen War Powers Resolution is brought to the floor for a vote, Congress could order the president to end U.S. participation in the conflict. Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and Sanders sponsored last years bipartisan bill, which was cosponsored by over 130 members of Congress.

Activists say starvation and disease are a daily presence in Yemen; millions of children are malnourished and two-thirds of the country is in need of humanitarian aid. Saudi Arabias blockade is said to drive the crisis. For example, almost no containerized goods have been able to enter Yemens principal port of Hodeida since 2017, depriving the Yemeni people of medical supplies and other essential goods.

The Saudi-led war on Yemen could not have started or continued, for eight years, without U.S. support. The war was announced from Washington, D.C., and it is time that its end is also announced from D.C., said Dr. Aisha Jumaan, founder and president of the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation.

Organizations that signed the call to protest the war included the foundation, the Yemeni Alliance Committee, About Face: Veterans Against War, Veterans for Peace, Progressive Democrats of America, the Libertarian Institute, Avaaz, CODEPINK, Peace Action, United for Peace and Justice, Democratic Socialists of America International Committee, Womens League for International Peace and Freedom, U.S. section, among others.

Saturday will mark the eighth anniversary of the beginning of the Saudi-led coalitions bombing of Yemen. To mark the occasion, at noon that day, Action Corps will join Peace Action, the Friends Committee on National Legislation, Yemeni groups, and others from the U.S. and U.K. for an online rally to build momentum to end the war in Yemen. Confirmed speakers include Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Ro Khanna, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Dr. Shireen Al-Adeimi, and the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis.

Vermont's Progressive and Libertarian parties call for Yemen ... - Brattleboro Reformer

Libertarian Party of Wisconsin: To hold convention in April –

Ubet, WIThe Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (LPWI) will hold its annual convention the weekend of April 14th, 15th, and 16th, at the Potawatomi Casino and Resort in Milwaukee. The convention celebrates fifty years since the official founding of the party within the state.

The main annual business portion of the convention will begin that Saturday morning at eight oclock, April 15th. Members may pay dues that day to participate.

During the business session, the LPWI will address the usual party concerns, including the by-laws and constitution review and changes, platform amendments, and most importantly, electing its Executive Committee officers and delegates for the new two-year term.

The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin advocates a philosophy of do no harm to others, and steal from nobody, supporting the inherent right of individual and family consent, never threats or force, in public matters for the greater good. Besides supporting an end to nation-state conflict and a civil peace within them, the Libertarian Party philosophy includes the personal responsibility and self-accountability to aid and protect those who cannot help or defend themselves.

All members of the Libertarian Party must sign a pledge upon paying dues that states, I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

While it offers different packages for the weekend events, paid members in good standing may attend the Saturday business meeting at no cost. With the press and public welcome to observe, the LPWI will also simulcast the Saturday meeting on its website, To find out more about the LPWI or for more info on the convention, please visit the party website.

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Libertarian Party of Wisconsin: To hold convention in April -

Councilman Terrance Freeman wins re-election to Jacksonville City … – The Tributary

City Council President Terrance Freeman. [The Tributary]

Jacksonville City Council President Terrance Freeman won re-election as the At-Large Group 1 councilman, fending off a challenge from Libertarian Eric Parker.

Freeman, a Republican, was first appointed to the council by then-Gov. Rick Scott in 2018. He was initially appointed to represent a heavily Democratic district, but in 2019, Freeman switched to the countywide At-Large seat.

The Jacksonville City Council comprises 14 neighborhood-based districts and five at-large council members who are voted on countywide.

Freeman has overseen the City Council while it has faced a racial-gerrymandering lawsuit. Under his leadership, the council decided to fight the lawsuit aggressively and has lost repeatedly in federal court. The city is still appealing the courts decision to order new districts drawn by civil-rights plaintiffs, including the Jacksonville Branch of the NAACP.

Parker, an electronics technician, was one of three Libertarians running for City Council. Parker earned the largest share of the vote for a Libertarian in the citys history.


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Councilman Terrance Freeman wins re-election to Jacksonville City ... - The Tributary

Whos Behind the Judicial Overhaul Now Dividing Israel? Two Americans. – The New York Times

As part of a recent national day of resistance, a group of army reservists wearing masks converged at the Jerusalem office of a think tank and blocked its front door with sandbags and coils of barbed wire. Outside, protesters led a noisy rally on the street, waving dozens of placards and sharing a microphone for a series of furious speeches.

The Kohelet Policy Forum has been hiding in the shadows, shouted one speaker, standing atop a car. But we are onto them and we will not let them win!

For years, Kohelet quietly churned out position papers, trying to nudge government policy in a more libertarian direction. Then, starting in January, it became more widely known as one of the principal architects of the judicial overhaul proposalthat has plunged Israel into a crisis over the future of its democracy.

If the plan succeeds, it would be a stunning victory not only for the think tank, but also for the people behind it: two guys from Queens.

The first is Moshe Koppel, a 66-year-old mathematics Ph.D. who grew up in New York City and moved to Israel in 1980. He founded Kohelet in 2012 and has been drafting laws and producing conservative and libertarian policy papers with a roster of full- and part-time scholars that now numbers 160.

I dont want to sound arrogant, he told Ami, the Orthodox Jewish magazine, in 2019, but in some sense were the brains of the Israeli right wing.

Kohelet is not required to disclose the names of individual donors, and for years Mr. Koppel has artfully deflected questions aboutfunding.

But one source of money is a second New Yorker: Arthur Dantchik, a 65-year-old multibillionaire who has donated millions to Kohelet, according to people familiar with his philanthropic giving. Mr. Dantchik did not return a call for comment.

American money and ideas, from the left and the right, have played a perennial role in Israeli politics. Today, American consultants are a regular feature of election campaigns, and the American-backed Israel Hayom, a free daily, is the countrys most widely read newspaper.

Until recently, though, few knew that the nation-rattling judicial proposals were largely an American production.

Whatchanges are being proposed? Israels right-wing government wants to change the makeup of a committee that selects judgesto give representatives and appointees of the government a majority. The legislation would also restrict the Supreme Courts ability to strike down laws passed by Parliament and weaken the authority of the attorney general, who is independent of the government.

What do opponents of the plan say? The front opposing the legislation, which includes Israelis largely from the center and left,argues that the overhaul would deal a mortal blow to the independence of the judiciary, which they view as the only check on government power. They say that the legislation would change the Israeli system from a liberal democracy with protections for minorities to a tyranny of majority rule.

Where does Benjamin Netanyahu stand? In the past, Netanyahu, Israels current prime minister, was a staunch defender of the independence of the courts. His recent appointment of Yariv Levin, a leader of the judicial overhaul, to the role of justice minister signaled a turnaround, even though Netanyahu publicly promised that any changes would be measured and handled responsibly.

Is there room for compromise? The politicians driving the plan said they were prepared to talk and a group of academics and lawmakers, in the meantime, met behind the scenes for weeks to find a compromise. On March 15, the government rejected a compromise by Issac Herzog, the president of Israel, that was dismissed by Netanyahu soon after it was published.

The plan, which has spurred hundreds of thousands of Israelis to weekly protests, would give the government far greater control over the selection of judges and would make it harder for the Supreme Court to strike down laws passed by legislators.

Negotiations which included Kohelet for a scaled-back version of the judicial overhaul that would satisfy a broader swath of the Israeli public appear to be on hold for now. The government is determined to push at least some of its proposals through Parliament by early April.

Opponents of the overhaul say the courts are all that prevent Israel from devolving into a country with no checks on government power and no protection for minorities. Mr. Koppel and his allies believe that the real threat to Israeli democracy is activist judges, who, he says, now operate virtually without constraint.

While prominent in Israels conservative political circles for years, Mr. Koppel has long worked to maintain the lowest possible profile.

I discovered that you get an awful lot more done, he said during a rare interview at Kohelets headquarters, if you let others get the credit than if you insist on announcing your contribution.

Mr. Dantchik has for decades remained about as invisible as a man with his fortune can be. (With an estimated net worth of $7.2 billion, he ranks higher on the Forbes 400 list than marquee tycoons like Mark Cuban and George Soros.) He is a co-founder of Susquehanna International Group, a privately held financial powerhouse based in a sprawling campus in a suburb of Philadelphia, with offices around the world. The company has never taken outside investors, limiting what it is required to publicly disclose about the markets in which it operates options, equities, cryptocurrency and sports betting.

They are as quiet as a church mouse, said Paul Rowady of Alphacution, a research group that specializes in proprietary trading firms. These guys dont like to talk, and they dont want anyone in their business.

Mr. Dantchiks connection to Kohelet was first published in an article in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, based on reporting by the Democratic Bloc, a nonprofit in Israel that largelymonitorsright-winggroups.

We spent months searching for a clue that would lead us back to the origins of the money, said Ran Cohen, the Democratic Blocs director. It was a maze of nontransparent U.S. companies and charities.

The groups research found that funds to Kohelet came through a 501(c)(3) called the American Friends of Kohelet Policy Forum, which was originally based in Bala Cynwyd, the same suburb as Susquehanna. Two of the nonprofits directors are siblings of Mr. Koppels wife. The third, Amir Goldman, works at Susquehanna Growth Equity, a private equity arm of Susquehanna International.

After Haaretz published its feature in March 2021, the Democratic Bloc found that the primary conduit for funds to Kohelet changed.

A financial disclosure report filed in Israel by the think tank in April of that year showed that more than 90 percent of its $7.2 million in income came from the Central Fund of Israel, a family-run nonprofit that gave $55 million to more than 500 Israel-related causes in 2021, according to its website.

In previous reporting on Kohelets funding, Mr. Dantchik was cited as a key donor along with Jeff Yass. Mr. Yass is a fellow co-founder of Susquehanna and a prolific conservative political donor in the United States, whose net worth has been estimated by Forbes at $28.5 billion.

But people familiar with giving by both men say that Mr. Yass has never been a Kohelet donor. He declined to comment for this article.

Should some form of the Kohelet-backed overhaul go through, Mr. Koppel would become an improbable godfather of a refashioned Israeli judiciary.

He is not a jurist, nor did he attend law school. Before he turned to politics, his expertise was in machine learning. A lean man with a graying beard and the faint remnants of a New York City accent, Mr. Koppel lives in a relatively upscale settlement in the southern West Bank, one filled with plenty of transplanted Americans.

Even many of his detractors like him personally, and most open with this assessment: Hes brilliant. One of his gifts is describing policy positions and himself in ways that make both sound eminently reasonable.

You see Im wearing a kippah on my head, but Im not in favor of religious coercion in any form whatsoever, he said in a recent interview on the podcast Two Nice Jewish Boys.

He would not say how he connected with Mr. Dantchik, who grew up in Queens and graduated from the State University of New York at Binghamton with a degree in biology.

Mr. Dantchiks roommate there was Mr. Yass, a friend from high school, and the men bonded over a shared love of poker. The two moved to Las Vegas after graduation to become professional players, with modest success. They later lugged briefcases filled with cash from a consortium of like-minded gamblers to make thousands of small bets on long-shot combinations at horse tracks. In 1985, at Sportsmans Park in Cicero, Ill., they won $764,284, then one of the largest payouts in U.S. racing history.

The pair started Susquehanna in 1987 with a handful of friends. Poker, with its emphasis on probabilities and decision making under pressure, remains so central to Susquehannas culture that its monthslong training program includes weeks of Texas hold em.

Former Susquehanna employees say Mr. Dantchik is a much-admired character at the company quiet, warm and exceptionally generous.

He ran the training program when I started, said Francis Wisniewski, who joined Susquehanna in 1993 and stayed for a decade. My grandfather died during it, and he offered me his Audi so I could immediately drive four hours home. He said, Ill get a cab. You take my car. Thats just the way he was.

If money talks, it is apparently the only way Mr. Dantchik does so in public. What is revealed through his public philanthropy is a man interested in supporting mostly moderate Republican politicians; he has given approximately $850,000 to political candidates and groups that disclose their donors, according to data provided by

Far more of his giving is channeled through the Claws Foundation, which is based in Reston, Va., and lists Mr. Dantchik and Mr. Yass as two of its directors. The latest Claws Foundation filing with the I.R.S., which appears on ProPublicas site, reported that the organization gave $36 million to more than 30 recipients, including theaters, hospitals, synagogues, universities and libertarian think tanks, such as the Cato Institute and the Ayn Rand Institute.

On paper, Mr. Dantchik and Mr. Koppel have a lot in common, most notably a shared passion for Israel and libertarian ideas. Mr. Koppel became interested in politics 20 years ago, when he began attending hearings of the Knessets Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. In the interview, Mr. Koppel said he quickly learned that busy and short-staffed politicians are grateful to anyone willing to help draft legislation.

That person has a lot of power, the person with the pen, Mr. Koppel said.

After a couple of failed attempts to write a formal constitution for Israel, he formed Kohelet the word is Hebrew for Ecclesiastes, a book of the Bible more than a decade ago.

From the start, Kohelet targeted the ideological pillars erected by Israels socialist founders. The group promotes the familiar libertarian menu of small government, free markets and privatized education. In recent decades, Israel has tiptoed away from regulation and emphasized its hospitality to entrepreneurs. But Kohelets libertarianism feels to many Israelis like a foreign intrusion.

Describing Kohelets policies as an American import, Gilad Kariv, a Labor Party lawmaker and former chairman of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, said, They are not only getting their financial contribution from the United States, but they are bringing in an ultra-right-wing, neocon philosophy.

One of Kohelets triumphs came in 2019, when the Trump administration announced that the United States did not consider Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank a violation of international law, reversing four decades of American policy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a video message at a Kohelet conference, thanking the group for supporting the new doctrine.

But the proposed judicial overhaul represents the height of Kohelets influence. When Yariv Levin, the minister of justice, unveiled the plan in January, he publicly thanked the director of Kohelets legal department for his assistance. Mr. Koppel would only say that Kohelets judicial proposals were similar to the governments.

We cant tell them what to do, only give advice, Mr. Koppel said. Theyve taken some of the advice and rejected some of the advice.

Soon after this interview,tensions in Israel went from a simmer to a boil, and the president recently warned of the real possibility of civil war.

A speaker at the protest outside Kohelet this month denounced rich Americans who export ideas to Israel straight from the delusional fringes of the Republican Party.

Onlookers tossed fake $100 bills in the air.

Alain Delaqurire contributed reporting.

See the rest here:
Whos Behind the Judicial Overhaul Now Dividing Israel? Two Americans. - The New York Times

Town elections to take place this year – Madison Courier

Harrison County will have up to 10 town elections this year. Towns that could see elections are Corydon, Crandall, Elizabeth, Laconia, Lanesville, Mauckport, Milltown, New Amsterdam, New Middletown and Palmyra. Positions available are town council members and clerk-treasurers.

Candidate filing began the first week of January; however, deadlines are dependent on the party.

For Democrat, Republican and Libertarian parties, the deadline will be noon on Aug. 1.

For write-ins (names not listed on the ballot), the deadline will be noon on July 3.

For independents, the deadline will be noon on July 17, along with petitions signed by 2% of the registered voters of their town who voted in the 2022 General Election (deadline for petition is noon on June 30).

The qualifications to meet for potential candidates running for town office include:

Candidate must be registered to vote within town limits.

Candidate must reside within the town where they are seeking office.

Candidate must never have been convicted of a felony.

Candidate is not a member of the United States armed forces on active duty.

Candidate must file a declaration of candidacy before the deadline.

To run for a town office as a Democrat, Libertarian or Republican, a voter must contact his/her respective county chair and tell them about their desire to be nominated. Those party chairs are Katie Forte (Democrat) and Scott Fluhr (Republican).

For Independent candidates, petitions will can be filed at the Circuit Court Clerks office any time from now until June 30.

If there are no major party candidates, the first Independent candidate will have their name at the top of the ballot. Otherwise, the Independents name will be listed below the Repbulican, Democrat or Libertarian party candidates and will be listed in the order of petition filing, respectively.

Perspective candidates can also write their own names in as a write-in candidate if they do not like the other options, but they must file with county clerks office before noon on July 3.

For more information, contact the Harrison County Clerks office at 812-738-4289 or email for more information.

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Town elections to take place this year - Madison Courier