Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Smart Ass Cripple: The ADA’s Bittersweet Anniversary –

On July 26, 1990, I attended the historic White House ceremony where President George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At the time, I didnt think about how different life for disabled Americans might be today, thirty-two years later. I just wanted to enjoy the victorious day and wait until tomorrow to think about what happens next.

Back then, I wasnt so nave as to think that the ADA would fix everything. But I couldnt have had a sense of the absurd sharp enough to have predicted that the power of the ADA would be tested in the manner it is being tested now.

I could never have guessed that someday there would be companies like Uber with brutally libertarian business models that harshly clash with the ADA. Its hard enough for a wheelchair user like me to get an Uber ride because drivers use private vehicles and almost none of them are wheelchair accessible. And on top of that, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit late last year accusing Uber of charging extra fees to many disabled customers, a violation of Title III of the ADA.

The lawsuit stated that since 2016, Uber added an additional fee to some disabled people who took more than two minutes to get loaded into the vehicle and ready to ride. The lawsuit said disabled people may often need additional loading time for many reasons, including that they might also have a mobility device like a wheelchair or walker that may need to be folded or disassembled.

And hell, a lot of the time we just move slower than other people.

Earlier this month, the Department of Justice announced a settlement with Uber in which the company agreed to forego charging waiting fees to anyone that certifies that they or someone with whom they frequently ride may require extra boarding time due to a disability. The announcement also said Uber would pay nearly $1.8 million to more than 1,000 riders who complained to the company about being charged wait time fees because of a disability.

I also never would have foreseen that someday a vast amount of goods, services, and information would be obtained via a virtual global marketplace known as the Internet. But today it is a whole new frontier of ADA violations.

Disabled folks often find that websites arent accessible to them, especially blind people who cant access information thats only presented visually. For example , if a website is incompatible with the screen reader a blind person uses, written or graphic information will not be converted into speech. Thats as aggravating, insulting, and disadvantageous as encountering a brick and mortar establishment that isnt accessible.

According to the law firm Seyfarth Shaw, nearly 2,900 federal web accessibility lawsuits were filed in 2021, compared to slightly more than 800 in 2017.

I guess this is how its always going to be. The ADA will always be a work in progress. Who knows what challenges it will face in the future? But at least it gives disabled folks a fighting chance at achieving justice.

See the article here:
Smart Ass Cripple: The ADA's Bittersweet Anniversary -

Poll shows 10% undecided in Illinois governor’s race focused on inflation, crime – Heartlander News

(The Center Square) Recent polling highlights where potential voters stand when looking ahead to the gubernatorial election and whether or not voters would support a J.B. Pritzker presidential campaign.

The poll consisted of over 1,200 registered voters in Illinois and was done by Victory Research. The polling shows Pritzker with a 10-point lead over state Sen. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, with the incumbent Democratic governor garnering 48.9% of the vote. Bailey got 39%. The Libertarian candidate got 2%.

Rod McCulloch, the owner of Victory Research, told The Center Square that while Pritzker is in the lead currently, past elections could tell a different story.

Illinois has a well-deserved reputation of being a blue state, but it does not always act that way in off-year elections, McCulloch said. In the last two off-year elections in which a Democrat was in the White House, 2014 and 2010, the Republicans did very well.

Pritzker has seen a boost in the national spotlight due in part to his stance on abortion and his handling of the July 4th mass shooting in Highland Park.

Out of the 1,200 voters, nearly 10% are undecided. McCulloch said many Democrats had supported Pritzkers views on those issues, but the undecided voters have placed their importance on other issues.

Among those undecided voters, and there was 10.1 percent undecided, very few of them chose either abortion or guns as their many issues, McCulloch said. They were much more focused on inflation, energy prices, and crime.

The poll also highlighted a potential presidential campaign by Pritzker if he is re-elected and current President Joe Biden decides not to seek another term in 2024.

Research shows that 77% of Illinois Democrats would support a national campaign by the Illinois governor.

More than 76% of voters in heavily Democratic Chicago want the now first-term governor to run for president. In addition, 70.4% of Illinois African-American voters favor a Pritzker presidential candidacy, and 55.4% of Illinois Hispanic voters favor a potential Pritzker campaign for president.

McCulloch suggested there are things that the governor could potentially base a campaign off of.

He could campaign on all the things that the Democrats talk about nationally as far as their agenda goes, McCulloch told The Center Square. He has accomplished all those on a state level, for better or worse. So that is what he would run on.

Nearly 90% of Republican voters do not support a presidential campaign from Pritzker. Of the nearly 10% that do, McCulloch said they want him out of the governors office in any way possible.

It turns out that most republican voters are united about one thing, and that is that they want to get rid of Governor Pritzker.

Read more from the original source:
Poll shows 10% undecided in Illinois governor's race focused on inflation, crime - Heartlander News

Know the Candidates: August 2 Primary Election – KRSL


Written By: David Elliott Published Date: 07-25-2022

There are three locally contested races in the August 2 Primary Election in Russell County.

Incumbent Republican Troy Waymaster will face Republican Noah Erichsen for the Kansas House of Representatives District 109 seat, which includes Russell County. There is no Democrat in the race, but Libertarian Peter Solie is running in the November General Election.

Republican Aaron Steinert will face Republican Crystal Miner for District Magistrate Judge District 20 Position 3. The position is currently held by Democrat Andrea Cross. She is running for reelection and unopposed in the Primary.

And incumbent Republican Steve Reinhardt will face Republican Dean Haselhorst for Russell County Commissioner District 1. There is no Democrat running, so the winner of the Primary will be unopposed in November's General Election.

KRSL News reached out to each of the candidates in these contested races and requested they each fill out a questionnaire with responses to basic questions about them, why they're running and their goals if elected.

Read their responses below:

Kansas House of Representatives District 109:

District Magistrate Judge District 20 Position 3:

Russell County Commissioner District 1:

Go here to see the original:
Know the Candidates: August 2 Primary Election - KRSL

Opinion: Why One OMP Resident Will Be Voting No on the PDR Renewal – Old Mission Gazette

(Editors Note: Lou Santucci says he will not be voting for the renewal of the PDR program on the August 2 ballot. Read on for his reasons why, and click here for a primer on the program what it is, how it works, how it began, and its impact on OMP farmers and residents. -jb)

The PDR program is up for renewal, and I will vote not to renew it.

The first reason is I am against any new tax on my property. The PDR program will assess every property owner at two dollars per thousand dollars of valuation. Thanks to the Michigan limit on increases in real estate values from year to year, my property valuation is currently under $200,000. I have calculated that I would pay about an additional $250 a year until 2041 if the program is adopted. Thats $5000 in additional taxes.

Everyone should take out their tax bill and calculate what additional taxes you will pay each year until 2041.Some of the yes vote material is misleading in that it talks about only a few dollars a month in additional taxes. You need to know that is over what you were paying under the old program. Its more than a few dollars.

I would hazard a guess that you will be surprised when you calculate it, especially if you bought a house in the last couple of years. That is on top of what you have paid over the years. For those who support this program, I suggest that the program should be voluntary and if you want to contribute to it, fine, do so. But I do not like the idea that other people will vote to tax me. It goes against my libertarian political nature.

Another reason I am against it is because it contains a slush fund provision, and frankly, I do not trust the Township officials with a slush fund. Will they use it for defending other lawsuits? Will they use it to vote themselves raises like they recently did? Who knows its there to play with.

Currently the PDR ordinance allows a person selling their development rights to then sell the property for agricultural uses. Will that always be the case? Who knows? Will the Township put further restrictions on what they consider agricultural uses? If not, why didnt they put a provision in there to say no further restrictions will be enacted during the life of the program?

Also, there has been talk of allowing public access to your land if you sell your development rights. Again, why wasnt a provision added to ensure that never happens?

Plenty of land has already been protected using our money to do so. Do we need more? I would like to see some modest expansion of available commercial space out here and allowance for multi-family and low- to middle-income housing. Why shouldnt we have a diversified housing base out here? Why shouldnt our fire personnel and other workers have affordable housing offerings here?

The PDR program takes away such possibilities. Must we perpetuate a community of mostly well off wealthy people? Lets open those invisible gates to others.

Vote No on the upcoming PDR renewal vote.

Also Read

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Originally posted here:
Opinion: Why One OMP Resident Will Be Voting No on the PDR Renewal - Old Mission Gazette

What is a Libertarian? Beliefs & Examples |

Libertarian Theory

Libertarians believe in the governing and economic concepts of individualism, spontaneous order, rule of law, and limited government.

Most Libertarians tend to believe in conservativism on economic issues. They believe strongly in free-market capitalism, deregulation of business through laissez-faire practices, and any other liberty that a business enterprise can enjoy. Libertarians are against the current progressive income-tax system and support a revamp of the entire system. They will also more closely align with conservatives when it comes to limited government involvement, not just in business but also in state or local matters.

Libertarians base their economic leanings on the spontaneous order concept. They argue that society will experience the most efficient economic model through self-interest and self-preservation. Businesses and individuals overtime will naturally find the most useful ways to combine resources to be both profitable and efficient.

When it comes to enforcing laws and the legal system, Libertarians want the government restricted to its proper place as defined in the Constitution. Libertarians continue to stress limited government but with a strong sense of rule of law, which means no person or entity is above the law. Libertarians believe that rule of law, under the guidance of the Constitution, is the supreme law of the land in the United States and all else falls inferior to that.

On the left-leaning side of the spectrum, Libertarians are against almost all forms of government involvement in private or family matters. They strongly believe and will advocate for individual rights. Libertarian social stances include decriminalizing marijuana, having no authority or regulation on abortions, and promoting a strong defense of individualism. This usually means that a person has strong authority over themselves and is not centrally controlled by another entity like a government. They also agree with more liberal policies for a clear separation of church and state.

On foreign policy and military matters, Libertarians are typically more conservative. They believe the military should be only used to secure national borders or defend against domestic threats. Libertarians usually oppose most wars and the foreign relations the U.S. has been involved in.

Regardless of the political spectrum, which the Libertarian Party will argue they do not belong on either the left or the right side, their main principles are:

The Libertarian Party is most well known for its specific pro-business or business-friendly policies. Libertarians believe that businesses owners best operate in a mostly free enterprise economic system. Libertarians often take the position that the more freedom businesses are able to enjoy, the more beneficial they can be towards society creating goods and services.

The party pushes for deregulation of business through laissez-faire practices and any other liberty that a business enterprise can enjoy. Libertarian proponents will argue that if the government stays in its constitutional sphere of influence and does not interfere with business operations through regulation or taxes, the economy will prosper.

In economic terms, this makes the whole of the laissez-faire argument align with supply-side economic policy. This means that the government would be cutting taxes, deregulating businesses as well as making financing easier to come by so that business can increase their production.

Though the modern Libertarian Party was founded in the early 1970s, its roots trace back to key political figures in Europe and the US founding fathers. In the 18th century, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke constructed "libertarian" ideals in Europe through their works. Thomas Hobbes wrote the Social Contract Theory which directly represents the base of the Libertarian "Spontaneous Order" belief. John Locke wrote the Treatise of Government that primarily discussed that the whole purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of its citizens, which is the foundation of the Libertarian movement. People like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Thomas Paine all wrote and debated the purpose of government and how a limited government that protects the rights of its citizens would be the best foundation of the new nation of the United States.

The Libertarian Party was founded and became official in 1971 and had its first national convention in 1972. The party quickly became the 3rd most popular political party in the U.S. because of the growing neo-libertarian movement brought on by the resentment of government in the post-Vietnam timeline, as well as the district of government following the Nixon Administration era. By 1980, they were able to place a candidate on the ballots in all 50 states.

Today, the Libertarian Party has representation in all 50 states and supports candidates in elections ranging from local officials all the way to candidates for Presidential Office. The party is also heavily involved in high school and college campuses nationwide. There are multiple private organizations that are associated with the Libertarian Party that help with fundraising, election or poll working, membership, and advertising.

Some of these organizations include:

The official symbol of the Libertarian Party is the Statue of Liberty however a lot of organizations associated with the party utilize the hedgehog as the unofficial mascot symbol. The hedgehog animal is a defensive animal that does not bother anyone but will act in an aggressive way when provoked.

Although no Libertarian candidate has won the Presidential election or a Governorship, they have seen some limited success in local and other state-wide elections. Some candidates have made switches to other parties for better exposure and success. Most Libertarians have switched to the Republican party, but a few have changed over to the Democratic Party when they needed more national or state recognition.

Libertarian Presidential Candidates have never earned an electoral college vote (270 total electoral votes to win Presidency) but they have secured hundreds of thousands to millions of the popular vote across the U.S. This has greatly impacted close elections on the national stage.

With the growing partisanship in modern-day politics, third parties like Libertarians have been gaining a sizeable following and influence in national politics. Several members from other political parties even show tendencies to align more with Libertarians to gain their support in elections or on important pieces of policy.

Some of the more well known "Libertarian Friendly" politicians are:

President Donald Trump (R) was able to gain a following from some Libertarian voters during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns by appealing to "hands-off Government" policies that Libertarians support.

In recent state-wide campaigns, discontented Democratic and Republican voters are starting to show more support for independent third-parties and will start to vote or align themselves more with Libertarian causes.

With more and more American citizens discouraged by the two-party system, many are looking to find a "new home" with the Libertarian cause. The Libertarian Party has seen more involvement with their movement and is seen at the forefront of some of these key national hot topics in the U.S. :

Examples of Libertarian stances on more conservative, or right-leaning, economic issues:

Examples of Libertarian stances on more liberal, or left-leaning, social issues:

Libertarians face constant criticism from the general population but also from Democrat and Republican officials. Since the platform is strongly opinionated on hot-topic issues, they often receive many negative comments towards their officials or policies.

For example, critics would argue that the belief in a deregulated economy, markets, and businesses free of government involvement, could abuse the nation's resources or does not necessarily create efficient economic opportunities for all citizens.

Opponents against the Libertarian Party have even cited that there are no historical or modern examples of a nation being successfully lead by majority libertarian policies. Opposition towards the platform also debates that the concept of Libertarianism is borderline neo-anarchism where, if there is not enough government involvement, it could lead to a collapse of a nation.

The U.S. political system is still dominated by the two major parties, Republican and Democrat, but independent third parties like Liberatairians play a key role in local, state, and national elections and policy influence.

The modern Libertarian Party was founded in the 1970s but has historical influence from European politicians like John Locke and Adam Smith. Founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Thomas Paine all played an important role in establishing a base of beliefs for the modern Libertarian movement.

Multiple organizations support and associate themselves with the Libertarian Party from various sectors like education advocates, business groups, religious organizations, other political parties, and more. The party and movement have gained small success in local, state, and national elections.

Libertarians usually align themselves with conservatives when it comes to economic or financial issues. They usually support more liberal stances when it comes to individual liberties, civil rights, family, or private matters. When it comes to foreign policy, the platform takes more of a pacifist isolation stance.

Modern politicians, even if they are not Libertarian party members, try to appeal more to Libertarians because of the growing popularity in the party's platform.

Libertarians have faced strong criticism, mostly concerning their stance on the lack of government regulation. Critics argue this would only encourage anarchism and a failed government would lead to a dissolved nation and a collapsed society.

Because of their strong beliefs about personal freedoms, Libertarian platforms tend to focus heavily on business and free trade. For example, in the United States, business and economic trade is heavily monitored and regulated by the government to ensure that it's fair and safe. Libertarians might claim that this governmental involvement restricts a person's right to make a living however they choose and would advocate for no governmental restrictions.

Rather than support the government's role in economic trade and commerce, Libertarians tend to encourage an open and unregulated system in which people are free to conduct their business as they see fit. This type of economic system is what is known as laissez-faire capitalism.

Unlike other political belief systems, like Republican and Democratic, it can be difficult to pinpoint where Libertarianism started and how it evolved. This is because Libertarianism isn't really a political affiliation; it's more of a personal philosophy that strongly influences a person's political views.

For example, Libertarian thought can be traced back to 18th century Europe, during a time in which many people began to advocate for smaller governments and increased personal freedoms. These 'free thinkers,' as they're known, placed considerable importance on personal autonomy, which emphasized an individual's right to make decisions for themselves and act on their own behalf.

In the United States, Libertarianism grew out of the Neoliberal movement during the 1970s. Like Libertarians, Neoliberals wanted a more open and unrestricted form of commerce and society that was free from governmental interference.

The Libertarians became an official U.S. political party in 1971, in an effort to challenge American policies on issues like the Vietnam War and economic depression. For more than 40 years, the Libertarian party has run in elections on a platform that opposes foreign intervention, advocates free trade, and encourages limiting governmental powers.

As you might imagine, such strong opinions and beliefs about politics and society are not without their critics. The most common criticism of Libertarianism is its focus on the individual. The right to do whatever you want, whenever you want may sound good in theory, but nations are made up of different people who need to compromise in order to make it work. In light of this, there are no examples of a Libertarian nation anywhere in the world.

Another common criticism of Libertarianism is their perspective on substantially reduced government. Once again, in theory, getting rid of restrictions and governmental involvement may sound like a good thing, but it has substantial downsides. For example, imagine what would happen if the government eliminated the Department of Education. This would save federal money and reduce governmental involvement in private life, but it would dramatically affect the number of people that could go to college in the United States by eliminating federally subsidized student loans.

Though some critics will admit that Libertarian beliefs and perspectives are not entirely invalid, it's widely believed that these theories don't work in the context of a functioning society, and would likely lead to much larger earning gaps, social inequality, and so on.

In theory, the perspectives and beliefs of Libertarianism may sound reasonable, or even enticing. After all, personal freedom, autonomy, and the right live your life the way that you see fit are admirable goals. From the critics' perspective, however, limiting the government and engaging in laissez-faire capitalism would have a harmful effect on society, and perhaps even worsen the problems that Libertarianism hopes to solve.

See original here:
What is a Libertarian? Beliefs & Examples |