Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

5 things the Libertarian Party stands for | The Hill

Billionaire reality TV star Mark Cuban was asked last Sunday if he would run for president as a Libertarian. And like a majority of Americans, he admitted he didnt really know where the party stands on issues.

Thanks to how unpopular the likely Democratic and Republican nominees are, top Libertarians hope that the increased focus on their party as an alternative will help shed light on the Libertarian message.

{mosads}But many Americans remain in the darka 2014 Pew Research survey also showed that 44 percent of Americans didnt know the correct definition of the party. So the challenge the party faces as it holds its national convention this weekend is familiarizing Americans with its platform.

Here are five major pieces of the Libertarian Party platform, as well as some issues its platform committee on Saturday is looking to change for this year:

Individual freedom

The idea of individual freedom defines the libertarian movementits the party of limited government, in all forms.

We are the only political party that stands for your right to pursue happiness in any way you choose as long as you dont hurt anyone else and as long as you dont take their stuff, party chairman Nicholas Sarwark told The Hill.

This year, the partys platform committee is looking to highlight how that differs with the two main parties with a new addition to the platform preamble: Our aim is to keep the Republicans out of your bedroom and the Democrats out of your pockets, so that you can make your own choices and live your life as you choose.

That push for individual freedom colors the views of the party on just about every issueincluding drug legalization, free trade, and free-market health care, as well as the elimination of campaign finance and gun control laws.

Social liberals

The push for individual freedom puts libertarians toward the left side of the political spectrum on many of the major social issues.

The 2014 platform argues that government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships, adding that consenting adults should have freedom to chose what makes them happy.

The same goes for drug legalizationthe party considers drug use and possession as victimless crimes that should be fair game unless the user hurts someone else in the process.

The platform does not currently address the death penalty, but the platform committee has proposed an indefinite suspension of the practice, noting the number of exonerations since 1973 and the disproportional use of the death penalty based on race.

Economic conservatives

Libertarians have faith in the free market and believe that theres little the government can do to pressure businesses or individuals that would be better than the power of the Invisible Hand.

That means unrestricted competition among financial institutions as well as the elimination of the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security and income taxes.

The main argument is that social pressure and the free market will convince individuals and companies to donate to charity to help the less fortunate replacing the need for the government-run social safety-net or make business decisions to protect the environment in the hopes of being rewarded by the market for those efforts.

And in the free market, companies live and die without the help of the government, so no bailouts.

But that doesnt mean taking the government entirely out of the equationthe platform committee has proposed clarifying that victims of a companys disregard for the environment should be given restitution when damages can be proven and quantified in a court of law.


Despite the socially liberal bent, this is an issue where libertarians disagree.

The 2014 platform echoed an effectively pro-abortion rights position, arguing government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

But this year, a potentially contentious change recommended by the partys platform committee includes a complete retool of that platform, shifting the rhetoric back toward the center.

If adopted, the plank will declare that Libertarians believe that taxpayers should not forced to pay for other peoples abortions. Thats a dramatic shift from the previous assertion that the issue should be left solely to the individual.

A proposal would add to that new wording that Libertarians respectfully disagree on abortion and where life begins, while another proposal would simply note that Libertarians along the spectrum present logical arguments in support of their principled positions on abortion.

A fourth proposal by the platform committee calls to eliminate regulations on over-the-counter contraceptives to help prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Non-interventionist foreign policy

Libertarians want America to abandon its attempts to act as a policeman for a world, and its platform on defense reads like a criticism of Americas foreign policy direction. The partys goal is to maintain a military devoted only to national defense, while shutting down foreign military and economic aid.

Along with that de-emphasis on the offensive, the platform repudiates the tradeoff between liberty and security by declaring that national defense must not take priority over maintaining the civil liberties of our citizens.

That means vigilant oversight on national security programs to ensure no rights are infringed upon as well as getting rid of any security classification that could keep information out of the hands of the public.

See the original post:
5 things the Libertarian Party stands for | The Hill

The Positive Externalities of the American Revolution – Econlib

I used to line up an article every month for Econlib, from 2008 to 2019. My favorite was one by Jeff Hummel in 2018. Its titled Benefits of the American Revolution: An Exploration of Positive Externalities.

Here are the opening two paragraphs:

It has become de rigueur, even among libertarians and classical liberals, to denigrate the benefits of the American Revolution. Thus, libertarian Bryan Caplan writes: Can anyone tell me why American independence was worth fighting for? [W]hen you ask aboutspecificlibertarian policy changes that came about because of the Revolution, its hard to get a decent answer. In fact, with 20/20 hindsight, independence had two massive anti-libertarian consequences: It removed the last real check onAmerican aggression against the Indians, and allowed American slavery to avoid earlierand peacefulabolition. One can also find such challenges reflected in recent mainstream writing, both popular and scholarly.

In fact, the American Revolution, despite all its obvious costs and excesses, brought about enormous net benefits not just for citizens of the newly independent United States but also, over the long run, for people across the globe. Speculations that, without the American Revolution, the treatment of the indigenous population would have been more just or that slavery would have been abolished earlier display extreme historical naivety. Indeed, a far stronger case can be made that without the American Revolution, the condition of Native Americans would have been no better, the emancipation of slaves in the British West Indies would have been significantly delayed, and the condition of European colonists throughout the British empire, not just those in what became the United States, would have been worse than otherwise.

Another excerpt:

[Historian Gordon] Wood concludes that Americans had become, almost overnight, the most liberal, the most democratic, the most commercially minded, and the most modern people in the world. The Revolution not only radically changed the personal and social relations of people but also destroyed aristocracy as it had been understood in the Western world for at least two millennia. The Revolution brought respectability and even dominance to ordinary people long held in contempt and gave dignity to their menial labor in a manner unprecedented in history and to a degree not equaled elsewhere in the world. The Revolution did not just eliminate monarchy and create republics; it actually reconstituted what Americans meant by public or state power.

Heres a comment Jeff made in 2018 in response to some commenters:

Even after military conflict broke out in April 1775, a majority of the Continental Congress did not favor independence until February 1776, and it was a slim majority. The first colony to actually instruct its delegates to vote for independence was North Carolina the following April. Thus we have nearly a year of hard fighting during which a majority of Patriots favored and expected to achieve reconciliationwithinthe British Empire. It was Thomas Paines Common Sense, published in January 1776, that ultimately tipped the scales in favor of secession.

Also the difference between the French and American Revolutions can be overdrawn. The American Revolution admittedly had no reign of terror, but the treatment of Loyalists could be quite appalling, with disturbing instances of brutality and killing. Given that many Loyalists fought for the British, some historians have started referring to the Revolution as a civil war, a term neither of you [the two people hes responding to] consider. At the end of the War for Independence, an estimated 50,000 Loyalists left the United States, out of total population of 2.5 million. The French Revolution generated as many as 130,000 migrs and deportees, out of a total population of 25 million. Thus the American Revolution produced refugees at almost four times the rate of the French Revolution. And while many migrs eventually returned to France, very few Loyalists returned to the U.S.

I still maintain that the American Revolution brought momentous benefits, but let us not overlook its costs and excesses.

The picture above is of me with my Betsy Ross flag in front our house. I will be carrying it in the July 4 parade in Monterey later today.

Happy, happy July 4.

Read the original here:
The Positive Externalities of the American Revolution - Econlib

Fishers feels the purple rain Hamilton County Reporter –



Several Democratic and Libertarian candidates attended part of the Indiana Democratic Partys 2022 Town Hall Series on Tuesday at the Fishers branch of the Hamilton East Public Library, 5 Municipal Drive. With over 150 people in attendance, it was a room packed with local citizens who wanted to hear and speak with candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Indiana Secretary of State, and the state legislature.

Democrats who organized this event told The Reporter they extended the invitation to both Libertarians and Republicans, and said the GOP declined to attend.

Candidates in attendance included:

There was no set theme for the town hall. Indiana Democrats told The Reporter they wanted to address the kitchen-table issues important to voters, and from issues like inflation and law enforcement funding to education and broadband, candidates and elected officials answered as many questions as possible during the 90-minute conversation.

In order to truly represent Hoosiers and restore balance to every level of government in Indiana, its imperative for voters from all walks of life to hear from the leaders of our political parties about the important issues of the day and also ask questions directly to the people who seek to serve us. Its my hope that through this town hall series, some decency and understanding can be restored in our political conversations even when we disagree, Chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party Mike Schmuhl said. This is the seventh time the Indiana Democratic Party has embarked on a statewide tour, and with leaders like Tom McDermott and Destiny Wells headlining this effort, Democrats are eager to share our plans on how we will create a better future for Hoosier families in all 92 counties.

If you did not attend the Town Hall but would like to hear for yourself what was said, you can watch it at this link.

Tom McDermott

Democrat for U.S. Senate

U.S. Senate Candidate and Hammond, Ind. Mayor Tom McDermott said he was touring the state on Tuesday and was very pleased to cap off his day in Hamilton County.

When I walked into the library in Fishers with 150-plus people energized and excited it was a great day, McDermott said. I was excited to be there. It was a very good showing for Hamilton County and obviously Fishers is a beautiful city.

McDermott calls himself a frustrated American and a frustrated Hoosier who thinks the country could do better.

I think its become acceptable when we send people to Washington, D.C. for them to just represent a segment of the population, McDermott said. My goal as U.S. Senator is to represent all 6.6 million Hoosiers. I realize some of them feel differently about issues than I do, but I still want to represent them and do a good job for them.

He told The Reporter he believes the country is not doing well right now. One of his examples of that was the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion.

I have always been a supporter of the Supreme Court but seeing that half our population is losing their civil liberties right now with 50 years of precedent being tossed out with Roe v. Wade, is very sad, McDermott said.

Another issue McDermott said is important to him is gun control, especially in light of the rise of school shootings.

I have a lifetime permit to carry a gun in Indiana and I do carry my gun often, but that doesnt mean we cant pass laws to regulate the Second Amendment, McDermott said. If you look at the third word of the Second Amendment, A well regulated Militia, regulated means laws. The job of Congress is to pass laws and to deal with the Second Amendment. I dont want to take peoples guns. But I dont want bad guys with military-style assault weapons killing a bunch of kids either. Our politicians in Washington, D.C. are afraid to touch this issue.

McDermott said he is running because he believes Todd Young is not doing a good job representing his constituents.

Todd Young is talking about what a horrible president Joe Biden is because of inflation and the cost of gas. I take a different approach, McDermott said. Todd Young has been in Washington, D.C. for 12 years. Hes been a U.S. Senator for six years. What the heck as he done to make inflation lower? Whats he done to address the price of gas? Nothing. It has become acceptable for a U.S. Senator, one of the most powerful people in the United States, to point at a guy who just got to Washington, D.C. and say, its all your fault. Im not going to let him get away with it.

McDermott used his time as mayor of Hammond as an example of how he thinks leaders should address issues in their areas of influence.

You dont find me complaining about the city of Hammond because I have been in charge of the city of 18 years, McDermott said. If I complained about the crime rate in Hammond or the condition of the roads, Id be complaining about the job I did. But this guy is a U.S. Senator who has been there for 12 years and hes complaining about problems in Washington, D.C., like immigration and inflation. Thats his job and hes failed at it. Its time to fire Todd Young.

Photo provided

Jocelyn Vare

Democrat for Indiana Senate District 31

Jocelyn Vare, an at-large member of the Fishers City Council and candidate for Indiana Senate District 31, told The Reporter, The 100-plus Hamilton County residents in attendance were well-informed and very disappointed with how the current statehouse supermajority is running Indiana. They are loudly challenging the supermajoritys out-of-touch priorities. If after this event anyone still believes that Hamilton County and especially Fishers the host city for this Town Hall are wholly and contentedly red, they are simply not listening to what voters are saying.

Destiny Wells

Democrat for Indiana Secretary of State

Democratic candidate for Indiana Secretary of State Destiny Wells told The Reporter she thought the turnout in Fishers was impressive.

It was a great turnout, Wells said. Weve seen this enthusiasm in some of the more urban, metropolitan areas. Ive been telling people we are not a red state, we are a purple state with a turnout problem, and that message is landing. Its getting people excited and now everybody has these issues that feel very personal to them. Its nice to see people show up and advocate for those issues.

Wells said she believes being a lawyer and a former military intelligence officer makes her uniquely qualified for this job.

In 2016, I got to Afghanistan two weeks before the election, and during that presidency and being overseas and feeling the turmoil that was staring to bubble up, I decided when I got home, I wanted to extend my service beyond the uniform, Wells told The Reporter. That started a series of events moving forward like taking a job as a deputy AG, even though it was under Curtis Hill, and getting more involved in the party.

She said part of the reason she is running for Secretary of State is because the Jan. 6 incidents made her want to help protect voters rights and the election system.

When Jan. 6 happened last year, one of my law school classmates stormed the Capitol, Wells said. One of the attorneys who has been at the forefront of the lawsuits we have seen trying to overturn the election. All of that just percolated, and when the Secretary of State race came open in Indiana and was coming up, and all this national conversation of subverting elections, I thought, What an office for me to pursue to do the most I can. Thats why Im running for Secretary of State.

She told The Reporter she sees GOP Candidate Diego Morales as a threat to democracy.

I know this race it going to be a really big deal, Wells said. I have been trying to get peoples attention to the threat. I see Diego as a threat as I would as an intelligence officer. I identify this movement as a threat to democracy. Once we open the can of worms here in Indiana of possibly subverting elections or very intentionally suppressing the vote, thats hard to undo.

See the article here:
Fishers feels the purple rain Hamilton County Reporter -

Where to Watch and Stream TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay – Away from Keyboard Free Online – EpicStream

Cast: Gottfrid SvartholmFredrik NeijPeter Sunde

Geners: Documentary

Director: Simon Klose

Release Date: Feb 08, 2013

TPB AFK is a documentary about three computer addicts who redefined the world of media distribution with their hobby homepage The Pirate Bay. How did Tiamo, a beer crazy hardware fanatic, Brokep a tree hugging eco activist and Anakata a paranoid hacker libertarian get the White House to threaten the Swedish government with trade sanctions? TPB AFK explores what Hollywoods most hated pirates go through on a personal level.

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard never made it to Netflix, unfortunately. Still, Netflix holds a variety of shows one can watch for subscription plans that costs $9.99 per month for the basic plan, $15.49 monthly for the standard plan, and $19.99 a month for the premium plan.

They're not on Hulu, either! But prices for this streaming service currently start at $6.99 per month, or $69.99 for the whole year. For the ad-free version, it's $12.99 per month, $64.99 per month for Hulu + Live TV, or $70.99 for the ad-free Hulu + Live TV.

Disney Plus is expanding, but their branding is still quite specific, and TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard is currently not available to stream there. With Disney+, you can have a wide range of shows from Marvel, Star Wars, Disney+, Pixar, ESPN, and National Geographic to choose from in the streaming platform for the price of $7.99 monthly or $79.99 annually.

Sorry, TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard is not available on HBO Max. There is a lot of content from HBO Max for $14.99 a month, such a subscription is ad-free and it allows you to access all the titles in the library of HBO Max. The streaming platform announced an ad-supported version that costs a lot less at the price of $9.99 per month.

Unfortunately, TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard is not available to stream for free on Amazon Prime Video. However, you can choose other shows and movies to watch from there as it has a wide variety of shows and movies that you can choose from for $14.99 a month.

Peacock is a relatively new platform with many exclusives and classics, but TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard isn't one of them as of the time of writing.

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard is not on Paramount Plus. Paramount Plus has two subscription options: the basic version ad-supported Paramount+ Essential service costs $4.99 per month, and an ad-free premium plan for $9.99 per month.

No dice. TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard isn't streaming on the Apple TV+ library at this time. You can watch plenty of other top-rated shows and movies like Mythic Quest, Tedd Lasso, and Wolfwalkers for a monthly cost of $4.99 from the Apple TV Plus library.

Unfortunately, TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard is not available on Sky Go. Although you can access a vast library of other shows and movies on their service.

More here:
Where to Watch and Stream TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard Free Online - EpicStream

Parks And Recreation: The Progressively Harder Ron Swanson Quiz – WhatCulture

Nick Offermans deadpan delivery as Ron Swanson, the head of the Pawnee Parks and Recreation Department in NBC's comedy/drama Parks And Recreation, truly defined his acting career. Although he has enjoyed many memorable roles since, it was his performance as the eccentric Ron Swanson that would forever be his calling card.

Ron Swanson is quite the unique character in television sitcoms. In some ways he is our hero Leslie Knopes prime antagonist, as he hates working for the public and despises government rules and regulations. He is a staunch libertarian, openly enjoys wasting tax payers money and his own political beliefs make him entirely unsuited for the public office job he holds.

Still, Ron Swanson is still the man and its impossible not to be captivated by his presence on screen. But how much attention were you paying across the over 100 episodes he appeared in?

Do you know which colour shirt Ron regularly enjoys wearing after he's had sex or what name his first two wives shared?

Take our quiz below and remember you can find the answers at the very end.

Read more:
Parks And Recreation: The Progressively Harder Ron Swanson Quiz - WhatCulture