Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

At least 19 migrants missing after boat capsizes off coast of Libya – The Guardian

A boat carrying about two dozen migrants capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya on Saturday, with at least 19 people missing and presumed dead, authorities said.

Libyas coastguard said that a group of 23 migrants Egyptians and Syrians set off from the eastern city of Tobruk earlier in the day. Three migrants were rescued and taken to hospital. Only one body was retrieved and search efforts were continuing, the agency said.

The shipwreck is the latest tragedy at sea involving migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean from the north African nation in a desperate attempt to reach European shores. Libya has emerged as the dominant transit point for migrants fleeing war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East, hoping for a better life in Europe.

Human traffickers in recent years have benefited from the chaos in Libya, smuggling in migrants across the oil-rich countrys lengthy borders with six nations. The migrants are then packed into ill-equipped rubber boats and set off on risky sea voyages.

At least 192 migrants drowned along the Central Mediterranean route in the first two months of 2022, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said. More than 2,930 were intercepted and taken back to Libya. Once back, the migrants are typically taken to government-run detention centres rife with abuse and ill-treatment.

In 2021, at least 32,425 migrants were intercepted and returned to Libya. At least 1,553 are presumed to have drowned last year, according to IOM.

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At least 19 migrants missing after boat capsizes off coast of Libya - The Guardian

Rising Libyan food prices on the eve of Ramadan: caused by Ukraine war and other external factors or simple profiteering? – Libya Herald

Libyan consumers have been complaining about the sudden food price rises upon the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Within days of the war starting, bakeries increased bread prices from four standard loaves per dinar to three loaves per dinar.

Libya is heavily reliant on imported Ukrainian and Russian grain for its bread flour. Prices of other basic foodstuffs such as flour, cooking oil, sugar, and tomato paste also rose.

The public were outraged. Social media commentary complained that the war in Ukraine had barely started when bakeries raised prices. They complained that new grain supplies had not arrived in Libya yet to instantly affect bread prices. They demanded that the government, which subsidises bread flour, act.

The incumbent Aldabaiba-led Libyan Government of National Unity reacted by announcing that basic food supplies such grain supplies for bread flour were plentiful and ordered bakeries to revert to the pre-Ukraine war prices. It wowed to conduct price inspections at bakeries.

The Aldabaiba v Bashagha battle for powerMarkets like political stability. Instability encourages speculation and profiteering. In Libyas case the internal political uncertainty has not helped. Both Caretaker Prime Minister, Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba (installed through the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) process), and newly House of Representatives appointed Prime Minister, Fathi Bashagha, are fighting for the role of exclusive Prime Minister. The fight could get messy and could take Libya back to days of two parallel governments and sovereign institutions and ultimately to an oil production blockade and war.

This political uncertainty has left the door open for profiteering by some merchants who speculate that things could become even more unstable in Libya at least in the short term.

Ramadan: a historically high food consumption month

To add to this international and domestic uncertainty, the holy fasting month of Ramadan is historically a high consumption month of foodstuffs. Unless supplies are equal or higher than demand, prices tend to rise anyway during this time. But beyond high demand and low supply, there are traders who take advantage and raise prices anyway. Some cause artificial supply shortages by hoarding goods.

The fact that the Ukraine war started so close to Ramadan has also meant that Libyan suppliers did not have enough time to react to increased demand and import food supplies from other sources.

Read this article:
Rising Libyan food prices on the eve of Ramadan: caused by Ukraine war and other external factors or simple profiteering? - Libya Herald

International Unity Needed To Prevent A Divided Libya Analysis – Eurasia Review

Libya is at a perilous crossroads again. On 1 March, the countrys Tobruk-based parliament, the House of Representatives, voted to endorse a new interim government headed by former Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha, giving it the greenlight to take over from the sitting prime minister, Abdulhamid Dabaiba. The votes proponents insist that the procedure was sound, but factions in the capital Tripoli say it was fraudulent. The latter reject the new cabinet and oppose appointing a new executive entirely. As the camps square off, omens of renewed fighting are visible for the first time since an October 2020 ceasefire ended six years of political feuds and intermittent conflict. Armed groups allied with the Tripoli-based government have already closed Libyan airspace to prevent incumbent ministers from travelling to Tobruk to take part in Bashaghas swearing-in ceremony. With others gearing up for confrontation, what happens next will depend largely on how foreign powers react. A splintered international response could encourage an institutional split and military mobilisation. But a united international condemnation of the use of force coupled with a call on Libyans to chart a consensual way forward with UN assistance could avoid this scenario.

The 1 March vote risks breaking apart theunified interim governmentthat formed in the months after a ceasefire declared in October 2020. That government brought together the countrys rival power centres, one based in Tripoli and the other in Tobruk, which formed after contested parliamentary elections cleaved the country in two in 2014. Efforts to instal a new government have been under way since early 2022, after the national electoral commission indefinitely postponed a presidential election that had been slated for 24 December, citing insurmountable legal disputes regarding the candidates running for the countrys top position.Libyas main political camps have put forward conflicting ideas for resolving the impasse.

Since then, Libyas main political camps have put forward conflicting ideas for resolving the impasse. The Tobruk-based group, which includes House speaker Aghila Saleh, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar (who led forces that besieged Tripoli in 2019) and Tripoli-based factions that want to oust Dabaiba, said politicians should form a new government and amend a draft constitution before new elections. The other, which includes western Libyas main political blocs, wanted Dabaiba to stay in power until a new legislature is elected and can choose a new executive. Even presidential hopeful Saif al-Islam al-Qadhafi, son of the late dictator, who is historically at odds with the second camp, echoed the need to keep the Dabaiba government in place and proceed with a legislative ballot.

The polarisation between these two broad camps deepened after 10 February, when the House appointed Bashagha as prime minister-designate and tasked him with forming a government by the end of the month. This appointment was the result of a deal among Bashagha, Saleh, Haftar and their respective allies in the House. At first, the agreement also had the approval of Khaled al-Mishri, the chairman of the High State Council, the rival assembly located in Tripoli. But Mishri withdrew his support in late February, seemingly under pressure from several members of the Council he heads, who opposed the move to put a new government in place. The pro-Dabaiba camp responded to the Houses manoeuvres by announcing that the government was working on its own roadmap to hold a legislative ballot in June. They said the Tobruk-based parliament had no right to appoint a new executive and that Dabaiba would hand over power only to a successor backed by a popular vote.

Divisions among foreign actors mirrored Libyas cleavages. Cairo and Moscow gave their initial blessing to the Houses efforts to instal a new government, seemingly believing that Libya would benefit from an alliance among former enemies like Bashagha and Haftar. Beginning in early 2022, Egyptian officials actively supported reaching an understanding between the two and proceeding with the plan based on their deal. Turkey, while maintaining friendly ties with Bashagha, stuck by Dabaiba and called for fresh elections, banking on polls being a better guarantee of long-term stability. The UAE backed Dabaiba, while its Gulf adversary Qatar, made discreet overtures to Bashagha while still bankrolling its traditional allies aligned with Dabaiba. In effect, the Gulf monarchies allegiances have shifted: barely a year ago, Abu Dhabi was aiding Haftar militarily, while Doha was providing diplomatic and financial support to the Tripoli-based authorities. Amid these fast-changing developments, the U.S. and other Western states have adopted a wait-and-see approach.

The UN did not oppose the attempt to replace the government. But the UN Secretary-Generals special adviser, Stephanie Williams, imposed conditions for accepting the move. First, she said, the new governments appointment should be consensual and have the High State Councils buy-in. Secondly, the confidence vote in a new interim premier should be transparent and meet legal requirements though her office never clarified what these might be. Foreign diplomats said the vote would be valid only if at least 50 per cent of House members plus one supported the new government. But House members advanced their own interpretations. Another point lacking clarity was how many lawmakers the House would need for a quorum. Many of its original 200 members had defected to the Tripoli-based authorities, said they would boycott the proceedings or been replaced. Legislators gave the UN conflicting estimates of the remaining number of parliamentarians, ranging from 164 to 188. As a result, estimates of the quorum for a valid confidence vote varied between 82 and 94. After the High State Council withdrew its support, Williams knew her first condition would not be met and could not be sure her second condition would be, either.

The 1 March parliament confidence vote made matters worse. The House speaker counted 101 members in attendance, and 92 voted in favour. This number was close to or higher than the earlier quorum estimates. Butvideo footageshowed fewer attendees than 101, and only 88 names were read out during the roll call for the vote. The number of parliamentarians who pronounced the word confidence (thiqqa) was unclear because they did not speak into microphones. On 2 March, parliamentclarifiedthat the discrepancy in numbers came about because eight lawmakers had dialled in from remote locations for security or health reasons, while others preferred to cast their votes anonymously after receiving threats from pro-Dabaiba armed groups. The House also changed the total number of those in favour of the new government to 96, adding to the confusion. Bashagha said the ballot was clear and transparent and vowed to take office in Tripoli in a peaceful manner. The next day, however, Dabaibacalledthe vote a coup attempted through fraud. On 3 March, Bashagha and most of his ministers took the oath of office in Tobruk. On that occasion, House speaker Saleh listed all 96 names of the lawmakers who had supported the new executive, in one last attempt to dispel doubts about the vote of confidence.[The power struggle] risks undermining reconstruction efforts and the wider economy.

The power struggle could disrupt the calm Libya has enjoyed since factions signed the October 2020 ceasefire agreement. It risks undermining reconstruction efforts and the wider economy. Political rivals are also becoming more dependent on armed loyalists. Gunmen allied with the Tripoli-based government reportedly detained two new ministers, preventing them from assuming their duties. It is unclear how Haftar-led forces, who control the east of the country and are allied with the Bashagha cabinet, will respond. The risk of war depends both on the answer to this question and on what the sides foreign backers decide to do. For now, the foes in the civil war appear unlikely to take up arms again, due to general war fatigue. Neither do outside powers seem eager for renewed conflict. That said, rising animosity between the two governments could change this calculation.

Geopolitical shifts could also affect tensions in Libya. The precarious balance between Turkey and Russia, both of which have military personnel in Libya, could be rapidly upended. Turkey is allied with the Tripoli-based government. Russia deployed fighter jets and the Wagner Groups private military contractors to support Haftar-led forces in the 2019-2020 war, and while it has subsequently sent some of its assets elsewhere, it retains a presence on the ground alongside Haftar. As fighting in Ukraine intensifies, there is a risk of spillover that could drag Libya into a new proxy war. For now, Moscow is the only foreign capital toofficially welcomethe Bashagha government. The Kremlins confrontation with the West over Ukraine makes its strategy in Libya unpredictable.

Other capitals have thus far kept a deafening silence, perhaps waiting to see how the UN responds. On 2 March, the UN Secretary-General said the vote fell short of the expected standards of transparency and procedures and included acts of intimidation prior to the session. This wording is likely to push foreign powers in the direction of refusing the new government recognition, which would be a blow to those backing the Bashagha-Haftar deal.

Notwithstanding their divisions, external actors should speak with one voice in pressing all Libyan parties to show restraint and condemning the forcible detention of the new governments supporters. Such a minimum international consensus should be attainable, given that outside powershave a common interest in preventing a return to a divided Libya or a relapse into civil war at a moment of already great geopolitical upheaval. The two sides in Libya should accept UN mediation to break their deadlock and return to negotiating a realistic political roadmap for the way forward. Finding a consensus between the two rival governments admittedly will not be easy, but for each there are good reasons and incentives to accept external mediation: the Bashagha government will be short-lived if it does not receive broad international recognition or, alternatively, gain access to state funds (both of which will be difficult without the UNs support); the Dabaiba government risks losing out if member states begin to gradually flip their recognition in favour of the new executive. The UNs Williams should call on the parties to refrain from violence and urge them to accept her good offices for mediation. Foreign governments should follow her lead in calling for negotiations.

Source: This article was published by the International Crisis Group

Excerpt from:
International Unity Needed To Prevent A Divided Libya Analysis - Eurasia Review

Can Libya become the EUs energy supplier following the war in Ukraine? – TRT World

As the European Union has stated its strong desire to create alternative energy supplies, here is a look at what role Libya can play in the future for the unions needs.

The worlds attention is fully focused on Ukraine following Russias military assault on the country.

The international community as a whole is concerned but when it comes to European countries, they have a deeper apprehension because of the potential energy crisis they face in the short and long term.

In response to Russias recognition of two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk) and its subsequent order of a military operation, Germany announced the halting of the 1,230 kilometre, $11 billion Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea gas pipeline project which was completed in September but awaited certification.

Last week, European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, also warned that Europe should accelerate its transition to sustainable energy sources, as a path towards independence from their reliance on Russian gas.

Russia is one of the largest suppliers of natural gas to Europe which provides some 40 percent of the continents supplies.

Amid the tensions, Libyas UN-backed Government of National Unitys Prime Minister, Abdulhamid Dbeibah, said his country can become a major gas exporter following the exploration of new fields.

Stressing Libyas capacity in terms of its large energy stock, he said there is an opportunity for cooperation with foreign countries to face international challenges by exploring their natural resources.

The instability in Libya had a large impact on oil and gas production, he added.

On Thursday, following Dbeibahs speech, the embassies of the US alongside four European countries (France, Germany, Italy and the UK), urged all actors in Libya to respect the unity, integrity, independence and preserve the apolitical, technical nature of the Tripoli-based National Oil Corporation (NOC), whose continued, uninterrupted operations benefit all Libyans.

In a written statement published by the US embassy in Libya, the statement read; We appreciate NOCs commitment to improve financial transparency and we caution against acts that undermine the NOC, in line with multiple UN Security Council Resolutions, 2571 (2021), 2441 (2018), 2259 (2015), and 2146 (2014), and underscore the need to avoid such actions that may pose a threat to the peace, security and stability of Libya.

So is Libya a feasible option for Europe?


The north African country has the largest oil reserves on the continent and the ninth largest known reserves in the globe. Proven oil reserves of the country stands at 48.3 billion barrels.

According to experts, the extraction cost of gas and oil in Libya is more favourable compared to other countries in the region.

Libyas current daily oil production is 1.2 million barrels but the exact amount supplied to the black market is not known as warlord Khalifa Haftar has control over several facilities and is allegedly selling it illegally allowing him to generate $450-500 million per month.

The state-owned National Oil Corporation (NOC) of Libya recently announced that with the opening of a new oilfield, Tahara, the field will be able to produce 14,000 barrels of oil per day.

It was also stated that the field might have the capacity to increase output to 40,000 barrels per day with additional wells in the future.


Libya also has 53 trillion cubic feet of proven gas reserves according to numbers in 2021 which already place the country at 21 in the hierarchy of proven reserves on earth. However, the country ranked 40th when it came to production.

The countrys proven reserves are equivalent to almost 340 times of its annual consumption which means Libya still has 340 years of gas left based on current consumption levels (It should be noted that these figures are based on proven reserves).

The previous datas showed that Libya exports more than 40 percent of its gas production.

According to the NOC, the opening of Tahara oilfield will also pave the way for Libya to increase its natural gas production to 6 million cubic feet per day.

Source: TRT World

Go here to read the rest:
Can Libya become the EUs energy supplier following the war in Ukraine? - TRT World

One hundred days of refugee protest in Libya – Open Democracy

Collectively, the refugee protestors created a long list of demands addressed to the Libyan authorities, the UNHCR, and the EU. They ranged from evacuations, safety, and the closure of detention centres to Libya recognising the 1951 Refugee Convention and the EU ending support for Libyan militias. These armed groups have intercepted over 32,400 individuals trying to escape Libya across the central Mediterranean Sea in 2021 alone.

Many of the protestors have survived unimaginable hardship. Raids, mass detention, murder, as well as systematic forms of abuse, including torture, rape, and forced labour, are everyday experiences of marginalised refugee communities in Libya. For years, numerous international organisations have denounced the hellish conditions in Libya, the inhumane treatment, and the systematic incarceration of people on the move. To date these condemnations have changed nothing.

The protestors chose the site of the UNHCR building strategically, hoping that it would offer some protection from the Libyan security forces. The UNHCR, however, was dismayed at the protest camp outside its doors. It announced that it was suspending the services at Community Day Centre due to the security situation on 7 October and later closed the place entirely. In response, the protestors moved outside the main UNHCR office in the neighbourhood of Sarraj, which quickly put its activities on hold as well. The EU Head of Delegation to Libya, Sabadell Jose, voiced concern about the situation outside the UNHCR building and called upon the Libyan authorities to ensure security & to protect people & premises.

The refugee protestors felt abandoned by the UNHCR and feared that the suspension of its services would render them increasingly vulnerable to the violent Libyan security forces. They were particularly dismayed that the UNHCR repeatedly drew distinctions between protestors, on the one hand, and vulnerable individuals on the other. For example, one UNHCR statement said: We call on protestors not to block vulnerable asylum-seekers, including women, children, from accessing premises for help. And they were at a loss when the UNHCR called on protestors to disperse and to respect Libyan laws and regulations laws and regulations that had never protected refugees from systematic oppression or their shelters from destruction. Besides, where could they even disperse to?

Undeterred, the protestors remained on site and used their social media account Refugees in Libya to report on tactics of intimidation by authorities and the UNHCR. They rejected the UNHCRs attempt to divide them and worked together to build up the infrastructure of their collective struggle. They held large assemblies where discussions were translated into several languages. Multilingual committees also emerged around particular tasks, including political campaigning and negotiations, media work, cleaning of the camp site, mediating between protestors, and organising medical care.

The protest campaign of the refugees in Libya echoes other recent collective mobilisations, such as Lampedusa in Hamburg or the acts of resistance at Choucha refugee camp in Tunisia. Further mobilisations are currently emerging, such as those outside the UNHCRs offices in Zarzis and Medenine in the south of Tunisia.

In order to produce and circulate information and updates on their struggle, the refugee protestors in Libya launched a website and a Twitter account seeking to reach an international audience. Under the hashtag #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya, the demands of protestors reverberated beyond Libya, especially in Europe where solidarity activists took to the streets to highlight that Libyas migration governance was inextricably also a European affair. While much of the mainstream media failed to report on these transversal struggles, forms of international solidarity multiplied.

Read the rest here:
One hundred days of refugee protest in Libya - Open Democracy