Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libya: Al-Sarraj ready to hand over power to new gov’t – Anadolu Agency


Libyas Presidential Council head Fayez al-Sarraj said Wednesday that he is ready to step down and pass his tasks and responsibilities to the new government to consolidate the principle of peaceful transition of power.

Al-Sarrajs remarks came following the countrys House of Representatives vote of confidence to the new Cabinet led by Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh.

"I congratulate the government of national unity for the vote of confidence and I wish the new Cabinet success in accomplishing its tasks," al-Sarraj said.

"What happened today is an important step to end the conflict and division," he noted, calling on all parties to intensify "cooperation, unity, and tolerance for the sake of the renaissance of Libya.

Meanwhile, the government loyal to the Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar expressed on Facebook its "full readiness to hand over tasks, ministries, directorates, and institutions to the national unity government."

Earlier Wednesday, in a majority vote, Libya's parliament granted confidence to Dbeibehs new unity government.

Dbeibeh described the parliament's vote of confidence to his interim government as a "historical moment" and pledged to end the war in his country.

He proposed a unity government of 27 members on Saturday, promising that the government will prioritize "improving services, unifying state institutions, and ending the transitional period by holding elections."

On Feb. 5, Libya's rival political groups agreed in UN-mediated talks to form an interim unity government to lead the country to elections this December, where Dbeibeh was designated as the prime minister and tasked with forming a new government.

Libyans hope that this will end years of civil war that have engulfed the country since the ouster and killing of strongman Muammar al-Qaddafi in 2011.

The war was exacerbated when Haftar, supported by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Russia, and France, among others, carried out a military onslaught to topple the Tripoli-based internationally recognized government for control of the North African country.

* Bassel Barakat contributed to this report from Ankara

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Libya: Al-Sarraj ready to hand over power to new gov't - Anadolu Agency

The Tunisian-Libyan Economic Forum in Sfax starts with large participation from both countries | – Libya Herald

By Sami Zaptia.

The Libyan-Tunisian Economic Forum in Sfax yesterday attracted large participation from both sides (Photo: TABC).

London, 12 March 2021:

The Tunisian-Libyan Economic Forum, organized by the Tunisian-African Business Council, started yesterday in Sfax under the banner: The Forum of Hope and Challenge to Build an Integrated Economy.

The forum aims to boost economic relations between Tunisia and Libya to levels nearer those enjoyed by both countries before the 2011 Libyan revolution and to pre-Coronavirus times.

Specifically, there were calls for the reduction or removal of barriers to trade, including bureaucracy and doing away with payment through hard currency as well as activating existing agreements between the two countries.

The event received great support from companies from both countries as well as ministerial support.

The endorsement of the new Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba-led Government of National Unity (GNU) by Libyas parliament Wednesday was seen as a positive step that will reflect positively on bilateral trade.

Lively workshops

After the set piece opening introductions and speeches, there then followed three themed workshops which enjoyed lively interaction between speakers and business leaders. The subjects covered included; increased public-private partnership (PPP), food sovereignty, increased bilateral economic integration, the prioritization of each others products over third country products, and securing a greater share of sub-Saharan African market. Company exhibitions and B2B meetings

On the side-lines of the main event, companies exhibited their products

An exhibition of Tunisian products was organized On the side-lines of the forum, several companies exhibited their products and services at their stands.

There was also an area set aside for B2B meetings.

Field visits by the Libyan delegation to a number of economic institutions and companies in Sfax are also organized for the Libyan delegates .

Tripoli Chamber to participate in the Tunisia-Libyan Economic Forum: 11 March, Sfax | (

3rd Tunisian-Libyan Economic Forum, Sfax 11 March | (

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The Tunisian-Libyan Economic Forum in Sfax starts with large participation from both countries | - Libya Herald

Paris Perspective – Paris Perspective #6: Libya, human trafficking and the French connection – RFI

A decade since the Arab Spring swept across North Africa and the Middle East, Libya remains torn between opposing factions battlingto fill the power vacuum left by fallen dictator MuammarGaddafi. Paris Perspective looks at how Libya has become a hub for human trafficking,engulfed by lawlessness and impunity, and how France helped to make it that way.

Two rival governments now control thefaction-riven battleground that isLibya. There's theinternationally recognised administration in Tripoli, in the west, and the oil-rich parallel administrationcontrolledby rebel General Khalifa Haftar, in the east.

Positioned at the crossroads between Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, Libyalacksany fundamental state structure. Thus, it's become a breeding ground fortrafficking vulnerable migrants risking their lives in the hope of crossing the Mediterranean to start a new life in the EU.

French anthropologist andwriter Jrme Tubiana recently travelled to atown recognised as the people-smuggling capital of Libya. An authority on the Sahel, Tubianatransformed his encounters with an enigmatic doctor, who runs a safe-house for migrants, into a graphic novel: The Curse of You-Know-Where.

Meetthe 'doctor'

The doctoris a former English interpreter for Colonel Gaddafi who, according to Tubiana, was traumatised by the 2011 NATO military intervention in Libya. His hometown,a Gaddafi stronghold, was heavily bombed and remains a rare enclave of nostalgia for the ancienrgime.

Tubiana says the doctoris neither a hero nor a main character in the novel, but a guide. Hes actually been a real help to Doctors Without Borders (MSF), setting up a little clinic in a safe house ...He's really helping migrants who end up in this town.

Between 2018 and 2020, Tubiana visited the safe house four or five times, and gradually began extending his stays there as he was welcomed by the doctor.

Why Transform The Story Of Migrants In Libya Into A Graphic Novel?

The residents of the town, whichremains unnamed, have a mixed sense of pride and shame. They are proud that some Libyans are helping migrants there which is not that common but they are also tetchily aware of their reputation as Libya's migrant traffickingcapital.

The termtrafficking is very loaded in Libya. It's a generic word for a very widespread phenomenon," explains Tubiana."Migrants arecommonly captured and held prisoner for months, in very difficult situations, in crowded places. There they are tortured for ransoms that are supposed to be sent by their families.

And so, the locals bow their heads in shame. They dont want the name of their town to be revealed. In Libya there is a collective omerta, or code of silence, regarding migrant torture.

The migrant 'safe house'

Some 4,000 migrantsare thought to have crossed the threshold of this one safe house, which can host up to 80 people at a time. Thesmall comforts foundwithin its walls are rudimentary, at best.

They have food, clothes, places to sleep and some level of protectionbut that protection isnt perfect, says Tubiana.

There is a guard with a gun, but the protection isnt the gun it'sthe place is run by that Libyan doctor and somehow its protected by social cohesion. But that has its limits.

Just aday after Tubiana leftthe town, a series of shootings targeting a migrant couplewere reported. They involved a woman who had been forced into prostitutionby a smuggling gang that wasnow attempting to recapture her.

Events such as this highlight the sense of isolation and helplessness that is endemic among migrants crossing the desert to the sea. Nobody is coming to help, says Tubiana. The UN in Libya are not doing their work. They're not efficient at evacuating people,even people who are threatened.

The execution of a Sierra Leonean man by traffickers wanting to set an example to others is a stark reminder of what migrants are forced to endure.

MSF hasrecordedtestimonies ofexploited migrants who say such killings are regular practice among the ringleaders of trafficking networks. People are also killed if they can't pay their captors, butthis isn't always the case.

Atthe safe house, people are free to leave when they want to; its not a prison," says Tubiana, adding the doctor alsohelpsmigrants by using a local radio station to send messages to the traffickers telling them: "We know who you are, we know what you're doing. Please don't kill them."

The doctorencourages traffickers to send migrants who cannotpay for their lives to the safe house. Some have been dropped off in appalling condition. Dehydrated, skeletal, broken. And some die.

France won the battle but lost the peace

Following the ongoing accounts of abuse, racketeering, forced prostitution and slavery how has Europespecifically France dealt with the situation in Libya?

Back in 2011, France positioned itself at the diplomatic forefront of the Arab Spring, becomingthe first country to recognise the National Transitional Council. It also co-led the NATO mission to protect Libyan civilians.

The town where the novel takes place, like some other communities, remembers Gaddafi era with great nostalgia. But thats not a common feeling across most of Libya.

NATO brought a great deal of freedom, unprecedented freedom, explainsTubiana. But now people are disappointed by the state of the economy, the militia presence andthe corruption, as well as a lot of other problems.

Why French diplomacy failed in Libya

Once the air strikes ended, France failed tofollow throughon its promises which is notuncommon with western military interventions. Post-conflict, France didnt help secure Libyas future.

In 2017, when President Emmanuel Macron hosted Libya'stwo rival governments, the talks collapsed amid the absence of a coherent strategy to bring the warring parties together.

European quarrelling

Libya has also suffered because European countries have been unable to agree a common approach to dealing with the waves of migrantsthat are launched on skiffs from the North African coast.

Diplomatic relations between France and Italy, in particular, have been at a low ebb in recent years, with conflicting strategies in dealing with migration exacerbatingcommunication problems between Paris and Rome.

To make matters worse, theEuropean neighbourswere almost engaged in a proxy war on the ground in Libya.

Has the Covid-19 pandemic been used as a barrier to help trapped or stranded migrants?

Clearly France and Italy were on opposite sides of the fighting, especially during the toughest battles. Italy wassupporting the Government of National Accord and France [supporting] Haftar, says Tubiana, but with a caveat.

People wondered how much this rivalry was actually real, or staged. In other parts of the region, where European anti-migrant policy and oil interests were at stake, relations were not so bad."

The tug of war between France and Italy was only part of the problem, Tubiana adds. An "international incurrence" on Libya efforts by other nations to exploit its position and resources has probably been thestrongest forceagainst peace.

And, asoutsiders increase their ambitions in a country that is 90 percent dependent on oil,Libya's future will remainvery uncertain.

Watch full video here

This edition was produced andpresented by David Coffey

Sound engineering by Ccile Pompeani

Vision mixing and editing by Vincent Pora

Libya, human trafficking and the French connection - Full Interview

Jrme Tubiana is anthropologist, journalist, writer & Sahel specialist who has worked with the Small Arms Survey and Doctors Without Borders andco-wrote the graphic novel The Curse of You-Know-Where and the short film "Des nouvelles de Yonas" for ARTE.

Paris Perspective - Paris Perspective #6: Libya, human trafficking and the French connection - RFI

Libyan MPs arrive at Sirte to debate unity government – Reuters

SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Scores of Libyan parliament members from both sides of the divided country arrived in the frontline city of Sirte on Sunday for a session this week to debate a proposed unity government.

The parliament has been split - as have most state institutions - since soon after it was elected in 2014, as Libya broke between warring factions in the east and west.

It is meeting this week to debate giving confidence to a government announced by Abdulhamid Dbeibeh, who was designated as prime minister last month through a political dialogue held in Geneva by the United Nations.

Under that process, his government is intended only to oversee the run-up to an election planned for the end of this year and then to cede power to the new authority it creates.

A military ceasefire under the same U.N. process has held since the autumn, after the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) turned back an assault on Tripoli by Khalifa Haftars Libyan National Army (LNA).

The ceasefire was supposed to include reopening the main coast road through Sirte, which is held by the LNA. However, groups on the GNA side have refused to do so, saying pro-LNA foreign mercenaries remain near the frontline.

It is not clear how many of the 200 parliament members elected in 2014 will attend the session, with about 75 having arrived by late on Sunday, parliament spokesman Abdullah Belhaq said. Some members have died, others have resigned and some have threatened to boycott the meeting.

Debate on Monday will include discussion of what constitutes a legitimate quorum, and what majority is needed to confer confidence, the parliament rapporteur Saleh Galma said.

If parliament is unable to agree on approving the new government, the U.N. talks forum has said it can do so instead.

Reporting by Ayman al-Warfali in Sirte and Reuters Libya newsroom; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Frances Kerry

Continued here:
Libyan MPs arrive at Sirte to debate unity government - Reuters

If the Army is Disbanded Will Myanmar Become Like Libya or Iraq? – The Irrawaddy News Magazine

A protester holds an anti-regime placard in Yangon as soldiers deploy in February. / The Irrawaddy

By The Irrawaddy 12 March 2021

Disbanding Myanmars hated military risksdestabilizing the country, in the same way that the Western invasions of Iraq and Libya and the subsequent disbandment of local military forces left security vacuums that were filled by Islamic State, said former Singapore foreign minister George Yeo.

Yeo acknowledged that the Tatmadaw (Myanmars military) are hated by many Myanmar people. The reaction to removing the army from the equation would be euphoria, he said.

[But] what happens five years, 10 years from now? I think theres a fair chance that Myanmar will become Libya and Iraq, the South China Morning Post reported him saying.

Myanmar has seen daily anti-regime protests across the country following the militarys Feb. 1 coup. In an attempt to stop the protests and the growing civil disobedience movement, the security forces have resorted to lethal force with at least 70 civilians killed.

Instability in Myanmar could also drag down its neighbors, includingChina,India and Bangladesh, as well as affecting Asean (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) warned Yeo, who was Singapores foreign minister between 2004 and 2011. He added that we will have years, even decades of trouble.

In the first week of March, Asean called for all parties in Myanmar to exercise utmost restraint as well as flexibility as the crisis in the country worsens.

Singapores current Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan proposed that the U.N. secretary generals special envoy on Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, be allowed to visit the country as soon as possible to meet all key stakeholders, including ousted leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi who he said should be released from detention.

The only way youre going to get a long-term, sustainable, viable solution is for national reconciliation to occur, and in particular we call for the release of the President Win Myint and State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and the other political detainees.

Balakrishnan also stressed that Singapore has not recognized the regime as Myanmars government.

We have not recognized the military leaders as the government of Myanmar, he said. We do recognize, however, that under the 2008 Constitution, it provides for a special role for the military as an institution in the body politic of Myanmar.

Yeo described the situation in Myanmar as heartbreaking and an enormous setback, given Myanmars transition to democratic rule in recent years.

The immediate priority must be to step back from a rapidly deteriorating situation. It is not too late, Balakrishnan said, while admonishing Myanmars security forces for using lethal force against unarmed protesters.

Instability in any corner of Southeast Asia threatens and affects the rest of us. Its such a pity because, in fact, the prospects on Myanmar were bright, the prospects for Southeast Asia are robust in the next 20, 30 years, he said.

In 2007, a leaked U.S. diplomatic cable quoted Singapores founding father and late statesman Lee Kuan Yew describing Myanmars ruling generals as stupid and dense.

The cable quotes Lee telling U.S. diplomats in 2007 that dealing with the junta leaders was like talking to dead people. He is quoted saying that they had mismanaged the countrys natural resources and that he had given up on them a decade ago.

The cable, released by the website WikiLeaks, recorded a conversation between Lee and two senior U.S. diplomats. It says Lee held out little hope for improvements in Myanmar until a younger generation of less obtuse generals takes power.

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Here is the original post:
If the Army is Disbanded Will Myanmar Become Like Libya or Iraq? - The Irrawaddy News Magazine