Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libya eastern commander Haftar declares Benghazi ‘liberated’ – BBC News

BBC News
Libya eastern commander Haftar declares Benghazi 'liberated'
BBC News
The head of the self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) has said his forces "liberated" the eastern Benghazi city after years of fighting with Islamists. Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar said the city now enters a new era of "security, peace and ...
Benghazi has been 'liberated' from Islamist militants and rebels, say Libyan forcesThe Independent
Libya's eastern commander declares victory in battle for BenghaziReuters
The Birth of a New Tyrant in LibyaThe Libya Observer -ABC News
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Libya eastern commander Haftar declares Benghazi 'liberated' - BBC News

Police seek talks with bomber’s brother in Libya – Yorkshire Post

15:35 Thursday 06 July 2017

THE Manchester suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, did not act alone, police suspect, and detectives are waiting to speak to his brother in Libya.

Detective Chief Superintendent Russ Jackson, head of the North West Counter Terrorism Unit, said officers were engaged with the authorities in the war-torn country, where Salmans brother, Hashem, is currently being held.

Mr Jackson also said that, while detectives did not now think Abedi was part of a large network, they did suspect the involvement of others in the attack, which had been planned for months. He said he did not rule out further arrests.

Abedi killed 22 people when he detonated his bomb in the foyer of Manchester Arena at the end of a concert by the US star Ariane Grande on May 22.

Mr Jackson said: We do believe that there are other people potentially involved in this. This is a live criminal investigation where central to it are 22 murdered people, with grieving families.

He refused to say whether British police had travelled to Libya.

Hashem, was arrested in Libya shortly after the explosion, along with his father, Ramadan. The family is originally from Libya, but fled during Colonel Muammar Gaddafis dictatorship, with the father returning to fight with opposition forces when the uprising began in 2011.

Abedis older brother, Ismail, was among more than a dozen people held and questioned by police in the UK before being released without charge.

Mr Jackson said Salman Abedi travelled to Libya a number of times and they were investigating how he obtained the skills to make a bomb.

He said no video or note had been found from Abedi to explain his motivation.

Meanwhile, Ms Grande has paid tribute to Saffie Roussos, the youngest victim of the bombing, who would have turned nine on Tuesday. Following a concert in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, she tweeted: Saffie, were (thinking) of you baby, alongside a birthday cake emoji.

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Police seek talks with bomber's brother in Libya - Yorkshire Post

A Libyan Commander Says His Forces Have Taken Benghazi – New York Times

That administration, led by Prime Minister Fayez Serraj, has struggled to unite Libya, or even achieve control over Tripoli, since it was formed last year. It is opposed by another government, led by Islamists and other militia groups, that also claims authority over the divided Libyan capital.

Local media reported that a family of six was killed in the latest factional fighting near Tripolis only functioning airport this week.

General Hifter, at least, can claim unrivaled control over Benghazi, the main city in eastern Libya, where four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were killed by a mob in 2012. General Hifter has been battling Islamist militants, including the Islamic State, for control of Benghazi since 2014, and he now appears to have won.

Still, General Hifters forces have been accused of human rights abuses, and some critics accuse him of seeking to emulate the strongman rule of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who was ousted and killed in a bloody uprising in 2011.

General Hifter has made little secret of his ambition to become a national leader in Libya. In a televised address about two weeks ago, he told tribal leaders that if Libyas conflict was not peacefully resolved by December, his forces would take action.

On Thursday, Libyans who oppose General Hifter seized on images from his latest address, showing him in a sparkling white uniform adorned with medals, and which bore a strong resemblance to images of Colonel Qaddafi while in power.

How can you say liberated when it fell into the hands of a new Qaddafi called Hifter? Aber Sabeel, a Twitter user, wrote about the events in Benghazi.

But General Hifter appears to enjoy broad support in the eastern part of the country, where after six years of turmoil Libyans crave stability. Last year his forces seized control of several of Libyas major oil terminals. Oil is the countrys primary source of wealth, and since the seizures, production has increased to almost one million barrels a day.

Nour Youssef reported from Cairo, and Declan Walsh from Doha, Qatar.

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A Libyan Commander Says His Forces Have Taken Benghazi - New York Times

Libya: Shell Kills Five Sunbathers on Tripoli Beach as Militia Airport Feud Rages – Newsweek

Five people have been killed and 32 injured after a shell fired by militiain the Libyan capital of Tripoli fell on unsuspecting sunbathers on a beach not far from the citys airport.

The Ministry of Health from Tripolis U.N.-backed government confirmed in a statement the death toll included two adult women, two girls and young boy. All five were visiting the beach Tuesday in eastern Tripoli,where it is common for residents to cool themselves onhot summer evenings.

Deputy Interior Minister Abdulsalam Ashour told Libyas local Al-Ahrar television channel the casualties were the result of clashes between security forces at Tripolis Mitiga International Airport and outlaws.

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Related: African migrants smuggled into Libya are being sold at modern-day slave markets

However,one Tripoli resident, familiar with security arrangements at Mitiga, tells Newsweek the errant shell was fired by a member of the al-Boni militia, part of security operations at the airport, and nominally under the control of Tripolis government.

For years Libyas western capital, Tripoli, has been plagued by skirmishes and clashes between the patchwork of militias formally incorporated into the security apparatus but in reality under the control of their own commanders.

Increasing tensions between local Tripoli fighters and forces from the central Libyan city of Misrata, one of the most powerful military powers to emerge from the countrys 2011 uprising against Muammar el-Qaddafi, have boiled over because of disagreements over the U.N.-backed government.

Crowds enjoy a beach in Tripoli, Libya, June 25, 2014. Five people were killed and 32 injured after a shell fired by militia in the Libyan capital fell on unsuspecting sunbathers on a beach not far from the citys airport. REUTERS/Steve Crisp

Reuters reported that in late May, 22 fighters were killed during a major offensive by Islamist-leaning forces to dislodge the U.N.-backed government from the capital.

However, rivalries between militia in Tripoli also have been fueled by turf wars over lucrative smuggling networks. The Tripoli resident, whose name is being withheld for fear of reprisal, explained Mitiga was a hub for the black-market trade in currency and human trafficking.

Since the toppling of Libyas 40-year leader during a NATO-backed intervention, the northern African nation has lurched from crisis to crisis. The country is now effectively divided between east and west with an unstable government in Tripoli and a rival government in Tobruk, aligned with military commander Khalifa Haftar.

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Libya: Shell Kills Five Sunbathers on Tripoli Beach as Militia Airport Feud Rages - Newsweek

News Roundup – Tue, Jul 4, 2017 – The Libya Observer

News Roundup - Tue, Jul 4, 2017
The Libya Observer
Libyan authorities handed over two IS Tunisian nationals to their Tunisian counterpart via Ras Ajdair border crossing. According to Tunis Afrique Presse, the two were arrested in Libya's Al-Khums city after running away from Sirte and they will be sent ...

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News Roundup - Tue, Jul 4, 2017 - The Libya Observer