Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

With eyes on Libya, France cements Egypt security ties – Reuters

CAIRO France's foreign minister said on Thursday he had firmed up security ties with Egypt, which was the "central element" to ensuring regional stability as the two countries seek to break the political impasse in neighboring Libya.

Paris and Cairo have nurtured closer economic and military ties in recent years and with the rise to power of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi that relationship has improved with both sides concerned by the ongoing political vacuum in Libya and the rise of jihadist groups in Egypt.

Speaking after a day of meetings in Cairo, including with Sisi, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who in his previous role as defense minister had developed a personal relationship with Sisi, said the two allies had a "common vision" on how to tackle Islamist militants.

"We had meetings on fighting terrorism and the stabilization of Libya," Le Drian said during a meeting with Pope Tawadros II, head of the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church.

An attack at the end of May on the Coptic community in the southern city of Menya by Islamist militants killed 29 people.

"Egypt is the central element for regional stability and when it sways the whole region sways," Le Drian said.

Le Drian's visit was the second by a French minister this week. Defence Minister Sylvie Goulard held talks with her Egyptian counterpart on Monday on how to reinforce security cooperation including the best way to enhance monitoring of Egypt's borders.

Diplomats have said that Paris is reviewing its position on the Libyan conflict, with new President Emmanuel Macron deciding to push the issue to the top of his foreign policy agenda.

"Libya is a priority for France," a French diplomat said.

Libya is split between a U.N.-backed government in Tripoli, which is loosely supported by militias in the west that includes Islamist groups backed by Turkey and Qatar, and eastern military commander Khalifa Haftar, which the United Arab Emirates and Egypt support.

The UAE sees Egypt's leadership as a firewall against militants and has given Cairo financial and military support, Western and Arab diplomats say.

"We cannot let the situation of instability that is benefiting terrorists and traffickers continue on Egypt's borders and at the gates of Europe continue," Le Drian told reporters.

Some Western states, including France, have also given Haftar military support to help fight Islamists in Libya's east, but diplomats say that he will ultimately have to sit down and negotiate with the U.N.-backed government of Fayez al-Seraj and militias in the west.

French officials said there was now a growing convergence of views with Egypt and the UAE to push all sides back to the negotiating table, which would see a round of shuttle diplomacy in the coming weeks to form a consensus among the outside players to first push Haftar and Seraj together.

The diplomatic row between Qatar and major Arab states including Saudi Arabia and Egypt may also provide an opportunity to pressure western militias, officials said.

(This version of the story was corrected to show attack on Coptic Christians was in Menya in paragraph 5)

(Editing by Andrew Roche)

BRASILIA Brazil's top electoral court dismissed a case on Friday that threatened to unseat President Michel Temer for alleged illegal campaign funding in the 2014 election, when he was the running mate of impeached President Dilma Rousseff.

SEOUL/WASHINGTON South Korea does not aim to change its agreement on the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system to protect against North Korea, in spite of a decision to delay its full installation, Seoul's top national security adviser said on Friday.

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With eyes on Libya, France cements Egypt security ties - Reuters

Libya’s Largest Oil Field Resumes Production –

Libyas largest oil field, El Sharara, has resumed production after workers had shuttered the 270,000-bpd field on Wednesday, protesting over the lack of medical treatment for a co-worker who had died in an accident in a swimming pool at the field.

According to a statement by Libyas National Oil Corporation (NOC), Sharara resumed production which is expected to return to its usual output within three days.

The workers protest shutteredSharara production on Wednesday, and before the strike, Libya was producing 827,000 bpd, the highest level since October 2014.

The resumption of Sharara production followed an emergency meetingon Thursday between NOCs board of directors and the company operating Sharara, Akakus Oil Operations Company, in which NOC chairman Mustafa Sanalla ordered the company to verify the ambulance services conditions and upgrade the medical services for employees.

At that meeting, Sanalla said that he sympathized with the workers, but the critical financial position of the State and NOCs commitments towards shipping contracts enforce the resumption of production.

Libyas crude oil production topped 800,000 bpd last month with the restart of Sharara and El Feel oil fields. The production rate is still far from the 1.6 million barrels the North African producer boasted before the 2011 civil war, but significantly higher than what it produced last year. For this year, the NOC plans to bring the total up to 1.32 million bpd, up from an earlier target of 1.1 million bpd. Related:Hydrocarbon King: U.S. Ranks No.1 In 2016

According to an S&P Global Platts survey from earlier this week, OPECs crude oil production increased by 270,000 bpd in May over April, to stand at 32.12 million bpd--the highest level since January this year--as exempt Libya and Nigeria saw their respective output sharply recovering.

Expectations are that output from Libya and Nigeria will continue to rise in the summer, which will be, for OPEC, a tricky period in its attempt to accelerate the markets rebalancing, Platts said.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for

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Libya's Largest Oil Field Resumes Production -

The US Hand in the Libyan/Syrian Tragedies – Consortium News

Exclusive: The Obama administrations regime change debacles in Libya and Syria are spreading terrorist violence into Europe, but they have inflicted vastly more bloodshed in those two tragic nations, writes Jonathan Marshall.

By Jonathan Marshall

Police investigations and media reports have confirmed that two of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in Western Europe the coordinated bombings and shootings in Paris in November 2015, which killed 130 people, and the May 2017 bombing of the arena in Manchester, England, which killed 23 trace back to an Islamic State unit based in Libya known as Katibat al-Battar.

But such a Eurocentric critique of NATOs intervention misses the far greater damage it wreaked on Syria, where nearly half a million people have died and at least 5 million refugees have had to flee their country since 2011. U.S., British and French leaders helped trigger one of the worlds great modern catastrophes through their act of hubris in seeking another regime change the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

A decade ago, Libya was a leading foe of radical jihadis, not a sanctuary for their international operations. A 2008 State Department memo noted that Libya has been a strong partner in the war against terrorism. It gave the Gaddafi regime credit for aggressively pursuing operations to disrupt foreign fighter flows, particularly by veterans of jihadist wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

All that came to an end in 2011, when armed rebels, including disciplined members of al-Qaeda and Islamic State, enlisted NATOs help to topple Gaddafis regime.

Western leaders ignored the prescient warnings of Gaddafis son Seif that Libya may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean. . . .You will see millions of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door. Gaddafi himself similarly predicted that once the jihadis control the Mediterranean . . . then they will attack Europe.

Subsequent terrorist attacks in Europe certainly vindicated those warnings, while discrediting the so-called humanitarian case for waging an illegal war in Libya. But the predicted jihadi efforts to control the Mediterranean have had far graver repercussions, at least in the case of Syria.

A recent story in the New York Times on the genesis of recent terror attacks on France and Britain noted in passing that the Islamic State in Libya, composed of seasoned veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, was among the first foreign jihadist contingent to arrive in Syria in 2012, as the countrys popular revolt was sliding into a broader civil war and Islamist insurgency.

A former British counter-terrorism analyst told the newspaper, some of the baddest dudes in Al Qaeda were Libyan. When I looked at the Islamic State, the same thing was happening. They were the most hard-core, the most violent the ones always willing to go to extremes when others were not. The Libyans represented the elite troops, and clearly ISIS capitalized on this.

These Libyan jihadists leveraged their numbers, resources, and fanaticism to help escalate Syrias conflict into the tragedy we know today. The mass murder we now take for granted was not inevitable.

Extremist Violence in Syria

Although Syrias anti-government protests in the spring of 2011 turned violent almost from the start, many reformers and government officials strove to prevent an all-out civil war. In August 2011, leaders of Syrias opposition wisely declared that calls to arms were unacceptable politically, nationally, and ethically. Militarizing the revolution would . . . undermine the gravity of the humanitarian catastrophe involved in a confrontation with the regime. Militarization would put the revolution in an arena where the regime has a distinct advantage and would erode the moral superiority that has characterized the revolution since its beginning.

But on August 18, 2011, the same Western leaders who were bombing Gaddafi announced to the world that the time has come for President Assad to step aside. Further energizing Syrian militants, Libyan rebels were just then in the midst of conquering Tripoli with NATOs help.

That is an ominous sign for Syrias President Bashar al-Assad, reported the Wall Street Journal. Already there are signs Libya is giving inspiration to the rebels trying to oust Mr. Assad. . . . Syrian protesters took to the streets chanting Gadhafi tonight, Bashar tomorrow. . . . The Libyan episode may serve simply to sharpen the conflict in Syria: both spurring on the dissidents and strengthening Mr. Assads resolve to hold on.

Stoking war in Syria was not an unintended consequence of the Libyan campaign, but a conscious part of the longstanding neoconservative ambition to remake the map of the Middle East by toppling radical, nationalist and anti-American regimes. The same Journal article described the grandiose aims of some Washington interventionists:

Beyond Syria, a new dose of energy provided by Libyas uprising could ripple out to other nations in the region. In particular, U.S. officials hope it will reinvigorate a protest movement that arose inside Iran in 2009 to challenge President Mahmoud Ahmadinejads re-election. . . Syria has served for 30 years as Irans closest strategic ally in the region. U.S. officials believe the growing challenge to Mr. Assads regime could motivate Irans democratic forces.

Instead of motivating Irans democrats, of course, the Syrian conflict motivated Irans hardliners to send Revolutionary Guard units and Hezbollah proxy forces into the country, further destabilizing the region.

Following the gruesome murder of Gaddafi in the fall of 2011, Libyan zealots quickly began fueling other terrorist conflicts, ranging from Mali to the Middle East, with arms looted from Gaddafis vast stocks.

The weapons proliferation that we saw coming out of the Libyan conflict was of a scale greater than any previous conflict probably 10 times more weapons than we saw going on the loose in places like Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan, observed an expert at Human Rights Watch.

A United Nations investigation determined that Transfers of arms and ammunition from Libya were among the first batches of weapons and ammunition to reach the Syrian opposition. It also stressed that Libyan weapons were arming primarily extremist elements, allowing them to gain territory and influence at the expense of more moderate rebel groups.

Spreading the War

As early as November 2011, Islamist warlords in Libya began offering money and weapons to the growing insurgency against Bashar al-Assad, according to the Daily Telegraph. Abdulhakim Belhadj, commander of the Tripoli Military Council and the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, an al-Qaeda affiliate, met secretly with Syrian rebel leaders in Turkey to discuss training their troops. (In 2004, he had been the victim of a CIA kidnap plot and rendition from Malaysia to Libya.) The commander of one armed Libyan gang told the newspaper, Everyone wants to go (to Syria). We have liberated our country, now we should help others. . . This is Arab unity.

In April 2012, Lebanese authorities confiscated a ship carrying more than 150 tons of arms and ammunition originating in Misrata, Libya. A U.N.-authorized panel inspected the weapons and reported finding SA-24 and SA-7 surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank guided missiles, and a variety of other light and heavy weapons. By that August, according to Time magazine, hundreds of Libyans had flocked to Syria to export their revolution, bringing with them weapons, expertise in making bombs, and experience in battlefield tactics.

Within weeks of the successful conclusion of their revolution, Libyan fighters began trickling into Syria, the magazine noted. But in recent months, that trickle has allegedly become a torrent, as many more have traveled to the mountains straddling Syria and Turkey, where the rebels have established their bases.

A Syrian rebel told the newsweekly, They have heavier weapons than we do, including surface-to-air missiles. They brought these weapons to Syria, and they are being used on the front lines.

A month later, the London Times reported that a Libyan ship carrying more than 400 tons of weapons bound for Syria, including SAM-7 anti-aircraft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades, had docked in Turkey. Such weapons particularly compounded the suffering of civilians caught up in the war. As Frances foreign minister told reporters that October, rebel-held anti-aircraft missiles were forcing (Syrian government) planes to fly extremely high, and so the strikes are less accurate.

According to later reporting by Seymour Hersh, most such Libyan weapons made their way to Syria via covert routes supervised by the CIA, under a program authorized by the Obama administration in early 2012. Funding and logistics support came from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The CIA supposedly avoided disclosing the program to Congress by classifying it as a liaison operation with a foreign intelligence partner, Britains MI6.

Word of the operation began leaking to the London media by December 2012. The CIA was said to be sending in more advisers to help ensure that the Libyan weapons did not reach radical Islamist forces.

Of course, their efforts came too late; U.S. intelligence officials knew by that time that the Salafist(s), the Muslim Brotherhood, and (al-Qaeda) were the major forces driving the insurgency. The influx of new arms simply compounded Syrias suffering and raised its profile as a dangerous arena of international power competition.

Libyas arms and fighters helped transform the Syrian conflict from a nasty struggle into a bloodbath. As Middle East scholar Omar Dahi noted, the year 2012 was decisive in creating the present catastrophe. There were foreign elements embroiled in Syria before that date . . . but until early 2012 the dynamics of the Syrian conflict were largely internal. . . . Partly in . . . appropriation of weapons pumped in from the outside and partly in anticipation of still greater military assistance, namely from the West, the opposition decided to take up arms.

The decision militarization had three main effects. First, it dramatically increased the rate of death and destruction throughout the country. . . . By mid-2012, the monthly casualties were almost in excess of the total in the entire first year of the uprising. Militarization gave the Syrian regime a free hand to unleash its full arsenal of indiscriminate weaponry. . . Perhaps most fatefully, the advent of armed rebellion placed much of the oppositions chances in the hands of those who would fund and arm the fighters. . . . It was then that the jihadi groups were unleashed.

The collateral victims of NATOs intervention in Libya now include 6 million Libyans attempting to survive in a failed state, millions of people across North Africa afflicted by Islamist terrorism, 20 million Syrians yearning for an end to war, and millions of innocent Europeans who wonder when they might become targets of suicidal terrorists. There is nothing humanitarian about wars that unleash such killing and chaos, with no end in sight.

Jonathan Marshall is a regular contributor to

Originally posted here:
The US Hand in the Libyan/Syrian Tragedies - Consortium News

Worker’s Death Leads Libya’s Oil Production to Drop by a Quarter – Bloomberg

Libyas oil production has plunged by almost a quarter after workers shut the OPEC countrys biggest field to protest lack of medical care following the death of a colleague, a person familiar with the matter said.

Output has fallen to 618,000 barrels a day after workers halted production at Sharara field, protesting the death of a colleague and demanding better working conditions, the person said, asking not to be identified because they arent authorized to speak to the media. The country was producing 807,000 barrels a day on Monday, Jadalla Alaokali, board member at National Oil Corp., said at the time.

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Libya has sought to boost crude exports but fighting and labor unrest at ports and fields have crippled these efforts. In the country where much of the foreign staff of international companies left following a 2011 uprising, local employees run risks as they continue to produce and export crude. Libya was exempt from production cuts agreed by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and allied suppliers on May 25 to battle a global glut.

Workers at Sharara shut production at the field Wednesday to protest the death of a colleague due to lack of proper emergency medical care, Bassam Yekhlef, a technician at the field, said by phone.

Were demanding better medical service and better working conditions, Yekhlef said. We dont want to cause harm to production or to our country and we will end the protest very soon, once the management responds to our demands. We generate millions of dollars to our nation and we deserve a better treatment.

The shutdown is only temporary and a force majeure is unlikely to be declared, an NOC official said on Wednesday. Mustafa Sanalla, chairman of state producer National Oil Corp., didnt answer phone calls or text messages seeking comment.

Sharara has a capacity of 330,000 barrels a day and is operated by a joint venture between Libyas NOC and Repsol SA, Total SA, OMV AG and Statoil ASA. Crude from the field in the western parts of the country had resumed flowing to the Zawiya refinery in late April, after a three-week closure.

Worker's Death Leads Libya's Oil Production to Drop by a Quarter - Bloomberg

ISIS ties to Libya become a focus in UK attack – The Boston Globe

NEW YORK The bomber who killed 22 people at a pop concert in Manchester, England, last month had met in Libya with members of an Islamic State unit linked to the November 2015 Paris terrorist attack, according to current and retired intelligence officials.

The content of the communications between the attacker, Salman Abedi, and the terrorist cell remains unknown.


But the possibility that he was directed or enabled by Islamic State operatives in Libya, as opposed to Syria, suggests that even as the groups Middle East base is shrinking, at least one of its remote franchises is developing ways to continue attacks within Europe.

On visits to Tripoli as well as to the coastal Libyan town of Sabratha, Abedi met with operatives of the Katibat al-Battar al-Libi, a core Islamic State unit that was headquartered in Syria before some of its members dispersed to Libya.

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Originally made up of Libyans who had gone to Syria to fight in the civil war, the unit became a magnet for French and Belgian foreign fighters, and several were dispatched to carry out attacks abroad.

Some of the terrorist groups most devastating hits in Europe, including the coordinated attack in Paris in 2015, were shaped by alumni of the brigade.

The contacts between Abedi and Battar members occurred when he went to Libya, especially in Tripoli and Sabratha, according to a retired European intelligence chief, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of the case.


The former official added that Abedi kept up contact with the group after returning to Manchester, his hometown.

When Abedi was in Britain, the contacts would sometimes happen by phone, the retired official said.

If the content of the call was sensitive, Abedi used phones that were disposable, or dispatches were sent from Libya by his contacts to his friend living in Germany or Belgium who then sent it to Abedi in Britain, according to the former intelligence chief.

Abedis contacts with the Battar brigade members in Libya though not the details of the methods used to communicate or the specific locations were confirmed by a senior US intelligence official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Both officials said Abedis activities in Libya remained the focus of intensive investigations.

The leaders of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, have been actively coordinating with loyalists in Libya since at least the start of 2015, sending personnel back from Syria to help them establish their fledgling colony. Their Libyan province, headquartered in the port city of Sirte, grew to become their most important outside of Iraq and Syria.

After nearly two years, the Libyan branch recently lost ground, with its forces routed from more than 100 miles of coastline.

But no one believes the group has been destroyed there instead it has dispersed, while maintaining its operational abilities.

The Battar brigade was formed by Libyan fighters who were seasoned veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

It was among the first foreign jihadi contingent to arrive in Syria in 2012, as the countrys popular revolt was sliding into a broader civil war and Islamist insurgency, said Cameron Colquhoun, formerly a senior counterterrorism analyst at Britains Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, its surveillance and intelligence agency.

One of the things I remember from my time is the fact that some of the baddest dudes in Al Qaeda were Libyan, he said, citing a study of seized Qaeda personnel files by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, showing that as far back as 2007, almost 20 percent of the terrorist groups fighters in Iraq were from Libya.

When I looked at the Islamic State, the same thing was happening, said Colquhoun, who now runs Neon Century, a corporate intelligence consultancy in London. They were the most hard-core, the most violent the ones always willing to go to extremes when others were not. The Libyans represented the elite troops, and clearly ISIS capitalized on this.

Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, a researcher at the Middle East Forum who maintains an archive of original Islamic State documents, said the Libyan brigade was an important fighting contingent.

But after the Islamic State declared it was founding a caliphate in 2014, the unit was dissolved, as the ISIS leadership began trying to prevent the rise of battalions based on nationality or ethnicity.

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ISIS ties to Libya become a focus in UK attack - The Boston Globe