Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libya’s eastern-based government cuts diplomatic relations with Qatar – The Jerusalem Post

Libya's eastern-based government cuts diplomatic relations with Qatar
The Jerusalem Post
The government, which sits in the eastern city of Bayda, has little authority within Libya. It is appointed by a parliament that also sits in the east and is aligned with powerful military commander Khalifa Haftar. They have spurned a UN-backed ...

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Libya's eastern-based government cuts diplomatic relations with Qatar - The Jerusalem Post

AU delegation wraps up its Libya visits with Hafter meeting – Libya Herald

Libya Herald
AU delegation wraps up its Libya visits with Hafter meeting
Libya Herald
A high level African Union delegation wrapped up its four-day mission to Libya by meeting armed forces commander-in-chief Khalifa Hafter in Benghazi. Throughout their various talks, the AU members have been seeking to organise a gathering of all Libya ...

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AU delegation wraps up its Libya visits with Hafter meeting - Libya Herald

Militias clash in Al-Zawiya city in Libya, two killed – Libyan Express

Smoke is seen rising from the Brigade Qaqaa headquarters, a former Libyan Army camp known as Camp 7 April, behind members of the Libya Shield, following clashes between rival militias at the Sawani road district in Tripoli, August 24, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer (LIBYA Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

Heavy clashes erupted between two militias in the city of Al-Zawiya in northwestern Libya Saturday night, according to sources from the city.

The clashes broke out after two members of one militia were killed by gunfire in front of Olympi Cafe in the city by the other militia fighters.

According to local sources the two killed men were Islam Jamoum and Suhail Ben Kora.

The two militias were later engaged in clashes using heavy and medium weapons in the streets of the city centre.

The Al-Zawiya Hospital had to evacuate the patients fearing they could be shot by the ongoing random gunfire and fighting in the city.

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Militias clash in Al-Zawiya city in Libya, two killed - Libyan Express

France says security conditions not right to reopen Libya embassy – Eyewitness News

France closed its embassy in Tripoli in 2014 amid growing instability in the North African country.

French flag. Picture: Free Images.

PARIS - France's foreign ministry said on Friday security conditions were still not right to reopen its embassy in Libya despite a claim by the prime minister of a United Nations (UN)-backed government there that Paris wanted to restore its diplomatic mission soon.

France closed its embassy in Tripoli in 2014 amid growing instability in the North African country, but Fayez al-Seraj, the head of the Government of National Accord (GNA), said in a statement on 30 May that new President Emmanuel Macron had promised him to reopen the embassy "as early as possible."

"Our embassy for Libya is currently located in Tunis. We would like that it reopens in Tripoli as soon as security conditions are right" Foreign ministry spokesman Romain Nadal told a daily news briefing, adding that the current French envoy was making regular trips to Libya.

Macron's office issued a release on Thursday two days after the talks with Seraj saying that Paris continued to support his government and wanted a stable and united Libya on the basis of a political agreement between rival factions.

It made no mention of the embassy.

Italy reopened its embassy in Tripoli earlier this year making it the first Western diplomatic mission to return to the divided country.

France took a leading role in the NATO air campaign that helped rebels topple Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, but his demise tipped the country into years of chaos.

Diplomats have said Paris is reviewing its policy on Libya since Macron's election victory.

New Foreign Minister Jean-Yves le Drian will travel to Egypt next week to discuss the crisis in neighbouring Libya.

In the previous government, the Foreign Ministry openly supported Seraj's government, while the Defence Ministry worked closely with eastern militia commander Khalifa Haftar, who has waged a campaign against Islamists in eastern Libya but resisted a rapprochement with Seraj.

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France says security conditions not right to reopen Libya embassy - Eyewitness News

Manchester Bombing Connected To Intervention In Libya – Shadowproof (blog)

Despite initial claims by the British government, it is now clear that Salman Abedi, the man responsible for the bombing of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, was not a lone wolf but a member of terrorist network living in the United Kingdom under the protection of the government.

The UK has hosted a group of Libyan exiles with links to Al Qaeda in Manchester for decades. The exiles were part of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) opposed to the Gaddafi government.

Among that group was Abedi and his family. Abedis father, Ramadan Abedi, was a prominent member of LIFG.

Also, Abd al-Baset Azzouz, who left the UK to run a terrorist network in Libya overseen by Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, was part of the group.

LIFG was listed as a terrorist organization connected to Al Qaeda by the United Nations and banned from the UK under anti-terrorism laws.

In the aftermath of 9/11, LIFG seemingly lost all government support and became somewhat of a liability in the rapprochement between the UK and the Gaddafi-led Libyan government that occurred throughout the 2000s.

But in 2011, the LIFG was back in the UK governments good graces and LIFG exiles were allowed to go back to Libya to participate in the overthrow of Gaddafi. Some reports even claim the UK government actually encouraged the Libyan exiles to go back and that many of the foreign fighters in the Libyan civil war came from Manchester.

The Manchester bombing has all the hallmarks of blowback from the UK government pushing Islamic terrorists to attack another country. One of the same militants the UK government unleashed on Libya came back as an agent of the Islamic State to attack the country and city that fostered him.

This rather obvious point on the connections between foreign policy and terrorism at home was recently articulated in a speech by British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn, with predictable consequences. Corbyn was immediately smeared as blaming the victims and excusing the terrorism.

Despite the smear campaign, a recent poll showed 66% of voters agree with Corbyn on the issue of foreign policy and terrorism.

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Manchester Bombing Connected To Intervention In Libya - Shadowproof (blog)