Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Lifting Libyan arms embargo is ‘premature’ Russia’s acting UN envoy – RT

The uncertain political situation as well as a dire security situation in Libya make any proposals concerning the full or even partial lifting of the arms embargo imposed against the nation premature, Russias incumbent UN envoy, Pyotr Ilyichev, said.

Given the uncertainty of the situation in Libya, it would be premature to talk about a full or partial lifting of the weapons embargo [imposed] against Libya, Ilyichev said at the UN Security Council meeting dedicated to the countrys crisis.

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He went on to say that any proposals should be strictly linked to the security situation in the North African country. More than six years after the start of the Arab Spring, Libya is still going through a painful recovery from a heavy blow dealt to it by international intervention and the toppling of its former leader, Muammar Gaddafi, the Russian envoy said.

Last year, western powers, including the US, considered partially lifting the embargo to help the UN-backed government in Tripoli tackle security challenges in the war-torn state.

Ilyichev expressed his regret over the fact that, despite the efforts undertaken by the international community to settle the Libyan crisis, the situation [there] is not changing for the better and expressed Moscows concern over the fact that the fragmentation of government still impedes the resolution of numerous issues in the area of security and the social economic area.

He particularly drew attention to the fact that Libya is still divided between a Tobruk-based parliament and the UN-backed unity government in Tripoli, which are still engaged in a bitter confrontation that had led to a paralysis of the government system.

The two centers of power particularly failed to fully implement the provisions of the UN-backed agreement they signed in December 2015, Ilyichev said, adding that the main goal of that deal has not been achieved so far as the text of the constitution has not been finalized and the general elections have not taken place.

He went on to say that the UN-backed unity government is still unable to significantly broaden its support and become a power body that is trusted by everyone in the country and cannot even take control over the Libyan capital of Tripoli, which is still controlled by many armed groups, not all of which are loyal to the [authorities].

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The composition of the Government of the National Accord still has not been endorsed by the [Tobruk-based] House of Representatives as the UN-supported agreements require, he said as the legislative body voted to denounce the 2015 UN-backed treaty in March.

The Russian envoy also questioned the goals behind the process of establishing the so-called Libyan Presidential Guard by saying that it is unclear how the creation of this structure relates to the key issue of creation of a unified security apparatus.

At the same time, he called on the international community and Libyan political forces not to marginalize the Libyan National Army, which could still form a basis for the creation of the future unified armed forces of Libya and become a reliable partner for the international community dealing in the security issues.

In the meantime, the political and security vacuum in Libya is used by terrorist groups, such as Islamic State (IS, former ISIS/ISIL) and Al Qaeda that continue to build their presence in some Libyan regions and support local extremist groups linked to them, Ilyichev said. He pointed out that the disastrous security situation in the country could also constitute a broader terrorist threat for the region as the ongoing counterterrorism activities only force the extremists to move to other parts of the country and create sleeper cells.

READ MORE:African migrants raped & murdered after being sold in Libyan slave markets UN

The negative impact of the situation in Libya is felt in Europe as well as it has to deal with the waves of illegal migrants, who are trying to move over to the European continent and do it through the Libyan territory, the Russian envoy added.

He then said that those who genuinely seek to restore peace and stability in Libya should avoid any one-sided approaches and criticized the countries that pit some Libyans against others by supporting Tripoli in its struggle against Tobruk by saying that they are making a mistake.

We should not leave anyone behind as it is done by the western countries when they introduce unilateral sanctions, he said, adding that such one-sided approaches are the reasons why the political process [in Libya] has stalled."

Lifting Libyan arms embargo is 'premature' Russia's acting UN envoy - RT

News Roundup – Wed, Apr 19, 2017 – The Libya Observer




Head of Arabian Gulf Oil Company's media office said international oil firms that work in Libya have started to return in the fields operated by the company after sincere efforts exerted in that regard and after the firms assessed the security of the area on the ground, which they found positive. He added that the step will boost oil output.


Head of the Presidential Council dismissed the Education Minister Mohammed Al-Azabi from his post and appointed Othman Abdeljalil in his place. The PC appointed Ayman Al-Gamati as a deputy minister days ago.


A workshop for training in creation of local companies by partnership with municipalities has started in Gharyan today and will end on Thursday under the supervision of International Republic Institute of Boosting Democracy.


The Head of the Presidential Council Fayez Al-Sirraj dismissed the defense minister of the UN-proposed government Mahdi Al-Barghathi from the post of the coordinator of communication with the UN sanctions committee, appointing the current Foreign Minister, Mohammed Sayala in his place.


Archaeological researchers gathering was held in Misalata city under the slogan "we meet to be elite" with several people from the field in Libya attending the event. The gathering aims at connecting the researchers together to exchange expertise so that they all can contribute to saving Libya's archaeological legacies and heritage.


Education Ministry of UN-proposed government urged education officials to form committees of specialists in psychology and religion to give lectures and support to students to avoid any tragedies amidst current popularity of Charlie Charlie game on social media.


Gunmen kidnapped the dean of Pharmacology Faculty at Sabha University Mustafa Al-Saghir while he was going back home on Tuesday. Reasons for kidnap and identities of kidnappers are still unknown.


Fuel and gas crisis committee said it had arrested several smugglers who smuggle cars from Libya to Sudan. It said on Facebook, Al-Waw brigade arrested the smugglers while on duty in support of the fuel and gas committee personnel. It also said that one of Nalut military council fighters suffered an injury they clashed with smugglers.


The Tunisian MP, Al-Munji Al-Harbawi, said his country's embassy in Libya will reopen soon in the coming days after he met with the Tunisian Prime Minister, Yousef Al-Sahhed, whom he said confirmed this step. Al-Sahhed also vowed to return the Tunisian kids detained in Libya (IS militants' children who were saved in Sirte and Sabratha by Libyan authorities.)


An official at the Libyan Interior Ministry said Libyan anglers found 28 bodies of immigrants, including 4 women, who apparently died of hunger and thirst after their boat broke down off Sabratha shores. They were buried in a migrants cemetery.

Continued here:
News Roundup - Wed, Apr 19, 2017 - The Libya Observer

Libya: Dashboard of key activities (January – March 2017) – Reliefweb

UNHCRs mandate is to provide protection and direct assistance and ensure access to durable solutions for refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and stateless persons.

In 2017, UNHCR operates, in partnership with International Medical Corps (IMC) and CESVI, to promote and enhance the protection environment as well as provide humanitarian life-saving assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs and returnees. UNHCR also works with Mercy Corps to assess and respond to the situation of returnees in Sirt, and with IMPACT Initiatives to study the Mixed Migration trends in the South of Libya and via the Central Mediterranean Route.

UNHCR identifies, registers and provides counselling to persons in need of international protection in Tripoli and Benghazi in three Community Development Centres (CDCs) and a Social Centre, through outreach visits conducted by partners, as well as through telephone hotlines.

UNHCR supports IDPs and returnees throughout Libya, with non-food items (NFIs) and cash-based interventions (CBIs). In March 2017, UNHCR through LibAid distributed NFIs to 500 returnee families in Sirt and distributed emergency shelter and NFIs to 16 families in the Tawargha IDP settlement in Tripoli.

UNHCR advocates with Libyan authorities to find alternatives to detention, to improve conditions inside detention centres and to adopt protection-sensitive approaches, including during rescue at sea, with due respect for the principle of non-refoulement.

UNHCR and its partner IMC have access to detention centres run by Libyan authorities and reach out to individuals detained for irregular entry or stay in Libya. Through six health posts located in Tripoli (three), Azzawya, Tajoura and Alkhums ports, IMC delivers emergency assistance upon disembarkation to survivors of rescue at sea/interception incidents.

UNHCR enables capacity building of government officials, national civil society and other stakeholders, offering training on core protection principles, including of IDPs, and refugee law within the context of mixed migration.

Continue reading here:
Libya: Dashboard of key activities (January - March 2017) - Reliefweb

Thousands of migrants stranded off coast of Libya – eNCA

Libya - 17 April 2017 - Rescue workers are battling to save as many as 1,800 migrants stranded on boats off the coast of Libya. Video: eNCA

Libya - 17 April 2017 - Rescue workers are battling to save as many as 1,800 migrants stranded on boats off the coast of Libya. Photo: eNCA

LIBYA - Rescue workers are battling to save as many as 1,800 migrants stranded on boats off the coast of Libya.

According to CNN, rescue crews from the The Migrant Offshore Aid Station have been working for the last 24 hours and have pulled 453 people to safety so far.

Crews were forced to suspend the operation overnight with their rescue vessel the Phoenix running at full capacity.

The charity's founder, Christopher Catrambone, said yesterday: "Nobody has ever seen anything like what we are witnessing this weekend."

"So far nearly 32,000 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea in 2017. Over 550 have drowned making the crossing.

- Addditional Reporting - Wochit


16 April 2017

For more than a week, militias allied to the UN-backed Government of National Accord have fought off rival forces trying to capture an airbase in the south of Libya.

07 April 2017

Navy spokesman General Ayoub Qassem told AFP that the traffickers were on a vessel escorting a migrant boat headed across the Mediterranean to Europe.

02 April 2017

Late Saturday, Benghazi's counter terrorism unit called the photographer, asking him to go to their headquarters 'to answer a few questions'.

See the article here:
Thousands of migrants stranded off coast of Libya - eNCA

Libya govt urges ‘intervention’ over southern clashes – News24

Tripoli - Libya's unity government has called for "urgent intervention" by the international community to end military escalation in its south, warning of a possible "civil war".

For more than a week, militias allied to the UN-backed Government of National Accord have fought off rival forces trying to capture an airbase in the south of the North African country.

"We ask you to take a firm and decisive stance with regards to this escalation and we will support all decisions to re-establish security and stability in Libya," GNA head Fayez al-Sarraj wrote in a letter published on Saturday.

Sarraj called for an "urgent intervention" from the international community "to end the deterioration of the situation in south Libya", in an open letter addressed to bodies including the European Union, the United Nations and the Arab League.

He did not specify the nature of what form such intervention could take.

Clashes erupted last week after the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army, commanded by military strongman Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and loyal to Libya's eastern authorities, battled to seize the Tamenhant air base from militias backing the GNA.

"This sudden and unjustified escalation... puts the country on the brink of civil war", Sarraj said.

The GNA, which both Haftar and the eastern-based parliament have refused to recognise, has announced a counter-offensive against the LNA.

The LNA has said the Tamenhant base was a launching pad for fighters who seized key oil terminals from its control last month, before the LNA retook them days later.

But the unity government has denied any link with the attacks on the oil facilities in Libya's northeast.

The GNA, which was born of a UN-brokered deal signed in late 2015, has struggled to assert its authority nationwide since taking office in Tripoli in March last year.

Libya has been wracked by chaos since the 2011 uprising that toppled and killed longtime dictator Moammar Gaddafi, with rival militias and authorities vying for control of the oil-rich country. encourages commentary submitted via MyNews24. Contributions of 200 words or more will be considered for publication.

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Libya govt urges 'intervention' over southern clashes - News24