Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Gambia: Another Batch Of Gambian Migrants From Libya Are Due To Arrive in Banjul Today; DPP Bakum Returns Home! – Freedom Newspaper

A new batch of Gambian backway boys from Libya, are expected to arrive in Banjul today, the Freedom Newspaper can reveal. The stranded Gambians migrants are returning home voluntarily. They have sleeping slums during their stay in Libya. Some were imprisoned.

The Gambian government is facilitating the airlifting of the backway boys in Libya. The Ministry of Interior, has been playing a pivotal role in ensuring that the migrants are reunited with their families.

The plane carrying the Gambian migrants is expected to land at the airport this evening. Our reporter on the ground said plans are afoot to receive the migrants at the airport by their families.

In another development, the Director of Public Prosecution at the Ministry of Justice, has returned to his native country, Nigeria. Mr. Bakum, contributed towards the jailing of Lawyer Ousainou Darboe co. He was assigned to oversee the prosecution of Darboe and co. He has since left the country.

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Gambia: Another Batch Of Gambian Migrants From Libya Are Due To Arrive in Banjul Today; DPP Bakum Returns Home! - Freedom Newspaper

Irish man shot in Libya criticises Government’s refusal to help – Irish Times

Abduraheem Duidi, from Crumlin, was shot in Tripoli and is receiving treatment at University Hospital Galway

A young Irish man who had a foot amputated after being shot in Libya has expressed his sadness at the Governments refusal to fund his medical evacuation from the region.

Abduraheem Duidi claims the Government was more concerned with saving on the cost of an air ambulance than with his life or the loss of his foot.

Mr Duidi, who grew up in Crumlin, Dublin, was shot in Tripoli on March 4th. The Department of Foreign Affairs, in accordance with its normal rules, refused to fund his medical evacuation. Almost three weeks passed before friends and family raised enough money to privately fund an air ambulance transport to Ireland.

Currently receiving treatment in University Hospital Galway, he is due to undergo a further operation on his surviving leg on Tuesday. He says he has been told he has a 20 per cent chance of losing it.

It is sad that you are Irish and there is no one from your Government to help you when something like this happens, Mr Duidi said, speaking to The Irish Times from his hospital bed. They told my parents we cant help you until you arrange the money. With them it was a problem with money, but they didnt see the risk of me losing my leg, or even my life.

Mr Duidi says he is still in enormous pain after being shot in both legs, and has suffered nightmares and depression.

On the morning of the attack, the 23-year-old English language teacher was in a car with a work colleague when they were stopped by a gang of armed men.

There were about 20 of them. One of them, out of his head on drugs, shot my friend, who was driving. Then he came running to me, he jumped on me, hit me and shot me in the legs.

At first I thought it was only the right leg. The only thing holding it on was skin. I felt all the blood coming out and I got real dizzy.

Mr Duidi pleaded with the men to take him to hospital, which they did after half an hour. However, no doctor was present. When his family arrived they found him another hospital where doctors performed emergency surgery. The following day he was taken to a hospital in Tunisia, where further operations were carried out.

Family and friends made contact with the Department in Dublin and Irelands consul in Tunisia, but were told there was no funding available for an air transport. Surgeons there recommended a double amputation but Mr Duidi declined in the hope of having his leg saved in Ireland.

He says he would have repaid any money the Department provided for transport. If I came to Ireland they would have got their money. That wasnt a problem. Yet the more it was delayed, the more I got infected.

When he got to Galway, the medical team had to amputate his right foot in order to stop the infection spreading to his vital organs. Vascular surgeon Prof Sherif Sultan says the outcome would have been completely different if Mr Duidi had been brought to him immediately after being shot.

Official advice on the Departments website advises people who need hospital treatment abroad to contact the nearest Irish embassy or consulate. The Department says it can contact family, help find English-speaking doctors and communicate with medical personnel, but it cannot pay hospital bills or other medical expenses.

Despite his traumatic experience over the past month, Mr Duidi is positive about the future. What happened, happened. I cant really change it. Ill put my artificial leg on and do my best to get back on my feet.

See the original post:
Irish man shot in Libya criticises Government's refusal to help - Irish Times

Southern Libya tribes sign peace deal after secret talks in Rome – africanews

Southern Libya tribes sign peace deal after secret talks in Rome
A Libyan border guard will be operational to monitor the 5,000-kilometer borders of southern Libya, Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti told the newspaper La Stampa. Securing the border in southern Libya means securing the border in southern ...
In Libya Italy brokers deal with locals to curb migrant influxPulse Nigeria
Libyan southern clans reach peace agreement in ItalyLibyan Express

all 13 news articles »

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Southern Libya tribes sign peace deal after secret talks in Rome - africanews

News Roundup – Sun, Apr 2, 2017 – The Libya Observer


Head of elders council in Al-Jufra, Ahmed Abu Taleb, said their district is against the military mobilization that is being conducted by Dignity Operation, adding that Al-Jufra is not with the choice of war or with one side over the other in the current conflict. He also said that Al-Jufra should be a place of dialogue among all parties, saying their armed groups won't be a part of any Libyan-Libyan fight and they only fought IS militants alongside Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos in Sirte.


Fifth meeting for the Libyan experts in development forum has ended after discussing placing a national framework for social security to limit the poverty in Libyan, with constant assistance to the poor and the weak in Libya. The discussions were attended by experts from UNICEF and World Bank.


National Safety Authority warned people of using non-original gas cylinders after reports about fires caused by them in different areas, with some incidents leading to deaths and serious burns, adding that the latest incident was when one cylinder exploded in a house in Zliten and killed the whole family.


Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos said it had reopened the coastal road in Sirte from the western to the eastern entries of the city. The reopening came after finishing demining works and cleaning campaigns, leaving the roads ready to receive the displaced families to their houses.


UNSMIL has said that 20 civilians were killed and 4 others were wounded in last March due to hostilities across Libya, breaking the numbers into 9 men, 6 women, and 3 children, failing to specify the gender of remaining two. It added that 11 were killed in shootings, four in airstrikes, three in shelling, and two others were killed in a warplane crash. It also said that on March 17, thirteen bodies for African nationals were found in Teleel wood near Sabratha city.


Local sources confirmed that social efforts stopped the clashes that broke out between pro-Haftar armed groups in Wirshiffana on Sunday. Aziziya district saw fierce clashes between tribal armed groups, without reports about damages or fatalities. Days ago, the same armed group were engaged in clashes before they stopped upon a ceasefire agreement.


An explosion was heard Sunday morning in Benghazi. Locals said it could be airstrikes conducted by Dignity Operation on locations for Benghazi Shura Council, which confirmed that Al-Lathama bridge in eastern Al-Sabri has fallen after the explosion. It added that the explosion could be due to the heavy air attacks on the location along with artillery shelling in the early morning today.


Agence France-Presse said its photographer in Benghazi Abdullah Duma was arrested again by security authorities just after two days of his release. He first was arrested on last Tuesday for shooting celebration of Earth Hour upon having no permission for the celebration. Reasons of the new arrest are still unknown.

See the original post:
News Roundup - Sun, Apr 2, 2017 - The Libya Observer

AFP photographer detained in east Libya – eNCA – eNCA

File: An AFP Photographer who who filmed a student concert in Benghazi was detained for a second time this week. Photo: AFP PHOTO/ ABDULLAH DOMA

TRIPOLI - AFP's photographer in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, Abdullah Doma, was detained late Saturday for the second time in several days by security services there, his family said.

Doma had been released on Wednesday night after being held for 24 hours over his coverage of a public concert to mark Earth Hour.

Security services had raided Doma's home on Tuesday night and told the family he was to be questioned over his photographic coverage for AFP of the concert at Benghazi University on March 25.

READ:AFP photographer arrested in eastern Libya

The Awqaf religious authorities, linked to the authorities in the east, had condemned the Earth Hour event in Benghazi as "offensive" to Islam as it went against the segregation of the sexes.

Late Saturday, Benghazi's counter terrorism unit called the photographer, asking him to go to their headquarters "to answer a few questions", his family said.

Relatives who accompanied him there were told by policemen to go back home as he was now in detention".

The family was not given any explanation, but one relative believed Doma had been detained once again for covering the concert.

AFP management expressed its concern after Doma was detained again.

It called on the Benghazi authorities to free the photographer as soon as possible and urged that no charges be pressed against him.

Benghazi is controlled by the military authorities of Khalifa Haftar, which contest the legitimacy of Libya's UN-backed Government of National Accord which is based in the capital Tripoli.

Millions of people from a record 187 countries and territories took part this year in the annual bid to highlight global warming, according to the conservation group WWF.


19 March 2017

The eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA) has been waging a campaign in Libya's second biggest city for nearly three years.

27 February 2017

Medical students who arrived at the medical centre to take their final exams were refused entry.

03 July 2016

Benghazi, the country's second city has for the past two years been the scene of clashes between Islamists and forces loyal to a government based in eastern Libya.

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AFP photographer detained in east Libya - eNCA - eNCA