Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

When Everton played in Libya watched by Colonel Gadaffi … – Liverpool Echo

EVERTON could return to the Dark Continent later this summer - 38 years after their last African adventure.

The Toffees are considering a pre-season friendly in Tanzania as part of their anticipated new sponsorship deal with SportPesa.

The last time the Blues travelled to Africa it was simply a case of escaping a harsh English winter and finding a venue where frustrated footballers could enjoy some competitive action.

Colonel Gaddafis Libya did seem like an extreme answer, mind!

But Gordon Lees Everton squad enjoyed the African experience so much, they went back two months later!

In mid-March 1979, with the country still paralysed by the lingering affects of one the worst winters in living memory, manager Gordon Lee decided to take his squad away for competitive match action in Libya.

Ten years after Colonel Gaddafis revolution the Blues flew to Tripoli to take on the Libyan national side in their brand new stadium.

Evertons 1-0 win made them the first team to beat Libya there after Borussia Moenchangladbach and Real Madrid had tried and failed.

Afterwards manager Lee described the trip as a good experience despite Bob Latchford coming back injured after falling on the then new Astrotruf playing surface.

George Telfer scored the only goal of the game and Lee declared: It was good experience and a useful workout especially with most of the games being snowed off in England.

The game kept us sharp and younger players like Pat Heard and Billy Wright will have gained special benefit from it.

The Libyans showed skill and were very competitive, but they lacked strength in their shooting.

Captain Mike Lyons was more concerned by the quality of the playing surface, described as a faded nylon carpet placed over concrete.

Lyons said: I cant imagine this kind of surface being introduced in England because our style is so much more physical.

In countries like Libya, it suits the conditions, which are normally hot and dry.

There is less tackling in their game, but whilst saying that they did come in late from behind. On the other hand, there was no slide-tackling. But the experience of playing strange countries is always good for players.

However, Charles Lambert who covered the trip for the Liverpool Echo recalled an unusual postscript to the adventure.

There were a few puzzled looks when the Everton squad flew into Heathrow last week after their friendly in Tripoli, he wrote because along with their usual baggage were half a dozen carpets.

The carpets were presented to the directors and officials by their Libyan hosts and caused considerable head scratching on the part of the customs officers before the party was allowed through.

Everton enjoyed the experience enough to make a post-season trip back to North Africa two months later for a two-match tour of Egypt.

See the original post:
When Everton played in Libya watched by Colonel Gadaffi ... - Liverpool Echo

Warnings of a ‘Powder Keg’ in Libya as ISIS Regroups – New York Times

New York Times
Warnings of a 'Powder Keg' in Libya as ISIS Regroups
New York Times
NDJAMENA, Chad After B-2 bombers struck an Islamic State training camp in Libya in January, killing more than 80 militants, American officials privately gloated. On the heels of losing its coastal stronghold in Surt the month before, the Islamic ...

Warnings of a 'Powder Keg' in Libya as ISIS Regroups - New York Times

IOM offers Libya support to improve conditions for migrants – africanews

IOM offers Libya support to improve conditions for migrants
He met with Libyan authorities and said that IOM is enhancing its support to the most vulnerable people in the war torn country. So I visited one of the detention centres, with my colleagues, I was concerned and I've told the minister that we want to ...
Presidential Council and IOM agree on more support in immigration issuesLibyan Express
UN envoys visit Libya to discuss illegal immigrationCCTV
IOM Director General Visits Tripoli as Crisis Worsens for Libyans and Vulnerable MigrantsReliefWeb

all 5 news articles »

Read more:
IOM offers Libya support to improve conditions for migrants - africanews

Court ruling blocks Libya-Italy MoU on stemming illegal immigration – The Libya Observer

The Libya Observer
Court ruling blocks Libya-Italy MoU on stemming illegal immigration
The Libya Observer
Tripoli Appeals Court's administrative division ruled Wednesday to block the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Libya and Italy to fight the growing influx of illegal immigrants and the issue of human trafficking as well as to help Libya ...

Continue reading here:
Court ruling blocks Libya-Italy MoU on stemming illegal immigration - The Libya Observer

Libya force accused of killing Benghazi captives – BBC News
Libya force accused of killing Benghazi captives
BBC News
Libya's eastern-based self-styled army says it is investigating abuses allegedly committed by its fighters in the city of Benghazi. It comes after several videos were posted online showing its men killing captured fighters. The Libyan National Army ...
Khalifa Haftar forces accused of Benghazi
Exclusive: Libya's NOC says expects to regain Es Sider, Ras Lanuf oil portsReuters
Libya, the time to avoid escalation is nowEuropean Council on Foreign Relations
U.S. News & World Report -Reuters UK
all 72 news articles »

See the original post here:
Libya force accused of killing Benghazi captives - BBC News