Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libyan capital on high security alert – The Libya Observer

The Libya Observer
Libyan capital on high security alert
The Libya Observer
Forces loyal to UN-installed Presidency Council (PC) issued on Wednesday a four-day security alert and intensified their presence in the capital in anticipation of any security breaches. The security alert, started on Wednesday 01, comes just a week ...

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Libyan capital on high security alert - The Libya Observer

Isil ‘regrouping in southern Libya with support of al-Qaeda and preparing for further attacks’ –

One resident said: The local security forces dont do anything about them because they are scared to cause trouble.

Mr Barghathi, a former tank brigade commander who led the military campaign against Isil in Sirte, said he had set up a special army operations base near Beni Walid to deal with the re-emergence of the terrorist threat and that western governments were assisting him in tracking terrorist movements.

We know they are using the off-road networks south of Beni Walid and that they are mixing with the illegal immigration traders to make money, said Mr Barghathi.

Brigadier General Mohamed al-Ghasri, an army spokesman in western Libya, said that he was aware of increased co-ordination between al-Qaeda and Isil to assassinate military leaders and that they were based in the south.

Jonathan Githens-Mazer, an associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and professor at the University of Exeter, said terrorist groups in Libya were becoming "more fluid".

"Violent extremists are content to wear different labels as 'flags of convenience' in pursuit of their aims," he said. "As we're also seeing in other territories like Syria, and the Yemen, the old divisions between AQ and groups like Daesh are mattering less and less."

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Isil 'regrouping in southern Libya with support of al-Qaeda and preparing for further attacks' -

News Roundup – Thu, Mar 02, 2017 – The Libya Observer

News Roundup - Thu, Mar 02, 2017
The Libya Observer
... Council Fayaz Sirraj arrived in Moscow today leading a high-ranking delegation form his government. The PC delegation is expected to hold talks with their Russian counterparts on joint cooperation and the ongoing efforts to resolve Libya's ...

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News Roundup - Thu, Mar 02, 2017 - The Libya Observer

Turkish oil tanker seized in western Libya while buying smuggled fuel – The Libya Observer

The Libya Observer
Turkish oil tanker seized in western Libya while buying smuggled fuel
The Libya Observer
A Turkish-flagged oil tanker has been seized in the Libyan city of Zuwara by oil smugglers, a Turkish news outlet reported on Thursday. Deniz News Agency said Haci Telli set off from Tuzla in Turkey to Malta on February 11 and arrived in Zuwara Port on ...
Libya Militia Seizes Turkish
Turkish Oil Tanker Seized in Libya, 11 Crew Members Held CaptiveSputnik International

all 3 news articles »

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Turkish oil tanker seized in western Libya while buying smuggled fuel - The Libya Observer

Tajani’s position on locking up #refugees in Libya condemned by GUE/NGL – EU Reporter

GUE/NGL group has intervened at the start of todays (1 March) mini-plenary at the European Parliament to criticise President Antonio Tajanis recent interview with the German media in which he supported the idea of putting refugees in camps in Libya for an indefinite period.

The newly-elected President of the Parliament was asked byBarbara SpinelliMEP during the Point of Order to clarify his comments in which Tajani suggested toFunke Mediengruppethe possibility of millions of refugees reaching Europe in the next 20 years.

Tajanis remarks were deemed to have broken the promise to speak and act in name of the whole Parliament even though GUE/NGL along with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights oppose the return of migrants and refugees in Libya as it is not considered a safe country.

In addition,Marina AlbiolMEP had already written to the President demanding an explanation of his remarks (inEnglishandSpanish).

Speaking on behalf of the group, Spinelli asked Tajani:

Based on article 22 of the Rules of Procedures, I am astonished by the Presidents statements made to the German press on Monday regarding the return agreement with Libya.

The Parliament has never discussed the matter and, even though you knew the objections of many MEPs, you declared to be in favour of the establishment of detention camps in Libya. Camps where migrants and refugees could be locked in and I quote even for years.

My political group is against this agreement and it is not the only one. The United Nations consider Libya as an unsafe country. In the interview, you say that the camps shall not be concentration camps. Of course they shant!, said Spinelli.

But I wonder how the Union would be able to guarantee this as Libya is not an European protectorate. I am surprised by your words since, in the past, you promised to be an impartial President and to respect the different opinions that there are in this hemicycle. I fear it is a broken promise, argued Spinelli.

Albiol was equally critical of the Tajani remarks:

This is yet another example of mainstream parties adopting the language of the far-right in the European Union in order to compete with them in the elections without challenging them politically.

Such scaremongering against migrants and asylum-seekers cannot be tolerated, and presenting them as a threat would only fuel xenophobia, she continued.

The situation on the ground in Libya is already extremely precarious with different armed groups claiming control of the territory and forcing people to stay in camps. This is in complete breach of international law.

Tajani must rectify these unfortunate comments if he does not want to be a force for the assimilation of the European Unions discourse with the one of the far-right, argued Albiol.

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Tags: Antonio Tajani, asylum seekers, detention centers, eu, featured, full-image, human rights, migration, refugee crisis, refugees

Category: EU, Frontpage, Future EU policy, Immigration, Politics, Refugees

Read the rest here:
Tajani's position on locking up #refugees in Libya condemned by GUE/NGL - EU Reporter