Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

This is the other travel ban against Libyans that people aren’t talking about – The Independent

Just weeks after the people of Libya found themselves subject to Donald Trumps travel ban, the countrys women experienced a terrible sense of dj vu.The military governor in eastern Libya, Abdul Razzaq al Nadhuri, appointed byGeneral Khalifa Haftar, decreed that women under the age of 60 could not travel outside the country without a male guardian.

The ban has prompted resentment and criticism online. Libyan human rights activists called the ban a gross violation of fundamental rights, in direct contravention of Libyas interim constitutional declaration, and made without authorisation, mandate or jurisdiction. In an extraordinary appearance on national television, the governor justified the ban on the basis that Libyan women represent a threat to national security.

After days of women protesting in the streets of Benghazi, the governor issued another decree cancelling the previous announcement, only to enforce a wider ban on all women and men between the age of 18 to 45. None can travel outside of Libya without a security clearance.

The justification this time was to stop Libyans from joining terrorist groups. This is quite bizarre given that after the revolution, the problem has been terrorist groups coming into Libya, rather Libyans joining them. Since the revolution, Libya has become a hotbed for many global terrorist groups like Ansar Sharia and Isis due to the lack of secure borders. With the continuous and uncontrolled flow of arms fuelling the civil war and the deteriorating humanitarian conditions, Libyans find themselves forced to travel if they can afford it to get even basic medical treatment. Libyan activists too have been forced to leave their country under the threat of terrorist attack and persecution.

Coming almost exactly six years from the start of the protests initiated by women in Benghazi that led directly to the Libyan revolution, the claim that women represent a threat to national security could perhaps be taken as a strange compliment to the effectiveness of womens political activism in Libya.

Though just as women had become symbols of a better future for Libya, two brutal acts came to symbolise the countrys fall into chaos. In June 2014, the lawyer and activist Salwa Bugaighis wasassassinated by gunmen after returning home from voting in the general election. Just three weeks later, Fariha Al-Berkawi, one of 33 women elected to Libyas parliament, was also gunned down.

Ever since, women activists and human rights defenders have been the targets of attacks and threats ranging from character assassination, to assault, to actual assassination. Civil society activists have also been subject to a systematic crackdown and repressive measures by the disputing governments of Libya.

As I write, civilians in Abu Salim, Tripoli, are under indiscriminate shelling as rival militias including those loyal to the internationally recognised National Accord Government continue to fight. While in the east, where the Libyan National Army now has the backing of Russia, we have seen the shame of the travel ban.

It is a depressing story that after a revolution fought for dignity, freedom and social justice, and all the lives sacrificed for these causes, Libyans are struggling for their basic human rights and safe corridors through violence.

This is yet another reminder of the failure of the international community in addressing the needs of countries in transition, instead applying the so-called democratic tool kit as a blueprint. Libya needed, and still needs, a comprehensive strategy that addresses the roots causes of its conflict unchecked militarisation.

If the international community continues to pay lip service to womens rights and a political solution without really addressing the real issue at stake, more womens rights defenders and human rights activists will be silenced, if not sacrificed.

Continued here:
This is the other travel ban against Libyans that people aren't talking about - The Independent

News Roundup – Sun, Feb 26, 2017 – The Libya Observer

The General Union of Air Traffic Controllers threatened on Sunday to suspend all air traffic in Libya if the Central Bank of Libya did not approve the financial measures for buying new equipment for air traffic control towers in all over Libya, in addition to training programs for the air traffic controllers.


car bomb in Benghazi on Sunday killing two Al-Saiqa militants and wounded four others including senior commander Mahmoud Al-Wirfalli.


Flights at Tobruk Airport in east Libya were suspended on Sunday due to job protests. Local sources said the protesters shut down the aviation fuel depot at the airport demanding jobs at Brega Oil Marketing.


Libyan national football team player Moaed Al-Lafai was freed Sunday night after one day of abduction. No further details about hisabduction were given.. Al-Lafi, a local footballer for Tripoli-based Al-Ahli club, was abducted Saturday evening after finishing his training session in the club.


The EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini has welcomed the ceasefire agreement in Abu Salim district of Tripoli. She said in a statement on Saturday: Violence will not resolve any of Libya's political challenges. What is expected by all parties is that they refrain from unilateral acts of violence and ensure the protection of the Libyan, civilian population.


The Libyan Iron and Steel Company said it had deposited LYD 200 million of cash sales in banks in just 10 days to provided income for citizens.


The UN-Presidency Council appointed Brig. Idriss Saleh Abu Khamada as Chief of Petroleum Facilities Guard to replace late Brig. Ali Al-Ahrash, who was died of cancer last month.


Tripoli residents on Saturday the 6th anniversary of February 25 anti-Gaddafi regime protests.


The Head of High Council of State Abdul-Rahman Al-Swaihli held talks in Tunis on Saturday with US Ambassador to Libya Peter Bodde. Both sides discussed joint relations and the Libyan political stalemate. Bodde said his country is ready to train Libyan Army and police personnel under the command of a civilian authority.


The Legal Office of Finance Ministry has suspended the Director of Customs Authority Mustafa Al-Torjoman and another official from work until a probe into alleged corruption takes place.


The UN-proposed Presidency Council has decided to set up a government university in Murzuq town in Fezzan region, southwest Libya.

Go here to read the rest:
News Roundup - Sun, Feb 26, 2017 - The Libya Observer

News Roundup – Mon, Feb 27, 2017 – The Libya Observer

Sabha Central Hospital has buried 20 unidentified bodies out of 50 that have been piling up at the hospital's morgue.


Tobruk Central Hospital condemned today the physical assault on a Syrian doctor while on duty, demanding all the authorities to exert their efforts to protect the hospital and bring the perpetrator to justice.


Libyan oil output has dropped to 630 thousand bpd this week after exceeding 750 thousand bpd last week, due to technical measures in some of oilfields.


Jamal Al-Jaafari has been elected as Chairman of Libyan Football Federation.


Libyan Airlines is due to resume flights from/to Taminhint Airport in Sabha as from March 1st.


The Russian Foreign Ministry said the Head of UN-proposed Presidency Council Fayaz Sirraj is due to visit Russia in the coming days, in an effort to bridge the gap between him and rogue General Khalifa Haftar.


President of the High Council of State Abdul-Rahman Al-Swaihli held talks on Sunday with the Italian Ambassador to Libya Giuseppe Perrone economic cooperation between the two countries and resumption of Italian companies to the stalled projects in Libya.


Algerian authorities handed over 65 camels to Zintan on Monday after a camel herder stole them and fled to Algerian territories a month ago.


The Renewable Energy Body of the Electricity Company started Sunday transporting 80-ton wind turbines from Al-Khums Port to Shaafeen Park Reserve in Msallatatown where they would be installed for Libyas first power farm with a capacity of27 MW.


TheLibya Club for Tours has organized a trip for 35 families to the mountain town of Jadu in western Libya. The families toured the tourist attractions in the town and surrounding areas as part of the clubs efforts to boost domestic tourism.

See the original post here:
News Roundup - Mon, Feb 27, 2017 - The Libya Observer

Libya – Joint Statement by the Ambassadors of France, Germany … – France Diplomatie (press release)

The Ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States reiterate our commitment to preserving the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, and national cohesion of Libya and our support for the Libyan Political Agreement of 17 December 2015 as the basis for an inclusive political solution of the current conflicts.

We continue to support the Presidency Council as the legitimate governing body, recognised as such by UNSCR 2259. We continue to stand by UNSMILs efforts to address the political, security, economic and institutional crises facing the country.

We condemn the clashes which took place in Tripoli on February 23 and 24, as well as the indiscriminate use of violence against the Libyan people across Libya.

We welcome the cease-fire reached between the forces on the ground in the Abu Selim neighbourhood of the Capital, thanks to the intervention by the Presidency Council, and we reiterate that the use of force is the sole prerogative of State institutions and its security forces.

We condemn the use of violence and any threat levelled against Prime Minister Sarraj and Libyan institutions, as was the case in the attack of February 20th 2017.

We further call on all parties to cease violent acts which result in the loss of civilian lives, and undermine the prospects for political and social reconciliation of the country.

We reaffirm our position that Libyans should decide their own future, and we stand ready to support their efforts to build a strong, prosperous, and unified Libya and implement the Libyan Political Agreements vision for a peaceful transition to a new, elected government.

Libya - Joint Statement by the Ambassadors of France, Germany ... - France Diplomatie (press release)

Libya – Joint Statement by the Ambassadors of France, Germany … – ReliefWeb

The Ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States reiterate our commitment to preserving the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, and national cohesion of Libya and our support for the Libyan Political Agreement of 17 December 2015 as the basis for an inclusive political solution of the current conflicts. We continue to support the Presidency Council as the legitimate governing body, recognised as such by UNSCR 2259. We continue to stand by UNSMILs efforts to address the political, security, economic and institutional crises facing the country.

We condemn the clashes which took place in Tripoli on February 23 and 24, as well as the indiscriminate use of violence against the Libyan people across Libya.

We welcome the cease-fire reached between the forces on the ground in the Abu Selim neighbourhood of the Capital, thanks to the intervention by the Presidency Council, and we reiterate that the use of force is the sole prerogative of State institutions and its security forces.

We condemn the use of violence and any threat levelled against Prime Minister Sarraj and Libyan institutions, as was the case in the attack of February 20th 2017.

We further call on all parties to cease violent acts which result in the loss of civilian lives, and undermine the prospects for political and social reconciliation of the country.

We reaffirm our position that Libyans should decide their own future, and we stand ready to support their efforts to build a strong, prosperous, and unified Libya and implement the Libyan Political Agreements vision for a peaceful transition to a new, elected government.

See the rest here:
Libya - Joint Statement by the Ambassadors of France, Germany ... - ReliefWeb