Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

African Summit in Libya Begins With Sudan Participation –

Brazzaville The African Summit on Libya began Friday in Brazzaville, the capital of Congo with participation of the Vice - President of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman.

The delegation accompanying the Vice - President of the Republic at the summit includes the State Foreign Minister, Kamal Ismail, and a number of officials concerned with the Libyan and the African Union issues.

The Chadian President and current chairman of the African Union, Idris Deby, said that the summit is aimed for reaching a solution for the Libyan crisis.

He indicated that the presence of terrorist movements, including the Islamic State (IS) organization, has complicated the Libyan crisis, adding that the impacts of the Libyan crisis has reached the neighbors of Libya and the Sahel and Sahara countries.

Dr. said that solution of crisis in Libya remains responsibility of the Libyans themselves in the first place, stressing that the Libyans disputing parties shall give concessions for achieving a solution for the crisis.

He said that the military solution will never lead to solution of the Libyan crisis, stressing that any solution shall take into account the unity and integrity of the Libyan territories.

He said that the task of his high-level committee is to achieve agreement of all the Libyan parties, saying that the agreement reached by the Libyans in the year 2015 has paved the way for solution of the crisis.

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African Summit in Libya Begins With Sudan Participation -

Sanalla looks to entice BP back to Libya – Libya Herald

Libya Herald
Sanalla looks to entice BP back to Libya
Libya Herald
National Oil Corporation (NOC) chairman Mustafa Sanalla has met with British oil company BP in London to discuss the possible resumption of its activities in Libya, the NOC has said. BP used to invest heavily in Libya but suspended its operations in ...
Libya Returns Oil Output To 700000 Bpd After Crude Substation
NOC invites foreign investors back to LibyaInterfax Global Energy
Libya calls for western countries to invest in oil industry to support 'unify' the countryThe AFRICAN BULLETIN (blog)

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Sanalla looks to entice BP back to Libya - Libya Herald

EU-Libya relations – EU News

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Following the popular uprising in Libya in 2011, the EU made significant efforts, including through the diplomatic track, to assist Libya's transition towards an inclusive and stable democracy and to support the UN mediation efforts in that process.

To this end, the EU provides assistance to Libya and the Libyan people through a set of measures, including support to the political transition and a negotiated settlement acceptable to all legitimate groups in the country, bilateral assistance, including humanitarian assistance and targeted assistance in the field of migration, as well as support through its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations especially EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia.

The EU has been supporting efforts to implement the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA) agreed in 2015, the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA*) that was formed under the terms of the Agreement and local authorities through institution building, including the deployment of Stabilisation Facility funding to restore public infrastructure and improve inter-governmental coordination.

In this context, the EU works closely with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya under the leadership of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General to facilitate the implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement and support mediation efforts to ensure all stakeholders in Libya come together in a spirit of compromise and reconciliation to make the Agreement work and prevent conflict, in the interest of all Libyans.

The EU also supports the mediation activities of neighbours and regional partners as well as the Arab League and the African Union.

The EU has been providing significant support to the Libyans since the beginning of the crisis, with a package of over 100 million bilateral assistance allocated.

The EU support is provided mainly through the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and the Instrument Contributing to Stability (IcSP).

The EU assistance package to Libya foresees the implementation of 37 projects across six sectors, corresponding to the priorities of our bilateral cooperation: Civil society; Democratic governance; Health; Youth, active citizenship and socio-economic integration; Migration and protection; and Political process, security and mediation. Many of these projects, which were suspended due to the rapidly deteriorating security situation in 2014, have been gradually resumed with the arrival of the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in December 2015.

For the period 2014-2016, 26 million have been mobilised, part of the 100 million bilateral assistance package.

The EU has further allocated a total of 10.8 million in humanitarian aid in 2016. Assistance is provided to internally displaced persons, returnees and other vulnerable groups in conflict-affected areas.

The European Union's engagement encompasses support to rights-based migration management in Libya, capacity-building and training of the Libyan Coast Guard, as well as the promotion of dialogue between Libya and its southern neighbours on the management of their common borders. The EU is further active in supporting the Libyan authorities (GNA) in providing essential services to the Libyan population, displaced persons, migrants and refugees.

Out of the EU total support to Libya, over 20 million go to ongoing programmes related to migration that facilitate the voluntary return of stranded migrants, support host communities by providing employment opportunities for both local population and migrants, provide assistance and protection to vulnerable migrants, and aim at improving the living conditions in retention centres and disembarkation points.

Thematic assistance programmes for example, on human rights or migration are funded also by additional sources. Furthermore, Libya benefits from funding under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) to increase protection of migrants and to strengthen effective migration management.

A programme funded under the EUTF for Africa worth 5.9 million, which has begun in 2017, will be implemented by a consortium led by the Danish Refugee Council, with the objective of improving the protection and the resilience of refugees, migrants (including in detention centres), IDPs and host communities, as well as to pilot an alternative to detention initiative.

The EU is also currently preparing a new programme under the EUTF for Africa, worth over 20 million to better protect and assist the most vulnerable migrants, and to help their host communities in Libya. It will in particular aim at:

The programmes will be implemented by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

The EU also supports the UNHCR in its capacity-building for Libyan authorities and in its assistance to refugees and asylum seekers present in or disembarked in Libya through its regional development and protection programme.

The EU is engaged in providing focussed support to Libya through its CSDP missions and operations EUBAM Libya and EUNAVFOR Med Operation Sophia.

EUNAVFOR Med Operation Sophia was launched in June 2015 as part of the EU's broader action to provide a comprehensive response to the global migration and refugee crisis and to encourage a democratic, stable and prosperous Libya. It seeks to counter human trafficking and smuggling on the high seas, by taking action against the criminal networks and disrupting the smugglers business model. The operation has rescued more than 32.000 lives in the course of its operations on the high seas off the coast of Libya.

Last June, the EU reinforced the Operation with two supporting tasks, capacity delivery to the Libyan coastguard and navy, and information exchange and contribution to the implementation of the UN arms embargo in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2292. The objective of the training, launched following a request by the Libyan authorities (GNA), is to enhance the Libyan Coast Guard and Navy's capability to disrupt smuggling and trafficking in the country and perform search and rescue activities, to improve the overall security in Libyan territorial waters.

EUBAM Libya was initially launched in May 2013 as an integrated border management mission in Libya. The mission was downsized in 2014 due to the deteriorating security situation and relocated to Tunis. The mission intends to establish a light presence in Tripoli, as soon as conditions would allow for it.

In February 2016, its mandate was amended to provide for a civilian planning capacity, focussed on police, criminal justice, border security and migration.

The objective of this planning mission is to further analyse the police and criminal justice system and civilian security sector in Libya, including on border security and migration, in order to prepare for a possible future CSDP mission if requested by the Libyan authorities (GNA) and subsequently endorsed by the Council. The mission retains a limited capacity to provide advice and mentoring to Libyan interlocutors on related civilian security issues.


* The UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) has been internationally recognised as the sole legitimate government of Libya, as endorsed in UN Security Council Resolutions 2259 and 2278.

See more here:
EU-Libya relations - EU News

90 Bodies Found at Site of US Air Strike in Libya – Newsweek

Libyan forces have found some 90 bodies of slain militants at the sites of recent U.S. air strikes near the former Islamic State stronghold of Sirte, they said in a statement on Thursday.

The forces posted pictures of desert hideouts covered with sand and grass and said the sites were being used for training. Shells, suicide belts and booby traps had been recovered there, the statement added.

They also said they had arrested two suspected militants and killed four who refused to surrender. The forces are led by brigades from the city of Misrata and ousted Islamic State from Sirte in a near seven-month campaign that ended in December.

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Members of the forces loyal to Libya's U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) are seen in the coastal city of Sirte, east of the capital Tripoli, during their military operation to clear ISIS from the city, on October 14. The forces rescued five foreign hostages from the city, according to the U.S. envoy to the country. Mahmud Turkia/AFP/Getty

U.S. officials have said more than 80 militants, some plotting attacks in Europe, had been killed a week ago when B-2 bombers dropped about 100 precision guided munitions on camps about 28 miles (45 km) southwest of Sirte.

They said the strikes targeted militants who had fled from Sirte. The Misrata-led forces said most of those found at the sites of the strikes were not among those who had fled from Sirte.

The forces' statement gave no details of the militants' nationalities or where they were thought to have been previously.

Pictures posted alongside the statement showed desert shelters covered with canvas or plastic sheeting and branches, and a hideout dug into the sand. There were also pictures of a number of several dead bodies, burnt out vehicles, weapons and satellite phones.

The statement said some 70 bodies had been found in one location and 20 bodies at another spot. It was not clear how far apart the two sites were.

Islamic State's defeat in Sirte left the group without any territory it controlled in Libya, though it has a presence in other parts of the country.

Libyan and Western security officials have long warned that some fighters escaped from Sirte before the battle or during its early stages. Islamic State leaders have said they intend to regroup from outside Sirte.

Go here to read the rest:
90 Bodies Found at Site of US Air Strike in Libya - Newsweek

Brazzaville summit on Libya – Libya Herald

Brazzaville summit on Libya
Libya Herald
A summit on Libya is to take place tomorrow, Friday, in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, with a number of African heads of state expected to attend. UN special envoy Martin Kobler flew in yesterday and has been holding talks ahead of the meeting with ...
Congo to host mini AU summit on Libyan crisisRFI

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Brazzaville summit on Libya - Libya Herald