Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libya near 'point of no return': UN envoy

Bernardino, a Spanish diplomat who took up the post in August, has repeatedly called on both sides to agree to a ceasefire.

Despite the persistent fighting in the war-torn country and two rival governments jostling for control, oil production has recovered to 800,000 barrels per day from just 200,000 b/d earlier in the year.

The internationally recognized government under Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni lost control of the capital Tripoli in August, and has taken refuge since in the Eastern city of Bayda.

Read More'Keep us out of civil war': Libya's central bank

On the ground, there was little sign of rapprochement as the rival political leaderships clash over who should govern.This week the Al-Thinni government vowed to set up a new state news agency after its original one, LANA, was taken over by the rebel authorities.

Despite a recovery in oil production, and ambitious output targets of 1.5 million b/d by year-end, concerns about future disruptions loom large.

"There are, however, nagging doubts over the sustainability of Libya's recovery because the country's political situation remains extremely unstable," the International Energy Agency warned in its Oil Market Report for October.

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund has also issued a gloomy outlook for the country, forecasting Monday a contraction of 19.8 percent, almost one fifth, in 2014. Some 96 percent of state revenues are derived from oil and gas production.

The report added the authorities would need an oil price of $184 per barrel to balance the budget in 2015, higher than any of its peers in the Middle East and North Africa. A fiscal deficit of 52 percent of gross domestic product was expected for this year.

Read MoreGoldman ordered to pay legal fees to Libyan fund

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Libya near 'point of no return': UN envoy

libya sawt almadina – Video

libya sawt almadina

By: Adam Yassen

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libya sawt almadina - Video

The Debate – Lawless Libya (P.2) (25.10.2014) – Video

The Debate - Lawless Libya (P.2) (25.10.2014)
Part1: More than 3 years since the overthrow of former Libyan dictator, Moammar Ghadaffi, and the North African country continues...

By: PressTV News Videos

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The Debate - Lawless Libya (P.2) (25.10.2014) - Video

Militias Drive Libya Deeper Into Civil War – Video

Militias Drive Libya Deeper Into Civil War
More than three years after the overthrow and death of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and two since the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, the nation still has no effective...

By: Vocativ

Militias Drive Libya Deeper Into Civil War - Video

– UK Priorities in Libya – Video

- UK Priorities in Libya
: . ...

By: Foreign Commonwealth Office

See the rest here:
- UK Priorities in Libya - Video