Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libya discusses with Japanese companies the provision of the latest treatment devices for oncology patients – Libya Herald

Libyas Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Medical Centres Affairs, Tawfiq Al-Darsi, discusses with representatives of international Japanese companies the provision of the latest treatment devices for oncology patients.

The discussions took place last Thursday at the Health Ministrys Tripoli headquarters when the Undersecretary received representatives of several international Japanese companies specialized in the field of manufacturing medicines and medical devices.

The two sides discussed ways of cooperation in the presence of Counsellor Saleh Abu Khurais Kaza, representing the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and agriculture in Libya.

The Undersecretary discussed with the delegation the mechanisms of cooperation in providing the latest therapeutic devices for oncology patients using radioactive material technologies, which can attack cancer cells while maintaining the integrity of muscle and tissue mass inside the patients body.

Libyan experts to visit JapanDuring the meeting, it was agreed to send a team of experts and consultants specialized in treating oncology patients and well-versed in technology in Libya to Japan, to evaluate the devices and ensure that they conform to the required specifications on the one hand, that they work well and that they include all the required accessories.

The Undersecretary discussed with the Japanese delegation ways of cooperation in the field of supplying specialized medicines, especially those related to the treatment of oncology and neurology patients.

He indicated the Ministrys keenness to deal with international Japanese companies that manufacture medicines, given the Japanese pharmaceutical markets characteristics of manufacturing high-quality pharmaceutical drugs and its commitment to the highest standards of quality assurance and quality control worldwide.

Japanese engineers to repair equipment in LibyaIn a related context, the Undersecretary discussed with the delegation sending teams of Japanese engineers to repair the malfunctions of the durable Japanese medical devices previously supplied by the Ministry of Health to public and educational hospitals and specialized medical centers. They are to detect the causes of the malfunctions and make sure that the damaged parts are changed to repair the fault, and then check the safety, in addition to training engineers in health facilities to perform periodic maintenance of the devices.

To develop treatment services for dialysis patients Finally, the Undersecretary discussed with the delegation ways to develop treatment services for dialysis patients, by taking advantage of the technologies offered by home and mobile dialysis devices.

This is to be done with the aim of achieving flexibility for patients undergoing dialysis, as well as physicians, by integrating all treatment systems from care with the help of a nurse, self-care, right up to dialysis at home.

Go here to read the rest:
Libya discusses with Japanese companies the provision of the latest treatment devices for oncology patients - Libya Herald

Minister of Oil: Sanalla is withholding information from govt – The Libya Observer

Minister of Oil and Gas Mohamed Aoun says that he did not receive any production data since last April 3, as he accused the National Oil Corporation Chairman Mustafa Sanalla of withholding such critical information.

Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah has been informed of this, and the issue was raised at a cabinet meeting in Jadu town on June 23 last, the online news outlet, Fawasel quoted Aoun as saying.

According to Aoun, the PM addressed Sanalla three times, obliging him to send the reports to the relevant authorities, but he has not responded to date.

Aoun accused Sanallaof "infringement, arrogance, defiance, and disrespect of the law and his superiors," disclosing that he submitted a memorandum to the PM in this regard for the third time since no action has been taken against him.

Regarding the re-formation of the NOCs management, Aoun confirmed the prime ministers acceptance of the proposal and pledged to do so and to discuss the nominations for the post, which he refrained from revealing.

He also touched upon the issue of gas prices and the possibility of reviewing Libya's contracts with Eni in line with the Algerian Sonatrach, which announced an update of its gas prices.

According to Aoun, the contract between Libya and Eni provides for reviewing prices every three years and has a specific formula for calculating the price of gas.

It may be worth noting that Minister Aoun had requested the PM to issue a decision regarding changing the board of directors of the National Oil Corporation.

Minister of Oil: Sanalla is withholding information from govt - The Libya Observer

Libya: Gaddafi regimes last loyalists are negotiating their release from prison – The Africa Report

Armed and hooded men block the road leading to the largest prison in western Libya, next to Mitiga airport on the outskirts of Tripoli. Behind its high white walls, an entire block is reserved for its most famous prisoner, Abdallah Senoussi. He is treated like a VIP and regularly examined by his private doctors, a prison guard says.

Separated from the other often mistreated inmates, the 73-year-old ex-dignitary can move freely between several barracks, according to the young guard interviewed after his shift several dozen kilometres away. Senoussi even has the privilege of sharing the meals served to the head guards of the RADA Special Deterrence Forces, the powerful Salafist militia headed by Abdel Raouf Kara that controls the Mitiga area.

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Libya: Gaddafi regimes last loyalists are negotiating their release from prison - The Africa Report

Security Council: Libya | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases – United Nations

Note: A complete summary of today's Security Council meeting on Libya will be available on Tuesday, 28 June.


ROSEMARY DICARLO, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, noted progress on the constitutional track, with the third round of consultations of the House of Representatives and the High State Council on a constitutional basis for elections, held in Cairo from 12 to 20June. Delegates reached a broad consensus on most of the contentious articles in the 2017 Constitutional Proposal, although differences remain over the transitional period leading to the elections. She called on the Council and international partners to urge leadership of the two chambers to agree on outstanding issues and make the elections happen, reiterating the need for a reconciliation process that is inclusive, victim-centred, rights-based, with a focus on truth, accountability and reparations.

Noting noted political divisions contribute to a tense security environment in and around Tripoli with armed groups positioning themselves in support of either Mr. Dbeibah[Abdul Hamid al-Dbeibeh, Prime Minister of the internationally recognized Government of National Unity] or Mr. Bashagha[Fathi Bashagha, Prime Minster Designate of Libya] she noted the United Nations readiness to facilitate dialogue between them. A recent plenary meeting of the Security Working Group of the Berlin Process, with the participation of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission focused on the need to strengthen the ceasefire, including through disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups and militias and the withdrawal of mercenaries and foreign forces. The United Nations Support Mission in Libya(UNSMIL) ceasefire monitors remain based in Tripoli, pending approval by relevant authorities of accommodation and workspace.

On the economic front, the partial shutdown of Libyas oil sector continues, reducing oil exports by onethird and costing the country $3.1billion in lost revenue, she continued. Furthermore, the human rights situation in Libya remains alarming, with politically active women and men targeted with hate speech and incitement to violence. Since May, UNSMIL has received further reports of serious allegations of torture against Libyans, migrants and asylum-seekers in detention facilities and prisons. Libyan authorities must investigate all allegations of torture and other human rights violations in detention centres, with those responsible for grave human rights violations held accountable.

She called for the extension of the mandate of the Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Libya, essential to investigate and report on violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law. While the United Nations recorded the return of an additional 10,000internally displaced persons as of 14June, she said the threat of forced evictions remains. Stressing that Libya has made significant progress in the last few years toward a more inclusive society, she called for collaboration to ensure that momentum does not dissipate. The United Nations priority in Libya remains to facilitate a return to the electoral process, based on a sound and consensual constitutional basis for elections. This is what the Libyan people have asked for, she emphasized.

BUSHRA ALHODIRI, Operation Manager of the Fezzan Libya Organisation, via video teleconference from the city of Sebha, in the south of Libya, gave Council members an update about womens participation in the political space and public services, as well as the obstacles they face. The issues surrounding female participation in Libya are complex, as women are seen as weak and only allowed to work in a few jobs, as employment policies and the workplace also discriminate against them. Womens political participation continues to face significant challenges. When they try to enhance their participation in peace negotiations, women are often rejected, as demonstrated when the Minister of State for Women's Affairs announced Libya's withdrawal from the Memorandum of Understanding on Women and Peace, signed with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The memorandum had sparked widespread controversy, community backlash and assumptions from religious leaders that the memorandum, and resolution 1325 (2000), are against the religious principles, norms and habits of the community.

More than a decade has passed since the peaceful revolution turned to an armed internal war, and people living in Libya struggle to survive, especially women and youth, she continued. The lack of security women are experiencing is one of the biggest issues impeding women's participation in politics, preventing gender equality and marginalizing their future engagement. Civil society organization activists, women human rights defenders and journalists continue to be the targets of social media harassment, physical attacks, kidnappings and murders.

Increasing the number of women in public service is an excellent starting point, but achieving meaningful participation for women also requires adopting pro-women legislation, she stressed. It is time for Libyan policymakers and the international community to understand that achieving true democracy, justice and equality for everyone requires women's significant participation. She voiced her hope that the Council would endorse several recommendations for Libyan women.

She went on to say that these recommendations include efforts to encourage womens participation in the political space and peacebuilding in Libya regardless of the obstacles; improving services aimed at women; and greater coordination between governmental bodies, nongovernmental organizations and the international community, in order to improve programs delivered for women at a national and local level. Another recommendation is strengthening the position of women through legislation and increasing womens quota in upcoming parliament elections to 50 per cent, with an even greater participation in legislative committees. The intervention of UNSMIL to support Libyan authorities to create a national framework for the growth of rural, displaced and domestic violence-victimized women is crucial as well, she stressed.


JAMES KARIUKI (United Kingdom) noted that, given elections were not held in December, the Libyan Political Dialogue Road Map has expired, and parallel Governments and institutions are not working in the interest of the Libyan people nor is unconstrained spending. He urged all parties to ensure that Libyan resources are managed in a transparent manner. Citing the meeting between the House of Representatives and the High State Council, he stressed the onus is now on the leaders of those two chambers to urgently finalize the legal basis for elections and allow the people to choose their leaders. Noting it is more important than ever to secure the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya without delay, including the Wagner Group, he voiced support for the work of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission, and urged all parties to engage with the United Nations. His delegation will work with Council members in coming days on renewing the mandates of the Panel of Experts and UNSMIL, and he expressed hope that the latter mandate can be extended for a longer period to ensure its stability.

HAROLD ADLAI AGYEMAN (Ghana), also speaking for Gabon and Kenya, stressed that a true Libyan-led and -owned peace process cannot be achieved without mainstreaming dialogue and reconciliation. Commending the Libyan authorities for the launch of the strategic vision for the National Reconciliation Project, he also underlined the need for the structure on which elections are held, with full participation of women and young people. Expressing concern about reports of violence in and around Tripoli, he called for caution against any resort to violence and called on all parties to desist from inflammatory rhetoric, and all foreign fighters, forces and mercenaries to leave the country immediately.

Also urging the Security Council to push for the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and the adherence to the arms embargo, he stressed that the Libya peace process is inextricably tied to the stability of the Sahel region. Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration efforts be not only focused within Libya, but also taken in a cross-border manner. Among other things, he also highlighted the necessity that UNSMIL be clearly structure, and he urged that any action on Libyas frozen assets be done in consultation with the Libyan authorities to ensure they are preserved for the benefit of the Libyan people.

MADHU SUDAN RAVINDRAN (India), expressing concern about the risk of backsliding progress made after the signing of the ceasefire agreement, spotlighted the reports of armed clashes and mobilizations of armed groups in and around Tripoli. He also said that it was regrettable that there is still no agreement on the constitutional basis for holding elections. The priority right now is to ensure that elections are held at the earliest in a free, fair, inclusive and credible manner, he stressed, while also underscoring the importance of the full and complete withdrawal of foreign forces and mercenaries. It was also important to ensure that the political process in Libya is fully Libyan-led and Libyan-owned with no imposition or external interference. In addition, it was important to plan for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups and non-state armed actors. Libya also needs an inclusive and comprehensive national reconciliation process, he emphasized, calling on the international community to focus on the threat of terrorism in Africa, particularly in the Sahel region.

MONA JUUL (Norway), welcoming progress achieved during the last round of talks towards agreeing on a Constitutional framework for elections, called on leaders on both sides to follow up and resolve outstanding issues with the aim of holding free, fair and inclusive national elections as soon as possible. Voicing concern over increased tensions in recent weeks, especially in and around Tripoli, she stressed that progress made since 2020 must not go to waste. She therefore noted with concern the deterioration of public services particularly education and health services. In addition, she expressed concern regarding significant protection challenges, warning that further destabilization might threaten the ceasefire agreement and the Government's viability, risking resumption of the conflict. She also voiced concern over the situation of civil society members and human rights defenders in Libya, and supported the extension of the fact-finding missions mandate.

RICHARD M. MILLS (United States) said it was appalling that small cabals of men in most cases backed by weapons instead of popular legitimacy have spent sixmonths cutting deals and crafting schemes to decide who will be in power and get which spoils, while 3million Libyans wait to vote for their leaders. The country has reached a critical moment and must choose a trajectory, either to build consensus and foster unity towards fair elections and stability, or wallow in the status quo, condemning the people to uncertainty, stagnation and potential violence. Just because the road map has expired does not change the facts on the ground nor break the political impasse; rather it increases uncertainty and is a distraction as Libyan leaders delay elections to prolong their time in power. Voicing encouragement at progress made by the House of Representatives and the High State Council towards a constitutional framework for elections, he stressed that sort of leadership is desperately needed to send Libyan on path towards stability. He also called on UNSMIL to implement the recommendations of the independent strategic review so it can carry out its mandate for stability, peace and prosperity and urged the Council to provide the Mission with a substantive one-year mandate to address the many issues facing Libya.

JOO GENSIO DE ALMEIDA FILHO (Brazil), praising the agreement between the High Council of State and the House of Representatives that led to meetings scheduled for 28 and 29June in Geneva, expressed hope that the parties will reach a common ground. He endorsed the continued relevance and legitimacy of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum Road Map and welcomed the strategic vision of the National Reconciliation Project, expressing his hope that the latter will soon be thoroughly implemented. Turning to peace and security, he regretted the continued acts of violence across Libya and reiterated the importance of the 2020ceasefire agreement, noting that the Action Plan by the 5+5 Joint Military Commission is a cornerstone of its implementation. We support considerate institution-building in Libya, led and done by Libyans themselves, with full national ownership, and firmly believe that these institutions will strengthen Libyas capacity to foster peace and security, he added.

NICOLAS DE RIVIRE (France) said the status quo cannot be an option. The priority must be to resolve the crisis of executive power and achieve a unified Government capable of conducting elections throughout Libya. Given progress made at the meetings in Cairo, he encouraged the two leaders of the chambers to finalize the agreement on the constitutional basis during their meeting in Geneva on 28 and 29June. It is further vital to ensure the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries as soon as possible, with the objective of reunifying Libyan institutions, particularly military and security. Welcoming the resumption of the work of the 5+5 Joint Military committee, he recalled the obligation imposed on all Member States to respect the arms embargo. Voicing concern over the oil blockade, he noted his delegation is ready to help Libyans enable transparent and equitable management of the country's resources. The mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission on Libya should be renewed, as it is essential to address worrisome violations of human rights, particularly of migrants. He welcomed the Secretary-General's efforts to appoint a special representative as soon as possible, calling on the Council to cooperate on a substantial renewal of the UNSMIL mandate next month.

ALICIA GUADALUPE BUENROSTRO MASSIEU (Mexico) said the situation has become unsustainable. There is a contradiction between the interests of more than 3 million Libyan citizens and others who are using all types of tactics to delay the transition. He expressed his support for the United Nations in its process and urged the inclusion of those Libyan stakeholders that are sincere in the election process. As well, UNSMIL needs to be strengthened through robust leadership and a substantial mandate to face the challenges, and Council members should be guided by a constructive approach to strengthen the mission. In the security domain, he criticized the violence occurring on the outskirts of Tripoli. He also called for respect for the arms embargo. There should be more information about the United Nations component of the ceasefire-monitoring mechanism. He also condemned the actions taken to ban and boycott Libyan oil, adding that such actions deprive the country of the ability to meet the needs of its citizens.

DAI BING (China) noted that, as differences still exist on such key issues as elections, the parties must put the interests of the Libyan people first. The positive momentum of threerounds of dialogue between the House of Representatives and the High State Council in Cairo must be maintained, thereby resolving a package of issues including a constitutional framework for elections and the distribution of oil revenue. Voicing support for the appointment of an African as a special representative and for the full function of UNSMIL, he further welcomed meetings of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission and full deployment of the UNSMIL ceasefire monitoring team. The international community must remain committed to a Libyan-owned and -led process, respecting Libyan sovereignty, providing assistance and avoiding imposing external solutions which are the reason the country is mired in difficulties. To advance the peace process, he urged parties to strengthen consultations and facilitate distribution of oil revenues, as comprehensive national reconciliation is the key to peace and stability. Libya must strengthen cooperation with the African Union and League of Arab States. Further, as the country has raised demands about revenue losses due to frozen assets, the Council and the Sanctions Committee must respond to that request.

CIT MORAN (Ireland) implored all the parties in Libya to set aside differences and to agree, as soon as possible, on a political framework. She also called upon the Council and the wider international community to hold true to the spirit and the letter of the Berlin Process, the relevant Security Council resolutions and the conclusions stemming from subsequent regional and international meetings on Libya towards realizing a peaceful, stable and prosperous Libya. This should be a Libyan-led and -owned process that paves the way to free, fair, and inclusive national elections. As well, womens full, equal, and meaningful participation in all aspects of Libyas political transition and peacebuilding efforts should be ensured. She expressed concern about, among other things, the increasingly unstable security situation, as witnessed in Tripoli recently, and called for progress on the full withdrawal of all foreign fighters, foreign forces and mercenaries. Addressing the underlying causes of conflict is also crucial to restoring peace and prosperity for all Libyans. That means ensuring the transparent, accountable, fair, and equitable distribution of public wealth and resources for the Libyan people.

MOHAMED ISSA ABUSHAHAB (United Arab Emirates), welcoming the progress made by the Libyan parties after the conclusion of the third round of consultations of the Constitutional Track Committee in Cairo, stressed that stability requires the removal of all obstacles to ending the political divide between the Libyan parties. The most important of such obstacles is insecurity, especially in light of the escalation and recurrence of clashes between armed groups in Tripoli and the military build-up in its vicinity. As a matter of priority, security and military institutions should be consolidated and disarmament issues addressed. Stressing the need to implement Security Council resolutions related to the withdrawal of forces, foreign fighters and mercenaries from Libya in a simultaneous, phased, gradual, and balanced manner, he noted that security vacuums must not be exploited by extremist and terrorist groups that are waiting for any opportunity to expand and extend their control in Libya. In addition, political differences should not be a reason or catalyst for the spread of hate speech and incitement of violence. Efforts must be intensified to combat this discourse in all its forms, in support of peacebuilding and stability in Libya.

DMITRY A. POLYANSKIY (Russian Federation) said the situation in and around Libya is destabilizing and the country is unable to cope with the fallout from the Western aggression in2011 that caused the Libyan State to collapse and created the ongoing political crisis. Last week, the road map expired; that does not mean that its spirit cannot remain relevant for the future of Libya. Among other things, he welcomed progress on the political settlement track and expressed hope the upcoming talks in Geneva will help ease the disagreements and reach a resolution. He welcomed that the ceasefire is being upheld and that the 5+5 Libyan Joint Military Commission is doing its work. International efforts should be consolidated on the Libyan track. Yet those who destroyed Libya in 2011 apparently now have completely separate plans. It is difficult to explain the very non-constructive position of Western colleagues, he said, pointing to a position of his British colleagues. There are bare-faced double standards. The Mission has a key role to play as a key mediator. Yet its structure has been decapitated and it cannot fulfil its key functions without a leader to facilitate national dialogue. Western colleagues, in a spirit of neocolonialist thinking, want to impose their script on the countrys future. He called on the Secretary-General to use a calibrated and balanced manner as the special representative is selected. The views of internal Libyan stakeholders need to be upheld, not the views of Western camps, who view Libya as their backyard.

FERIT HOXHA (Albania), Council President for June, speaking in his national capacity, said that rivalry and armed men can only bring the country backwards, and that must not happen. A Libyan-led and owned process is the only path leading to free and fair elections, and the only way forward to stability. He called on the presidents of the House of Representatives and the High State Council to engage in good faith on 28June in Geneva, respecting the will of the people, and to pursue an inclusive political compromise. Furthermore, those undermining the process towards elections must be held accountable. As maintaining stability on ground is crucial, he expressed concern over increased tensions among militias, also welcoming resumption of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission, urging all actors to redouble efforts to completely implement the ceasefire including the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries. Calling on all stakeholders to uphold human rights commitments rather than undermine them for short-term political gains, he voiced support for extension of the Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Libya. Noting that the shutdown of over 30percent of the Libyan oil sector undermines the countrys economy, infrastructure and basic services, he called for Council adoption of a robust, renewed UNSMIL mandate in July.

Mr.KARIUKI (United Kingdom), taking the floor for the second time, said the Russian Federations representative stressed the importance of Council unity. Yet one Council member has blocked Council consensus regarding Libya, he pointed out, adding that the United Kingdom remains committed to delivering a more peaceful country to the Libyan people.

Mr. MILLS JR. (United States), taking the floor for a second time, categorically objected to accusations by the Russian Federation that his delegation was obstructing a Council product on Libya today stressing that he had, rather, joined the majority Council members in submitting edits to strengthen it. These were legitimate and supportive edits. Contrary to wild claims of a neocolonialist plot, the United States has never blocked the appointment of a Special Representative of the Secretary-General for UNSMIL, welcoming and supporting several candidates which he does not believe can be said of the Russian Federations delegation.

TAHER M. T. ELSONNI (Libya) affirmed that women have been represented in the legislature, the Government, the military and other institutions. Since the last briefing, the political situation has been at an impasse, there is an electric and energy crisis and the anger of the Libyan people is rising. He said that he looked forward to the upcoming meeting of the Joint Committee of the House of Representatives and High State Council in Geneva. It is important to prepare for the parliamentary and presidential elections and the inclusion of all political factions to reach a Libyan-owned solution.

Yet there are conflicts generated by several superpowers fighting over the country, he said. He called on the Security Council to ask the United Nations to support the electoral process and send teams to that end. Libya needs technical and logistical support to create a transparent electoral process and avoid any doubts about the election results. There are divisions inside the Council that are affecting the future of the Libyan people. Some countries are intervening inside the countrys internal affairs. This external interference is impacting the appointment of a special envoy to the mission.

He also asked the Secretary-General to consult first with the Libyans about the candidates without consulting with the Council. The candidate is the envoy of the Secretary-General. The Council will not reject a candidate when it knows it is supported by Libya. Further, Libya welcomes initiatives to support the national reconciliation strategy, he said, adding that mature approach is necessary. The conflict between the different stakeholders is very frustrating for the Libyan people. This conflict will recur if radical solutions to the problems are not found.

However, despite all the initiatives and dialogues over the past years, he pointed out that national reconciliation has not been addressed properly. All tracks that have been introduced have been either political, military or economic. We can call them technical tracks; none of them have been addressing the root cause of the conflicts which is national reconciliation, he said. Therefore, it was important to support the national reconciliation track, he said, calling on the African Union and the United Nations to support those efforts. We need to heal the nation, he said, stressing that without that all that is being done will not succeed. There should be an end to all forms of foreign presence. The powers in the past who were enemies have given priorities to their own interests. Now, priority has to be given to the national interests of Libya and build a modern State of law.


See original here:
Security Council: Libya | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases - United Nations

Joint Statement on the Situation in Libya – United States Department of State – Department of State

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The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America, France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom:

Begin Text:

France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America welcome the progress made in the talks between the Joint Committee of the House of Representatives and High State Council in Cairo facilitated by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). We welcome the degree of consensus reached so far towards agreement and appreciate the work of Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General Stephanie Williams and UNSMIL.

We call on the House of Representatives, the High State Council, and their leaders to urgently finalize the legal basis so that credible, transparent, and inclusive presidential and parliamentary elections can be held as soon as possible, as set out in UNSCR 2570 (2021), the LPDF Roadmap, the Libya Stabilization Conference, the Berlin II conference conclusions, and the declaration of the Paris Conference on Libya.

The LPDF roadmap set the expiration of the transitional phase on 22 June, provided that Presidential and Parliamentary elections are held on 24 December 2021, which has not been the case. We stress the need for a unified Libyan government able to govern and deliver these elections across the country, achieved through dialogue and compromise as soon as possible. We firmly reject actions that could lead to violence or to greater divisions in Libya, such as the creation of parallel institutions, any attempt to seize power through force, or refusal of peaceful transition of power to a new executive formed through a legitimate and transparent process. We urge Libyan political leaders to engage constructively in negotiations, including through the good offices of UNSMIL, to unlock the executive impasse and agree on a pathway to elections. We continue to expect the full implementation of the 23 October 2020 ceasefire agreement. Violence, incitement to violence, and hate speech are inexcusable and unacceptable.

We underline that Libyas resources must be managed in a transparent, responsible, and accountable manner throughout the country, and for the benefit of the Libyan people. We urge Libyas leaders to agree on the countrys public spending priorities and establish a joint revenue management and oversight structure through continuing engagement with the Berlin Process Economic Working Group.

End Text

See more here:
Joint Statement on the Situation in Libya - United States Department of State - Department of State