Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

splinter cell black list (benghazi libya ) safe house mission – Video

splinter cell black list (benghazi libya ) safe house mission
splinter cell black list (benghazi libya ) safe house mission by fathy tarek.

By: Fathy Tarek

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splinter cell black list (benghazi libya ) safe house mission - Video

Libya’s Constitution: Libyan delegation Studies Tunisian Model – Video

Libya #39;s Constitution: Libyan delegation Studies Tunisian Model
Against the background of intense fighting, Libya is in the midst of a power struggle between the General National Congress, based in Tripoli, and the new parliament which is based in Tobrouk....

By: CCTV Africa

See the article here:
Libya's Constitution: Libyan delegation Studies Tunisian Model - Video

Libya – Lonely Planet

Libya is a crossroads of history, continents and ancient empires. Home to the Mediterraneans richest store of Roman and Greek cities Sabratha, Cyrene and, above all, Leptis Magna each of which is overlaid by remnants of Byzantine splendour, its a place where history comes alive through the extraordinary monuments on its shores. Every corner of cosmopolitan Tripoli resonates with a different period of history. Its where the Sahara meets the Mediterranean.

Libya is also home to Africas most exceptional and accessible desert scenery. The Sahara engulfs over 90% of the country, offering up vast sand seas the size of small European countries. Visit the enchanting oasis towns of Ghadames and Ghat, where the caravans once showcased the riches of Africa. Marvel at palm-fringed lakes surrounded by sand dunes in the deserts heart. Be bewitched by extinct volcanoes, such as Waw al-Namus, where black sand encircles multicoloured lakes. Go deeper into the desert and experience Jebel Acacus, one of the worlds finest open-air galleries of prehistoric rock art.

One important point to note is that visits to Libya can only be made as part of an organised tour. While those of you accustomed to travelling independently would probably love the chance to do so in Libya, remember that Libya is a vast country and on a tour youll be able to cover so much more territory than you otherwise could. Remember also that organised groups can be as small as a party of one (plus guide) and with most tour companies you can design your own itinerary.

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Libya - Lonely Planet

Libya: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News – The Huffington Post

After weeks of fighting, an Islamist and jihadist alliance led by Ansar al-Sharia--a group with ties to Islamic State (formerly ISIS)--has taken control of Benghazi and declared an "Islamic Emirate."

The number of times that Sen. McCain hasn't just been wrong, but deadly wrong, on matters of our security is nearly impossible to count. Maybe the DC fishbowl has convinced itself that McCain has been prescient. Well, I'm here to give them a quick education, because many of us who have served in the these conflicts are less convinced.

Jon Soltz

Co-Founder of, Iraq War Veteran

If there was ever a J.R.R. Tolkien moment in the Libya conflict, it has arrived. The forces of good and evil are fighting the future of Libya.

The American public isn't exactly strongly supportive of Obama's foreign policy right now, but one thing the public really doesn't support is getting involved with any of the various conflicts raging over there. We are still -- again, according to the polls -- a pretty war-weary nation.

Nearly 12 years ago, the United States Congress, representing the American people, provided President George W. Bush with the authorization to invade Iraq. Friday, seemingly under this same authorization, American bombs fell again on Iraq.

Matthew Hoh

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Libya: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News - The Huffington Post

U.N. Security Council passes Libya resolution over secret airstrikes


(CNN) -- The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a resolution on Libya on Wednesday that calls for an immediate ceasefire and includes sanctions for those involved in violence there.

The Security Council's move came amid worsening conflict in Libya -- and a day after the Pentagon said it believes Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have been conducting secret airstrikes in the North African nation.

That claim has been denied by Egyptian leaders and apparently dismissed by a UAE minister.

The allegation was first made at the weekend by militants from an alliance of Islamist and Misrata militias -- known as the Libya Dawn forces -- who have been battling rival moderate militias from the western city of Zintan.

The alliance wrested control of Tripoli International Airport from the Zintan militia groups Saturday night after airstrikes targeting locations held by their own forces.

The claims of outside military intervention have sparked fears that Libya has become the latest arena in a regional battle for influence between Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE on one hand and Turkey and Qatar on the other.

Libya continues to be beset by instability -- politically, militarily and otherwise -- nearly three years after the revolution that toppled former strongman leader Moammar Gadhafi. That has included extensive violence, much of it involving increasingly powerful militias that have outgunned the nation's central government.

Late last month, the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, the United Nations and other international organizations and businesses evacuated their staffs due to the unrest.

The U.N. resolution calls for an end to the fighting and for those responsible to be held accountable.

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U.N. Security Council passes Libya resolution over secret airstrikes