Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libya imposes total ban on fish exports and orders creation of three-month strategic food stock – Libya Herald

Libya imposed a total ban yesterday on the export of all types of fish effective immediately. It also announced the plan to create a three-month strategic stock of basic foods

The announcements came following a meeting held yesterday headed by Economy Minister Mohamed Hwej to discuss the mechanism of regulating the local market, the flow of goods and controlling their prices.

As well as key relevant government departments, the Economy Ministry reported that the meeting included security departments, several businessmen, mill owners and companies manufacturing and supplying foodstuffs.

During the meetings, the attendees discussed the problems and obstacles facing mills and companies in providing raw materials and importing basic commodities in large quantities, represented in opening credits for collection and the repercussions of the global political crisis on export and import operations and the high costs of shipping.

Minister of Economy Hwej stressed that the ministry will take a number of necessary measures to solve problems and overcome difficulties facing businessmen and suppliers, and form a working team headed by the Minister of State for Economic Affairs and membership of the law enforcement agencies to communicate and coordinate with the relevant authorities in the state, including the Audit Bureau and the Central Bank of Libya to provide the necessary facilities regarding opening cash against document credits.

He directed the owners of mills and companies manufacturing and importing food commodities to provide a strategic stockpile for a period of no less than three months, indicating that the ministry will begin setting the prices of basic commodities and referring them to the controlling authorities for implementation and control of violators and speculators within the framework of organizing the local market and achieving stability and food security for the citizen.

See the original post here:
Libya imposes total ban on fish exports and orders creation of three-month strategic food stock - Libya Herald

New tourist sea voyage to be opened between Libya, Turkish Cyprus and south east Turkey – Libya Herald

Turkey is planning to attract tourists from Libya and other southern Mediterranean countries to its southern shores via a soon-to-be-opened maritime transportation route, Turkeys Daily Sabah reported on Sunday.

The Hatay Sea Bus (HADO), which will also serve as the sea border gate, is scheduled to start its voyages at the end of May. The first passengers will be transported from the region to the Gazimausa (Famagusta) Port of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Later, the route will also serve as a sea bridge between the southern Turkish city of Hatay in Antakya and several southern Mediterranean countries, including Libya. Antakya borders Syria and shares many cultural Arab traits. Hatay had originally been a part of Syria, butTurkey annexed the region in 1939.

The article did not mention which port in Libya will be served, but it is highly likely to be the port of Misrata which already serves a route to Izmir which recently changed destination to Istanbul

In response to customer demand, Misratas passenger ferry line is changed to run from Misrata to Istanbul instead of to Izmir LibyaHerald

Misrata Passenger Terminal receives first passenger cruiser linking Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt LibyaHerald

Tunisian ambassador affirms desire to operate lines to Misrata Maritime Terminal | (

Misrata Maritime Terminal preparing to launch cruise trips to Istanbul after Eid | (

Benghazi port development discussed, including PPP investment model for passenger terminal and yacht marina | (

Egyptian ambassador visits Misrata, seeks increased cooperation | (

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New tourist sea voyage to be opened between Libya, Turkish Cyprus and south east Turkey - Libya Herald

Czech ambassador to Libya supports Williams initiative – The Libya Observer

UN Special Adviser on Libya, Stephanie Williams, convened a meeting with the Czech Republic Ambassador to Libya, Jan Vytal, in Tunis, on Friday.

"Ambassador Vytal expressed support for the UN-facilitated talks between the House of Representatives and the High State Council to build consensus on a constitutional basis to enable the holding of elections," the UN Rep wrote on Twitter.

She said they agreed on the importance of ensuring that all international efforts on Libya are both coordinated and constructive.

Following her appointment last December as Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General, Williams presented a mediation initiative to overcome the political stalemate, as she put it.

The initiative proposes the formation of a 12-member joint committee between the east-based Parliament (HoR) and the High Council of State in Tripoli, which task is to establish a consensual constitutional basis for holding elections as soon as possible.

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Czech ambassador to Libya supports Williams initiative - The Libya Observer

EU reiterates need to preserve oil revenues and institutions of Libya – The Libya Observer

The EU Ambassador to Libya, Sabadell Jose, has reiterated the need to preserve Libya's oil revenues and the independence and impartiality of its institutions, including the Central Bank and the state-run oil company (NOC).

"In current exceptional circumstances, in Libya and globally, it is for Libyans to ensure that oil revenues continue and benefit all Libyans. An independent and well-resourced NOC and a unified Central Bank are indispensable, the EU official tweeted on Friday.

He described the meeting between the CBL and the Ministry of Finance with the co-chairs of the UN mission, the US embassy, and Egypt as very good.

Sabadell also expressed aspiration to work with all actors willing to play a constructive role based on dialogue and consensus.

He said the EU is looking forward to ensuring that the economy becomes an engine for peace and that oil income is managed for the benefit of all Libyans and preserved from corruption or mismanagement.

The rest is here:
EU reiterates need to preserve oil revenues and institutions of Libya - The Libya Observer

Russias attempts to redeploy mercenaries from Syria and Libya to Ukraine unsuccessful so far – Ukrinform

Russias attempts to redeploy mercenaries from Syria and Libya and parts of its units in the Far East to the war against Ukraine have been unsuccessful so far.

"As for the overall situation around Ukraine and the hottest spots on the front line, they have not changed over the past day and have no chance of change because the Russian Federation has exhausted its resources. Its attempts to redeploy mercenaries from Syria and Libya and their units in the Far East have been unsuccessful so far. That is, they [Russians] have no reserves, both in our opinion and in the opinion of leading Western experts," Oleksiy Arestovych, a non-staff adviser to the Head of the President's Office, said at a briefing, Ukrinform reports.

Arestovych noted that the main efforts of the Russian invaders were focused on the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine, but yesterday, according to him, the enemy suffered losses near Izium and Mykolayiv and "get stuck in tactical battles, which to some extent unfold even in favor of Ukraine."

Earlier, the General Staff informed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted devastating blows on groups of occupying troops in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and went on the counteroffensive in some areas as of the morning of March 16.


See original here:
Russias attempts to redeploy mercenaries from Syria and Libya to Ukraine unsuccessful so far - Ukrinform