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Libya has imposed, by means of a directive, a restriction onforeigners registering trademarks in the country, with effect fromNovember 1, 2022. The European Commission's website states that"Libya's trademark office has suspended the acceptance oftrademark applications and registrations filed by foreignapplicants".
According to the administrative directive of Libya'sMinistry of Economy and Trade, the trademark office limited itsoperation of new trademark registrations arising from foreignapplicants, while the status of pending procedures concerningforeign-owned trademarks is still not clear.
The office has reported that its activities will be limitedto the following:
"The religious and politicalinfluences are quite evident within the trademark protection scopein Libya, which is why this temporary suspension for trademarkregistration by foreign applicants does not come as asurprise."
Libya has been going through a context of instability plagued bypolitical conflicts since the overthrow of former leader Muammaral-Gaddafi in 2011, who ruled the country for over 30 years. Thecountry has, since then, been divided between two main factions:the internationally recognised Government of NationalAccordwhich is based in the capital city ofTripoliand the Libyan National Army (led by General KhalifaHaftar) based in the eastern city of Tobruk.
Apart from this, there are also several armed militias operatingthroughout the country, each with its own alliances, creating avolatile and unpredictable situation favourable to politicalinstability.
In March, Libya's High Council of State voted for aconstitutional amendment intended to provide a basis for electionsand a diplomatic representative from the UN for Libya moved to takecharge of a stalled political process to enable elections that areseen as the path to resolving years of conflict.
This ongoing conflict has disrupted the country's legal andregulatory framework, including intellectual property laws.Furthermore, the country's economy is heavily reliant on oiland gas exports, which have been severely impacted by the conflict.Thus, Libya's economy has suffered greatly with the disruptionof production and exports, which led to high unemployment,inflation, and a shortage of basic goods and services.
Foreign investment plays an important role in the economicdevelopment of a country, providing wealth, expertise, andtechnology, amongst other factors. However, not allowing foreignersto register their trademarks creates legal uncertainty as it makesestablishing a strong and stable presence in the Libyan marketdifficult. This policy discourages foreign investment, which iscrucial for job creation and economic growth.
In addition, the Libyan government has a history ofnationalising foreign-owned assets, which has created a lack oftrust between foreign investors and the government.
Regarding trademark registration, it's worth noting thatLibya's legal system is based on Islamic law (Sharia). It hasbecome the country's official legal system after the overthrowof former leader Muammar al-Gaddafi. The impact on how religioninfluences trademark registration in Libya is noticeable.
Ins Sequeira approached this subject in an article describing the nuances of such influence: "Libyantrademark law prohibits the registration of certain categories oftrademarks, including those seen as 'violating public morals orpublic order' (...) or those that are 'identical or similarto symbols constituting a purely religious nature' (...). Inpractice, this means that trademarks referencing banned substancesare regularly refused (eg, pork products in Class 29 and alcoholicbeverages in Classes 32 and 33). In addition, trademarks thatincorporate non-Islamic religious symbols, such as the Christiancross or Christmas-related goods (eg, Christmas trees in Class 28)are also refused."
The religious and political influences are quite evident withinthe trademark protection scope in Libya, which is why thistemporary suspension for trademark registration by foreignapplicants does not come as a surprise.
Indeed, without a functioning central government, there is avery challenging environment for businesses operating in thecountry. As a result, obtaining trademark registration can be acomplex and difficult process, and there may be significantobstacles to overcoming the legal and regulatory landscape.
The Libyan government's policy of not allowing foreigntrademark registration in the country has significant economic andpolitical implications. The absence of a unified legal system, theleftovers of nationalising foreign assets, and the challengingbusiness climate in Libya have all contributed to making itdifficult for foreign investors to operate in the country.
The policy of not allowing foreign trademark registration maywell be contributing to the country's economic stagnation andfor this reason, it is imperative for the Libyan government toestablish a more favourable business environment for foreigninvestors.
Doing so is crucial for promoting economic growth and prosperityin Libya, by way of unlocking the full potential of foreigninvestment and long-term economic development in the country.
This is a co-published article, which was originally published in theWorld Intellectual Property Review (WIPR).
The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circumstances.
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Libya's Temporary Suspension Of Trademark Registrations By ... - Mondaq News Alerts