Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

Libya ponders more investments with France – The Libya Observer

The Libyan Minister of Economy, Mohammed Al-Huweij, has said the country was working on increasing investments with France as they stand now at 450 million dinars, which he thinks is below expectations.

Al-Huweij told French Radio Monte Carlo that Libya and France signed in the past several agreements that included double taxation, trade exchange, and investment, saying that the most important one was signed on October 12, 2010: a strategic partnership between Libya and France in political consultation, transportation, security, military and nuclear energy cooperation.

Al-Huweij indicated that Libya aims to implement an investment plan to diversify economic growth and break away from utter dependence on oil, saying the plan focuses on renewable energies, services, agriculture, and industries to increase the GDP from 40 billion dollars to 250 billion a year, adding that this needs cooperation with the European Union and other countries.

"Libya is an aspiring country that has a strategic location within the Mediterranean region, which helps attract more investments from France between the two countries' private sectors. This includes opportunities in agriculture in the south. We have agreed with France on implementing mechanism via the reactivation of the High Joint Committee and subcommittees." He further explained.

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Libya ponders more investments with France - The Libya Observer

Libya and Algeria discuss increased economic cooperation and 29 May Algerian-Libyan Economic Form | – Libya Herald

By Sami Zaptia.

Algerias ambassador discusses economic cooperation with Libyas General Union of Chambers of Commerce (Photo: General Union of Chambers).

London, 18 May 2021:

Libya and Algeria discussed increased economic cooperation and the 29 May Algerian-Libyan Economic Form.

The discussions took place during a meeting today between the head of the General Union of Libyan Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Mohamed Al-Raeid and Algerian Ambassador to Libya, Kamal Abdel-Gader Hejazy, at the Chambers Tripoli headquarters.

The two parties discussed the programme and objectives of the Algerian-Libyan Economic Forum and cooperation and economic integration between the two countries in numerous areas. This included desert agriculture, facilitating procedures for the movement of goods between the two sides without any restrictions, in addition to opening airspace and maritime connectivity between the two countries.

The meeting also touched on the possibility of benefiting from Algerian expertise in extending gas networks to buildings and opening the border crossing between the two countries.

See the article here:
Libya and Algeria discuss increased economic cooperation and 29 May Algerian-Libyan Economic Form | - Libya Herald

Migrants will keep coming from Libya to Europe in huge numbers unless the EU rethinks its misguided foreign policy – RT

As European leaders focus on tougher border security to address mass migration from Libya, they are ignoring the main culprit for this problem: the destabilizing effect of EU foreign policy in a country already wracked by war.

Over the past week mostly over the span of just a single day 2,000 new migrants to Europe have crowded Italys first-entry point on the small island of Lampedusa, in and around a reception center that can only hold 200 people.

The migrants have come mainly from Libya, a country in focus as a target recipient of expensive, highly controversial EU migration-control funding. Yet, as European politicians again wrangle over what to do with the new arrivals, they ought to be considering how their unsustainable migration-control programs in war-torn Libya actually worsen the problem.

This controversy has come increasingly into the spotlight with the publication on Monday of an internal document of the EUs Council of Ministers, released under a freedom-of-information request, that has revealed major fault lines among EU member states on how to deport the large numbers of rejected asylum seekers from Libya and other non-EU countries.

Detailing a January meeting of the IMEX (Expulsion) Working Party on the EUs new proposals for returning irregular migrants to their countries of origin, the report recounts ongoing efforts by the European Commission to create the position of return coordinator liaising with Frontex, the EUs border agency, to implement bloc-wide returns of illegal migrants whose asylum applications never materialize or are rejected.

Under the current proposals, an EU country could choose to fund the deportation of failed asylum seekers instead of taking them in, but if the deportations did not happen within eight months, that country would have to transfer the migrants to its own territory.

The report goes on to point out that frontline member states, which presumably include Italy, considered that eight months was too long for the time allotted to arrange the deportation of a failed asylum seeker in the EU, citing the argument that only a shorter deadline can guarantee that they do not abscond.

But the dangerous spiral of high-volume irregular migration coupled with complicated deportation enforcement really begins abroad, thanks to a single-minded EU obsession with curtailing migration rather than addressing its root causes. This thinking spurs EU officials to bribe authoritarian regimes under the guise of humanitarian aid, merely to stem the flow of migrants, while doing little if anything for their meaningful reintegration into their countries of origin.

Libya is now the burning fuse threatening to explode this misguided EU foreign policy into further cynical backlash over what to do about migration in domestic European politics. On the front line, Lampedusas mayor Salvatore Martello claims the Libyan government has turned on the taps in letting more migrants cross over to Italy, referencing the recent prevalence of big dinghies and fishing boats bringing 300 migrants or more each. The steel-hulled boats, significantly larger and sturdier than the rubber dinghies in wide use earlier, require port clearance to embark on the Mediterranean Sea, which could indicate the complicity of Libyan authorities.

Further exacerbating this situation is the stark reality that several factions armed to the teeth are currently contesting full sovereignty over Libya, with migrants often held hostage to the resulting political and military hostilities. Rebel warlord General Khalifa Haftar currently controls a large swath of eastern Libyan territory, while in the west, Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, leader of the Government of National Unity (GNU) nominally running Libya with UN endorsement, holds a seat of power in the capital, Tripoli. Although Dbeibeh has the official support of the EU, granular complexity emerges beneath the surface: France, for one, is alleged to be among the countries supporting Haftar militarily.

But the whirlpool of Libyan civil strife is immensely complicated by the running battle that Haftar, chiefly backed by the UAE and Egypt, is fighting with Islamist militias threatening his and the unity governments bid for full authority militias that are heavily involved in the illegal smuggling networks sending migrants to Italy.

If Martellos accusations are true, they could point to the possibility of two warring sides both turning the spigot of migration on for different ends. The GNU might be trying to raise its price for the increased exertions in patrolling its coast, turning migrants back into Libya, and keeping them in a country suffering under enormous humanitarian strains.

As part of EU foreign-aid schemes, 700 million euros have gone to Tripoli over the past several years, some of it paid to equip and train the Libyan coastguard to return migrants attempting a sea crossing to Europe, and some paid to keep the returnees in Libyan detention centers. Since 2017, the Tripoli government has been implementing its side of the deal, but with an economy that contracted by over 30% amid the ravages of Covid-19 in 2020, Dbeibeh may think playing the migration card is a way to obtain an economic stimulus from Brussels via foreign aid that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

The Islamist militias threatening both Dbeibeh and Haftar, however, may themselves be escalating the migration outflow for their own designs, and in doing so they have a powerful motive. According to Italys intelligence service, 70,000 migrants-in-waiting in Libya are gearing up to attempt the Mediterranean crossing into Europe, with the new arrivals from Libya to Italy having already tripled from roughly 4,000 in the first part of 2020 to 13,000 in the first part of 2021. That type of demand creates opportunity and leverage for the militia-controlled smuggling networks on the Libyan coast.

As the militias have seen their interests marginalized by the government in Tripoli, keeping their migrant-smuggling operations going at full tilt has become a means not only of revenue but also of political protest an attempt to erode the legitimacy of a government that, with millions in EU aid money, is supposed to be bolstering the protection and assistance of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people yet has little to show for it.

Still, Brussels keeps focusing on returns, but not real amelioration of the security situation that has caused migrants to flee. Once illegal migrants are returned to Libya with EU funding and assistance, European concern largely ends there, even though subsequently many returnees face unlawful detention, torture, starvation, and even slavery, in a vortex of human-rights abuses which all sides in the conflict have been accused of perpetrating giving the migrants more of a reason than before to attempt the crossing into Europe again.

Many of the migrant detention centers in Libya for returnees, supported by part of the 455 million-euro EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, have actually been little more than prisons on militia bases, where detained migrants have sometimes been forced at gunpoint to manufacture weapons for their Islamist captors.

One such center in Tajoura was hit by a Haftar-ordered airstrike in 2019 that killed over 50 migrants, even though the Libyan general knew in advance the coordinates of all detention centers in the country, thanks to information supplied to his forces by the International Organization for Migration. Yet, even after the airstrike, returnees were still sent to Tajoura under the aegis of EU aid funds.

In the EU, domestic grabs to take advantage of the situation politically and efforts to streamline deportations can help rally voters, but they stop short of remodeling the root of the problem.

Citing a 9% decline in the Italian economy in 2020 caused by the pandemic, League party leader Matteo Salvini has argued for stricter border-control measures from Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, leader of the coalition government in which the League is a member. With millions of Italians in economic difficulty, we cannot look after thousands of clandestine migrants, he said.

Giorgia Meloni is attempting to outflank her rival Salvini on the Italian right, having demanded a naval blockade to halt the operations of migrant smugglers off the Libyan coast.

Even Michel Barnier, the EUs former lead Brexit negotiator, has entered the fray in a bid to help the center-right Les Republicains in forthcoming French elections by calling on the EU to suspend immigration from non-EU countries for up to five years.

But promoting stricter migration control policies at home while funding authoritarian elements to pick up the slack on that policy abroad has already contributed to a human rights fiasco in Libya. It is easy for European politicians to score political points by playing up the border security implications of the dilemma. It is tougher, but more necessary, for them to examine the ways in which the EUs foreign policies have fed the migration crisis placing returned migrants in a Libyan security quagmire so severe that braving the perilous journey to Lampedusa is deemed less dangerous.

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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

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Migrants will keep coming from Libya to Europe in huge numbers unless the EU rethinks its misguided foreign policy - RT

400 refugees saved in 72 hours off Libyan coast with no help from European authorities – Morning Star Online

CIVILIAN refugee rescuers have saved the lives of more than 400 people in just 72 hours in the central Mediterranean with no help from the European maritime authorities.

The activist-run emergency hotline organisation Alarm Phone alerted the crew of the Sea-Eye 4 to 50 people in need of rescue on Friday as they reached the Libyan search-and-rescue (SAR) zone.

All they found, however, was an empty wooden boat missing its motor, Kai Echelmeyer, a spokesman for the German charity Sea-Eye, which operates the ship, told the Star today.

Though areconnaissance plane belonging to the European Border & Coastguard Agency (Frontex) had been circling the boat before the Sea-Eye 4 arrived, it had failed to communicate with the rescuers.

Everything indicates that the people were illegally pushed back to Libya by the so-called Libyan coastguardwith the help of Frontex,Mr Echelmeyer said.

Later that day the crew brought on board two Libyan men who had tried to cross the world's deadliest border in a small motorboat.

From 11am Sunday to noon today, the Sea-Eye 4 launched five rescue operations and rescued more than 400 people.

This shows again the indispensable need of sea rescue in the Mediterranean.

The ships third rescue only happened because the crew spotted a circulating Frontex plane and eventually found about 170 people.Again, Mr Echelmeyer said, Frontex did not notify the Sea-Eye 4 of the distress case.

The last rescue, which Alarm Phone alerted Sea-Eye to, took place within Maltas SAR-zone,he said.Nevertheless the European authorities did not communicate with us at all."

These examples show yet again that Europes policy in the central Mediterranean is either letting people drown or helping the Libyans push them back into a country at civil war.

Having saved hundreds of lives on its maiden voyage, the Sea-Eye 4 is now calling on the European authorities to provide the rescue ship with a safe port to disembark, as international maritime law dictates.

Sea-Eyes previous ship, the Alan Kurdi, was finally allowed to leave the Italian island of Sardinia last month after spending six months in detention following the rescue of 133 people in October.

Meanwhile, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) warned today that more than 680 migrants had been intercepted and taken back to Libya on Sunday night.

IOM spokeswoman Safa Msheli said on social media today that support to Libyan SAR entities should be contingent on no-one being arbitrarily detained or subjected to human rights violations.

Without such guarantees, such support should be reconsidered.

On Thursday she reported that nearly 8,000 migrants have been intercepted and returned to Libya so far this year.Today there are only some 4,000 people in official detention centres: thousands are unaccounted for.

See the original post:
400 refugees saved in 72 hours off Libyan coast with no help from European authorities - Morning Star Online

More than 150 Tunisian institutions confirmed for the 23-25 May Libyan Tunisian Economic Forum | – Libya Herald

By Sami Zaptia.

The Libyan Tunisian exhibition 23-25 May.

London, 17 May 2021:

More than 150 Tunisian institutions from various sectors have confirmed their presence to exhibit their products and services at the Libyan Tunisian Economic Forum: Towards Linking with Africa.

The revelation was made yesterday by the co-organizers, the Tunisian African Business Council (TABC). TABC also revealed that more than 1000 Tunisian participants will visit Tripoli to follow the activities of the event.

The event will be held at the Tripoli International Fairgrounds from 23-25 May.

The event is co-organized by TABC, in partnership with the Sebha Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, the Libyan General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, the Tripoli Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and the Libyan Export Promotion Centre.

The Libyan Tunisian Exhibition 23-25 May | (

Tunisia to increase fruit exports to Libya which imports 70 percent of its production | (

Libyan-Tunisian cross land border trade back to its peak | (

Tunisian ambassador visits Misrata Chamber to strengthen economic cooperation | (

Tunisian ambassador affirms desire to operate lines to Misrata Maritime Terminal | (

Misrata Maritime Terminal preparing to launch cruise trips to Istanbul after Eid | (

Passenger and goods shipping line between Tunisian ports and Misrata are being considered | (

Libya and Tunisia reactivate Ras Ajdir unified customs window agreement to strengthen bilateral trade and flow of travellers | (

Libyan-Tunisia fund for Libyan reconstruction being considered: Libyan-Tunisian Businessmen Council | (

Tunisian President Kais Saied makes historic official visit to Libya | (

Investment, fishing, agriculture and construction identified as areas of increased Libyan-Tunisian cooperation at Sfax conference | (

Libya and Tunisia discuss cross border municipality bloc for better economic cooperation | (

Libya seeks Tunisian help in vocational training and workers in fishing, agriculture and health sectors | (

Passenger and vehicle traffic running smoothly at Libyan-Tunisian Ras Jedir land border | (

Libya-Tunisia border will not be closed under any circumstances: Tunisian PM Mechichi | (

Tunisia approves reopening of Libya land border to passengers | (

Libya-Tunisia agreement on unified health protocol to pave way for opening borders | (

Tunisias new ambassador to Libya hands in credentials | (

Read more from the original source:
More than 150 Tunisian institutions confirmed for the 23-25 May Libyan Tunisian Economic Forum | - Libya Herald