Archive for the ‘Machine Learning’ Category

inPowered Selected by ANA as Winner of ‘Best Use of AI/Machine Learning’ Category at 2020 B2 Awards – Yahoo Finance

Content Marketing Has an ROI Problem & AI Can Fix That

SAN FRANCISCO, July 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --inPowered, the AI platform delivering business outcomes with content marketing, was awarded the top honors for the "Best Use of AI/Machine Learning" categoryat the 2020 Association of National Advertiser's B2 Awards. This marks the first time that inPowered has received this accolade from the ANA, one of the most highly regarded organizations within the advertising and marketing space.

The entry, titled "Content Marketing has an ROI Problem & AI Can Solve That," discussed the current pain point surrounding measurement and ROI that continues to frustrate marketers. inPowered has challenged the industry standard of evaluating success based off "CPC" or "CPM" by inventing a new content economy to measure KPIs; one that concentrates on consumer engagement versus clicks and impressions. Powered by an artificial intelligence (AI) engine, inPowered's proprietary technology doesn't optimize for clicks but instead for interactions that last a minimum of 15 seconds with each piece of content. This focus on authentically engaged users allows data collected from the technology to guide consumers towards post-click engagement and next-action business outcomes; resulting in a digital funnel entirely optimized for achieving real results and establishing concrete key performance indicators at the lowest cost per engagement.

"Since inception our mission has been to deliver real business outcomes with content marketing, as opposed to the vanity metrics like clicks and impressions that come from display advertising," said Peyman Nilforoush, CEO and Co-Founder at inPowered."This award from the ANA highlights the enormous opportunity for brands to achieve real ROI with content marketing by utilizing AI-powered content distribution, instead of DSP's or ad-network buys that result in expensive costs per visit, low times on-site and high bounce rates from un-engaged users."

The Association of National Advertisers had their biggest year yet with submissions for the 2020 B2 Awards, receiving hundreds of entries across more than three dozen categories. As the largest & oldest marketing organization in the United States, the ANA's mission is to drive growth for marketing professionals, brands and businesses, and for the industry as a whole. "B2B marketing is a cornerstone of our industry, and these awards honor the best and the brightest in the business," said Bob Liodice, Chief Executive Officer at the ANA.


inPowered is the AI platform built to deliver business outcomes with content marketing. Using inPowered's artificial intelligence-powered technology, brands are able to increase the ROI of their content marketing initiatives by optimizing advertising spend towards the lowest cost across channels; as well as placing calls to action at optimized times to convert already-engaged audiences into tangible business outcomes. The company was founded in 2014 by Peyman Nilforoush and Pirouz Nilforoush after selling their previous company to Ziff Davis.


Chelsea Waite, Director of Communications(415)

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inPowered Selected by ANA as Winner of 'Best Use of AI/Machine Learning' Category at 2020 B2 Awards - Yahoo Finance

Machine Learning & Cloud Technologies can make you a valuable resource today: Heres how you can succeed – Times of India

A few years or even months ago, if we were asked about the importance of cloud technology and the ability to remotely access data in a secure manner, there would be few businesses that would show interest. However, in recent times, cloud technologies have proven to be the backbone of running a business. As remote working becomes the norm, the focus has quickly shifted to IT Infracture of companies and Machine Learning & Cloud Computing have finally been recognised for the key role that they play in any business. And so the question of whether you are up to date with the latest changes and revolutions in the industry comes to the forefront.

There are many who have analysed this trend and recognised the power that a key understanding of ML & Cloud can have in their career. Cloud technologies not only empower the IT team to provision new application servers and infrastructure on the go but also gives businesses the power to commission and decommission IT infrastructure at a much faster pace. What would have once taken hours or even days can easily be achieved in just a few minutes, thanks to Cloud Technology. upGrad has understood this fast-paced growth of the industry. IIT Madras, in association with upGrad, has designed an online program that can equip you with the required skill set as well as knowledge to set foot in this industry.

The Importance of ML & Cloud Anyone in the world of Information Technology and management knows that Machine Learning and cloud are the future of every industry. Big Data already plays a key role in every decision-making process and focusing on ML & Cloud today can truly help you revamp your career in an impressive and interesting avenue. The Advanced Certification in Machine Learning and Cloud from IIT Madras in association with upGrad offers just that, with utmost ease and comfort.

What the Advanced Certification in Machine Learning and Cloud Program OffersThe 12-month program which offers Advanced Certification from IIT Madras is a brilliant introduction to Machine Learning and also serves as the perfect tool to gain some practical knowledge in this field. The program has been designed to particularly appease ML enthusiasts who are keen on accelerating in this field by giving them a key understanding of machine learning models using Cloud.

Who is the program designed for? The 12-month program requires 12-15 hours of your undivided attention per work, making it a perfect choice not only for freshers but also senior professionals who are looking to accustom their skills with the new developments in technology. The Advanced Certification in Machine Learning and Cloud is priced at a nominal Rs 2,00,000 and you can also avail the no-cost EMI option that makes this program all the more accessible.

Why upGrad?upGrad has already made a name for itself in the Ed-tech segment. Not only does it provide reliable and articulately designed courses that help amplify your career graph but it also has an array of accolades to the brand name. For the Advanced Certification in Machine Learning and Cloud, upGrad has partnered with more than 300 Hiring Partners as well as industry experts from leading companies like Flipkart, Gramener, among others.

"This program puts you from a beginner level to a person who can understand and provide a Machine Learning solution to any given problem provided one has the passion to learn new techniques in a rigorous manner,said Vignesh Ram, who has benefited from upGrads programs that have steered his career in the right direction.

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Machine Learning & Cloud Technologies can make you a valuable resource today: Heres how you can succeed - Times of India

Deep Learning is Coming to Hockey – Last Word on Hockey

Analytics have been transforming how we watch hockey. The revolution is just beginning. Statisticians and quantitative experts have led the way. Their impact has changed how we discuss and watch hockey.Analytics have been influential. Deep learning will be disruptive.

Advances in computing and understanding of complex relationships will massively alter the sporting landscape. Hockey will not be immune.

Every decision point is potentially affected. This will lead to impacts on and off the ice. Whoever gets there first will have an enormous competitive advantage. Think Moneyball, but with a team that maybe doesnt lose in the playoffs.

Our technology is getting smarter. Deep Learning (also known as machine learning) is coming to many aspects of life. The basic idea is using a computer to analyze complex interactions to come to conclusions. We have seen the concept applied to medicine with great results. The worlds greatest GO player has left the game after realizing the robots cant be beat. Team sports will be conquered next.

High-end computers can do mathematical calculations we humans can only dream of. This is the basis of how it can work.

Machine learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence (AI.) The focus is providing data to computers, which then learn and improve with experience. These machines arent programmed in the traditional sense, rather they are developed by allowing computers to access data and learn from it themselves.

Like in the outside world, the impacts for sports are numerous. There are many potential applications for deep learning. A look at the call for papers for the 2020 Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics conference shows what this world is working on.Expected topics include items such as:

A quick glance at the topics demonstrates the field is getting into increasingly complex issues. This has the potential to reshape coaching, management, and player development.

There is good data and bad data. Like the larger debate about analytics, the availability and value of information is of concern. The sheer number of variables in the chaotic environment on the ice makes the analysis complex. Stop and go sports like baseball and football are easier to analyze as the statistics tend to be more clear cut.

All numbers arent created equal. The issue of inconsistent stat keepers will slow progress down. A shot or a hit in one arena may not be the same in the next. Stats also become less reliable away from professional leagues, and so a close look at the numbers going in are needed to produce accuracy. Quantitative analysis is wonderful, but critical analysis to ensure accuracy is needed. In science speak, you need to operationalize things properly.

The complexity of hockey will make adopting deep learning difficult. It will be one of the last sports to truly be able to take advantage of it. There are many ways it will affect the game for fans, players, and teams. The complexity problem will be overcome.

Whos going to win? Can statistics help us understand the answer? Apparently, yes.

Predicting results has been a primary focus of deep learning applied to sports. The first tests have focused on predicting results. The potential of figuring out whos going to win, and how to efficiently bet would be lucrative for outsiders. Like in other sports, this is the first area where deep learning is likely to come.

It has been a long road, but expert pundits are falling. In the early days of deep learning, the experts at prediction on tv were better. This is changing. Back in 2003, early attempts computers were not able to beat expert pundits at prediction. Recently, a deep learning machine (75% accuracy) was able to beat the ESPN teams 63% accuracy over the same time. This is just the first step.

Football experts were the first to fall. Machine learning will change the game well beyond that. They have the ability to be early adopters in the field. Particularly as the NFL has so much money, they are likely to continue to be the league to watch for the effects of deep learning.

That said, this is spreading. It has been applied to the English Premier League and many other sports. When it arrives in the hockey world, it will change how teams manage their decision making at all levels. From who to sign as a free agent, to who to trade for, and even lineup decisions night to night. The applications are limited only to the availability of the data.

While hockey is chaotic and numbers are inconsistent, this problem can be lessened. Stathletes seem likely to be the people who do it. Hockey is well aware of the name Chayhka already. Meghan is the one to watch in this case. She was one of 3 co-founders of the company along with brother John and Neil Lane.

What they do:

Using proprietary video tracking software, Stathletes pulls together thousands of performance metrics per game and compiles analytics related to each player and team. These analytics can provide baseline benchmarking, player comparisons, line matching, and player and team performance trends. Stathletes currently tracks data in 22 leagues worldwide and sells data to a wide variety of clients, including the National Hockey League (NHL). Via FedDev

If they are using machine learning, it is not clear. If not, it seems inevitable that they will. Meghan Chayka currently works with an expert in machine learning at the TD Management Data and Analytics Lab at Rotman (business school) at University of Toronto. Seems likely they can benefit each other, and would know this. (This may be part of the reason why Arizona seems peeved at Chayka currently. They may have just become a data have not.)

Stathletes and other groups are gaining knowledge and information. They will improve as they go. The NHL is open to this, its coming.

Machine learning has arrived. As the ability to obtain information improves, it will coincide with further developments and whats to come. If you are able to follow, Neil Lane (current Stathletes CEO) is to speak at the University of Waterloo on what sports managers can learn from analytics. This should be enlightening.

Embedded items will be key. Chips and sensors in various hockey items are coming. Jerseys and pucks will be transmitting the information. Learning computers will put it together.

The impacts will be numerous. Coaches, players, agents, and teams will have considerably more knowledge. This changes decision making. Training. Diet. Trades. Penalty Kill lineups. The possibilities are endless.

Deep learning will lead to hockey having more knowledge of all aspects. If people like Pierre McGuire hate analytics now, just wait for whats to come.

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Deep Learning is Coming to Hockey - Last Word on Hockey

Do Machine Learning and AI Go Hand-in-Hand in Digital Transformation? – –

The measure of data put away by banks is quickly expanding and gives a chance to banks to lead prescient examinations and improve their organizations. In any case, data researchers are confronting significant difficulties, dealing with the considerable measure of data effectively, and producing bits of data with genuine business esteem.

Various advanced procedures and internet-based life trades produce data trails. Frameworks, sensors, and cell phones transmit data. Big data is touching base from different sources with disturbing speed, volume, and assortment. Consistently 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are made, and 90% of the data on the planet today was delivered inside the previous two years.

In this significant data period, the measure of data put away by any bank is quick extending, and the idea of the data has turned out to be increasingly unpredictable. These patterns give a gigantic chance to a bank to upgrade its organizations. Generally, banks have attempted to extricate data from an example of its inside data and delivered occasional reports to improve future essential leadership. These days, with the accessibility of immense measures of standardized and unstructured data from both inside and outside sources. There is expanded weight and spotlight on getting an endeavor perspective on the client efficiently. This further empowers a bank to direct significant scale client experience investigation and addition more profound bits of data for clients, channels, and the whole showcase.

With the advancement of new financial administrations, banks databases are developing to adjust to business needs. Subsequently, these databases have turned out to be incredibly mind-boggling. Since customarily organized data is spared in tables, there is much open door for expanded intricacy. For instance, another table in a database is included for another business or another database replaces the past one for a business framework update. Besides the internal data sources, there are standardized data from outside sources like financial, statistic, and geographic data. To guarantee the consistency and precision of the data, a standard data arrangement is characterized by organized data.

The development of unstructured data makes a much higher multifaceted nature. While some unstructured data can start from inside a bank, including web log documents, call records, and video replays, increasingly more can be gotten from outside sources, for example, internet based life data from Twitter**, Facebook**, and WeChat. The unstructured data is usually put away as records as opposed to database tables. A great many documents with tens or several terabytes of data can be successfully overseen on the BigInsights stage. this is an Apache Hadoop-based, equipment freethinker programming stage that gives better approaches for utilizing different and big-scale data accumulations alongside implicit explanatory capacities

Since unstructured data isnt sorted out in a well-characterized way, extra work must be done to move the data into a regularized or schematized structure before displaying it. The IBM SPSS Analytic Server (AS) gives big data investigation capacities, including incorporated help for unstructured prescient examination from the Hadoop condition. It very well may be utilized to draw legitimately and inquiry the data put away in BigInsights, dispensing with the need to move data and empowering ideal execution on a lot of data. Using apparatuses given by AS, strategies for normalizing unstructured data can be planned and actualized on a standard calendar without composing complex code and contents.

Indeed, even organized data needs extra data planning to improve the data quality on BigInsights with Big SQL (Structured Query Language), which is, an apparatus given by BigInsights as a blend of a SQL interface and parallel preparing for taking care of big data. It very well may be utilized to deal with insufficient, erroneous, or insignificant data effectively. Besides, some factual techniques are executed using Big SQL to lessen the effect of the clamor in the data. For instance, a few data nonsensical qualities are recognized and dispensed with; a few highlights are standardized or positioned. Along these lines, some exceptionally suspected anomalies are controlled from impeding the investigation. This progression helps separate signs from the commotion in significant data examination.

When every one of the data has been arranged and purified, a data combination procedure is directed on BigInsights. Data from numerous sources are consolidated, and the coordinated data is put away in a data stockroom, in which the connections between tables are well-characterized. The data clashes because of heterogeneous sources are settled. Each full join between meals with a great many occurrences should be possible on BigInsights in minutes, which for the most part, takes hours without the parallel processing procedure. Given the data stockroom, many traits can be related to every client, and a united undertaking client view is produced.

1. Customer division and inclination examination: This module delivers fine-grained client divisions in which clients share similar inclination for various sub-branches or market locales. Because of these outcomes, banks can get further bits of data in their client qualities and preferences, to improve consumer loyalty and accomplish exactness advertising by customizing banking items and administrations, just as showcasing messages. This is one of the most significant advantages of big data analytics in banking sector.

2. Potential client distinguishing proof: This module enables banks to recognize potential high-income or steadfast clients who are probably going to wind up beneficial to the bank. However, we are at present, not clients. With this strategy, banks can get an increasingly complete and exact objective client list for high-esteem clients, which can improve showcasing productivity and carry tremendous benefits to the banks.

3. Customer system investigation: By getting client and item proclivity through an examination of internet-based life systems, the client organizes inquiry can improve client maintenance, strategically pitch, and up-sell.

4. Market potential examination: Using financial, statistic, and geographic data, this module creates spatial conveyance for both existing clients and potential clients. With the market potential conveyance map, banks can have an unmistakable diagram of the objective clients areas. To distinguish the client from concentrating/lacking territories for contributing/stripping, which will bolster the banks client promoting and investigation.

5. Channel assignment and activity streamlining: Based on the banks system and spatial conveyance of client assets, this module improves the arrangement (i.e., area, type) and tasks of administration channels (i.e., retail bank or computerized/automated teller machine). Expanding income, consumer loyalty, and reach against expenses can improve client maintenance and draw in new clients.

Business data (BI) devices are fit for recognizing potential dangers related to cash loaning forms in banks. With the assistance of big data examination, banks can dissect the market inclines and choose to bring down or to expand loan fees for various people crosswise over different locales.

Data section blunders from manual structures can be decreased to a base as extensive data bring up peculiarities in client data as well.

With misrepresentation recognition calculations, clients who have poor FICO ratings can be distinguished, so banks dont advance cash to them. One more big application in banking is restricting the rates of deceitful or questionable exchanges that could improve the enemy of social exercises or psychological warfare.

big data examination can help banks in understanding client conduct dependent on the sources of info obtained from their speculation designs, shopping patterns, inspiration to contribute, and individual or money related foundations. This data assumes an urgent job in winning client unwaveringly by planning customized banking answers for them. This prompts a cooperative connection between banks and clients. Altered financial arrangements can extraordinarily expand lead age as well.

A more significant part of bank representatives guarantee that guaranteeing banking administrations meet all the administrative consistence criteria set by the Government 68% of bank workers state that their greatest worry in banking administrations is

BI instruments can help break down and monitor all the administrative prerequisites by experiencing every individual application from the clients for exact approval.

With execution examination, worker execution can be evaluated whether they have accomplished the month to month/quarterly/yearly targets. Because of the figures obtained from current offers of workers, significant data examination can decide approaches to enable them to scale better. Notwithstanding banking administrations overall can be checked to recognize what works and what doesnt.

Banks client assistance focuses will have a ton of requests and criticism age all the time. Indeed, even web-based social networking stages fill in as a sounding board for client encounters today. Big Data apparatuses can help in filtering through high volumes of data and react to every one of them sufficiently and quickly. Clients who feel that their banks esteem their input immediately will stay faithful to the brand.

At last, banks that dont advance and ride the big data wave wont just get left behind yet additionally become outdated. Receiving Big Data investigation and other howdy tech instruments to change the existing financial segment will assume a big job in deciding the lifespan of banks in the digital age.

The financial segment has consistently been moderately delayed to improve: 92 of the best 100 world driving banks still depend on IBM centralized servers in their tasks. No big surprise fintech appropriation is so high. Contrasted with the client inspired and nimble new businesses, customary budgetary establishments stand zero chance.

Be that as it may, with regards to big data, things deteriorate: most heritage frameworks cant adapt to the outstanding developing burden. Attempting to gather, store, and dissect the required measures of data utilizing an obsolete framework can put the strength of your whole structure in danger.

Thus, associations face the test of developing their preparing limits or totally re-assembling their frameworks to respond to the call.

Besides, where theres data, theres a hazard (particularly considering the heritage issue weve referenced previously). Unmistakably banking suppliers need to ensure the client data they aggregate and procedure stays safe consistently.

However, just 38% of associations worldwide are prepared to deal with the danger, as per ISACA International. That is the reason cybersecurity stays one of the most consuming issues in banking.

Furthermore, data security guidelines are getting stringent. The presentation of GDPR has put certain limitations on organizations worldwide that need to gather and apply clients data. This ought to likewise be considered.

With such big numbers of various types of data in banking and its total volume, its nothing unexpected that organizations battle to adapt to it. This turns out to be much progressively evident when attempting to isolate the useful data from the pointless.

While the portion of possibly valuable data is developing, there is still a lot of unimportant data to deal with. This implies organizations need to plan themselves and reinforce their techniques for breaking down much more data. If conceivable, locate another application for the data that has been viewed as unimportant.

In spite of the referenced difficulties, the upsides of big data in banking effectively legitimize any dangers. The bits of data it gives you the assets it opens up, the cash it spares. Data is an all-inclusive fuel that can move your business to the top.

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Do Machine Learning and AI Go Hand-in-Hand in Digital Transformation? - -

How Machine Learning Will Impact the Future of Software Development and Testing – ReadWrite

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are frequently imagined to be the gateways to a futuristic world in which robots interact with us like people and computers can become smarter than humans in every way. But of course, machine learning is already being employed in millions of applications around the worldand its already starting to shape how we live and work, often in ways that go unseen. And while these technologies have been likened to destructive bots or blamed for artificial panic-induction, they are helping in vast ways from software to biotech.

Some of the sexier applications of machine learning are in emerging technologies like self-driving cars; thanks to ML, automated driving software can not only self-improve through millions of simulations, it can also adapt on the fly if faced with new circumstances while driving. But ML is possibly even more important in fields like software testing, which are universally employed and used for millions of other technologies.

So how exactly does machine learning affect the world of software development and testing, and what does the future of these interactions look like?

A Briefer on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

First, lets explain the difference between ML and AI, since these technologies are related, but often confused with each other. Machine learning refers to a system of algorithms that are designed to help a computer improve automatically through the course of experience. In other words, through machine learning, a function (like facial recognition, or driving, or speech-to-text) can get better and better through ongoing testing and refinement; to the outside observer, the system looks like its learning.

AI is considered an intelligence demonstrated by a machine, and it often uses ML as its foundation. Its possible to have a ML system without demonstrating AI, but its hard to have AI without ML.

The Importance of Software Testing

Now, lets take a look at software testinga crucial element of the software development process, and arguably, the most important. Software testing is designed to make sure the product is functioning as intended, and in most cases, its a process that plays out many times over the course of development, before the product is actually finished.

Through software testing, you can proactively identify bugs and other flaws before they become a real problem, and correct them. You can also evaluate a products capacity, using tests to evaluate its speed and performance under a variety of different situations. Ultimately, this results in a better, more reliable productand lower maintenance costs over the products lifetime.

Attempting to deliver a software product without complete testing would be akin to building a large structure devoid of a true foundation. In fact, it is estimated that the cost of post software delivery can 4-5x the overall cost of the project itself when proper testing has not been fully implemented. When it comes to software development, failing to test is failing to plan.

How Machine Learning Is Reshaping Software Testing

Here, we can combine the two. How is machine learning reshaping the world of software development and testing for the better?

The simple answer is that ML is already being used by software testers to automate and improve the testing process. Its typically used in combination with the agile methodology, which puts an emphasis on continuous delivery and incremental, iterative developmentrather than building an entire product all at once. Its one of the reasons, I have argued that the future of agile and scrum methodologies involve a great deal of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Machine learning can improve software testing in many ways:

While cognitive computing holds the promise of further automating a mundane, but hugely important process, difficulties remain. We are nowhere near the level of process automation acuity required for full-blown automation. Even in todays best software testing environments, machine learning aids in batch processing bundled code-sets, allowing for testing and resolving issues with large data without the need to decouple, except in instances when errors occur. And, even when errors do occur, the structured ML will alert the user who can mark the issue for future machine or human amendments and continue its automated testing processes.

Already, ML-based software testing is improving consistency, reducing errors, saving time, and all the while, lowering costs. As it becomes more advanced, its going to reshape the field of software testing in new and even more innovative ways. But, the critical piece there is going to. While we are not yet there, we expect the next decade will continue to improve how software developers iterate toward a finished process in record time. Its only one reason the future of software development will not be nearly as custom as it once was.

Nate Nead is the CEO of; a full-service SEO company and; a custom web and software development business. For over a decade Nate had provided strategic guidance on technology and marketing solutions for some of the most well-known online brands. He and his team advise Fortune 500 and SMB clients on software, development and online marketing. Nate and his team are based in Seattle, Washington and West Palm Beach, Florida.

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How Machine Learning Will Impact the Future of Software Development and Testing - ReadWrite