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TxDOT Project Updates for the Week of Mar. 21, 2022 – Texas Department of Transportation

Anderson CountyPalestine Maintenance is scheduled to perform mill and inlay on SH 155 and US 175 in Frankston. When finished, crews plan to begin overlaying on FM 315. Expect lane closures with flaggers and a pilot car managing traffic control.

Anderson County construction projects updates:

US 79 Super 2 Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue work on roadway elements. The speed limit has been reduced to 60 mph throughout the project limits. Motorists should use caution when traveling through the project and expect lane closures and delays. Project consists of widening for a Super 2, including sub-grade work, surface treatment, base and surface hot mix asphalt, widening structures, bridge rail, MBGF, signage and permanent striping.


Cherokee CountyJacksonville maintenance will be edge sealing on FM 1911 from FM 1247 to the county line. They will then move to FM 343 from US 69 east to the county line. Daytime lane closures should be expected. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers. Rusk Maintenance will be conducting edge repair on FM 851 and FM 1247. Daytime lane closures should be expected with traffic controlled by flaggers.

Cherokee County construction projects updates:

FM 22 Safety Widening and Bridge Replacement Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue corrective work and construction on the bridge at Little Turnpike Creek. Flaggers will be present during construction hours. Expect daily lane closures when work is being done. The bridge will be closed during construction. The project will widen the existing roadway, replace three bridges and incorporate safety upgrades.

US 84 Widening

The contractor is scheduled to continue widening cross structures and driveway upgrades. The contractor also plans to begin widening the travel lanes. Lane closures will be in place. Expect delays on this corridor when construction is in progress. The project will widen and resurface the roadway, along with adding safety upgrades.

FM 235 Safety Widening

No work is scheduled this week. No lane closures will be in place. The project widens the existing roadway and incorporates safety upgrades.

County Road Bridge Replacement Project

No work is scheduled on CR 3203 and CR 1504. Both roadways are open to traffic. Construction of the new bridges is ongoing on CR 2905 and CR 2614. Both roads are closed to through traffic. The project is replacing the existing bridges at each location with new structures.

SH 204 Super-2 Widening Project

The contractor is scheduled to place rock rip rap and fill drop-offs along pavement edges. Lane closures will be in place during construction. The project adds passing lanes and incorporates safety upgrades.

US 79 Rehabilitation Project

The contractor is awaiting final punch list. Lane closures will be in place, expect delays on this corridor when construction is in progress. The work zone speed limit is 60 mph. The project will rebuild the roadway pavement and upgrade bridge rails.

SH 21 Resurfacing Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue road work construction on driveway upgrades and structure extensions. Lane closures are anticipated during construction. The project will consist of pavement resurfacing.

US 69 Signals in Jacksonville

The contractor will continue installation of cable and signal heads at the US 175 intersection, 135 intersection and possibly starting at the Cherokee intersection. Traffic control will consist of occasional lane closures and work outside of the roadway when the work is in progress (Monday-Thursdays, weather permitting). This is a safety project to update existing signals and add pedestrian signals, crosswalks, and curb ramps.


Gregg CountyGregg County crews will be working on bridge channel maintenance on SL 281. The work is at Birdsong Rd. There will be right lane closures with flaggers present.

Gregg County construction projects updates:

Spur 63/McCann Road Bridge Project

This project is part of the City of Longview Guthrie Creek Trail project. It will consist of building a bridge over Guthrie Creek to allow bicyclist and pedestrians to travel under Spur 63. The traffic will be reduced to two lanes, one northbound lane and one south bound lane to allow the contractor to build half of the bridge. Traffic will be switched later to allow completion of the bridge construction. Expect delays.

FM 2206/Harrison Road

This project consists of widening a two-lane road to four lanes with a center turn lane. This includes drainage structures, flexible base, curb and gutter, sidewalks, hot mix and pavement markings. Contractor will be extending culverts and constructing detours. There will be daytime lane closures. Expect delays.

FM 2206/Harrison Road

This project consists of widening a two-lane road to four lanes with a center turn lane. This includes drainage structures, new bridge, flexible base, hot mix and pavement markings. Contractor will be extending culverts and constructing detours. There will be daytime lane closures. Expect delays.


Henderson CountyAthens maintenance is scheduled to perform base repairs on FM 1803 N between SH 31 E and FM 773. A second crew will be repairing edges and patching on the west end of the county. Expect lane closures with flaggers controlling traffic.

Henderson County construction projects updates:

SH 198 Bridge Project

The contractor is scheduled to work on the new northbound bridge and roadway elements. Motorists should be prepared for lane closures and delays. The speed limit has been reduced to 50 mph throughout the project. The project consists of the construction of replacing bridges, approaches, grading, structures, asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) base, ACP surface, retaining walls, curb & gutter, MBGF, and pavement markings.


Rusk CountyRusk County crews will be digging ditches on FM 225 and SH 64 with flaggers controlling traffic. A second crew will be performing bridge work on various bridges using with flaggers controlling traffic.


Smith CountyTyler Maintenance will have a base failure crew on FM 3226 finishing up Monday, then moving out to SH 64 in that same area as FM 3226. This will be under one-way traffic worked by flaggers. A second crew will also be performing base failure work, finishing US 271 Monday, then moving to FM 15. The US 271 job will be under a lane closure and the FM 15 job will be under one-way traffic controlled by flaggers.

Smith County construction projects updates:

US 271 Rehab, Turn Lanes, and Pavement Overlay

Crews will be installing driveway culverts on the northbound and southbound sides and pavement widening operations on the northbound inside lane (turn lane). Traffic control will be managed by flaggers as needed. The project consists of paving, structures, MBGF, and pavement markings from I-20 north to the Gregg County line. The portion from I-20 to FM 16 also includes turn lanes and pavement rehabilitation.

FM 2493 Widening Project

The contractor is scheduled for punch list items. Temporary lane closures are anticipated from 9 am to 4 pm. Drivers are encouraged to use caution as work continues on this corridor. The project will widen FM 2493 from two lanes to a four-lane divided roadway with a flush median.

US 69 Overpass at FM 346

No work is scheduled this week. The work zone speed limit is 60 mph on US 69. The project consists of building a new US 69 bridge over FM 346.

SH 155 Resurfacing Project

The contractor is scheduled to begin placing metal beam guard fence and continue the mill and inlay between Coffee City and FM 2868. When in progress, hours will be from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., Sunday through Thursday nights. Expect delays. The project will resurface the roadway, upgrade drainage structures, and repair bridge joints.

Sidewalks at various locations in Smith County

The contractor is scheduled to continue work on SH 110 in Troup. Daily lane closures are expected. The project is adding sidewalks along SH 64W in Tyler, SH 110W, and SH 135N in Troup.

FM 344, etc., Safety Improvements

No work is scheduled. The project consists of improving drainage, culvert work, and guardrail upgrades.

SH 64 Bridge Maintenance

The contractor is scheduled to continue working on bridge repairs. When work is in progress, hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lane closures will be in place when working on the metal beam guard fence and retrofit rail. The project consists of bridge maintenance and repair.

I-20 at Barber Road

This project consists of widening on ramps and exit ramps, culverts, drainage upgrades, new metal beam guard fence and bridge rails on the Barber Road overpass, and asphalt overlay. No work this week on this project.

Tyler State Park Bridge and Resurfacing Project

No work is scheduled for this project. The project will consist of bridge and pavement resurfacing.

SH 110 & FM 346 Landscape Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue forming various landscape development. The project consists of landscape development.

Sign Replacement at Various Locations in Smith County

The contractor is scheduled to begin placing signs. Lane closures are possible during construction. The project will consist of replacing small roadside signs.

County Road Bridge Replacement Project

This project consists of bridge replacements at Whittle Street at west Mud Creek Tributary, CR 2110 at Kickapoo Creek and CR 289 at Prairie Creek. The contractor is scheduled to begin construction on the CR 289 bridge @ Prairie Creek. CR 289 is closed to through traffic. The project replaces the existing bridge with a new structure. The contractor will complete one bridge at a time. Weather permitting, the bridge is scheduled to be completed at the end of May.


Van Zandt CountyCanton Maintenance will be laying hot mix on FM 2339 between FM 773 and FM 1861. Flaggers will be on site to move traffic safely through the work zone. A second crew will be addressing various bridge work on FM 859 from FM 1395 to IH 20. This work is off pavement, but signs will be up in advance, showing roadwork ahead.

Van Zandt County construction projects updates:

I-20 MBGF Improvements (Van Zandt, Smith, and Gregg counties)

Crews will be performing bridge rail work (WB) and cleaning and grading along the shoulders of Gregg County (eastbound and westbound). Lane closures will be in effect nightly and will be managed by message boards, channelizing devices and law enforcement officers. This project is to construct safety improvements consisting of upgrading metal beam guard fence and mow strip.

SH 19 Super Two Widening & Overlay

Crews will be performing roadway widening operations on the southbound side and extending drainage structures on the northbound side. Traffic control will consist of a southbound shoulder closure and will be managed by flaggers as needed. The project consists of Super 2 work including grading, base repair, treated subgrade, flex base, OCST, PFC surface, structures, signs and pavement markings.

CR 2918, etc. Bridge Replacements

Drilled shafts are in on CR 2708 at Caney Creek and crews will be forming abutments and pouring. CR 2708 will be closed at the bridge for the remainder of construction. CR 2319 and CR 2918 are open to traffic and in the punch-list phase. Minimal impact to the traveling public is anticipated. The project consists of removing and replacing four bridges.


Wood CountyMaintenance crews are scheduled to perform edge work on SH 154 east of Quitman to the Upshur County line. Expect lane closures with flaggers and a pilot vehicle controlling traffic.

Wood County construction projects updates:

SH 37 Road Widening and PFC Overlay

Crews will be performing right of way preparation and installing driveway culverts. Traffic control will consist of daily shoulder closures managed with signs and truck-mounted attenuator. The project consists of base repair, level-up, spray paver, permeable friction course surface, structures, bridge rail, metal beam guard fence, and pavement markings.


I-20 Total Maintenance Contract

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TxDOT Project Updates for the Week of Mar. 21, 2022 - Texas Department of Transportation

The World Seems Out Of ControlHeres How To Become Resilient To Cope, Survive And Thrive – Forbes

Resilience is the process of adapting and overcoming obstacles in the face of adversity. It involves ... [+] getting knocked down, but possessing the inner power to get up again and grow from the experience.

Still raw from the collective experience of the pandemic, people are now helplessly watching what may be the start of a third World War. While not of this magnitude, inflation is raging, causing everything from food prices to gasoline to rapidly go up in costs. The stock market has been plunging and people worry that the out-of-control inflation could disrupt the economy, after rebuilding it from the depths of the virus outbreak.

The uncertainty looks like it will last for the foreseeable future. You have two options. The first is to let all of the unpleasant overwhelm you. Youll spend the day doomscrolling through social media, feeling lethargic and depressed over the state of the world and how unfair everything is.

An alternative is to find practical, easy-to-do steps to cope with the harsh reality surrounding us. To deal with and conquer the fears, anxiety and stress, you will need to become resilient. Resilience is the process of adapting and overcoming obstacles in the face of adversity. It involves getting knocked down, but possessing the inner power to get up again and grow from the experience.

It's not just about wars. You need this skill when you get laid off, are forced to return to an office against your will, feel intense pressure at work or at home or have to contend with a bad, micromanaging, bully of a boss.

It's debilitating when you feel that you cant do anything. Start looking for things that are within your control. It will make you feel better and more empowered. Donate funds to Ukrainian refugees. Open your home to take in a displaced family. There is a large number of highly trained professionals in the Ukraine; find ways to see if your company can reach out to offer remote roles to help them financially get through this disaster. Separately, for your own sanity, find ways in your daily life that you can control, which will help improve your confidence and outlook.

Focus on positive emotions rather than ruminating on all of the what-if scenarios that will keep you up and night. According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, having positive emotions helps increase your ability to effectively deal with issues.

Find healthy coping mechanisms. This could be meditating, doing yoga, going for a run or bike ride, cultivating a hobby, meeting with friends, working out at the gym or taking a long walk in a nature setting. Start creating a positive forward-focused mentality that embraces positive possibilities.

You can build back your confidence by focusing on things you are good at. If you enjoy tennis, keep playing. Youll get your mind off of the latest fear and rage porn in the headlines. It will also make you feel better by doing something you enjoy and excel at. It will remind you that you can power through tough times. Dont take small victories for granted. Celebrate them. You need the little pats on the back to keep you moving forward.

Reach out to people. Science shows that having strong, supportive relationships make you more resilient. Weve all lost a lot of our social connections during the last two years. Now that the pandemic is ebbing, this is a great time to get back in touch with friends, family and co-workers who you havent seen in months or over a year or two.

Think of all of the times you rose to the occasion. Play back in your head highlight reels of your triumphs, even if they are modest. This helps train you to recall that you can deal with tough stuff, get over the hurdles and keep moving forward.

To overcome challenging circumstances, you need to take difficult action. It's okay to take one step at a time. If you lost your job, start writing a rsum. Then, update your LinkedIn profile. Reach out to career coaches and recruiters. Tap into your network and ask if they have any leads for you.

It's important to know that you are not alone. We are all dealing with these frightening events. It wont change what is happening, but at least you can take comfort in the fact that youre not the only one who is feeling down and out.

Make sure that you take care of yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You need to eat well, exercise, get out of your apartment and socialize with people and get a good night's sleep. Avoid indulging in drugs and alcohol as a way to block out the ugly events. If you feel that you need professional help, dont worry about what people may say or thinkseek out someone to speak with.

Read this article:
The World Seems Out Of ControlHeres How To Become Resilient To Cope, Survive And Thrive - Forbes

Can offers apology to Mets organization, teammates and fans: ‘There’s no excuses’ –

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. -- Speaking for the first time since receiving a full-season suspension for a second positive test for performance-enhancing drugs, second baseman Robinson Can on Wednesday offered an apology but did not provide an explanation for his positive tests.

Thats why Im here as a man, to give you guys an apology, Can said. It was tough for me this past year. Being at home, things are going through your head. Its something that you dont want to share. You keep it to yourself. But it wasnt good.

For me, I love this game. I grew up in a family that played this game. And to not be able to play the game, it was really tough.

Can was asked why he tested positive for Stanozolol but did not directly answer the question, saying only that theres no excuses. He apologized to the Mets organization, to my teammates, the fans, and you guys.

The comments came 16 months after Can received a season-long suspension for a second positive PED test, following his first in 2018. He forfeited his entire $24 million salary for the 2021 season but remains under team control for two more years at $48 million total. The Mets owe him $40.5 million of that money, with the Mariners picking up the rest.

Im just happy to be back, he said, rephrasing a comment that he repeated several times throughout the news conference. Im happy that weve got a new manager, new GM, new coaches. To be able to be back here on the team and to help this team compete for a championship, Im really happy to be back and to be able to play the game that I love.

Now 39 and entering his 17th big league season, Can has an uncertain role on the roster. Manager Buck Showalter has committed publicly to Jeff McNeil as his everyday second baseman, noting that Can will play there only on occasion. First base is an option for Can, but not a realistic one for as long as Pete Alonso is healthy. So the bulk of Cans reps will have to come at designated hitter, where he will vie for playing time alongside (primarily) J.D. Davis and Dominic Smith.

When he last played, in 2020, Can batted .316/.352/.544 with 10 home runs in 49 games, but he struggled to stay healthy the previous year, with a near-constant string of leg muscle strains.

But if anyone can bounce back from a lost season, Showalter said, it is Can, who would be on a Hall of Fame career track if not for his suspensions.

Hes got that look in his eye, Showalter said. Ive learned through the years, dont sell guys like him short. Hes got a pretty good pedigree.

To that end, Can said, he trained all offseason -- Monday through Friday -- to prove that he can be a productive player without the aid of PEDs. The Mets, given their financial commitment to him, intend to find out whether thats true.

I dont want to live in the past, Can said. I can control from now on, and just kind of focus on winning championships. Because thats the goal. The organization, and I know the Mets fans, they just cant wait for a championship.

Go here to read the rest:
Can offers apology to Mets organization, teammates and fans: 'There's no excuses' -

Boston doctors wanted to help Ukrainians. They made YouTube tutorials on how to control bleeding wounds. – HealthLeaders Media

Most Popular #1Nurses' March on Washington Planned to Address Workplace Violence and Other 'Serious Issues'

The peaceful protest, sponsored by Nurses Against Violence, also will focus on safe staffing ratios....

Sen. Scott Jensen, R-Minn., a physician in Minnesota, was interviewed by "The Ingraham Angle" host Laura Ingraham on April 8 on Fox News and claimed hospitals get paid more if Medicare patients are...

Cough, fever, and shortness of breath are common COVID-19 symptoms.Sinus congestion, runny nose and sore throat are symptoms of becoming infected with the delta variant.Sneezing more than usual...

Delaying vaccines is risky. Many pediatricians say a more gradual approach to vaccinations is better than no vaccinations, but they offer hard advice to parents considering it....

An over-the-counter mouthwash could slow the spread of the virus....

See the original post:
Boston doctors wanted to help Ukrainians. They made YouTube tutorials on how to control bleeding wounds. - HealthLeaders Media

Corps of Engineers awards its largest contract for the Fargo-Moorhead diversion project –

ST. PAUL, Minn. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, awarded a $115 million contract late yesterday to Ames Construction, Inc., of Burnsville, Minnesota, to construct the Red River Control Structure portion of the Fargo, North Dakota/Moorhead, Minnesota, Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project, or FM Area Diversion.

The contract for the Red River structure is the fifth construction contract to be awarded by the federal government for the Fargo-Moorhead diversion project. The contract includes construction of a concrete control structure with three gates that will regulate Red River flows into the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area and is located approximately 7 miles south of Fargo-Moorhead on the Red River of the North. This shovel-ready feature is one of the first and largest contracts to be awarded by the Corps of Engineers using funds received under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2022.

The Red River structure is the third and largest gated structure needed for the completion of the Southern Embankment, said Col. Karl Jansen, St. Paul District commander. Awarding this contract is the culmination of a multi-year, highly sophisticated design effort involving the most experienced engineers from across the entire U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. With this contract, we are on-track to do our part in delivering comprehensive flood risk management for the great people of the Fargo-Moorhead region.

This congressionally authorized project is a 30-mile long diversion channel in North Dakota with upstream staging. The plan includes a 21-mile long southern embankment, 19 highway bridges, three railroad bridges, three gated control structures and two aqueduct structures.

The Corps is working in partnership on this project with the cities of Fargo and Moorhead and the Metro Flood Diversion Authority. This project provides flood risk management for more than 235,000 people and 70 square miles of infrastructure in the communities of Fargo, Moorhead, West Fargo, Horace and Harwood.


Release no. 22-025

The rest is here:
Corps of Engineers awards its largest contract for the Fargo-Moorhead diversion project -