Archive for the ‘Media Control’ Category

Japan to ease Covid border controls after two years of seclusion policy – The Guardian

Japan is to ease its strict border controls from next month, media reports said on Thursday, after criticism from students, workers and family members who have been in effect locked out of the country for up to two years.

The restrictions, which limit arrivals to Japanese citizens and returning foreign residents, have affected 150,000 students, triggering accusations from politicians and business leaders that the ban is damaging the countrys economy and international image.

Japan briefly relaxed the rules last year but tightened them again in November in an attempt to prevent the spread of the highly contagious Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

The opening up will be incremental, however, and will not apply to tourists. The prime minister, Fumio Kishida, is expected to announce later on Thursday an increase in daily arrivals from 3,500 to 5,000, as well as a reduction in quarantine from a week to three days for people with a negative test result and proof they have had a booster shot.

We are considering how to ease the border control measures by taking into account scientific evidence that has become available regarding the Omicron strain and the changing infection situations at home and abroad, the chief cabinet secretary, Hirokazu Matsuno, said, according to the Kyodo news agency.

Kishida had appeared reluctant to relax the measures, which are popular with the public, ahead of upper house elections in July.

But he has come under pressure from business leaders who said the restrictions amounted to a seclusion policy that would worsen Japans chronic labour shortage. Member of Kishidas own party said the ban was pointless given that Omicron had become the dominant strain in Japan.

If you look at the overall situation now, theyre meaningless; you can get the virus anywhere. But as a result of having [the restrictions], [Kishida] got a lot of public support, said political analyst Atsuo Ito.

Failure to lift at least some restrictions would risk seeing Japan being left behind by the rest of the world, he added.

Government health experts said a sixth wave of the virus fuelled by Omicron had peaked earlier this month after data showed week-on-week falls in new infections in most age groups.

While new cases are trending down, Japans most recent wave of infections has taken a toll on more vulnerable people, with a record 236 deaths reported on Tuesday.

Only about 10% of the population has received a booster jab, compared with more than 50% in South Korea and Singapore, prompting Kishida to announce a daily target of 1m third shots a day.

See the rest here:
Japan to ease Covid border controls after two years of seclusion policy - The Guardian

Waterways and Ice Cover Hazardous due to Rain and Melting Snow (media release, February 17, 2022) –

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) reminds the public to exercise extreme caution around waterways and stay off all frozen water bodies. Any ice cover will be weakened and unstable. The ice on flood control reservoirs, including Fanshawe, Pittock, and Wildwood Reservoirs, is especially hazardous due to fluctuating water levels. Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery and, combined with the cold, fast-moving water, pose a serious hazard. Parents are encouraged to keep children and pets away from all watercourses and off of frozen water bodies.

The upper Thames River basin has received 20-40 mm of rain since last evening. The combination of rain and above freezing temperatures overnight and throughout most of today has started melting some of the snowpack.

Streams and rivers have been rising quickly due to the resulting runoff. The UTRCA expects flows in upstream areas of the watershed (Mitchell, Woodstock) to peak late this afternoon. These peaks will move downstream through the river system over this evening. Flows in the London area are expected to peak around midnight tonight.

The UTRCAs flood control reservoirs at Fanshawe, Wildwood, and Pittock Conservation Areas are at seasonal levels and are being operated to reduce any downstream flooding.

The UTRCA does not expect serious flooding at this time, but water may spill over the banks in areas known to traditionally flood, such as riverside parks. Water levels will remain elevated into the weekend.

Snow covered catch basins may create local drainage problem areas. Smaller rural watercourses have been drifted in by snow which can block flows during a runoff event, backing up water onto adjacent lands and causing localized flooding.

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Waterways and Ice Cover Hazardous due to Rain and Melting Snow (media release, February 17, 2022) -

TxDOT Project Updates for the Week of Feb. 21, 2022 – Texas Department of Transportation

Anderson CountyPalestine Maintenance is scheduled to perform edge repair on FM 837. Expect lane closures with flaggers and a pilot car managing traffic control.

Anderson County construction projects updates:

US 79 Super 2 Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue work on roadway elements. The speed limit has been reduced to 60 mph throughout the project limits. Motorists should use caution when traveling through the project and expect lane closures and delays. Project consists of widening for a Super 2, including sub-grade work, surface treatment, base and surface hot mix asphalt, widening structures, bridge rail, MBGF, signage and permanent striping.


Cherokee CountyJacksonville maintenance crews will begin blade overlay operations on SH 110 between US 79 and FM 2750. This crew will then begin edging on FM 2750. Rusk Maintenance crews will be operating a widening project on FM 851 between FM 3343 and FM 241. Daytime lane closures should be expected with traffic controlled by flaggers.

Cherokee County construction projects updates:

FM 22 Safety Widening and Bridge Replacement Project

The contractor is scheduled to begin corrective work and continue construction on the bridge at Little Turnpike Creek. Flaggers will be present during construction hours. Expect daily lane closures when work is being done. The bridge will be closed during construction. The project will widen the existing roadway, replace three bridges and incorporate safety upgrades.

US 84 Widening

The contractor is scheduled to continue widening cross structures and driveway upgrades. Lane closures will be in place. Expect delays on this corridor when construction is in progress. The project will widen and resurface the roadway, along with adding safety upgrades.

FM 235 Safety Widening

No work is scheduled this week. No lane closures will be in place. The project widens the existing roadway and incorporates safety upgrades.

County Road Bridge Replacement Project

No work is scheduled on CR 3203 and CR 1504. Both roadways are open to traffic. Construction of the new bridges is ongoing on CR 2905 and CR 2614. Both roads are closed to through traffic. The project is replacing the existing bridges at each location with new structures.

SH 204 Super-2 Widening Project

The contractor is scheduled to place rock rip rap and fill drop-offs along pavement edges. Lane closures will be in place during construction. The project adds passing lanes and incorporates safety upgrades.

US 79 Rehabilitation Project

The contractor is awaiting final punch list. Lane closures will be in place, expect delays on this corridor when construction is in progress. The work zone speed limit is 60 mph. The project will rebuild the roadway pavement and upgrade bridge rails.

SH 21 Resurfacing Project

The contractor is scheduled to begin road work construction on driveway upgrades and structure extensions. Lane closures will possibly be in place. The project will consist of pavement resurfacing.

US 69 Signals in Jacksonville

Crews are anticipated to start installing underground conduit at the US 175 and Cherokee St. Intersections by the end of February. Traffic control will consist of occasional lane closures and work outside of the roadway. This is a safety project to update existing signals and add pedestrian signals, crosswalks and curb & ramps.


Gregg CountyNo updates this week.

Gregg County construction projects updates:

Spur 63/McCann Road Bridge Project

This project is part of the City of Longview Guthrie Creek Trail project. It will consist of building a bridge over Guthrie Creek to allow bicyclist and pedestrians to travel under Spur 63. The traffic will be reduced to two lanes, one northbound lane and one south bound lane to allow the contractor to build half of the bridge. Traffic will be switched later to allow completion of the bridge construction. Expect delays.

FM 2206/Harrison Road

This project consists of widening a two-lane road to four lanes with a center turn lane. This includes drainage structures, flexible base, curb and gutter, sidewalks, hot mix and pavement markings. Contractor will be extending culverts and constructing detours. There will be daytime lane closures. Expect delays.

FM 2206/Harrison Road

This project consists of widening a two-lane road to four lanes with a center turn lane. This includes drainage structures, new bridge, flexible base, hot mix and pavement markings. Contractor will be extending culverts and constructing detours. There will be daytime lane closures. Expect delays.


Henderson CountyAthens maintenance is scheduled to reshape ditches on FM 773 between SH 31E and the Van Zandt County line. A second crew will be performing base repairs on FM 2709 between SH 19N and FM 316N. Expect delays with flaggers controlling traffic.

Henderson County construction projects updates:

SH 198 Bridge Project

The contractor is scheduled to work on the new northbound bridge and roadway elements. Motorists should be prepared for lane closures and delays. The speed limit has been reduced to 50 mph throughout the project. The project consists of the construction of replacing bridges, approaches, grading, structures, asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) base, ACP surface, retaining walls, curb & gutter, MBGF, and pavement markings.

SH 334 Bridge Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue final cleanup work. Expect lane closures and delays. The project will upgrade the roadway from two to four lanes. The contract consists of the construction of bridges, storm sewer, guardrail, base, pavement surfaces, and pavement markings.


Rusk CountyCrews will be in numerous locations throughout the county repairing potholes and removing debris.


Smith CountyTyler Maintenance will start Tuesday with a base failure crew on FM 2015 at IH 20. This will be under one-way traffic worked by flaggers. Once completed, the crew will move just off Barber Rd. on the service road going eastbound to complete base failure work. Traffic will be one-way and controlled by flaggers. A second crew will be performing ditch work on SH 110 N just south of FM 1995. This will be under one-way traffic worked by flaggers. When completed, this crew will move to various places throughout the county. Another crew will be performing fog seal operations on FM 756 just before the FM 346 intersection. They will also fog seal the intersection of FM 756 and FM 346. This will be under one-way traffic worked by flaggers.

Smith County construction projects updates:

US 271 Rehab, Turn Lanes, and Pavement Overlay

Crews will be installing driveway culverts on the northbound and southbound sides and pavement widening operations on the northbound inside lane (turn lane). Traffic control will be managed by flaggers as needed. The project consists of paving, structures, MBGF, and pavement markings from I-20 north to the Gregg County line. The portion from I-20 to FM 16 also includes turn lanes and pavement rehabilitation.

FM 2493 Widening Project

The contractor is scheduled for punch list items and installation of SGT/MBGF. Temporary lane closures are anticipated from 9 am to 4 pm. Drivers are encouraged to use caution as work continues on this corridor. The project will widen FM 2493 from two lanes to a four-lane divided roadway with a flush median.

US 69 Overpass at FM 346

Contractor is scheduled to complete punch list items and project cleanup. Temporary lane closures will be in place for restriping and asphalt repair. The work zone speed limit is 60 mph on US 69. The project consists of building a new US 69 bridge over FM 346.

SH 155 Resurfacing Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue the mill and inlay between Coffee City and FM 2868. Expect lane closures when work is in progress. When in progress, hours will be from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., Sunday through Thursday nights. Expect delays. The project will resurface the roadway, upgrade drainage structures, and repair bridge joints.

Sidewalks at various locations in Smith County

The contractor is scheduled to continue work on SH 110 in Troup. Daily lane closures are expected. The project is adding sidewalks along SH 64W in Tyler, SH 110W, and SH 135N in Troup.

FM 344, etc., Safety Improvements

No work is scheduled. The project consists of improving drainage, culvert work, and guardrail upgrades.

SH 64 Bridge Maintenance

The contractor is scheduled to continue working on bridge repairs. When work is in progress, hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lane closures will be in place when working on the metal beam guard fence and retrofit rail. The project consists of bridge maintenance and repair.

I-20 at Barber Road

This project consists of widening on ramps and exit ramps, culverts, drainage upgrades, new metal beam guard fence and bridge rails on the Barber Road overpass, and asphalt overlay. No work this week on this project.

Tyler State Park Bridge and Resurfacing Project

No work is scheduled for this project. The project will consist of bridge and pavement resurfacing.

SH 110 & FM 346 Landscape Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue forming various landscape development. The project consists of landscape development.

Sign Replacement at Various Locations in Smith County

The contractor is scheduled to begin placing signs. Lane closures are possible during construction. The project will consist of replacing small roadside signs.


Van Zandt CountyCanton Maintenance will have two bridge crews working on SH 19 north of IH 20 to the Rains County line. Expect daytime lane closures with flaggers controlling traffic.

Van Zandt County construction projects updates:

I-20 MBGF Improvements (Van Zandt, Smith, and Gregg counties)

Crews will be performing bridge rail work (eastbound side), concrete work, cleaning, and grading along the eastbound and westbound shoulders Gregg County (eastbound side), and cleaning and grading in Smith County (eastbound and westbound). Lane closures will be in effect nightly and will be managed by message boards and channelizing devices. This project is to construct safety improvements consisting of upgrading MBGF and mow strip.

SH 19 Super Two Widening & Overlay

Crews will be performing roadway widening operations on the southbound side and extending drainage structures on the northbound side. Traffic control will consist of a southbound shoulder closure and will be managed by flaggers as needed. The project consists of Super 2 work including grading, base repair, treated subgrade, flex base, OCST, PFC surface, structures, signs and pavement markings.

CR 2918, etc. Bridge Replacements

CR 2319 and CR 2918 are open to traffic and are in the punch list phase. Minimal impact to the traveling public is anticipated. Signs will be installed on CR 2708 at Caney Creek for the upcoming road closure. The project consists of removing and replacing four bridges.

Safety Improvement Project

The contractor is scheduled to continue work on driveways and drainage structures on FM 850 in Smith County. Motorists should be prepared for lane closures and delays. The project includes grading, structure work, guard rail replacement, and bridge rail upgrades.


Wood CountyMaintenance crews are scheduled to begin blade overlay over previous base failures with hot mix on FM 14 and FM 2659. Expect lane closures with flaggers and a pilot vehicle controlling traffic. No delays expected.

Wood County construction projects updates:

SH 154 Turn Lane Project

The contractor will be addressing punch list items. Periodic shoulder closures may be in effect, managed by channelizing devices. The project includes pavement widening, hot mix asphalt concrete overlay, signs, and pavement markings.


I-20 Total Maintenance Contract

Read this article:
TxDOT Project Updates for the Week of Feb. 21, 2022 - Texas Department of Transportation

Vereshchuk calls on ORDLO residents to enter government-controlled area – Ukrinform

Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk has called on residents of certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions (ORDLO) to leave for the government-controlled area if possible.

She said this at an urgent briefing dedicated to the situation in the area of the Joint Forces Operation, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"I want to tell the people in ORDLO who are now deciding what to do in the temporarily occupied territory: come to us, find a way to cross an entry-exit crossing point. We are waiting for you. We will create all possible conditions for you to have a place to live and what to eat so that you feel that you are not alone," Vereshchuk said.

She also noted that tomorrow in the area of the Joint Forces Operation she and other ministers and MPs will be on the spot ready to solve the problems of people on the frontline and those who decide to leave the temporarily occupied territory.

"We in the Cabinet of Ministers have the approved plans for the respective humanitarian response. We have a representation on the ground, and we understand what is happening and how it is happening. We will provide maximum assistance to people," Vereshchuk said.

Earlier, Russian media reported that "DPR" leader Denis Pushilin and "LPR" leader Leonid Pasechnik called on the residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk to evacuate to Russia's Rostov region due to an alleged offensive being planned by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


See the original post:
Vereshchuk calls on ORDLO residents to enter government-controlled area - Ukrinform


HARRISBURG, PA - The annual snow goose migration is expected to peak in the next few weeks at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, offering wildlife enthusiasts a unique viewing experience.

The lake is still partially frozen, except for the center, which is completely full of snow geese right now, said Lauren Ferreri, Game Commission Biological & Visitor Manager at Middle Creek. We should be at 50,000 soon and experience peak numbers toward the end of February, she added.

Snow geese and tundra swans begin their migration when the first new plant shoots emerge in the spring. At Middle Creek, this can occur as early as January, but typically sometime in February or March.

Waterfowl look for an unfrozen lake and snow-free fields. If these conditions are met, flocks call Middle Creek home for a few weeks before they continue their journey north. If past visitation is any guide, certain days, particularly sunny weekends, can attract thousands of visitors in a single day and cause traffic jams on Middle Creek roads.

The goal this year is to provide visitors during the Middle Creek migration with a positive wildlife viewing experience, and opportunities to enhance their understanding of wildlife conservation through multiple education and outreach touchpoints.

On Feb. 1, the Visitors Center reopened its doors to the public for the first time in nearly two years and will remain open for the duration of the spring waterfowl migration.

Cant make the trip to Middle Creek? Check out the snow geese migration virtually with the livestream snow goose webcam of the Middle Creek Lake on the Pennsylvania Game Commissions website at

The Middle Creek Visitors Center can be reached at 717-733-1512 or by email at

MEDIA CONTACT: Travis Lau - 717-705-6541

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