Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP) Eligibility Expanded – Ohio Department of Health
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOctober 29, 2021Contact:ODH Office of Communications(614) 644-8562
Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP) Eligibility Expanded
New state budget provision takes effect expanding access to treatments for breast and cervical cancers.
COLUMBUS The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) is announcing a recent expansion in eligibility for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP) which allows BCCP to cover treatments for women diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer.
If found early, nearly all breast and cervical cancers can be treated successfully. BCCP helps eligible women receive lifesaving screenings and treatment, said Bruce Vanderhoff, MD, MBA, director of the Ohio Department of Health. With the support of the Ohio General Assembly and Governor Mike DeWine, more women now have access to treatment options for breast and cervical cancers.
Ohio now offers treatment for a woman who meets all the following conditions, in addition to those Ohioans who are already eligible by diagnosis through BCCP:
The woman is younger than 65 years of age.
The Ohio Department of Health BCCP will be the access point for these women and will assist them with applying for BCCP Medicaid for treatment coverage. Partners, including BCCP enrollment agencies, will assist with enrollment and managing new treatment clients. Eligibility will be determined through BCCP in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
A woman should not be denied access to life-saving treatment simply because she walked through the wrong door, said Molly Guthrie, senior director of public policy and advocacy at Susan G. Komen. Thanks to the leadership of Senator Gavarone and the Governors office, a breast cancer patients access to care will no longer be contingent on where she received her screening.
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is proud to have worked with lawmakers through the budget process to expand eligibility to this critical program, and thanks the Ohio Department of Health for its quick action to implement this expansion, said Leo Almeida, ACS CAN government relations director.
Women interested in BCCP can call 1-844-430-BCCP for more information.
This announcement coincides with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual observance in the month of October, encouraging women to get screened for breast cancer.
About1in8womenwill develop breast cancer in their lifetime. The U.S. Preventative Service Task Forcerecommendsbiennialscreeningmammogramsfor women ages 50-74 years old, with earlier screening recommended for women with certain risk factors.
The Ohio Department of Healths Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System collects data and statistics, and works with the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program to reduce the burden of cancer for Ohioans. Learn more ontheComprehensiveCancerControlProgramwebsite.
About the Ohio Department of HealthThe Ohio Department of Healths mission is advancing the health and well-being of all Ohioans by transforming the states public health system through unique partnerships and funding streams; addressing the community conditions and inequities that lead to disparities in health outcomes; and implementing data-driven, evidence-based solutions.
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Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP) Eligibility Expanded - Ohio Department of Health