Archive for the ‘Media Control’ Category

From a Faith Perspective: We have a right to free speech. But do we use it wisely? – Bucks County Courier Times

Todd J. Williams| Correspondent

The power of nature prevails in climb to recovery

Laura Waits and Per Hagen developed an outdoor adventure program, Sync Recovery Community, to guide those in recovery to drug-free activities.

Marion Callahan, Bucks County Courier Times

We live in an era of individual expression. You dont have to look very far in our culture to see this. A few minutes spent on social media or watching the late-night talk shows is all it takes to see that contemporary culture not only embraces but encourages the idea that if you feel it, say it, unfiltered never mind the accuracy or what the implications are of what you say.

If you think it,if you feel it, if it is your reaction to a circumstance, event, or other person just say whatever you want, in whatever way you want, with whatever tone you want. That is your right. To be fair, this in fact is a freedom or a right in this land.

After all, the Constitution guarantees the right of expression. The freedom of expression is a core principle of our constitutional republic. We do not censor. We do not stifle. It is an American ideal.

What I am referring to, though, is something different. I am referring to the dangers of unfiltered, unrestrained and unmeasured personal expression:saying things without thought, without considering the truthfulness, the accuracy and the implications of our words.

This is not a wise way to live. Of course,we can say and do whatever we want, but there is a very poignant verse in the Bible where the apostle Paul says,All things are lawful,but not all things are helpful (1 Cor. 10:13). Another way of expressing this is to use a more contemporary axiom, Just because we can do something, doesnt mean we should.

Knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it; knowing when we should do something because it is the best course of action and not just simply because we canthese require judgment. This is the way of wisdom.

It is not a way of repression but a way of restraint, of self control, and of choosing what is best.

The Old Testament book of Proverbs has numerous references to the importance and impact of our words. In Proverbs 17:27, we see that restraint regarding our words says something about our character: Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.

The real question is whether we as a society value the personal character qualities of being knowledgeable and having understanding. Another implication of this passage is that when people do not restrain themselves, they show themselves to be the opposite of having knowledge and understanding.

It is possible to assess the character of people by their lack of verbal restraint. We have all experienced this on a relational level. But it has larger societal and cultural implications that begin with us as individuals on a relational level.

We must also consider the damage done by words expressed without filter or consideration. In Proverbs 12:18 we read, There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Words have the power to inflict pain and wound. They also have the power to bring healing.

This proverb underscores again the character associated with painful words versus healing words. Do we aspire to be rash or wise? If our words are as sword thrusts, inflicting pain on others, we show ourselves to be rash. If our words rather bring healing, we show ourselves to be wise.

The unrestrained and unfiltered expression that we see running rampant in our worldwhether haters on social media or character assassins on late-night talk showssays something about us as a people and our level of tolerance of rashness at best or ourenamormentwith it at worst.

Words matter. Our speech has an impact on those around us, on culture and society and on future generations.It is also true that we are responsible for what we say, when we say it and how we say it. We can choose a different path. We can reject the unfiltered norm of our day and choose the way of self-control, restraint and wisdom.

I often consider what a different world we would be living in if we took full responsibility for our words and considered the power of truthfulness when we disagree and graciousness in the way we talk to our coworkers, our children, our friends and strangers.

Again, Proverbs speaks to this. In Proverbs 16:24 we read, Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. We could use a little of this these days. Our disagreements and divisions are real. Whether personal, political, social, or cultural, we are not of one mind.

This is a reality of life and part of being human. Another part of being human is our ability and inclination to express ourselves. Yet another part of being human is the moral capacity to consider the implications of our expressions, to hold our tongues when appropriate, to consider others, to weigh facts and speak truth and to season our speech with grace and wisdom.

These things are not impossible. We have the capacity. Do we have the desire?

Dr. Todd J. Williams is president of Cairn University in Langhorne Manor. From a Faith Perspective is a weekly column written by members of the local faith communities.

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From a Faith Perspective: We have a right to free speech. But do we use it wisely? - Bucks County Courier Times

Watch: Government discredits the institutions it can’t control – Grech – Newsbook

Tista' taqra bil-Malti.

The government discredits the institutions it cannot control, Partit Nazzjonalista leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday.

In an interview hosted by head of department of public policy at the University of Malta Dr George Vital Zammit, Grech remarked that the government was afraid of the Office of the Standards Czar.

When he cannot control commissioners, Prime Minister Robert Abela removes them, Grech charged, and added that Abela was indeed the continuity of the previous administration led by disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat.

Grech said that the current Standards Commissioner George Hyzler has the Oppositions trust.

I want Hyzler to continue investigating elected politicians and their behaviour, including myself and the parliamentary group I lead, if such a situation arises, Grech said, adding that politicians should be held accountable.

Grech pledged when Partit Nazzjonalista is elected to government, it would revisit dubious contracts signed during the Labour-led administration.

He remarked that the government chose not to act on the 274 million direct order awarded to James Caterers and a db Group subsidiary for an extension to the St Vincent de Paul Residence was done in breach of public procurement laws, according to Auditor-General Charles Deguara, who argued that the entire deal could be deemed invalid.

I am committed to review contracts where it is clear there are shortcomings. There are contracts that we have yet to see, he said.

Commenting on the latest survey by Malta Today, Grech acknowledged that more needs to be done to address the trust rating drop.

Grechs trust rating dropped by 10 points to the lowest since he took over the party leadership in September.

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Watch: Government discredits the institutions it can't control - Grech - Newsbook

The pain of tick control – The Standard

I am a dairy farmer based in Ndenderu and I know the dangers of ticks on my dairy farm. I have been spraying my animals at least once a week, but I do not seem to get it right. Ticks have always been a permanent enemy. What am I not doing right?

[James Wanyoike,Kiambu County]

Dear Wanyoike,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Ticks are a group of external parasites that have negative health and economic impacts to farmers. The little creatures transmit many livestock and even human diseases. Most of these diseases are fatal and costly to treat.

Ticks are blood sucking parasites and large numbers will cause anaemia, reduced growth rate and low live weight. Tick bites also reduce the quality of skin and hides. However, of great concern is the ability of ticks to transmit many livestock diseases within and cross herds.

Efforts to eradicate ticks have been futile due to their wide species and lifecycle. At the moment, tick control is the best arsenal for farmers.

How can you control ticks?

Use of chemical agents known as acaricides is a common way of controlling ticks. Acaricides are normally applied on the livestock but can also be sprayed in the environment where ticks live.

Acaricides must be used in a way that they do not pollute the environment or harm the animal or the person applying. Additionally, these are toxins and must be mixed in the right way following the manufacturers instructions. They must be applied by someone wearing personal protective equipment.

Other tick control methods are handpicking (though not as effective and not practical in large herds) or biological methods that use predator birds.

Common mistakes

To save on costs, some farmers will over dilute the acaricide or apply it scantily. I have observed this with commercial sprayers in the village where someone moves round with a knapsack sprayer spraying animals for a fee. With such people commercial gains can easily outweigh the goal of spraying.

There is already a challenge of resistance by the ticks to acaricides and this further underscores the need for their proper use.

Closely related to this is poor spraying. A good acaricide sprayer should generate enough pressure to penetrate hidden areas, which are preferred by ticks for example between hooves, at leg/body junctions and ears. Dipping is the best method that ensures all the areas receive an adequate amount of acaricide. There are acaricides available as smears, which can be applied by hand in areas where liquid sprays may not reach.

Wrong timing

Spraying or dipping is best done in the morning for proper soaking of the livestock and a better effect. In the morning, the weather is cool and therefore there is less evaporation. Pour-on preparations have a good penetration ability and longer lasting effect though may be slightly expensive.

Application of acaricides must factor in the life cycle of ticks. It is important to bear in mind that some ticks have a life cycle that involves stages outside the host (livestock). This is normally taken care by cyclic application of acaricides. In some instances, the off-host habitats like animal houses can be sprayed to kill all the stages of ticks.

If one brand is not working, try another one. As said earlier there is a lot of resistance development against acaricides by ticks. Acaricides come in different formulations. Your animal health professional will advise on which types to use according to the tick type and based on what is not working.

[The writer was the Vet of the Year Award winner and works in the Division of Communication and Vet Advisory Services within the Directorate of Veterinary Services; [emailprotected]]

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The pain of tick control - The Standard

Where did the Chinese rocket land? Fragments of Chinas Long March 5B crash back to Earth –

Fragments of a rocket launched by China more than a week ago have crash-landed back to Earth.

The 22-tonne section of the Long March 5B re-entered the atmosphere at 12.24pm AEST.

Chinas Manned Space Engineering Office was cited by state media as saying it entered over the Indian Ocean.

The coordinates offered placed its entry point southwest of Sri Lanka and north of the Maldives.

According to the space agency, much of the spacecraft burned up during re-entry.

Astronomer Jonathan McDowell said it passed over Canberra about 11.11am (AEST).

About 10 minutes later, he forecasted it had passed over Wellington.

Had it continued on its path, he said, it would have passed over Western Australia at 12.36pm AEST.

The Long March 5B rocket carried the main module of Tianhe, or Heavenly Harmony, into orbit on April 29.

Usually, discarded rocket stages re-enter the atmosphere soon after liftoff, normally over water, and dont go into orbit.

China plans ten more launches to carry additional parts of the space station into orbit.

A year ago, another Chinese rocket piece that had carried another part for the space station tumbled uncontrolled over New York and Los Angeles before smashing into Ivory Coast, in West Africa, where it damaged buildings but caused no reported injuries.

Last months launch was the first of 11 such missions planned by China to build the new space station.

Though the U.S. and other Western countries dont have the same record of letting their rockets crash down uncontrollably, there are other concerns when it comes to their approaches to orbital spaceflight, according to Pollacco at the University of Warwick.

He said that many countries often park their debris at lower orbits, leaving parts of rockets up in space where they can sit for years.

We try to track them but we cant control them, he said. So were sitting here waiting for a collision to happen - we too are playing a lottery.

- with NBC

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Fact check: COVID-19 deaths dont automatically include anyone who tested positive within 20 days – USA TODAY

After you get your COVID-19 vaccine, you can get freebies including free doughnuts, beer and more. USA TODAY

Nearly one-third of Americans have been fully vaccinatedagainst the coronavirus, and the daily death rate is falling.But on social media, misinformation about what counts as a COVID-19 death persists.

In a May 2 Instagram post,Bryson Gray, a rapper and conservative social media personality, published a screenshot of a tweet that makes it seem like the United States is overcounting coronavirus deaths.

Funny isnt it, if you die within 20 days of testing positive for the Rona (no matter what other factors were involved) Youll be counted as a COVID death, the tweet says. However, if you drop dead within 24 hours of taking the vaccine it has nothing to do with it.

The posts insinuation that coronavirus vaccines cause death is wrong and so is the claim about how COVID-19 deaths are counted.

Fact check: Post detailing COVID-19 deaths under Biden ignores improving trend

Local medical examiners, coroners and physicians decide whether COVID-19 contributed to someones death. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which maintains a tally of COVID-19 deaths, has guidance on how officials should fill out death certificates, but that guidance does not include a 20-day rule. False claims that the U.S. is padding coronavirus statistics have circulated since the early days of the pandemic.

USA TODAY reached out to Gray and the Twitter user who originally published the claim for comment.

The CDC guidance for how local officials should count COVID-19 deaths says nothing about including everyone who tests positive for the virus within a certain time frame.

The CDC gets dataon COVID-19 deaths through the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), which gets its data from death certificates filed in state vital registration offices. When a local medical examiner, physician or coroner lists the coronavirus as a cause of death on a certificate, the CDC counts it as a COVID-19 death.

Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines dont cause death, wont decimate worlds population

When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death or when it is listed as a probable or presumed cause the death is coded as U07.1, said Jasmine Reed, a public affairs specialist for the CDC, in an email to USA TODAY. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

In April 2020, the NCHS issued guidanceon how local officials should count COVID-19 deaths. That guidance, basedonwidely adopted recommendationsfrom the World Health Organization, says: If COVID-19 played a role in the death, this condition should be specified on the death certificate.

When determining whether COVID-19 played a role in the cause of death, follow the CDC clinical criteria for evaluating a person under investigation for COVID-19 and, where possible, conduct appropriate laboratory testing using guidance provided by CDC or local health authorities, the document says.

Medical workers test a local resident at a drive-thru coronavirus testing site in Waterloo, Iowa, on May 1, 2020.(Photo: Charlie Neibergall/AP)

That guidance, as well as the CDCs overview of testing for COVID-19,says nothing about a 20-day rule for counting coronavirus deaths. USA TODAY and other fact-checkerscould find no evidence such a rule exists.

The 20-day figure in the Instagram post may stem from what the CDC has said about the contagiousness of coronavirus for certain groups of people.

Adults with more severe illness or who are immunocompromised may remain infectious up to 20 days or longer after symptom onset, so a test-based strategy could be considered in consultation with infectious disease experts for these people, the agency says on its website.

Allegations that the U.S. is overcounting COVID-19 deaths arent new they've spread on social media and in Washington since the pandemic began.

In June, USA TODAY fact-checked false claimsthat the CDC was adding influenza and pneumonia to its COVID-19 death tally to make the pandemic seem worse than it was. The misinformation continued in the fall, when former President Donald Trump falselyclaimedthe U.S. was counting deaths that shouldnt have been attributed to COVID-19. Conspiracy theories that the CDC was intentionally inflating coronavirus deaths reemerged in February.

More: Biden wants 70% of US adults to be jabbed at least once by July 4

The notion that the U.S. is overcounting COVID-19 deaths doesnt hold water. In fact, public health officials haverepeatedlysaidtheir tallies are likely an undercountbecause of factors like false negatives on tests and people who have died at home without being diagnosed with COVID-19.

The claim that anyone who dies within 20 days of testing positive for COVID-19 automatically counts as a COVID-19 death is FALSE, based on our research. Whether COVID-19 contributed to someones death is left up to the judgment of local medical examiners, physicians and coroners. There is no rule that people who die within 20 days of receiving a positive COVID-19 diagnosis are automatically added to the pandemics death tally.

Nurses struggling to take vital signs. Anguished faces on iPad screens. A chaplain praying with a patient. These are the scenes playing out daily inside of a COVID-19 ICU. USA TODAY

National Center for Health Statistics, accessed May 4, COVID-19 Death Data and Resources

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Fact check: COVID-19 deaths dont automatically include anyone who tested positive within 20 days - USA TODAY