Insights on the Human and Machine Trust/Threat Detection and Damage Mitigation Global Market to 2025 – Featuring 3D Robotics, Airbus & Alert Logic…
Dublin, Aug. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Human and Machine Trust/Threat Detection and Damage Mitigation Market by Technology, Solution, Deployment Model, Use Case, Application, Sector (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Government), Industry Vertical, and Region 2020 - 2025" report has been added to's offering.
This research evaluates the machine trust market. This includes human-machine threat detection and damage mitigation systems in both human-machine and machine-machine security frameworks. The report assesses the market from both technology and solution perspective and associated services. The report also evaluates unique approaches across industry verticals as well as the government sector with forecasts from 2020 to 2025.
Threat detection and damage mitigation (TDDM) refers to those processes, procedures, tools that provide the ability of an organization to accurately identify potential threats to networks, systems, applications and/or other assets with emphasis upon the ability to pre-emptively and proactively respond to security events and/or mitigate damage. More advanced TDDM solutions look beyond human-led threat detection and mitigation to autonomous M2M solutions. Regardless of whether threats originate from human beings or autonomous computer programs, the new vision of TDDM is to create a human-machine threat detection framework in which network operators and systems administrators may choose their level of interaction and control.
Human-machine threat detection systems leverage various techniques such as video surveillance, cloud-controlled cyber-bots, and physical robots, artificial intelligence, biometric security systems, and IoT solutions. Various combinations of automation techniques and technologies are leveraged in orchestration with human-controlled threat detection solutions. Solutions will have varying levels of autonomy, including fully autonomous, remote-controlled (such as via handheld devices), and hybrid variants.
Recent concerns and threats stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic have added a new dimension of safety and security to protect human lives. The new expectation will have a longer-term impact of routine behavior and processes. It has now become very important across the world to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus and protect human lives. In addition to physical threats associated with pandemics, bad actors also seize the opportunity to engage in various threats against cyber infrastructure. For example, we see aviation, transportation, and public safety industries relying upon human-machine TDDM solutions on an increasingly larger scale to restore human confidence over security systems as part of both industry and government initiatives.
Based on our analysis, we see certain vendors as key to the ecosystem including Check Point, Cisco, Fidelis, FireEye, Fortinet, McAfee, Palo Alto Networks, Symantec, Trend Micro, etc. offer integrated architecture for threat detection and mitigation solutions on all of the options. Companies like IBM QRadar, Splunk, Chronicle Security Backstory, Microsoft Azure Sentinel, etc. provide security analytics solutions.
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Key Topics Covered:
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Introduction
3.0 Technology and Application Analysis3.1 Human to Machine Interaction Technology and products3.1.1 Device Based Intrusion Detection System3.1.1.1 Memory Scanning System3.1.1.2 Network Intrusion Detection System3.1.1.3 Host-based Intrusion Detection System3.1.1.4 Perimeter Intrusion Detection System3.1.2 Screening and Management Platform3.1.2.1 People and Component Screening3.1.2.2 Baggage Screening3.1.3 Security and Surveillance Robots3.1.4 Disinfection and Disease Protection System3.1.4.1 Ultraviolet Light-Based Disinfection System3.1.4.2 Disinfection Chamber /Sanitizing Tunnels3.1.4.3 Tray Disinfection System3.1.4.4 Airborne Disease Protection System3.1.5 Handheld and Photosensitive Detection Device3.2 Human to Machine Interaction Application Analysis3.2.1 Explosive Detection3.2.2 Radiological and Nuclear Detection3.2.3 Chemical and Biological Detection3.2.4 Narcotics Detection3.2.5 Network Intrusion Detection3.2.6 Disease Control and Management3.2.7 People and Component Detection3.2.8 Fire detection3.3 Machine to Machine Interaction Technology and Products3.3.1 Cloud Access and Security Brokers (CASB)3.3.2 Endpoint Detection and Response Systems3.3.3 Intrusion Detection Systems3.3.4 Network Firewalls3.3.5 Malware Sandboxing3.3.6 Honeypots3.3.7 Security Information and Event Management System3.3.8 Threat Intelligence Platforms3.3.9 Use and Entity Behaviour Analytics3.4 Machine to Machine Interaction Application Analysis3.4.1 Unauthorized Identity and Access Detection3.4.2 Suspicious Behaviour Detection3.4.3 Malicious Activity Detection3.4.4 Enterprise Threat Detection3.4.5 Connected Threat and Attacks Detection3.4.6 Known Threat Intelligence Feeds3.4.7 Malware Code Detection3.4.8 RansomWare Detection3.5 Human-Machine Threat Detection Use Case Analysis3.5.1 Public Infrastructure Deployment3.5.2 Commercial Space Deployment3.5.3 Institutional Deployment3.5.4 Industrial Deployment3.6 Human-Machine Threat Detection across Industry Vertical3.6.1 Consumer Sector3.6.2 Enterprise Sector3.6.3 Industrial Sector3.6.4 Government Sector3.7 Infrastructure and People Monitoring3.8 Advanced Threat Monitoring and Response3.9 Cloud vs. On-Premise Deployment3.10 AI and Machine Learning Role3.11 Ethical AI3.12 Threat Visualization and Analytics3.13 Threats to IoT, Edge Computing, and 5G
4.0 Company Analysis4.1 3D Robotics4.2 Airbus4.3 Alert Logic4.4 Analogic Corporation4.5 Armor Defense4.6 AT&T Cybersecurity4.7 Axis Communication AB4.8 Barracuda Networks4.9 Blighter Surveillance Systems4.10 Broadcom (Blue Coat Systems)4.11 Boeing4.12 Chemimage Corporation4.13 Chemring Group4.14 Cisco Systems4.15 Darktrace4.16 Dell4.17 Drone Shield4.18 Elbit Systems4.19 Exabeam4.20 FireEye4.21 Flir Systems4.22 Forcepoint4.23 Fortinet4.24 Group IB4.25 General Electric (GE)4.26 Google4.27 Huawei Technologies4.28 IBM4.29 Intel4.30 Lockheed Martin Corporation4.31 McAfee4.32 Mirion Technologies4.33 Medtronic4.34 Microsoft Corporation4.35 Northrop Grumman4.36 Palo Alto Networks4.37 RAE Systems (Honeywell)4.38 Rapid74.39 Rapiscan Systems4.40 Raytheon Technologies4.41 Safran4.42 Smiths Detection Group4.43 Thales Group4.44 Trend Micro4.45 Collins Aerospace4.46 WatchGuard
5.0 Market Analysis and Forecast 2020 - 20255.1 Global Human Machine Threat Detection Market 2020 - 20255.2 Global Human Machine Threat Detection Market by Segment 2020 - 20255.3 Human to Machine Interaction Market 2020 - 20255.3.1 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Technology5.3.2 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Solution5.3.2.1 Global Intrusion Detection Device Market by Product and System5.3.2.2 Global Screening and Management Machine Market by Product and System5.3.2.3 Global Security and Surveillance Robots Market by Product and System5.3.2.4 Global Disinfection and Disease Protection System Market by Product and System5.3.2.5 Global Handheld and Photosensitive Detection Device Market by Product and System5.3.2.6 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Service5.3.3 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Deployment Model5.3.4 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Use Case5.3.5 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Application5.3.6 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Sector5.3.7 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Industry Vertical5.3.8 Global Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Region5.3.8.1 North America Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.3.8.2 Europe Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.3.8.3 APAC Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5. SEA Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.3.8.4 Latin America Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.3.8.5 MEA Human to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.4 Machine to Machine Interaction Market 2020 - 20255.4.1 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Technology5.4.2 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Solution5.4.2.1 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Product and System5.4.2.2 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Service5.4.3 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Deployment Model5.4.4 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Use Case5.4.5 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Application5.4.6 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Sector5.4.7 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Industry Vertical5.4.8 Global Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Region5.4.8.1 North America Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.4.8.2 Europe Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.4.8.3 APAC Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5. SEA Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.4.8.4 Latin America Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country5.4.8.5 MEA Machine to Machine Interaction Market for Threat Detection by Country
6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations6.1 Advertisers and Media Companies6.2 Artificial Intelligence Providers6.3 Automotive Companies6.4 Broadband Infrastructure Providers6.5 Communication Service Providers6.6 Computing Companies6.7 Data Analytics Providers6.8 Immersive Technology (AR, VR, and MR) Providers6.9 Networking Equipment Providers6.10 Networking Security Providers6.11 Semiconductor Companies6.12 IoT Suppliers and Service Providers6.13 Software Providers6.14 Healthcare Service Providers6.15 Unmanned System Providers6.16 Public Safety Solution Providers6.17 Smart City System Integrators6.18 Social Media Companies6.19 Workplace Solution Providers6.20 Enterprise and Government
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Insights on the Human and Machine Trust/Threat Detection and Damage Mitigation Global Market to 2025 - Featuring 3D Robotics, Airbus & Alert Logic...