Archive for the ‘Media Control’ Category

LOCAL ROUNDUP: Bluehawks take control in Patroon – Columbia … – The Register Star

HUDSON -- Behind a suffocating defense and a balanced scoring effort, the Hudson girls basketball team is back in the driver's seat in the race for the Patroon Conference championship.

The defending league champion Bluehawks avenged an early season loss to Maple Hill and regained sole possession of first place with a 62-43 victory over the Wildcats on Wednesday night.

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Read more from the original source:
LOCAL ROUNDUP: Bluehawks take control in Patroon - Columbia ... - The Register Star

Kanit offers changes to controversial media bill – The Nation

THE media regulation bill preparedby the National ReformSteeringAssembly (NRSA)smedia reformcommittee as part of nationalreform has faced harsh criticism thatit seeks to control media outlets,rather than protect the media.

The key points that major mediagroups have strongly opposed arethe make-up of the proposed professional council and the medialicensing system outlined in the bill.

This has led them to call for ACMKanit Suwannet, head of the committee sub-panel spearheading theproposal, to be removed.

But he stuck to his guns and vowedto look into the details again. ACMKanit talked to The Nationabout theideas behind the story, plus hispanels next moves amid fierce

resistance by many media professionals.


We didnt. It was something we took from the now-defunct National Reform Council (NRC)s committee on media reform. They are not around today as they were dissolved after the previous draft charter was aborted. But what they studied remained, and we continue their work. The professional council was part of their study.


For that, you will have to ask the NRC. We just took the baton from them. But from the study they conducted, the thing about the regulation proposed, they said it was necessary.

Yes, the media has associations, federations and everything as self-regulatory mechanisms, which abide by some laws such as that of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC). But it doesnt work very well. It hasnt been very effective.

So, the idea of establishing the professional council came about to allow co-regulation.

Everything follows the study conducted by the NRC.


Those are two completely different words. They are not even close to one another. Looking at them either in Thai or in English, they are two different words.

But I understand that maybe the media has a lesson from the past that gets them so worried. I totally understand but personally I think, we can talk and discuss this over and adjust it.

There is nothing rigid about the composition of the council. We can change both the composition and the qualifications [for people on the council].

Now I have assigned everyone on the panel to think [the proposal] over, we will discuss what the composition should be and who should represent the state in the council when we meet again.


We discussed that in the meeting on Monday. Some people in the NRSA whips said they should still be there because the council will be subsidised by the state. So, there should be some connection.

But we will think about the new composition again who should sit on the council. We try to make them as relevant to the media field as possible.


Well, both sectors, private and public, must go together. We have dealt with concerns about the composition [of the council] and reduced the number of the permanent secretaries down from four.

But actually, there is nothing to worry about. The four permanent secretaries are from different ministries. They are independent. They each have one vote. And the media can still scrutinise them. Especially now with social media, you can publish all the documents online.

It is impossible for the permanent secretaries to have influence over you. This is not to mention seniority and credentials of a permanent secretary position. Now the reformers are doing homework. If it is not a permanent secretary [on the council], then what should they be?


Even presently you do have a kind of licensing, but it is at the company level. We just expand it to an individual level.

But as the official name of the bill suggests, the licensing system will rather help to protect your rights as well as to promote media ethics and standards. If you are a certified press worker with a licence issued, you should be entitled to benefits and privileges such as awards.

As a result, you will love your institution. You will want to maintain your standards and report the news ethically. Unlike when there is no clear system or no licensing, you can come and go however you like. It lacks order.


We propose that it would be. But I want to stress that any training or examinations prerequisite for a licence are entirely the responsibility of the council. You have full control. This is not against the draft constitution.


Not by the state. It would be the authority of the professional council. The council is entitled to issue its own regulations. If you meet the minimum standard, there is no way your licence can be revoked.

It is the same as driving. If you drive well and safely, you are fine. Unless you do something wrong, you wont face any consequences. And there are steps before any revocation, which comes last on the list. First you get warned, then you get fined. If you dont show improvement, you will be suspended. Revocation is the last and the strongest measure.


That would depend on the composition of its members. Now it is unclear, but the number of permanent secretaries will be reduced. It can be cut down to three, two or one. It remains undecided. But at least one will stay. It is necessary since self-regulation has not proven effective.


Everything will be clearer early in March. After that, we will forward it to the whips. Then it enters the NRSA and the Cabinet. That is the process, if it can go through and doesnt get rejected.

See the original post:
Kanit offers changes to controversial media bill - The Nation

Sunday’s Lead Letter: America’s out-of-control news media – Florida Times-Union

Our news media is sadly evolving now into a monster.

When will the media see themselves in their own true light?

They have abused their freedom to such a point that it now simply borders on malicious forms of propaganda.

Our media outlets certainly understand their power. Their purpose is to impose their will.

Do not step out of line or this media will consume and destroy any merit to your thoughts, including your rights of privilege in the mandate that for us is everything American.

So just how does one tame this monster called the media?

Before we can answer that question, we must broach our own understanding of individual rights.

Our founders gave us freedoms in a way that was reasonable. They gave us our liberty based on the laws of nature and of natures God. To this, they also stated that both as American citizens of this great nation are equally entitled.

Our founders allowed us to choose our path, to decide the virtue of that which is right equally and what is wrong equally, and in the need at times to change it unequally, just as in nature.

To that end, nature can be a hard truth that is owned to no man, but only to natures God.

Abraham Lincoln spoke about those words held within our Declaration of Independence and said that when future generations read these words, they would realize that they have a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood, and flesh of the flesh of the men who wrote that Declaration.

There is no equality in nature, only balance, and when this balance is undermined, nature will set a path to reclaim her balance.

To that end no man will persevere or prevail, this outcome belongs only to nature and to natures God alone.

Gerald Tisdell, Casselberry

Read more:
Sunday's Lead Letter: America's out-of-control news media - Florida Times-Union

Media set to keep up its fight on regulation – The Nation

Thai Journalists Association (TJA) president Wanchai Wongmeechai, who attended the seminar on the media regulation bill hosted by Thai Chamber of Commerce University, said he had learned from insiders that the committee would not revise the proposal concerning the media licensing authority.

Under the bill, authority would be passed to a new Media Professional Council as that is what the committee had set their minds on, he said. However, the groups would closely watch the committees moves and take action as necessary, Wanchai added.

Controversial legislation

The proposed legislation has become a highly controversial issue since the committee planned to submit it to the NRSA for endorsement last week. Media organisations, including the TJA and the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association (TBJA), strongly opposed the bill when they heard about its contents.

The media groups challenged two main points, the first of which was the composition of the proposed Media Professional Council, which would see at least four permanent secretaries from concerned ministries sit alongside media representatives and academics. The groups see this as a loophole for state intervention in the media.

The other bone of contention is the media licensing system, which the groups believe will lead to control of the media.

On Thursday, the media groups representatives submitted a letter to the NRSA vice chairman Alongkorn Ponlaboot, conveying their opposition. This resulted in the NRSA whips telling the committee to withdraw the bill for review and revision before resubmitting it.

TBJA chairman Thepchai Yong said the implications of the bill would be more far-reaching than people thought, as it would give power to the state, political sector and capitalists to control the media under the proposed council.

Vague definition

Thepchai said the proposed licensing system was vague in its definition. He urged media members to watch developments and help push for changes as the current suspension cannot ensure that the bill will be revised to facilitate press freedom.

The NRSA members, he said, should deliberate the bill carefully so that it would not eventually put media control in the hands of the state and politicians.

Former reformer from the now-defunct National Reform Council (NRC), Jumpol Rodkamdee, said |the NRC drafted a similar bill but with the principle of supporting press freedom and allowing media members to shape self-regulation. Their bill also proposed the same council but with different composition, including certified members of the media, to facilitate self-regulation.

The seminar heard various proposals for the revision of the latest bill, including a tri-party memorandum of understanding, including the academic and civil sectors, to help the media reform and regulate.

A civil-based council was proposed to replace the one proposed in the bill, so people would have more say in helping regulate the media.

Read more:
Media set to keep up its fight on regulation - The Nation

Amazon’s Alexa can now control your Plex media server – SlashGear

The AI battle over your living room is getting a tad more intense. At CES 2017, NVIDIA surprised its fans by becoming the first, and so far only, gaming and multimedia device to integrate Google Assistant and Google Home into its functionality. Though that future has yet to arrive, Amazon and Plex are bringing their own future to the present. Now anyone with an Amazon Echo, or actually any device where Alexa resides, can now enjoy hands free control of the popular Plex media server, bringing the smart home of the future to your living room today.

Sometimes is really just easier to tap on your smartphone or computer to start a movie or play some music, but its definitely fun once in a while to imagine your home being taken care of a disembodied voice. Theres also a sense of adventure when you let the computer suggest videos or music you wouldnt have otherwise encountered if left to your own.

Thats where the powerful partnership between Plex and Alexa comes in. Simply enable Alexas newly learned Plex skill, link to your Plex account, and open the Plex app. From there, you can just tell Alexa to play what you want or suggest something new. With Plexs search and discovery features, thats an easy task for the AI assistant to accomplish.

Integration with Alexa, however, is actually just a part of Plexs attempt to gain more control over your living room and your digital life. It is also working on Webhooks that would let you connect any Plex activity, from playing media to rating it, to actions, like sending out a tweet or even controlling your other smart appliances. It can even be as simple as displaying a notification on your desktop every time a new track starts playing.

Plexs new Webhooks, however, is available only for Plex Pass subscribers. In contrast, any Plex user is welcome to try out Alexas new skills for themselves. They just need to own an Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Amazon Tap, Amazon Fire TV, or Fire tablet to do so.


Read more from the original source:
Amazon's Alexa can now control your Plex media server - SlashGear