Join our new mailing list and be the first to learn about upcoming guests! Go to 0:00-1:00 Today, on This Week in Social Media, we'll cover the latest from uber-social network Facebook and also dive into the world of social TV viewing
See the original post here:
- Social Media - Big Media and the Social Web - TWiSM #03 - Video The losing struggle against centralized media control in the US Congress. If 9/11 is such a big lie, why don't more newspapers and television stations 'break the story'? Well, a few do, but not many
See the original post here:
Orwell Rolls in his Grave 2of4-D
Here's a short video showing how to add Virgin Media's Tivo to your Harmony Remote Control.
More here:
Adding Virgin Media's Tivo To Your Harmony Remote Control - Video
0:00-1:00 We're here today on the This Week in Social Media pilot episode! 1:00-1:45 My guest today is Simon Mainwaring of We First ( 1:45-3:00 Tell us about your recent work with charitable organizations and how that shifted your thoughts on branding, Simon
The rest is here:
This Week In Social Media - Simon Mainwaring on This Week in Social Media--Live Pilot - Video