Archive for the ‘Media Control’ Category

Stephen Harper brings US style media control to Canada

From CBC's, "The Hour." Stephen Harper and Media Control For more info, go to:

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Stephen Harper brings US style media control to Canada

Haptic Techniques for Media Control, Part 1 (1999)

Haptic Techniques for Media Control This research introduces a set of techniques for haptically manipulating digital media such as video, audio, voicemail and computer graphics, utilizing virtual mediating dynamic models based on intuitive physical metaphors. For example, a video sequence can be modeled by linking its motion to a heavy spinning virtual wheel: the user browses by grasping a physical force-feedback knob and engaging the virtual wheel through a simulated clutch to spin or brake it, while feeling the passage of individual frames. These systems were implemented on a collection of single axis actuated displays (knobs and sliders), equipped with orthogonal force sensing to enhance their expressive potential

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Haptic Techniques for Media Control, Part 1 (1999)

George Orwell rolls in his grave.

A clip from the documentary. About Government and media corruption.

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George Orwell rolls in his grave.

The Listening Post- Media control in Iran- 26 June 09 – PT1

In The Listening Post this week, we take a look at the Internet and new media controls put in place in Iran, and from Northern Ireland, the case of journalist Suzanne Breens fight not to disclose her sources .

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The Listening Post- Media control in Iran- 26 June 09 - PT1