Archive for the ‘Mike Pence’ Category

Mike Pence Falsely Takes Credit for Pfizer Vaccine, Is …

As youve probably heard by now, over the weekend Donald Trump was projected as having lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden, in part due to his disgraceful response to the COVID-19 pandemic, wherein he effectively just let the virus spiral out of control, leading to the deaths of nearly 238,000 in the U.S. Because hes mortifyingly delusional, though, he believes that (1) he still has a chance at being reelected, hence the refusal to concede, and (2) the news that Pfizers vaccine is more than 90% effective in early trials and may be available by the end of the year is somehow a credit to him.

Taking a break from tweeting clips about election fraud that were immediately flagged for spreading false information, a.k.a. the only kind of information he spreads, Trump tweeted: STOCK MARKET UP BIG, VACCINE COMING SOON. REPORT 90% EFFECTIVE. SUCH GREAT NEWS! Later Mike Pence took things a step further:

And because virtually everything out of this administrations collective mouth is a lie, and an entire cottage industry of fact-checking has necessarily cropped up around it, Pences statement was immediately debunkedby Pfizer itself. Speaking to the New York Times, Dr. Kathrin Jansen, a senior vice president and the head of vaccine research and development at the company, said, We were never part of the Warp Speed, referring to the governments effort to rapidly develop a vaccine. We have never taken any money from the U.S. government, or from anyone. As the Washington Post notes, back in July, the drugmaker agreed to partner with the government to distribute a vaccine, leveraging what will be a massive, complicated effort run by the federal government to ensure that as many people as possible can be immunized. But the actual developmental efforts had nothing to do with the Trump administration.

Of course, Trump & Co. arent ones for details or facts, so theyll presumably be deploying people to take credit for the breakthrough throughout the week. If we were betting peoplewhich we, of course, are notwed probably put a significant amount of money on first son-in-law Jared Kushner appearing on TV to call Pfizers success a testament to Donald Trump. (When and if he does, remember that a former volunteer on Kushners COVID-19 task force described the administrations response effort as like a family office meets organized crime, melded with Lord of the Flies. It was a government of chaos. And also that in April, he crowed, as only the poster child for nepotism could, about taking back control of the public health crisis from medical professionals, and claimed that the country was at the beginning of its comeback.) Naturally, Ivanka has already taken to Twitter to credit the news to President Daddy:

Meanwhile, in the even dumber branch of the family, Don Jr. took a quick break from spreading conspiracy theories about voter fraud to weigh in on the vaccine news:

As Jansen also told the New York Times, she learned of the drug-trial results from an outside panel of experts just after 1 p.m. on Sundaytiming that had absolutely nothing to do with the election. We have always said that science is driving how we conduct ourselvesno politics, she said. Of course, if one were Don Jr., one would respond that thats exactly what they want us to think and that its clear Pfizer is in bed with the Lamestream Media and other assorted figures hell-bent on taking down his father. Thankfully, there is only one Don Jr.can you imagine if he were multiplying??and none of us are him.

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Mike Pence Falsely Takes Credit for Pfizer Vaccine, Is ...

Mike Pence Lies About Pfizer Vaccine, Claims Credit For …

As soon as this bald-faced lie came out on Twitter, Pfizer officials were asked what Pence was talking about, as they hadn't taken any government money to work on a vaccine. Pfizer, rightly, refused to work with the Trump administration.

Source: Alternet

Vice President Mike Pence, the Coronavirus Task Force chief, and former Trump UN Ambassador Nikki Haley are under fire for trying to give credit for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to President Donald Trump and the White House's "Operation War Speed."

Pfizer announced Monday morning its coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective. The pharmaceutical giant refused to partner with the Trump administration to develop the drug, instead it worked with a German group.

And a reminder from Pfizer's CEO about why they refused the Trump administration's "help".

Nikki Haley also tried to claim credit for the Trump administration.

It's not just that lie so brazenly, but that they're so stupid about it.

Immediate jeers all around for this bunch of know-nothings.

See the article here:
Mike Pence Lies About Pfizer Vaccine, Claims Credit For ...

Mike Pence: ‘It’s Not Over Til It’s Over,’ Twitter Users …

Although Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential election,Mike Pence would rather quote legendary New York YankeeYogi Berra than face reality.

The vice president took to Twitter on Monday to declare Its not over til its over, and vowed to keep fighting until every legal vote is counted.

Although Biden was projected the winner on Saturdayby The Associated Press and other media outlets, based on nonpartisan analysis of the vote in several states, Trump and some of his allies have repeatedly claimed he won the election.

The president has also accused the Democratic Party of wrongdoing without providing evidence to back the allegations.

Not surprisingly, many Twitter users had a different take from Pence about the state of the election.

Some people pointed out that neither the administration nor Trump campaign officials have provided any hard evidence supporting claims of the type of election malfeasance that would change the results in a handful of crucial states.

One man suggested that the timing of Pences keep fighting tweet was a little suspect, considering the vice president will be off for the rest of the week.

Another guy thought it was weird that the Trump administration was stalling the inevitable.

One woman noted that Pences use of the phrase every legal vote sounded like a dog whistle.

Another guy got a completely different vibe from Pences tweet.

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Mike Pence: 'It's Not Over Til It's Over,' Twitter Users ...

‘This AINT over!’ Vice President Mike Pence exhorts Trump campaign to continue challenging election result – USA TODAY

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar insists her 67 counties are taking their time to thoroughly count ballots as the race narrows. USA TODAY

WASHINGTON Vice President Mike Pence tweeted Monday that he is firmly behind efforts to keep counting legal votes as the Trump campaign tries to find a way to undo Joe Bidens victory, which has been declared by media networks and recognized by a growing number of prominent Republicans.

Told @VP Team Today: it aint over til its over .. and this AINT over! President @realDonaldTrump has never stopped fighting for us and were gonna Keep Fighting until every LEGAL vote is counted, the vice president wrote in a tweet.

It's the first public statement Pencehas made since Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election Saturday.

Vice President Mike Pence gives a speech on July 17, 2020, at Ripon College in Ripon, Wis.(Photo: Alex Martin, Appleton Post-Crescent)

President Donald Trump and his legal team continueto make the unsubstantiated claim that several states notably Pennsylvania havecounted ballots they shouldnt have and prematurely awarded Biden the victory he needed to win the White House.

Trump campaign lawyers and their GOP allies are challengingthe vote of several key states, including Georgia, Nevada and Michigan,that narrowly went for Biden.

More: If Trump still won't concede to Biden, he'll break more than a century of tradition

InPennsylvania: OnMonday evening,the Trump campaign filed a federal suit in Pennsylvania alleging voters were treated differently depending on whether they voted by mail or in person,creating an unconstitutional, two tiered system.The Trump campaign, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania and others have also filed a flurry of lawsuits and legal briefs aboutthe controversial three-day extension for voters to return mail ballots,the rights of people to observe ballot counting, andthe process for curing ballots when mistakes are made.

In Arizona: The Trump campaign has sued in Maricopa County, alleging Arizonavoters were given Sharpie pens to mark selections, andwhenvote tabulation machinesflagged some ballotsas defective, poll workersimproperly overrode themachines.State electionofficials have denied that ballots were tabulated improperly.

More: Most Republican lawsuits challenging election results in battleground states haven't gone far

In Georgia:The campaign continues to highlight voting irregularities and the president's claims of fraud. Both the campaign and the president have not provided any proof to back their unsubstantiated claims. And Brad Raffensperger, the state's Republican secretary of State, has rejected claims of widespread fraud in the states elections.

InMichigan:Astate judge threw out aTrumpcampaignlawsuit last week seeking an order that the Secretary of State provide meaningful access for observers to watch ballot countingand allow it to viewvideotaped surveillance of ballot drop boxes.The Trump campaign is appealing.

In Nevada:Republicans have brought cases in state and federal court alleging problems with software used to match signatures on mail ballots,but judges declined to stop vote counting.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell defending the president's right to pursue legal remedies.

More: Why Donald Trump isn't Al Gore: How 2020 legal challenges to the election differ from 2000

"President Trump is 100% within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options," the Kentucky Republican said on the Senate floor Monday. "If any major irregularities occurred this time of a magnitude that would affect the outcome, then every single American should want them to be brought to light. And if the Democrats feel confident they have not occurred, they should have no reason to fear any extra scrutiny.

While McConnell backed Trump's legal efforts, he did not echo the president's baseless claims about voter fraud and Democrats breaking the law to steal the election from him.

Even as Trump continues to allege voter fraud without providing evidence, prominent Republicans including former President George W. Bush have begun congratulating Biden on his victory.

"I just talked to the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden," Bush, a Republican, said in a statement Sunday. "Iextended my warm congratulations and thanked him for the patriotic message he delivered last night."


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'This AINT over!' Vice President Mike Pence exhorts Trump campaign to continue challenging election result - USA TODAY

‘The Real Mike Pence’ is Ready for Retirement – Flathead Beacon

The name Mike Pence has come up a lot in recent weeks as the vice president has campaigned for reelection.

Some locals, however, might not be aware that Flathead County has its own Mike Pence, who has overseen county operations for the last 16 years. He is introduced as the real Mike Pence on a monthly KGEZ radio segment.

The man that has his hand on everything that happens in the county, Pence said in an interivew, quoting the radio introduction. Thats probably true.

While he hesitates to say it, Pence, 72, acknowledges hes probably the most powerful governmental figure in the county, but is unelected. As county administrator, Pence reports to the three county commissioners, and by the time he retires from his position early next year, will have served under 11 different commissioners.

Some people like continuity over time, but I havent really had that, Pence said. Eleven people over 16 years, thats quite a bit of change, but theyve all been great people and everyone has a different personality and ways they approach the job. I really like that challenge.

Pence learned early on that he had a knack for getting along well with people, a trait that has served him well during his 45 years serving in governmental entities.

After graduating with a degree in political science, Pence worked as a deputy county auditor in Iowa before running for election as county auditor. After serving two terms, he turned to city management and since then has worked as an administrator for three cities, three counties and an American Indian nation.

Pence notes that while hes learned a lot on the job, his Iowa upbringing is the key to his work style.

I grew up on a farm. I was taught common sense and hard work, and thats pretty much what I apply to all these positions Ive taken over all these years, Pence said. Im a fiscal conservative but not so much that I wont do things that need to get done.

Since he moved to the Flathead in 2005 to take over his current position, Pence has accomplished everything from creating the county finance department and overhauling an antiquated budgeting process to overseeing the expansion of the county campus and building up the countys cash reserves.

The bulleted summary report of his accomplishments covers 13 pages, but he is most fond of an additional 1,800 pages of documents that he began compiling early in his tenure.

This is what I take the most pride in, Pence said, hefting three spiral-bound books. My focus has been on fiscal management and the capital improvement plan.

One of the bound books is a 600-page budget system the guides each county department through the fiscal year. The capital improvement plan (CIP) book is similarly sized and is a comprehensive five-year funded plan with a 20-year outlook.

When I started here, the budget process was so antiquated it was hard to wrap your arms around it, Pence said. The capital improvement plan back in the day was departments basically giving us a Christmas wish list and we would deny most of it.

Pence works directly with roughly 20 department heads and managers, and believes that he has helped to create an effective system within the structure of the county government.

I think the management team is superb; weve made huge progress, and its all been positive, Pence said. I think we match up with any quality organization in the entire country. Were definitely in the top tier.

If Pence harbors any regrets about unfinished business, its that he hasnt been able to find a way to take county transparency to the next level.

Doing a really nice summary brochure and financial report was a goal of mine that I didnt obtain, because I cant figure out a way to do it so that people would read it, Pence said. Ill pass that along to my successor to do.

The search for his successor is currently underway, and after a short transition period, Pence and his wife Renee plan to leave the Flathead. Their goal is to travel the country visiting their six kids and 25 grandkids before settling down somewhere warm.

Im glad I stuck with this career, Pence said. I really enjoy serving the actual citizens that have come to me with complaints and grievances. Even if I couldnt solve hardly any of them, I can make them feel better about government and be someone who will at least listen to them.

I think Im leaving this place about as good as I could, Pence continued. Doesnt mean there isnt more to do, but I think its a well-oiled machine.

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'The Real Mike Pence' is Ready for Retirement - Flathead Beacon