COLORADO SPRINGS In a speech steeped in biblical imagery, Vice President Mike Pence on Friday told a Colorado-based evangelical ministry that it has an unwavering ally in Donald Trump, reaffirming the presidents support of the religious right.
The Republicans remarks came at the 40th anniversary celebration of Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian ministry based in Colorado Springs.
Pence spoke at length about religious freedom and defending the unborn, while telling the group that Trump has kept his promise to evangelicals on matters ranging from the Supreme Court confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the presidentsplans to cut off Planned Parenthood from federal funding, a long-sought goal of abortion opponents.
Under this presidents leadership, life is winning in America, Pence said.
Later this summer when we repeal and replace Obamacare, were going to defund Planned Parenthood once and for all, he added, to a standing ovation.
Founded in 1977, Focus on the Family has become one of the nations top anti-abortion advocacy groups, financing ultrasound machine installations in hundreds of pregnancy clinics across the U.S. in an attempt to dissuade pregnant women from having an abortion. Focus on the Family also offers marriage counseling and is staunchly opposed to homosexuality.
A group spokesman saidPence was the first vice president to address a Focus on the Family gathering. No president has addressed a gathering, either.
We, frankly, werent expecting him to say yes, said Paul Batura, the groups vice president of communications.
But Pence has gone further than vice presidents past in courting evangelicals while in office. This year, he recorded another first, becoming the highest ranking government official ever to speak at the March for Lifeanti-abortion rally. On Friday, he praised Focus on the Family at length, calling it a ray of hope and joy, and thanking its employees for their work.
On the left, Pences visit drew condemnation from national gay rights groups, such as GLAAD, and spawned an theatrical demonstration on the sidewalk outside. About a dozen protesters donned red robes and white bonnets to welcome the vice president a reference to The Handsmaids Tale, the dystopian novel and TV show in which women are treated as property.
This community rejects hatred and bigotry in all its hideous forms, protest organizers wrote on Facebook. Focus on the Family has fostered an environment of hostility towards the Colorado Springs LGBTQ community for decades, not to mention its promotion of strict traditional gender roles, creationism in public schools, school prayer, and abstinence-only sex education.
A handful of other protesters, their faces covered in black bandannas at the facility entrance, had a much blunter message for the gathered crowd of about 1,600, flashing obscene gestures at the predominantly Christian attendees as they drove away.
For many evangelicals, Pence represents a champion of their values in Washington. A born-again evangelical himself, Pence has long opposed same-sex marriage and has been a strong proponent of religious freedom. His popularity among the religious right factored heavily into his selection as Trumps running mate.
I think theres no question that quite a few evangelicals felt comfortable voting for President Trump because of Vice President Pence, said Batura, the Focus on the Family spokesman. And I think we would generally echo that sentiment.
Batura said hes been pleased with what hes seen from the Trump administration so far, citing the Gorsuch nomination as a key victory for the religious right.
And much as he did on the campaign trail Pence on Friday played the role of Trumps emissary to the evangelical community, repeating early and often that the president deserved the credit for any progress that had been made.
Ipromise you, Focus on the Family, you have an unwavering ally in President Donald Trump, Pence said.
Read more:
Pence heralds plan to thwart Planned Parenthood, Neil Gorsuch's Supreme Court seat at Focus on the Family - The Denver Post