Archive for the ‘Mike Pence’ Category

Mike Pence cuts short his stop in Hawaii to deal with domestic issues – CBS News

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence speaks during an Easter fellowship dinner at a military base in Seoul, South Korea, April 16, 2017.


PAGO PAGO, American Samoa-- Vice President Mike Pence is shortening his stay in Hawaii to a few hours so that he could fly back to Washington in what promises to be a very busy week for the administration and Congress.

Pences office said he would depart Hawaii on Monday afternoon after meeting with U.S. Pacific Command leaders and troops stationed in Honolulu. Plans for a Tuesday visit to the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor have been postponed, Pences office said.

Congress has until Friday to pass a new spending package or the government will shutdown. The White House is also planning to unveil a tax reform plan this week.

In American Samoa on Monday, he thanked American service members based in American Samoa, citing challenging times for the military in the Asia-Pacific. Completing a visit to the region and en route back to the United States, Pence addressed some 200 soldiers during a refueling stop in Pago Pago. He told the troops the Trump administration was seeking a large increase in military funding.

During his stop, Pence also dedicated a sign that will greet visitors at a veterans clinic. He met with American Samoan officials and troops and then flew to Hawaii at the last stop on a tour that included a visit to the Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea.

The trip offered evidence that Pence has become one of President Donald Trumps chief emissaries on the world stage, patching up relations, reassuring allies still wondering what to expect from Trump and diving into international crises like North Korea.

Pences trip to Asia was planned weeks ago. But it dropped him in South Korea just in time to deliver North Korea a stern warning from the U.S.: that all options are on the table when it comes to curbing the Norths nuclear ambitions, and that the Trump administration will seek support from its allies to pressure Pyongyang to give up its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.

His foray into the DMZ and his meetings with South Korean and Japanese leaders allowed Pence to shape a key American foreign policy issue, presenting a new challenge for a politician whose prior foreign policy experience was limited to trips to the Middle East as a congressman and trade missions to Japan, China, Israel and Europe as Indianas governor.

Pences early foreign travel schedule contrasts sharply with a mostly homebound Trump, who is not scheduled to travel overseas until late May for NATO meetings in Belgium and a gathering of the Group of Seven major industrial nations in Italy. Pence partly covered that ground when he visited Germany and Belgium in February.

Trumps predecessor, Barack Obama, had visited nine countries by late April 2009, his first three months in office, checking in with allies such as Canada, Britain and Germany. The last first-term president to wait until May to take his first foreign trip was Jimmy Carter in 1977.

Enter Pence, whose still-evolving diplomatic playbook includes several components, all steeped in humility, personal ties and his religious faith.

In some ways, Pence is the advance team: His earlier trip to Europe and his Asia trip that ends Tuesday are partly laying the foundation for journeys being planned for Trump. In other ways, Pence is the face of reassurance, offering in-person outreach to world leaders Trump has clashed with or who have doubted Trumps commitment to them at the start of his presidency.

In meetings with his counterparts, Pence frequently passed along greetings from Trump and told his hosts how much America valued their alliance, language thats commonplace in diplomacy but understated compared to the more free-wheeling Trump.

On Thursday, for example, Pence told Indonesian President Joko Jokowi Widodo how proud he and Trump were to partner with him and spoke of their hopes of working together.

2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Mike Pence cuts short his stop in Hawaii to deal with domestic issues - CBS News

Why Vice President Pence Is Cutting Short His Asia Trip – Fortune

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has cut short the final leg of his Asia trip to race back to Washington, where the Trump administration faces a critical week on tax reform and a funding plan to keep the government running, an aide said on Sunday.

Pence, who has been traveling in Asia to reassure allies and partners about President Donald Trump's commitment to the region, had originally planned to spend two nights in Honolulu at the end of a trip that took him to South Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Australia.

While he spoke with business leaders in each country, Pence's trip was overshadowed by rising tensions in North Korea , where it is feared another nuclear test could be conducted soon in defiance of United Nations sanctions.

Pence will now spend one night in Hawaii and is slated to be back in Washington on Tuesday morning, his aide told reporters before Air Force Two landed at Pago Pago in American Samoa for refueling.

Trump has a busy week ahead. Funding appropriated by Congress to run the government runs out on Friday, so he and lawmakers must agree on new legislation or the government will shut down on Saturday.

Saturday is also Trump's 100th day in office, a benchmark used by pundits to assess the initial accomplishments and shortfalls of his young presidency.

Trump plans to outline principles for tax reform on Wednesday, a top brief for Pence.

While in Honolulu, Pence will meet leaders of the U.S. Pacific Command and is also slated to speak to U.S. troops and their families, the aide said.

Pence had planned to tour the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor but will no longer do that, the aide said.

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Why Vice President Pence Is Cutting Short His Asia Trip - Fortune

Vice President Mike Pence arrives in Australia to meet with … – The White House (blog)

#VPinAUSDay Seven: Vice President Mike Pence arrives in Australia to meet with government and business leaders

We arrived safely in Australia on Saturday to continue discussions with another key American ally in the Asia-Pacific region.

My first stop of the day was with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Australia is, and always will be, one of Americas closest allies and truest friends.

We are partners in security, we are partners in prosperity, and together we are bound by our historic alliance. And under President Donald Trump, the United States is committed to strengthening our bond for the benefit of our people, and for the benefit of our world.

As the Prime Minister and I discussed, together, our nations will continue to uphold a rules-based system that is the foundation of peace and prosperity in the Asia Pacific.

I continued my day with in-depth discussions with the American and Australian business community. Today, our economic partnership is worth a staggering $1.5 trillion, and investment has grown by 50 percent in the last three years alone.

Under President Trump, Im very pleased to pledge that the United States will continue to work together with Australia to forge even greater opportunity and prosperity for both our nations and our people.

I ended the first day in Australia meeting with other government officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, and Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove. In the meetings, I underscored the United States' unwavering commitment to the U.S.-Australia alliance and to the broader Asia-Pacific region.

You can get the latest updates from my visit to Australia by now following the hashtag #VPinAUS, @VPComDir, and @VPPressSec on social media. There is an album on my Facebook page with photos from the trip. Each morning, you can also read a recap of the previous day here on

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Vice President Mike Pence arrives in Australia to meet with ... - The White House (blog)

If Bill O’Reilly Followed Mike Pence’s Rules, He Might Still Be On TV – The Federalist

When we were newlyweds, my husband started graduate school at a seminary whose presidentfrequently recommends that men do everything within their power to safeguard their marriages and ministries. Nothing will destroy a pastor and his family faster than sexual scandal.

In addition to agreeing that he would not be alone with a person of the opposite sex, my husband gave me the remote control and asked me to set the viewing controls to restrict any type of program I thought would harm our marriage. He never knew the password in the years we had cable. When we got rid of cable, he started asking me to look up reviews of movies to determine whether we should watch them.

My husbands actions showed me that he wanted me to trust him and that he valued me. I respect him for this and feel cherished and loved. It takes humility to admit that you are capable of falling. But it also made me aware of the grave possibility of temptations that have the power to destroy our marriage.

So when I heard of Vice President Mike Pences personal policy for his conduct with women who are not his wife, I grew in respect for him. When I heard about the allegations of sexual misconduct against former Fox personality Bill OReilly, I wondered if he might have his job today had he espoused similar policies. Because of these allegations, Fox fired OReilly last week. OReilly issued a statement calling it tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims.

If the claims are indeed unfounded, it would be easier to prove this (and less likely they would have arisen in the first place) if OReilly had treated interactions with women as Pence does. Pences policy aims to put him above reproach. A man who is never alone with a woman besides his wife is trying to prevent even a hint of infidelity and can dispute false allegations, and his wife should be able to trust his faithfulness to her. A man who doesnt drink alcohol without his wife wants to prevent foolish inebriated behaviors that could hurt his marriage. These two rules Pence holds are an extension of his wedding vows to remain faithful to his wife until death should part them.

Pences personal policy also shows respect for women. A politician with his standard for conduct frees women to be merited based on their abilities and performance, rather than on their attractiveness or flirtatious behavior. It levels the playing field for women because it attempts to protect them from unwanted advances.

Pences personal convictions also show esteem for the covenant he made to his wife in their marriage vows. He is attempting to protect his marriage and seeking to love his wife well because he values her. The world should see that he is a one-woman man and that he recognizes sin starts with temptation. In this he demonstrates a high view of his wife, his wedding vows, and the institution of marriage.

Outside of a traditional view of marriage, understanding Pences convictions is impossible. Such conduct is not the action of a misogynist, it is the conduct of a man who highly values the most important woman in his life. Nor does it suggest that women are around only to entice or domesticate it actually protects women from sexual harassment.

To accuse Pence of following sharia law is ignorant of both sharia law and how Christianity defines the role of a husband, because in creating these boundaries for himself Pence is actually giving himself for his wife. He is showing he will forsake possibly advantageous business dinners by prioritizing his wife over all other women and over his career. It is loving and honorable. This man knows that sexual immorality, all impurities, and covetousness have no place among the saints.

Pences policy does not absolutely prevent him from sexually harassing women, but it is a good safeguard. A man with such apolicy is likely thinking about how to respectfully treat women and how certain behaviors will have unfavorable, and possibly destructive, repercussions. Perhaps that would have also protected OReilly from the accusations against him.

When a man does not have such policies, and is not admitting risk of impurity, he opens up himself not only to allegations, but also to temptations. We cannot run from temptations if we do not know or admit they are there. Carefully considering how we should act with the opposite sex is vital for adults who want to live honorably. Adopting Pences policy, or any other standard for conduct, is no guarantee of living a pure life, but it is an admission that purity is worth fighting for.

We cant condemn Pence for his efforts to act honorably and condemn OReilly for his alleged sexual harassment at the same time. The allegations against OReilly are just one of the reasons Pences policy is so important it strives to protect women from being victims in addition to attempting to protect Karen Pence from the pain of an unfaithful husband. Pences policy holds women and marriage in high regards. His love of his wife and his protection of his marriage is good for everyone.

Tucker Carlson is reportedly taking over OReillys spot at Fox News. If I could offer him a piece of advice, Id tell him to conduct himself more like Pence than his predecessor. It would help protect both his job and marriage.

Jessica Burke lives in North Carolina with her husband and their four children. A former public school teacher, Jessica has spent the last decade with a vocation of homemaker and classical home educator. The Burkes lived overseas for three years and have been to almost 20 countries together, surviving some adventures they will never speak of to the grandparents.

Originally posted here:
If Bill O'Reilly Followed Mike Pence's Rules, He Might Still Be On TV - The Federalist

Open thread for night owls: Mike Pence’s own history of science denial – Daily Kos

March for Science, Washington D.C.

On this Earth Day, the March for Science brought out tens of thousands of fans of the scientific method and scientific pursuits. You know; the stuff that teaches us about the world we livein. The stuff of every invention, ever. The reason we have everything from beer to Twitter. The reason nobody you know has polio.

Unfortunately there arent any others we can move to. This is it. And it doesnt matterwhether Mike Pence fancies himself personally smarter than the most devoted expertsworking, collectively, for generations, to suss out more substantive details on the origins of man than he, personally, is interested in; hes not, and it doesnt work that way.




At Daily Kos on this date in 2014Earth Day is one day of 365. What about polar ice cap day, rainforest day, corporate plunder day?

While Earth Day organizers refused checks from Standard Oil, Monsanto and Procter and Gamble, among others, many political activists on the Left viewed the whole affair with suspicion. They saw environmental advocacy in general as a diversion from "real issues," such as poverty, racism, the Vietnam War and the imperialism that engendered it. Indeed, just a week after that first Earth Day, on April 29, the U.S. sent troops into Cambodia and, within three weeks, six students had been killed during protests at Kent State and Jackson State Universities. Environmental matters were for many protesters a low priority.

But Nelson, an avid opponent of the war, didn't see it that way. After the Cuyahoga River caught fire in 1969, he had come up with the idea for Earth Day based on the anti-war college campus teach-ins he had witnessed. He got Denis Hayeswho eight years later would be my boss at the Solar Energy Research Instituteto coordinate Earth Day doings, Instead of putting out a national agenda for Earth Day, Nelson argued that it should be a grassroots affair with activities set in motion in local communities, not by professional organizers based in Washington, D.C.

And that was exactly how it played out.

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Open thread for night owls: Mike Pence's own history of science denial - Daily Kos