Archive for the ‘Mike Pence’ Category

Mike Pence Is A Fucking Joke – Deadspin

Say hello to our Elderly Lego Man Vice President, wearing his varsity Vice Presidenting jacket and standing, with an intensity reserved almost exclusively for constipation sufferers, near the Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea. Supposedly, Pence wasnt meant to go outside during his visit to the DMZ, but this man LIVES FOR THE FUCKING DANGER, and for easily manipulated photo ops.

So he summoned the pair of Indiana basketballs necessary to walk out there pull a Fearless Boy (Gays Not Withstanding) and show everyone that he is not intimidated by the worlds most desperate people. Given the above photo, I assume he then hopped on a stepstool and inserted two quarters to see what those pesky North Koreans are up to. He didnt even need an umbrella. TAKE THAT, RAIN.

Are you shitting bricks yet, North Korea? Because Penis Man here wants you to know that your days of being a horrifically destitute countryin which the poor and enslaved would almost certainly bear the brunt of any additional outside military aggressionare numbered! With the same kind of steely eye that Sarah Palin gave Russia from her skinnin porch, Pence bravely stared down a country where people have to eat bark soup and declared YOU SHALL NOT PASS.

I thought it was important that we went outside, he said. I thought it was important that people on the other side of the DMZ see our resolve in my face.

Dude, youre fucking afraid to eat dinner with a woman.

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Mike Pence Is A Fucking Joke - Deadspin

Malcolm Turnbull, Mike Pence, Indonesia: Your Morning Briefing – New York Times

New York Times
Malcolm Turnbull, Mike Pence, Indonesia: Your Morning Briefing
New York Times
... Malcolm Turnbull, Australia's prime minister, announced new hurdles for citizenship applicants, the latest measure by his government tightening immigration to the country. Applicants will be required to prove that they are strong English speakers ...
As Mike Pence visits Indonesia, here's what one analyst expectsCNBC
Vice President Mike Pence Calls His Wife 'Mother'Patheos (blog)
US Vice-President Mike Pence to tour Indonesia's largest mosque in outreach to MuslimsThe Straits Times
Policy Options (registration)
all 13 news articles »

See the article here:
Malcolm Turnbull, Mike Pence, Indonesia: Your Morning Briefing - New York Times

Mike Pence tries out North Korea tough-talk by promising an "American response" – VICE News

Vice President Mike Pence doubled down on the fierce rhetoric aimed at North Korea Wednesday, vowing in a speech onboard a U.S. aircraft carrier in Japanese waters that the U.S. would meet any aggression from Pyongyang with an overwhelming and effective response.

The United States of America will always seek peace, but under President Trump the shield stands guard and the sword stands ready, Pence told an audience of sailors onboard the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan at the U.S. naval base in Yokosuka.

We will defeat any attack and meet any use of conventional or nuclear weapons with an overwhelming and effective American response, he said. All options are on the table. History will attest the soldier does not bear the sword in vain.

Pence has been using the early days of his Asia Pacific tour to signal a more forceful U.S. posture toward North Korea and reassure allies South Korea and Japan that the Trump administration is committed to their defense amid soaring hostility on the Korean Peninsula. China has also spoken of increasing concern over North Koreas nuclear development.

The rhetoric from both Washington and Pyongyang has ratcheted up considerably over the past week, amid repeated declarations from senior U.S. figures that the era of strategic patience is over regarding the Norths nuclear ambitions, fueling speculation that the new administration could be considering a pre-emptive military strike on North Korean military sites.

North Korea conducted another banned missile test Sunday although it reportedly failed almost immediately after launch the same day that North Korean state TVbroadcast an official concert celebrating the birthday of the countrys founder, Kim Il Sung, which featured graphics depicting a catastrophic missile strike on the U.S.

The countrys Vice-Foreign Minister, Han Song-ryol, told the BBC Monday that North Korea would continue to test missiles on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, and warned an all-out war would result if the U.S. took military action.

Determined to signal a hard line on North Koreas nuclear and missiles programs, the U.S. has issued its own warnings, both directly and indirectly. Surprise strikes both on a Syrian airfield in the wake of a chemical attack, and on an ISIS target in Afghanistan have demonstrated the Trump administrations apparent preparedness to launch military action.

Pence underlined this during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Tuesday when he said that all options are on the table regarding North Korea. But that message may have been undercut by the revelation that an armada which Trump said last week was heading toward the Korean Peninsula as a show of force was in fact headed in the opposite direction at the time.

A White House official blamed the mix-up on a miscommunication, and the strike group is now expected to arrive off the Korean Peninsula at the end of the month, CNN reports.

Speaking onboard the aircraft carrier Wednesday, Pence also said that more of the U.S.s most advanced military assets would be deployed to the region, where 47,000 American troops are stationed in Japan and 28,000 in South Korea, under decades-old mutual defense treaties underpinning regional security in East Asia.

The administrations attempts to reassure Seoul and Tokyo come after statements by Donald Trump on the campaign trail last year that criticized those commitments as one-sided and expensive, though once in office Trump pledged his support for the alliance.


Go here to see the original:
Mike Pence tries out North Korea tough-talk by promising an "American response" - VICE News

[WATCH] Trevor Noah: Mike Pence Took Wife To Korea DMZ In … – Deadline

[WATCH] Trevor Noah: Mike Pence Took Wife To Korea DMZ In ...
The Daily Show host Trevor Noah returned from vacation to mull the various ways in which President Donald Trump inched the US toward WWIII. Trump ordered ...

and more »

Go here to see the original:
[WATCH] Trevor Noah: Mike Pence Took Wife To Korea DMZ In ... - Deadline

Namedropper, April 19, 2017 — Might Oaks, bumping into Mike Pence, Penn State honor – Scranton Times-Tribune

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EOTC fiesta honors

community leaders

Helen Lavelle, Pat and John Atkins, and Tara and Timothy Atkins will be honored with Mighty Oak awards at a Cinco de Mayo Fiesta benefiting the Employment Opportunity & Training Center of Northeastern PA. The May 5 fiesta, featuring Mexican cuisine and the sounds of mariachi, is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. at the Radisson at Lackawanna Station hotel ballroom in downtown Scranton.

All these honorees work tirelessly to improve the quality of life in our region, EOTC Executive Director Linda Ciampi says in a release, adding, I hope that others who know of their dedication and service will join us on May 5.

Helen Lavelle is CEO and chief creative strategist at the Lavelle Strategy Group. Patricia Payne Atkins and John Atkins owned Patsels, a renowned Clarks Summit restaurant. They and the Atkins son, Timothy, and his wife, Tara, will be honored with EOTCs signature award for their generous support of EOTC and other community causes.

EOTCs Cinco de Mayo celebration coincides with downtown Scrantons First Friday event. First Friday visitors may view festive artwork created by EOTC program participants on display in the Radisson public hall.

EOTC is a nonprofit human service agency that provides job readiness, parenting and child development programs in the Lackawanna County area. To learn more about EOTC, visit There is no admission for EOTCs Cinco de Mayo art display. Admission to the Might Oaks fiesta is $50. Call Mary Coolican at 570- 558-7562 for reservations.

At the White House

Mike and Judy Rogan of Archbald were invited to witness the swearing-in ceremony of Mikes nephew, attorney Donald F. McGahn II, as White House counsel for President Donald Trump after witnessing Dons bosss inauguration in January. Don is the son of Archbald native Noreen Rogan McGahn, Mikes sister. Among those sworn in with Don were Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon and Reince Preibus.

My nephews aide sent me a text saying if we were going to still be in D.C. on Sunday, Don would like us to be his guests at the White House for a private ceremony. Didnt know what it was until we got there. It was the swearing-in of his top-level people, Mike said in an email. We were only 15 feet or so from Trump when he was speaking. It was cool. We were bouncing around the White House for five hours.

While there, the Rogans and the McGahns bumped into Vice President Mike Pence on the way to see my nephews office in the West Wing, Mike added.

High notes

Carbondale native Mike Malone , vice chancellor for research and engagement at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, has been named an outstanding engineering alumnus by Penn States College of Engineering. Established in 1966, the Outstanding Engineering Alumni Award is the highest honor bestowed by the college and recognizes graduates who have reached exceptional levels of professional achievement. Mike will receive his award, along with 11 other recipients, at a ceremony Thursday at the Nittany Lion Inn on Penn States University Park campus.

Originally posted here:
Namedropper, April 19, 2017 -- Might Oaks, bumping into Mike Pence, Penn State honor - Scranton Times-Tribune