Mike Pence and the attack of the Puritans – Delmarva Daily Times
We remember the Puritans as the people with the funny hats and blunderbusses who supposedly invented shooting Turkeys for Thanksgiving. They are also famous for their obsession with avoiding sin and insistence on deciding who merited Gods approval.
This stereotype is not completely fair, but its got a lot of truth in it. Suffice it to say if you were a time traveler in search of a great time, you would want to steer clear of 1600s Massachusetts. And if you were a Native American back then, you might have been confused by the way such moral people were so adept at stealing land and hanging each other for heresy.
Nobody wants to be called a Puritan anymore, but the Puritans are still with us. And theyre not just fanatical English Protestants. They hail from all religions and ideologies. They are Republicans and Democrats, Muslims and Christians, the uneducated and academics; all ready to take to social media or the pulpit or the classroom and denounce heretics. These people are passionate about their causes, almost obsessed with them at times to the point of rigidity, ready at the drop of a hat to eviscerate those who disagree with them and pronounce them not just mistaken, but bad people whose opinions must be silenced.
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The recent tempest in a teapot over Vice President Mike Pences marital habits he accidentally revealed that he tries very hard to be faithful to his wife was an odd example of this. The people tearing into him on social media for being a Puritan revealed more than a little of this Puritan rigidity in themselves an impatience and disgust with anyone who violated their standards of how to live.
The Puritans werent all wrong, of course. Its with some bemusement that I listen to people who have no patience for the religious convictions of fundamentalists take their own no-compromise stances on other moral issues, like racism or womens rights.
Theyre right to take a stand on those issues. But if they were just a tiny bit more open minded, they might see what they have in common with the Puritans. Modern people think sexual assault is destructive and repugnant. The Puritans agreed, and also said adultery was destructive and repugnant.
Feminism, racial issues, abortion, poverty these are moral debates. And they divide people with strong moral passions. Even those who attack religion, it turns out, have their own moral orthodoxies, and need to guard against that little Puritan on their shoulder whispering in their ear.
Where some of the Puritans went wrong, like many have since, was to lose their balance on that awfully delicate high wire of living life with both passion and compassion, with conviction and tolerance; being firm in their beliefs and yet living amicably with those who arent; standing firm on core values but being flexible on others.
Many of us struggle with that high-wire act. And that should give us compassion, for each other, and for those darn Puritans.
Andrew Sharp is a producer at The Daily Times and delmarvanow.com. Email him at asharp@delmarvanow.com. Find him on Twitter @buckeye_201 and on Facebook @andrewsharp201.
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Mike Pence and the attack of the Puritans - Delmarva Daily Times