Archive for the ‘Mike Pence’ Category

Shark hunter meets Mike Pence while reeling in rare fish | New York … – New York Post

New York Post
Shark hunter meets Mike Pence while reeling in rare fish | New York ...
New York Post
Elliot Sudal was shark hunting last week for a charity event on Sanibel Island, Florida where he spent over 11 hours trying to reel in a massive 500-pound ...
Mike Pence crashes shark wrangler's Florida fishing tripABC News
Mike Pence crashed a man's shark wrangling in Florida | Daily Mail ...Daily Mail

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Shark hunter meets Mike Pence while reeling in rare fish | New York ... - New York Post

Countdown to conflict: Mike Pence says the era of strategic patience is over as administration beats drum for war – Salon

While most Americans are not confident in President Donald Trumps ability to deal with the North Korean crisis, both the administrations rhetoric and the responses of North Korea and its allies are causing things to heat up in the region.

During an unannounced visit to the Demilitarized Zone a 2.5-mile-wide stretch of land filled with landmines that stretches across the border of North and South Korea Vice President Mike Pence declared that, in light of North Koreas continued attempts at testing a nuclear missile, the era of strategic patience is over.

Pences comment was most likely a reference to the policy of bilaterial U.S.-North Korean relations articulated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during President Barack Obamas administration. At that time, Clinton famously declared that the administration would handle North Korea with strategic patience in close consultations with our six party allies.

Read the original here:
Countdown to conflict: Mike Pence says the era of strategic patience is over as administration beats drum for war - Salon

In Mike Pence’s Pacific Swing, Security Will Trump Trade – Wall Street Journal (subscription)

Wall Street Journal (subscription)
In Mike Pence's Pacific Swing, Security Will Trump Trade
Wall Street Journal (subscription)
The Trump administration will take its newly prominent globalism to the Pacific next week, as Vice President Mike Pence tours the region to reassure allies about a continuing U.S. presence. With North Korea escalating its nuclear-weapons program ...

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In Mike Pence's Pacific Swing, Security Will Trump Trade - Wall Street Journal (subscription)

Why Mike Pence Might Not Pardon Donald Trump – Huffington Post

Co-Authored by Maclen Zilber, Democratic Strategist and Campaign Consultant based in Hollywood, CA

September 8, 1974. Its not a date that rings a bell for most of us, but its a day that came to define an entire Presidency. President Gerald Ford issued a sweeping pardon to Richard Nixon that day, absolving him of all of his crimes, and ensuring hed never face the music for his many crimes.

Mention of Watergate is in the air these days, it seems. You cant throw a stone in Washington without hitting somebody making a comparison between Donald Trumps Russia misdeeds and Watergate.

The parallels to Watergate are inescapable. Watergate was, after all, about a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, and todays Russia scandal is, at least partly, about a digital theft from the DNC headquarters.

There has been, and will be, millions of words of digital ink devoted to the likelihood of Donald Trump being impeached, and we wont rehash most of it. Instead, we ask, what happens after a potential impeachment? No U.S. President has ever been prosecuted for high crimes and misdemeanors after leaving office. Could President Trump be the first?

Two things are true in regards to a potential Trump impeachment:

Ever since President Ford pardoned Nixon, it has been a widely held assumption in American politics that any Vice President would likely pardon their President in the event of a scandal-based impeachment. Certainly it would have happened if any President since committed similar crimes.

As is the case in so many areas, Donald Trump changes everything.

Mike Pence had little or no relationship with Donald Trump prior to being nominated as Vice President from the start, they had an arranged marriage. In fact, Pence backed Senator Ted Cruz in the Indiana GOP Presidential primary contest over Trump. That said, this is hardly unprecedented numerous Presidential tickets have included uneasy bedfellows but the degree to which Pence and Trump come from different wings of the party and different walks of life can hardly be overstated. Pence is an individual whose principal motivation in public life appears to be social issues, while Trumps positions on abortion and other issues seem to be little more than a matter of convenience (indeed, he has held every position conceivable on abortion).

With the possible exception of Vice President Dick Cheney, nobody agrees to serve as Vice President unless they have at least some hopes of becoming President. In the case of Pence, that rings especially true; he has been repeatedly publicly humiliated by Trump, and the only plausible reasons that he has stood by Trump are:

Its for these reasons that there is a good chance Vice President Pence will not pardon Donald Trump.

To back up and provide some context, its worth noting that if Trump is removed from office, it likely means he will have, by that point, become even more unpopular than he is today. Trump is already more unpopular than any other President has been at this juncture of their Presidency, and there is hardly a whisper of impeachment. This suggests that Republicans wont seriously consider removing him until Trumps presence becomes politically untenable even in safe red districts.

Even if Democrats take back the House of Representatives in 2018, conviction on an impeachment proceeding requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate, which necessarily requires Republican votes. Thus, in any world in which Trump is impeached, we can assume that he has become so unpopular, so politically toxic, that his removal is supported by mainstream Republicans, not just Democrats.

Which brings us back to Mike Pence. If all Mike Pence wants to do is to become President of the United States, pardoning a wounded and scandal-ridden President would almost ensure his defeat in 2020. Remember, the only way Trump gets impeached is if he is so unpopular that hes toxic in red states, not just blue ones.

Alternatively, if Mike Pences principal motivation is to be a good soldier for the Republican Party, he also will likely see that pardoning a scandal-ridden President would lead to massive down-ticket losses for Republicans.

We must remember that Pence, for all his loyal posturing in the press, ultimately has no personal loyalty to Trump. The two barely knew each other a year ago. If the political winds become unfavorable, Pence will no doubt save himself.

It is too early to tell whether the revelations from the Russia scandal, or Donald Trumps personal graft and profiteering, will ever rise to a level of outrage that leads to Trumps impeachment. However, with new information coming out on Russia every day including The Guardian reporting that investigators have concrete and specific evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia we cant rule out impeachment. Nor can we rule out, if an impeachment process is initiated, that the President could resign in disgrace prior to such a process, as was the case with President Nixon.

If either scenario played out, and if Vice President Mike Pence were to be absolved of any potential Russian-related taint, thereby becoming President himself, the question is, might he follow in Fords footsteps by pardoning a President? The move ultimately cost Ford in 1976 at the ballot box when he actually ran for President himself.

If all these, of course, speculative events come to fruition, and if Pence were to follow the same Ford playbook, the Vice President might pay the same price that Ford did with the electorate should he have future Presidential aspirations. Given this dynamic, we wont be surprised if Mike Pence learns from Gerald Fords mistake and leaves Trump out to dry.

Read the rest here:
Why Mike Pence Might Not Pardon Donald Trump - Huffington Post

Some Notre Dame students think Mike Pence ‘demeans’ their ‘humanity’ – Washington Examiner

"What we want to do is give a voice to those who have been silenced." So said one Notre Dame student leading an effort to protest Vice President Mike Pence's upcoming commencement address on campus.

The irony of protesting an alleged attempt to silence some people by silencing another is obviously lost on this young activist.

"For many people on our campus," the student said, "it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity."

Word salad, fresh from higher education's farm of half-baked progressive hot takes.

To break the sentence down, this student is claiming offensive speech, and the so-called demeaning of people's humanity, lives, and identities, makes her peers feel unsafe. That charge could also be viewed as demeaning to people whose safety is in legitimate danger, rather than private school students who feel as though a mainstream political opponent's worldview poses a serious danger to their "humanities" and "identities."

Another student told the school paper that the school's decision to bring the vice president of the United States to campus for commencement "goes against certain Catholic Social Teaching," charging the university with "picking and choosing" which of those teachings it stands behind.

Picking and choosing? Like choosing to ignore teachings on marriage and abortion?

Certainly, it is fair for these students to disagree with Pence's perspectives on political issues. But their inability to present well-reasoned objections to his politics, instead cobbling together an incompatible assortment of half-formed arguments, is another unfortunate reminder that the campus Left is no longer interested in reason at all.

Emily Jashinsky is a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.

Also from the Washington Examiner

Trump on Thursday declined to answer a direct question from a reporter as to whether he ordered the strike.

04/14/17 11:20 AM

Continued here:
Some Notre Dame students think Mike Pence 'demeans' their 'humanity' - Washington Examiner