Archive for the ‘Mike Pence’ Category

Mike Pence Is Why We Have To Stop Excusing Religious Sexism – Huffington Post

The Internet is on fire after an in-depth Washington Post profile of Vice President Mike Pences wife, Karen Pence. The article revealed that Pence explained, in 2002, that unless he is with his wife, he wont eat alone with a woman or attend an event where alcohol is served, a spin on what evangelicals call the Billy Graham Rule. Twitter threads and think pieces have abounded. Mike Pences Billy Graham Rule has Internet yelling sexism, blared a USAToday headline that could have read, but didnt, Mike Pences Billy Graham Rule is sexist.

What a luxury it is for a man to decide he cant, and doesnt have to, be unchaperoned in the presence of a woman who might be an evil temptress out to destroy him. And what a serious problem for women.

This quiet informal rule isnt only a matter of Pences private life, but of his professional life and public policy. It is, if still true, ridiculous and a good illustration of the absurdity women have to put up with regularly. As Mother Jones Clara Jeffrey tweeted, Would Pence dine with Theresa May? Angela Merkel? What, if he were to become POTUS, with female VP candidates? Someone then asked her, What sort of bosses have you had that required you to dine with them alone? to which she replied, I am the boss.

In May 2015, Sarah Mimms wrote a lengthy Atlantic piece titled, Why Some Male Members of Congress Wont Be Alone with Female Staffers. The starting point for her article was an anonymous survey of female staffers conducted by National Journal. Women aides described the many ways in which men who adhere to the Graham Rule left them out of meetings and professionally relevant recreational activities. The never alone with a woman rule makes it difficult for these women to do their jobs, become part of their workplace cultures and compete effectively for promotions.

One woman worked for a man for twelve years during which time he never took a closed door meeting with me. His refusal to meet with her made sensitive and strategic discussions extremely difficult. Male coworkers witnessed knowledgeable senior women being barred from key meetings. Id say, she has more experience, this isnt my area, reported one staffer. Theyd still say, we need you to staff him tonight. Women who came forward in the survey would not share their names or the names of their employers for fear of retribution.

The Graham rule is based on two ideas, both of which reflect deeply impoverished views of human nature, debase men and impose real restrictions on girls and women.

One is that men are little better than animals who cannot control themselves and, so, cant, ultimately, be held accountable. I have often heard men like Pence openly describe not hiring capable women because they might find them attractive, distracting and, from a marital perspective, disruptive. This equation was central to a 2013 Iowa Supreme Court case in which the all-male court reaffirmed the firing of a woman because she was too pretty and her employer viewed her as an irresistible attraction. In 2010, a woman sued Citibank for firing her for being distracting to the men in her office. The same ideas are the stuff that dress code enforcements that penalize girls and women for having the audacity to live in their bodies are made of. Men can and do control themselves. Predicating life on the idea that men cant control themselves is a pillar of sexist discrimination.

Which brings us to the second idea, that in this world view women are understood in terms of their functionality to men, not ends in themselves but as means to children or sex. Either women are fulfilling a reproductive mandate or they are sex objects and temptresses. These assumptions might be among the most unifying shared by Pence and Donald Trump whose attitudes about womens instrumentality appear to be the same. Pence is a man who calls his wife mother and Trump is one who sees all women through the filter of his sexual pleasure and violability, including, shamelessly, his own daughter. If you ever wondered what a walking/talking Madonna/Whore complex looks like youd be hard pressed to find a better example than the dynamic duo currently in the White House

The fact that so many are eager to practice, tolerate or defend the acceptability of Pences private decision is a reminder of much deeper and less obvious issues that are rarely addressed as sexist. Gender essentialists are not just uncomfortable with women in the workplace, but actually hostile to them, particularly women in leadership roles. They can talk a good game and trot out sparkly loophole women, but they are measurably disinclined to create or enforce policies that help women achieve equality in the workplace. (For a good corky read: Marriage Structure and Resistance to the Gender Revolution in the Workplace).

While conservatives like nothing more but to explain that women in the United States have achieved equality and should that we should consider ourselves lucky, the reality is that the United States, particularly under this administration, is a powerful reminder of how far women have yet to go.

There is no separating the fact that we are the most religious country in the industrialized world from the fact that we also have the worst record of institutionalized support for women working outside of the home. We are the only country among peer countries to have no mandated family friendly workplace policies, and the only one in which the percentage of women entering the workplace has been steadily declining for years. The entire economy is grounded in maintaining powerful fraternal orders reliant on womens unpaid and low wage care and domestic work.

Today, women are still primarily responsible for children, do an average of two hours more unpaid work a week and make up three quarters of minimum wage workers. Thirty-nine percent of working mothers are sole providers for their families, compared to 43 percent of men, who are twice as likely to be making more than $50K and more than six times as likely to be making six-figure incomes. The top jobs in America for women today remain the same as half a century ago. They are jobs in which women support other people administrative assistant, teacher, nurse - overwhelmingly men making more money and enjoying higher status. And the higher up you go in any organization in the country, the fewer women you will find because they remain, in culture and norms, fraternities. Fraternity is one of the most powerful obstacles to freedom and equality that women, including in the US, face today.

The idea that a man cannot be alone with a woman he is not married to is the essence of maintaining fraternity in the professional and political worlds. Despite womens monumental gains in the workplace, and the notions that patriarchy is dead, women are the richer sex, and the end of men is nigh, women are stuck at 17 percent of leadership and management positions in politics, entertainment, media, religion or corporations. This is true even though we know that companies and countries with more equitable gender balanced leadership are demonstrably more productive and economically secure. Some people find it hard to come to terms with sexism, even as its grinding them into a fine powder.

Pence and his wife will do what they need to in order to safeguard their marriage, but let s not pretend that what they do is a strictly private matter. Pences marital arrangement is central to his proudly being part of the most white, most heterosexual, and most male administration of the past 40 years. Its dishonest and destructive to suggest that the quality and pervasiveness of a politicians practice of faith should be off limits or restricted to a tidy culture war box. The evanescent effects on the workplace of self-described religious beliefs like these make any statements about womens equality moot in tangible, practical terms. Attitudes like his will keep women out of important roles in the White House and beyond.

We should be openly and publicly discussing the social, economic and political impacts and costs of Pences private religious beliefs on womens political and social equality. God or not, call it what it is: sexism, plain and simple.

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Mike Pence Is Why We Have To Stop Excusing Religious Sexism - Huffington Post

President Trump: Mike Pence Has ‘One Hell of a Good Marriage’ – TIME

Vice President Pence listens while meeting with women small business owners with U.S. President Donald Trump, on March 27, 2017 in Washington, DC.PoolGetty Images

President Donald Trump kidded Vice President Mike Pence about his marriage amid online debate over Pences rule of avoiding eating dinner with women other than his wife.

At a White House signing ceremony Friday, Trump turned to Pence and said He has one hell of a good marriage going and grabbed his arm jokingly.

In a profile in the Washington Post earlier this week, an old anecdote from a 2002 story resurfaced that Pence never eats alone with another woman or attends an event where alcohol is served without his wife Karen.

Called the Billy Graham rule for the famed evangelical preacher, the restriction on eating alone has long been common in conservative Christian circles, but it drew criticism online.

"If theres alcohol being served and people are being loose, I want to have the best-looking brunette in the room standing next to me," Pence said in the 2002 story.

Read more here:
President Trump: Mike Pence Has 'One Hell of a Good Marriage' - TIME

OOPSIE: Cecile Richards takes smug swing at Mike Pence over #TitleX, knocks her smug self out – Twitchy

Cecile Richards seems upset gosh, wonder why?

Not a good look? Are you high? Its a GREAT look.

Yesterday VP Mike Pence voted to give back power to the states to determine their own budgets. Yeah, we know Cecile preferred Obamas ruling that controlled the states and disallowed them from cutting funding to Planned Parenthood.

Of course the Feds had no right to do that in the first place, so Pence and Senate Republicans fixed it.

Honestly if Planned Parenthood was really that worried about women receiving actual care in their facilities theyd just stop doing abortions; remember the deal Trump offered them? So we know this is just another ploy to keep those federal dollars flowing in (and flowing out to Democrats).

Oopsie. Thats a YUGE salary were shocked the Left isnt shaking their fists about how shes evil for making this much money. Something like how if she would only take half of that thousands more women could receive care?

Like thatll happen.

Nope, but we must give credit here, Planned Parenthood has done an amazing job in marketing abortion as womens rights. Its apparent many uninformed women (and men) think defunding them is a violation of their rights.

Time to change the message and shine a light on who these people really are.

And this vote is a step in that direction.


More here:
OOPSIE: Cecile Richards takes smug swing at Mike Pence over #TitleX, knocks her smug self out - Twitchy

Mike Pence’s Wise Family Practices Expose a Deep Divide Over Human Nature – National Review

Sometimes the most mundane things can expose the vast and yawning gulf between the cultural and religious Right and the secular Left. Take, for example, this simple tweet from Washington Post White House reporter Ashley Parker:

Mike Pence never dines alone w a woman not his wife, nor does he attends events w alcohol, w/o her by his side.

She was noting one detail from a long and interesting profile of Karen Pence, and it struck me as a completely conventional and wise practice. In fact, I would have been surprised if he had any other policy, at least on dining alone. I dont know a single prominent Evangelical leader or pastor who doesnt govern their lives similarly perhaps not with the identical policies, but still taking great care in their relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Others, mainly on the left, reacted as if Pence was a curiosity at best, and a misogynist at worst. I wont round up all the tweets (Mollie Hemingway and Jason Howerton have numerous examples if youd like to see them), but the New York Times Nate Cohn spoke for many when he tweeted: The response to Pences unwillingness to be alone with women is, from my POV, the most surprising and eye-opening cultural divide in a while.

Yes indeed, it should be eye-opening. Even in polarized times we often underestimate the difference in world view between many (certainly not all) Christians and many (certainly not all) secular progressives. Let me break this down as clearly as possible.

Its too simple to say that orthodox Christians believe that man is fallen, that were all subject to temptation, and that precautions like the Pence familys mainly represent prudence in action. The spiritual reality goes even deeper. Men and women were created to be together. The attraction between man and woman cant be reduced to mere lust (though that certainly exists) but is instead rooted in their fundamental complementarity. In other words, when God said, It is not good for man to be alone, he wasnt speaking of hanging with the guys at the gym.

Because of this powerful reality, when you put men and women together in intimate or intense situations, sexual relationships are inevitable. To be clear, its not inevitable that any given individual will have a relationship, but in the aggregate it will happen, and it will happen even in the face of rules, regulations, and social taboos.

Thus, Christians who refuse to recognize this reality and refuse to adjust their own behavior and family practices accordingly are foolish, nave, or possibly arrogant. Ive lived long enough already (Im only 48) to see Christians live the entire cycle of bitterly earned experience scoffing at their parents rules, living lives similar to their secular peers, and either falling themselves or seeing so many others fall that they return to their parents wisdom.

Many folks on the left, by contrast, find this entire line of thinking absurd. They dont see men and women as men and women (what is gender anyway?) but as people. So its strange and sexist to say that two people cant have dinner together on the same basis as any two other people especially if that policy is perceived to place women at a professional disadvantage. (Id contest the notion that Pences rules place anyone at a disadvantage. Indeed, placing proper boundaries around opposite-sex relationships can help cleanse the workplace of the sexual scandals that do more to inhibit professional women than any limitations on private dinners.)

Extending the Lefts argument further, its thus strange and sexist to argue that men and women cant live and work side-by-side in any number of close and intense circumstances without causing sexual tension and drama. And if sexual tension and drama happen anyway, then thats merely evidence of the persistent sexism that pervades the American workplace. Why cant people just work together as professionals?

At the end of the day, two irreconcilable world views collide. Think of the extreme example women in combat. Countless Christians and other cultural conservatives look at the Lefts argument and think, Why do you want to infect infantry platoons with sexual tension? In response, countless progressives think, Why do those misogynists believe sexual tension is inevitable? Or, perhaps, If sexual tension occurs, we can stamp it out through better training and education rejecting the idea that theyre hopelessly pushing against human nature itself.

During the brief few days when I contemplated an independent run for president (did that really happen?), I was roundly mocked on Twitter after a Politico reporter found and tweeted an incomplete summary of the rules my wife and I jointly agreed upon during my deployment to Iraq. To put them simply, she agreed not to drink while I was away (I couldnt drink while in Iraq, by military policy), we both agreed to be extremely careful about forming new friendships with people of the opposite sex, and we set boundaries on non-professional interactions with people on the Internet.

It was easier for me to comply than for her I was part of an all-male unit at a remote Forward Operating Base but I still stand by our rules not just as the best choice for our family but as a prudent consideration for other military families facing long deployments. Ive seen too many good Army families break up to believe that the problem is simply lust or lack of self-control. There is extraordinary, natural power in emotional intimacy between men and women, and that intimacy is only enhanced in stressful times.

Now that Ive returned home, my wife and I dont live by the same rules we used when I was deployed, and we dont govern our household the same way as the Pences, but we do still have our own guidelines. And they exist not just because they work for us but because they reflect deeper truth.

God made men and women for each other. People can and do reject that notion and emerge unscathed. People can understand that truth and still fall. Life cant be reduced to formulas. But what do you do when you understand that truth? The Pences know. Most Christians know. To defy reality is to needlessly and arrogantly risk ruin. To understand reality is to embrace humility and prudence. The Pence family has made the right choice.

David French is a staff writer for National Review, a senior fellow at the National Review Institute, and an attorney.


Mike Pence's Wise Family Practices Expose a Deep Divide Over Human Nature - National Review

Stephen Colbert boldly wades into the new culture war over Mike … – The Week Magazine

On Thursday's Late Show, Stephen Colbert began with a pledge to his audience: "The Late Show Intelligence Committee will follow our investigation of Trump and Russia wherever it leads" (even if that's just to The Late Late Show). "For the past week, everybody, everywhere, has been wondering about Devin Nunes' secret intelligence source at the White House," Colbert said. "Nunes has refused to reveal who it was out of concern that if his source was exposed, he'll have to come up with a new reason to cancel all the Russia hearings." Well, on Thursday it was reported that that source was two people who work at the White House.

There are still more questions than answers about Trump and Russia though when asked, Russian President Vladimir Putin denied meddling in the U.S. election, using a folksy George H.W. Bush reference that he misattributed to Ronald Reagan. That kind of historical sloppiness, Colbert joked, is why Putin lost during "War Criminals Week" on Jeopardy. "Speaking of Donald Trump's loved ones, last week it was announced that Ivanka Trump will become a federal employee in the White House, serving as the president's 'eyes and ears,'" Colbert said, meaning he's now "hired his daughter as assistant to the president, his son-in-law as his senior adviser, and put Eric and Donald Jr. in charge of the national hair gel reserve."

"But let's take a break from Trump for just a moment," Colbert said, to cheers. He turned to a recent Washington Post profile of Mike and Karen Pence, and jumped right in to a seething culture war over Mike Pence's apparently self-imposed rules of gender conduct. The Pences "have, evidently, a pretty solid thing going on, because Pence 'never eats alone with a woman other than his wife,'" he explained. That is apparently normal for many married conservative Christians, but Colbert joked that it "can only mean one thing: Mike Pence is such an out-of-control, Force 5 bone-icane that he has to be monitored by Karen Pence at all times."

After some vaguely uncomfortable talk about Mike Pence and food, Colbert retold the other notable part of the Karen Pence profile: the 1985 engagement picnic. "It's actually a very cute engagement story," he said, "and it's a good thing Karen was there, because you do not want to leave Mike Pence alone with one of those seductive loaves of bread." Watch below. Peter Weber

Read more:
Stephen Colbert boldly wades into the new culture war over Mike ... - The Week Magazine