Archive for the ‘Mike Pence’ Category

Mike Pence is set to make history with a tie-breaking vote for Betsy DeVos – ThinkProgress

CREDIT: David Swanson/The Philadelphia Inquirer viaAP

When President Donald Trump announced Betsy DeVos as his nominee for Secretary of Education, most news outlets reported that her confirmation was almost inevitable. However, Betsy DeVos confirmation process has been anything but normal for a Secretary of Educationtypically a noncontroversial cabinet pick.

From holding her confirmation hearing before her ethics review was complete to denying Democratic Senators more time for questions during and after her hearing, Senate Republicans have repeatedly ignored precedent to quickly advance her nomination.

On Tuesday, theres set to break tradition yet again. Thats when Mike Pence will likely become the first Vice President in history to cast a tie-breaking vote for a cabinet-level nominee.

In recent history, the tie-breaker has been used sparingly. In fact, Vice President Joe Biden left office on January 20th having never used that power. Additionally, with this vote coming just 18 days into the Trump presidency, it will be the earliest tie-breaking vote cast by a Vice President since Congress and the Presidency were established in 1789.

Theres a reason why Republicans probably cant confirm DeVos without the vice presidents help. After her confirmation hearingduring which she revealed a startling lack of knowledge and preparationopposition to DeVos has grown beyond the norm for a Secretary of Education.

Civil rights, education, and disability groups have called on Senators from both parties of the aisle to vote against her confirmation, citing her lack of commitment to enforcing federal education laws and protecting the rights of all students. Teachers and students alike have mounted protests and demonstrations against her nomination. Senate offices have been flooded with thousands of calls, emails, and letters opposing DeVos.

On Wednesday of last week, Senator Collins (R-ME) and Senator Murkowski (R-AK) joined all 48 Democratic Senators in bipartisan opposition to Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, leaving her once-certain confirmation up for debate.

Despite the public outpouring of opposition, a third Republican Senator has not yet come out publicly against Betsy DeVos nomination, leaving the vote count at a 5050 tie. In the case of a stalemate in the Senate, the Vice President of the United States has to power to cast the tie-breaking vote.

In the face of resistance from Senate Democrats, Senate Republicans have already taken several unheard-of measures to advance several of President Trumps Cabinet nominees.

On Wednesday, Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee suspended a rule requiring at least one member from each party to be present for a vote so they could move Trumps nominees for Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, and Health and Human Services Secretary, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to the full Senate floor. On Thursday, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works took the same action to push through Scott Pruitt, Trumps choice to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.

At the same time, Republicans are holding off on the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as Attorney General in order to keep him in the Senate long enough to vote for Trumps other nominees.

But none of those maneuvers have made history in the way a tie-breaking confirmation vote from Pence would. That would be a radical move, and a clear sign that Republican senators will keep taking unprecedented steps to confirm Trumps cabinet.

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Mike Pence is set to make history with a tie-breaking vote for Betsy DeVos - ThinkProgress

Mike Pence Attacking God For Not Asking Him To Sacrifice His Children Is Political Satire – Business 2 Community

Vice President Mike Pence attacking God for being disappointed that he was never asked to sacrifice his children was political satire. Rather, the satirical story is mocking Pences religious beliefs by suggesting that he was upset that God never asked him to sacrifice one of his children much like Abraham offering his son Isaac as a sacrifice before being stopped.

After Isaac is bound to an altar, the angel of God stops Abraham at the last minute, saying now I know you fear God. Where did this satire originate? The Onion published an article reporting that characteristically devout Pence lamented the fact God had never called upon him to sacrifice one of his own children. In that fake story, Pence admits that he has a grandchild he is willing to sacrifice.

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Saying he would surely rise to the occasion if tasked by the Almighty with the ultimate test of faith, Vice President Mike Pence said that he was disappointed that God has never called upon him to kill one of his own children. Its just heartbreaking that the Lord hasnt summoned me once to show my dedication to Him by sacrificing one of my precious kids, said Pence, telling reporters that he has spent years waiting for any sign at all from the Heavenly Father that he should ritually slaughter one of his three children. Theyre grown now, so Im starting to think Ill never get the chance to offer the blood of any of them to prove my unshakable devotion. Heck, Id put all three on an altar if thats what He wanted. Pence added that he would nevertheless keep a sharp dagger at the ready in the unlikely event God someday asks him to kill one of his grandchildren.

Although most social media users recognize The Onion as one of the more popular sites for satirical humor, there are still those that believe and share these types of fake stories as real. But, rest assured, no such story actually happened and is being shared by the mainstream media.

Pence, who was raised Catholic, turned toward evangelical Christianity when he was in college and has made no secret of how cultural issues have shaped his politics. He was one of the most outspoken foes of abortion rights and same-sex marriage when he was in Congress. And as Indianas governor, he became engulfed in controversy after he signed legislation allowing the states business owners to deny services to gay, lesbian and transgender people for religious reasons, according to The New York Times.

In other news, for the first time since the spring of 2008, the Senate was deadlocked 50-50, on a vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary, and Pence cast his first vote in the Senate after two of the 52 Republicans joined all 48 members of the Democratic caucus in voting against the nominee.

What did you think of the political satire? What did you think of Pences deciding vote in the Senate over the education secretary position? Sound off below in the comments section.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

Mike Pence Attacking God For Not Asking Him To Sacrifice His Children Is Political Satire - Business 2 Community

Mike Pence’s awkward and telling response to whether the US is ‘morally superior’ to Russia – Washington Post

If you would like to see a man struggle, witness Vice President Pence:

Pence was asked on "Face the Nation" to account for President Trump having likened Vladimir Putin's alleged killing of political opponents to the United States'. Trump had told Bill O'Reilly: "What, you think our country's so innocent?"

CBS's John Dickerson asked Pence, "Do you agree?" And Pence had to draw a long, pronounced breath. Then, asked four times whether the United States is "morally superior" to Russia,Pence avoided and danced around the question before relenting (kind of):

DICKERSON: Do you think America is morally superior to Russia?

PENCE: What what you have in this new president is someone who is willing to, and is, in fact, engaging the world, including Russia, and saying, where can we find common interests that will advance the security of the American people, the peace and prosperity of the world? And he is determined to come at that in a new and renewed way.

DICKERSON: But America morally superior to Russia yes or no?

PENCE: I believe that the ideals that America has stood for throughout our history represent the highest ideals of humankind.


PENCE: I was actually at I was at Independence Hall yesterday. And I stood in the very room where the Constitution of the United States was crafted, the very building where the Declaration of Independence was held forth. Every American, including our president, represents that we uphold the highest ideals of the world.


DICKERSON: Shouldn't we be able to just say yes to that question, though?

PENCE: I think it is, without question, John.

DICKERSON: That America is morally superior to Russia?

PENCE: That American ideals are are superior to countries all across the world. But, again, what the president is determined to do, as someone who has spent a lifetime looking for deals, is to see if we can have a new relationship with Russia and other countries that advances the interests of America first and the peace and security of the world.

Suffice it to say, this is not an easy question right now for Pence or anybody in the Trump administration. That's because American exceptionalism is at the core of the Republican Party's brand and identity in the 21st century. Squaring that with Trump's suggestion that the United States doesn't have the moral high ground onthe killing of its opponentsrequires all the politician-speak one can muster and ignoring pretty much everything you've ever saidaboutwhy the United States is morally superior to the likes of Russia.

Just look atPence's comments about both Russia and American exceptionalism in one speech back in February 2015 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC):

The last comment in particular sticks out. Pence didn't like the equivalence between radical Islam today and the Crusades back in the 13th century. Now he's being asked to explain Trump's comparison of Putin and the American government.

And then there's the polling.

Back in 2015, the Pew Research Center asked whether the United States "stands above all others," was one of the greatest countries, or whether there were other countries that were better.

Fully 48 percent of conservative Republicans said it was the greatest country in the world, compared to 17 percent of liberal Democrats. Just 8 percent of conservative Republicans disagreed that the United States is at least "one of the greatest countries."

The GOP's embrace of patriotism and American exceptionalism ramped up after 9/11 and especially when Democrats began to question the war in Iraq. Some on the right fought back by arguing that this was unpatriotic or that war skeptics opposed U.S. troops.

And it was a fixture of the opposition to Barack Obama, whom Republicans regularly accused of "apologizing" for America. This was a major theme of Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign against Obama, and back in 2015, Rudy Giuliani accused Obama of believing "that American exceptionalism is no more exceptional than the exceptionalism of any other country in the world."

Giuliani is now a key Trump confidant, and Trump is espousingalmost that exact view that Giuliani ascribed to Obama. And now the likes of Giuliani and Pence are left to explain it.

Vice President Pence and senators of both political parties on Feb. 5 reacted to President Trump's comments about Russia and the United States in a Fox News interview. (Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post)

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Mike Pence's awkward and telling response to whether the US is 'morally superior' to Russia - Washington Post

Mike Pence on LGBT Rights: Discrimination Has ‘No Place’ in Trump Administration – KABC-TV

Vice President Mike Pence defended President Trump's decision to let stand an Obama-era order protecting the rights of some LGBT workers, noting that Trump made clear during his campaign that "discrimination would have no place in our administration."

ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos asked Pence about the response of social conservatives to Trump's decision last week to keep intact President Obama's 2014 executive order barring discrimination against LGBT employees of federal contractors.

"What's the answer?," Stephanopoulos asked Pence.

The vice president responded that Trump's decision was in line with his message about the LGBT community on the campaign trail.

"I think throughout the campaign, President Trump made it clear that discrimination would have no place in our administration," Pence said in an interview on ABC's "This Week" that aired Sunday,. "He was the very first Republican nominee to mention the LGBTQ community at our Republican National Convention and was applauded for it. And I was there applauding with him."

Pence continued, "I think the generosity of his spirit, recognizing that in the patriot's heart, there's no room for prejudice, is part of who this president is."

The vice president also reaffirmed Trump's stated plan to "destroy" the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates.

The president said at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, "I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment and allow our representatives of faith to speak freely and without fear of retribution."

Pence told Stephanopoulos, "The president's made it clear that he wants to take action on the Johnson Amendment. He's directed the administration to begin to look at ways, both legislatively and through executive action, to do that."

The vice president also left the door open to President Trump issuing executive orders to preserve what Pence described as other matters of religious liberty.

"His reiterated commitment to religious liberty are all a part of the kind of leadership that people are going to welcome from President Trump," Pence said.

Stephanopoulos pressed the vice president, asking, "Do you think a new executive order is necessary on religious liberty? Or is current law sufficient?"

Pence responded that it's the "purview of the president" to determine if further executive action would be necessary.

Go here to read the rest:
Mike Pence on LGBT Rights: Discrimination Has 'No Place' in Trump Administration - KABC-TV

Mike Pence: Future Of Russia Sanctions Remains Uncertain – Huffington Post

Vice President Mike Pence said the Trump administration is very troubled by the increased hostilities over the past week in eastern Ukraine, but suggested the future of sanctions against Russia would ultimately hinge on how the Russians respond in the days ahead.

At least 33 people were killed last week in a surge of violence between Russia-backed rebels and government forces in eastern Ukraine. Amid concerns that President Donald Trump could undo U.S. sanctionsagainst Russia, ABCs George Stephanopoulos asked Pence whether sanctions would remain in place as long as Russia is violating the ceasefire in Ukraine. It just simply all depends, Pence replied.

Pressed to clarify what, exactly, continued sanctions would depend on, Pence replied, On whether or not we see the kind of changes in posture by Russia. And the opportunity, perhaps, to work on common interests. And the presidents made it clear the top priority of this administration is to hunt down and destroy ISIS at its source.

If we have opportunities to work together I think the president is looking for an opportunity to begin that relationship anew, Pence added. But make no mistake about it those decisions will await action.

Former President Barack Obama sanctioned Russia in 2014 over Moscows annexation of Crimea. Prior to leaving office, Obama announced additional sanctions over reports of Russian government interference in the U.S. elections.

Yet even prior to his presidential victory, Trump made overtures toward Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, for whom sanctions relief is a huge priority.In a recent Fox News interview, Trump brushed off host Bill OReillys description of Putin as a killer by saying, There are a lot of killers.

In a separate interview on Sunday, Pence defended Trumps remarks about the Russian president, telling NBC,The president has said manytimes if we got along with Russia better, that would be agood thing for the world. If we were to able to work with Russia to hunt down and destroy ISIS and confrontradical Islamicterrorism, that would be a goodthing.

However, the vice president took a harder line on Iran, which the U.S. sanctioned last week over a missile test.

Iran would do well to look at the calendar and realize theres a new president in the Oval Office, Pence told ABC. And Iran would do well not to test the resolve of this new president.

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Mike Pence: Future Of Russia Sanctions Remains Uncertain - Huffington Post