Who is Mike Pence? 8 things to know about Donald Trump’s vice …
Here are some things you might not know about Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, as Donald Trump makes his choice for vice president. For instance, Pence, a born-again evangelical, was raised a Catholic and idolized John F. Kennedy. (Dwight Adams/IndyStar Wochit
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence speaks during the Indiana Republican Party Spring Dinner April 21 in Indianapolis.(Photo: Darron Cummings, AP)
This story was originally published on July 15, 2016.
On Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence will take the oath of office to become Donald Trump's vice president.
Whetheryour reaction to the news was "Mike Who?" or you just need a refresher on his two-plusdecades inpolitics, here's what you should know about the 50th governor of Indiana.
Pence has long said his approach togoverning is informed not by party, but by his faith and his love of the Constitution.
He's staunchly anti-abortion rights, and while in Congress heled the federal government to the brink of shutdown in 2011 in a failedattempt to de-fundPlanned Parenthood.
A born-again evangelical Christian, Pencehas also been a strong proponent of religious freedom, and believes marriageshould bebetween a man and a woman.
In addition to his faith, his views on governancewere strongly influenced by Russell Kirk, a fountainheadof modernconservative thought,who wrote "The Conservative Mind."
"The conservative is animated by the principle of driving toward the ideal of solutions that are grounded in economic freedom and individual liberty, but also understanding that compromise is part of the conservative approach to governance," Pence told IndyStar in a 2015 interview,referring to Kirk's philosophy. "I don't believe in compromising principles, but I do believe in finding a way forward on the basis of authentic common ground."
(Photo: Kelly Wilkinson/IndyStar)
Pence and his five siblings grew up inColumbus, Ind., in a family of devout Catholic churchgoers. His parents weren't especially political, he told IndyStar in a 2012 profile, but as a young man, figures likeJohn F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. inspired him to get involved in politics.
He volunteered for the Bartholomew County Democratic Party in 1976 and voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980.
It wasn't until college, when he met his future wife, Karen,at an evangelical church that he became a born-again Christian. A history major at Hanover College,Pence said hispolitical views, too,began to shift.
"I started to identify with that kind of common-sense conservatism of Ronald Reagan,"Pence told the IndyStar, "and before I knew it, I decided I was a Republican and moved up here in Indianapolis in 1983 to go to law school."
(Photo: Star file photo)
In the U.S.House of Representatives,Pence's championing of conservative social issuesgained him the most attention, but he also fought to shrink the size of government, showing a willingness to buck party leadership to do so.
As a freshman in 2001, he opposed the No Child Left Behind policy supported by President George W. Bush, a fellow Republican. That law seeks to raise student performance and increase accountability for educators. Pence calls it an unfunded mandate that grew government.
During Pence's second year in office, he opposed another GOP-favored initiative: the Medicare prescription drug expansion.
In later years, he persuadedRepublicans to cut spending in the federal budget before approving money for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in 2005. He also opposed the bank bailout in 2008, leading to Congress abandoning a plan to buy financial institutions' most toxic assets.
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Over the objections of the business community and LGBT rights groups, Pence in 2015 signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, setting off the biggest controversy of his political career.
Proponentssaid RFRA was needed to add another layer of protection for exercising one's religious beliefs free of government intrusion. The law in essenceprohibitedthe government fromintrudingon a person's religious liberty unless it could prove a compelling interest in imposing that burden and do so in the least restrictive way.
Opponents, however, feared it could be used to discriminate against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender peoplein the name of religion. Legal experts said it could have allowed people to raise religious freedom objectionstoexisting human rights ordinances that extend anti-discrimination protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
The bill's passage sparked a national firestorm.National media outlets swarmed Indiana,and major employers and conventions threatenedto boycott the state. There was even an unsuccessful movement torelocate theNCAA Men's Final Four, which was held in Indianapolis less than two weekslater.
The weekend following thebill signing, Pence attempted to defend RFRA and pour water on the fire. Instead, he may have only fueledit.
In a nationally televised interview,ABC's GeorgeStephanopoulos asked Pence six times whether the new law would allow a business to discriminate against gay couples.Six times,Pence ducked the question.
"This is where this debate has gone, with misinformation," Pence said. "We've been doing our level best, George, to correct the gross mischaracterization of this law that has been spread all over the country by many in the media and the online attacks against the people of our state. I'm just not going to stand for it."
The interview was widely criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike, who said he didn't do enough to dispelthe idea that Indiana was intolerant of the LGBT community.
(Photo: Robert Scheer / The Star)
Shortly after its passage, the Indiana General Assembly passed a so-called "fix," which Pence signed into law. ItpreventsRFRA from eroding local human rights protections. That, too, drew criticism, this time much of it from the right: TheIndiana Pastors Alliance said they felt "betrayed" by Pence and lawmakers for tweakingthe original law.
In some ways, Indiana was the first major battleground for the religious freedom movement. Subsequently,Mississippi and North Carolina passed even stronger religious freedom protections, leading to similar outcry, but so far, neither state has backtracked.
Gov. Mike Pence signs RFRA fix
Then-Rep. Pence's proposal would have createda temporary guest-worker program that would require illegal immigrants to leave the country before they could enroll. Butit went nowhere in the House, and angered many Republicans.
Pence has said his views on immigration were informed by his family's own experience.His grandfather, Richard Michael Cawley, was a Chicago bus driver who immigrated to the United States from Ireland through Ellis Island in the early 1900s.
As governor, he recalled speaking to President George W. Bush in 2006 about the reform proposal."I said, 'We're a nation of immigrants. I don't just get it. I lived it.'"
On other immigration matters, his stances have more closely aligned with his fellow conservatives.
In 2014, he joined a multi-state lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama's executive order that would have protected5 million undocumented immigrants from being deported. A deadlocked Supreme Court this year blocked the order from taking effect.
More recently, he opposed settling Syrian refugees in Indiana, joining at least 22 other governorsafter reports suggested one of the Paris bombers may have posed as a Syrian refugee to enter France.
Pence's polite demeanor would strike a stark contrast with that of Trump, who likes to give his opponents names such asCrooked Hillaryand Lyin' Ted.
But in his first two campaigns for office in 1988 and 1990, Pence did go negative something he later said he regretted.
In a commercial described at the time as the most negative in Indiana history, an actor dressed as a sheik thanked Pence's opponent, former U.S. Rep. Phil Sharp, for the U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
Afterward he wrote anessay entitled "Confessions of a Negative Campaigner," in which he denounced his own actions.
"I think negative personal attacks have no place in elective politics, Pence said during his run for governor in 2012. I just think, as I wrote back in 1991, that negative campaigning I now know is wrong. It's wrong to use one's brief moment in a political debate to talk about what's wrong with your opponent, as opposed to what's right with your ideas.
Of course, a tightre-election fight this year has challenged his ability to stick to that principle.
Pence assured a crowd of party insiders at the Indiana Republican Party's Spring Dinner last year that he was readyfor a fight, and promised a different sort of campaign than they'd seen from him in the past.
(Photo: Michelle Pemberton / Indy Star)
Internal documents obtained by IndyStar in 2015 showedPence's administration had developed plans to starta state-run taxpayer-funded news outlet that would make pre-written news stories available to Indiana media, as well as sometimes break news about his administration.
The plan quickly became the object of ridicule across the nation, drawing comparisons to state-run media in countries such as North Korea and China. Oneoutletdubbed the Pence news service "Pravda on the Plains."
Within the week, Pence killed the idea, saying plans for theJustIN website would be replaced with an overhaulof the state's online press release system.
Prior to the "Pravda on the Plains" misstep,Pence was long seen as a friend to the press on Capitol Hill. He was widely regarded as accessible and friendly by the D.C.press corps.He alsointroduced a bill that would have made it harder to subpoena reporters.
As governor, he vetoed bills that criticssaid would have limited access to public records. One, vetoed this year,would havepermitted private colleges and universities to withhold records incases that involved accidents, complaints and suspected crimes without arrests. The other, from 2015, would have allowed public agencies to charge hourly fees for record searches.
Gov. Pence ditches state-run news site plan after uproar
Under Pence's watch, Indiana has routinely appearedamong the top 10 states for having a "business-friendly" climate, thanks in large part to the state's low corporate taxes.
A 2013 study showed Indiana businesses have the 7th lowest tax burden in the nation, and it's likely droppedsince then.In 2014, he signed a bill reducingthe corporate income tax to 4.9 percent from 6.5 percent by 2021, making it the second-lowest in the country. And he's proposed even further cuts to business taxes, pressing lawmakers tophaseout the business personal property tax entirely.
With this bill, we give counties the opportunity to incentivize additional investment in new technology and heavy equipment, Pence said at the time. We make it easier for companies to expand and create jobs here in Indiana.
The unemployment rate has fallen from 8.4 percent when he took office in 2013, toaround5 percent today, though critics complain that wages remain below the national average.
The state also has a AAA bond rating,something Pence frequently touts on the campaign trail as evidence of his fiscal prowess.
Study: Indiana has a light bite in business taxes
In January 2015, after months of wrangling withthe Obama administration, Pence won approval to expand Indiana's own brand of Medicaid that injects personal responsibility into the healthcare program for the poor.
Pence said the Healthy Indiana Plan 2.0, a revamped version of a program started by then-Gov. Mitch Daniels, wentbeyond standard Medicaid expansion by requiring that participants contribute to the cost of their care.
"I believe Medicaid is not a program we should expand. It's a program that we should reform and that's exactly what we're accomplishing," Pence said at the time. "HIP 2.0 is not intended to be a long-term entitlement program. It's intended to be a safety net that aligns incentives with human aspirations."
With the approval, Indiana became the 28th state to expand Medicaid, along with the District of Columbia, and the fifth to receive a waiver.But none of the other states' programs go quite as far as Indiana when it comes to pushing the personal responsibility piece, experts said.
The expansion was expected to make as many as 350,000 low-income Hoosiers eligible for new benefits.
Gov. Pence gets federal OK for Medicaid alternative
Although Indiana is a redstate Republicans control both chambers of the Indiana General Assembly by wide margins Pence was facinga closerace against Democratic opponentJohn Gregg this November if he didn't join Trump's ticket.
(Photo: IndyStar 2013 file photo)
The race would have beena rematch of 4 years ago, when Pence narrowly defeated Gregg by 3 percentage points. But the RFRA controversy alienated many moderates, driving Pence's negatives up. A poll taken inlate 2015, six months after RFRA,showed just47 percent of Hoosier residents approved of Pences performance a big drop compared to Pences approval rating of 62 percent in the same poll a year earlier.
Two polls taken this spring gave Pence a 4-point edge over Gregg, a slim gap that fell within the polls' margins of error.
Pet rabbit "Marlon Bundo," is carried off the plane of Vice president-elect Mike Pence as he arrives with his wife Karen Pence and daughter Charlotte Pence, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Monday, Jan. 9, 2017. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)(Photo: Alex Brandon, AP)
Joining the Pence family as they madetheir move to Washington, D.C., were twocats named Oreo and Pickle and ablack-and-white rabbit named Marlon Bundo.
Yes, Marlon Bundo.
Pencetweeted a photoof the family with the pets mid-air, thanking the U.S. Air Force for the ride. Bundo's eyesseemed wide with excitement, while the cats seemed more casual about the experience.
Latest poll: Race for governor remains tight
IndyStar reporters Chris Sikich, Amy Bartner and Tony Cook contributed to this report.Call IndyStar reporter Brian Eason at (317) 444-6129. Follow him on Twitter: @brianeason.
A look back at Gov. Mike Pence's term Clark Wade/IndyStar
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Who is Mike Pence? 8 things to know about Donald Trump's vice ...