Archive for the ‘Mike Pence’ Category

OOPS! Vox’s attempt to slam Mike Pence over his speech at #MarchForLife BACKFIRES – Twitchy

Its so cute when Vox tries to passive aggressively pretend taxpayers dont pay for abortion. And by cute we mean pathetic, sad and weak. Sure, protect that whole narrative that Planned Parenthood isnt using fungible monies to pay for abortion of course the only people who believe you support Planned Parenthood anyway.

Sane, thinking people actually know better.

But nice try, Vox.

This is good news for women who actually need and want health care. Women deserve better than an abortion mill pretending to be a care provider.

Cmon, if the funds are necessary and you could lose them over abortion, maybe stop performing abortions? Seriously.

Not to mention that government monies (which are fungible, thats the key) should come nowhere NEAR abortion if someone wants to have one, they can pay for it. Keeps the governent out of their uterus, right?

Makes sense.

Yes, Pence is against abortion. Duh.

She says this like its a bad thing?

Hey Democrats, if you wantchange win an election.

Rememberthat dude saying this as well


Whole lotta STUPID: Here are some of the dumbest tweets from the anti-life crowd on #MarchForLife

Strange: People are noticing what ISNT happening at #MarchForLife

See original here:

OOPS! Vox's attempt to slam Mike Pence over his speech at #MarchForLife BACKFIRES - Twitchy

Ex-Christian from Duggar cult explains why we should be more afraid of Mike Pence than Trump – Raw Story

Right-wing Christians have been plotting their takeover of the U.S. government for nearly 50 years and the rise of Donald Trump and his evangelical sidekick, Mike Pence, have finally set up the tragedy playing out right now.

Kieryn Darkwater is a transgender former evangelical Christofascist who grew up in the Quiverfull movement and uses they as a personal pronoun, wrote about their experience as a homeschooled right-wing political activist for the website Autostraddle.

I watched the Tea Party takeover and was surprised no one saw it coming, Darkwater wrote. After all, this was part of the plan. Trump being elected is also part of the plan, although not Trump specifically; the true goal is Pence.

Evangelical conservatives started taking over local Republican groups in the 1970s and setting up right-wing advocacy groups to push their agenda into the mainstream which, of course, is the standard form political activism while all along training their children in home schools and church groups to fight in the culture wars.

Its a loose and ambiguous term that basically means anything or anyone that doesnt align with this very specific view of Christianity must not be allowed to continue, Darkwater wrote.

The Christian right hopes to overturn court decisions protecting reproductive rights and non-discrimination on race, and Darkwater warned that these religious extremists intend to amend the U.S. Constitution to legalize discrimination against women, people of color and LGBT people .

The only way to do this is to infiltrate the government, Darkwater wrote, recalling the training and activism they took part in as a teenager.

We were sneaky and polite Trojan horses, Darkwater wrote. We had an agenda. Yes, even as 15-year-olds.

Right-wing Christians have wanted someone like Pence in the White House for years, but a hardline religious conservative hasnt even been able to win the GOP primary until Trump emerged as a blank slate with no real principles beyond his own self-aggrandizement.

They know Trump is easily manipulated and will change his mind with the wind if it makes him feel more powerful and famous, Darkwater wrote. Trump couldnt care less about policy, a fact hes made quite obvious. The Right has given a tyrant power and fame; he will do whatever they want him to do in order to keep it.

With Trump apparently willing to sign anything Pence and congressional Republicans hand him, Darkwater wrote, right-wing Christians see an opportunity to finally take over the U.S. government with an army of homeschooled religious extremists.

Those of us who didnt leave the far Right are being elected to federal positions or are taking over states and cities, Darkwater wrote. With Pence in office, even the reasonable-seeming incumbents who have been and are still at the mercy of the Tea Party are growing more bold in their attempts to further the Christofascist agenda: To Take Back The Country For Christ.

Here is the original post:

Ex-Christian from Duggar cult explains why we should be more afraid of Mike Pence than Trump - Raw Story

Mike Pence | The Huffington Post






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Mike Pence | The Huffington Post

Vice President Mike Pence to join March for Life – Chicago Tribune

Vice President Mike Pence will join Friday's March for Life, a move from the White House considered historic by march organizers.

President Ronald Reagan made a video for the march in 1988 and President George W. Bush called in to the march in 2008, but no president or vice president has spoken at the march before, according to a march spokeswoman.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump's senior counselor, will also speak at the march.

March organizers say they expect tens of thousands of people to march at the event that annually draws activists from across the country. This year, organizers believe they will see a surge of energy with the ascension of a president who is expected to move forward on antiabortion policies, including defunding Planned Parenthood and appointing an antiabortion Supreme Court justice.

Pence, who has called himself an "evangelical Catholic," has long been a hero among antiabortion activists and as governor of Indiana signed what was considered some of the strictest laws on abortion.

Ahead of the election, activists were divided over whether to openly support Trump, who they believed was more appealing than Hillary Clinton. Activists were especially thrilled by his selection of Pence, who signed a law that banned abortions based on gender or disability.

During the vice-presidential debate in October, Pence brought up his opposition to abortion by paraphrasing the biblical verse Jeremiah 1:5: "Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you."

During an interview with ABC News' David Muir that aired Wednesday night, President Donald Trump voiced concerns that the press doesn't cover the March for Life.

"You're going to have a lot of people coming on Friday," Trump said. "And I will say this, and I didn't realize this. But I was told you will have a very large crowd of people. I don't know as large or larger. Some people said it will be larger, pro-life people, and they say the press doesn't cover them."

The Washington Post has covered the March for Life every year for the past decade, according to archives.

See the article here:

Vice President Mike Pence to join March for Life - Chicago Tribune

Pence to address ‘March for Life’ – KTTS

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Vice President Mike Pence will address the March for Life event in person on Friday, said Marc Lotter, a spokesman for Pence.

Pence will be the first vice president to ever address the march in person in its 43-year history. Earlier Thursday, the organization said the scheduled appearance of top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway at the event would make her the "highest-ranking White House official to ever speak at the march."

Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush addressed the event via telephone but did not attend.

Pence is an ardent opponent of abortion and signed some of the most restrictive abortion legislation into law while serving as governor of Indiana.

The anti-abortion march is held in Washington and has taken place every year since 1974. Since the Supreme Court ruled abortion legal in 1973, marchers have descended upon Washington to protest the decision.

"The March for Life began in Washington, DC, as a small demonstration and rapidly grew to be the largest pro-life event in the world," the march's website reads.

Although the movement is decades old, the anti-abortion effort has picked up steam with the election and Trump's leadership. His first week in office, Trump signed an executive action reversing policy that allowed funding to international non-governmental organizations that perform or promote abortion.

Trump also acknowledged the march during his speech to fellow GOP leaders at the Republican retreat in Philadelphia on Thursday.

Trump's second in command, Vice President Mike Pence, is an opponent of abortion and signed some of the most restrictive abortion legislation into law while governor of Indiana.

Where is it?

The March for Life will kick off with a rally that is scheduled to take place at the Washington Monument shortly before noon on Friday, near the corner of 15th Street and Constitution Ave. Speakers will make remarks around noon and the marchers will begin walking around 1 p.m. ET, according to the website.

The website also notes there will be screening sites for attendees for security purposes. Those screenings will start at 9 a.m.

Marchers who can't be in DC also have the option of participating in local efforts as well. Information on other events can be found here.

Who is going to be there?

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, Rep. Chris Smith, R-New Jersey, Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, and Cardinal Timothy Dolan are among the listed speakers. Also scheduled to speak is Baltimore Ravens tight end Benjamin Watson and top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, among others, according to the website.

Why are they marching?

The mission is to "provide all Americans with a place to testify to the beauty of life and the dignity of each human person," according to the website.

The group of political leaders and activists gather to "unite and strategize around a common message," the group's mission statement says.

In addition to their usual message, abortion activists are also now looking to Trump as he is set to nominate a new Supreme Court justice in the coming weeks.

In an interview with "60 Minutes," Trump said he would commit to appointing "pro-life" justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, and send the issue back to the states.

"Then some women won't be able to get an abortion," CBS News' Leslie Stahl said to Trump during the interview.

"Yeah. Well, perhaps they have to go to another state," Trump responded.

Here is the original post:

Pence to address 'March for Life' - KTTS