Archive for the ‘NSA’ Category

Lambing List unites farmers with student vets willing to help – HeraldScotland

LOOKING ahead to lambing, the National Sheep Association has opened its popular Lambing List service for the 2020/2021 season.

The NSA Lambing List connects sheep farming members of the NSA who need assistance at lambing time with agricultural and veterinary students looking for a work experience placement as part of their studies, providing the perfect solution for both parties at what can be a very busy time of year.

Despite some uncertainties surrounding Covid-19 rules, it is expected that it will still be permissible for farmers to invite students on to farm to support work at lambing time, but to ensure both NSAs farming members and students using the Lambing List are kept as Covid safe as possible, new guidelines have been made available to users of the service to download from the NSA Next Generation website.

NSA communications officer, Katie James said: The NSA Lambing List has become the trusted method for many of our members to source extra lambing help over recent years and we are therefore pleased to be able to offer this service once again this year. Its a very simple but effective process we collate a list of NSA members looking for help at lambing time and produce an advert so students can approach them directly to ask for a placement.

NSA does recognise there may be some concerns inviting students on to farm as additional help this coming lambing season and hopes that our updated guidelines can offer some support with this, however, if members have any further concerns we would encourage them to contact us at NSA to discuss the issue.

Sheep farmers wanting to advertise on the list must complete a short application form at providing brief details of their lambing system and the experience and position they can offer, including the provision of accommodation, meals and other details. Adverts are listed in the order they are submitted, so NSA members are encouraged to get adverts in as early as possible.

Sheep farmers who are interested in using the list but are not yet NSA members can find a membership application form at

The service could not be simpler for students looking for a placement, with adverts split into regions to highlight positions available in different areas of the UK and overseas. The list can be found via the lambing and work experience pages at on the Next Generation web pages.

Ms James continued: This service is just one of the many membership benefits NSA offers as well as supporting agricultures next generation and the allied veterinary industry. Young people accessing the NSA Lambing List on the NSA Next Generation website will also find a host of online resources, packed with useful information on NSAs work to support young people.

For in-depth news and views on Scottish agriculture, see this Fridays issue of The Scottish Farmer or visit

Read the rest here:
Lambing List unites farmers with student vets willing to help - HeraldScotland

LTTE: A response from Indigenous alumni to the Chancellor’s affirmation of Pioneer – DU Clarion

Editors Note: This letter has been republished with the permission of the Indigenous Alumni Affinity Group. It has been adjusted for formatting and readability by the editors of The Clarion. The original version can be found here.

To the Chancellor,

We are writing, as University of Denver (DU) alumni and more importantly as alumni of the Native Student Alliance (NSA) leadership, in deep concern for the Native students on DUs campus. During our time at the university, we were active members of this group and held leadership positions.

We have seen firsthand the culmination of microaggressions, macroaggressions, discrimination and inaction. This has led to NSA demanding action from DU to directly support Native students currently on campus, as well as those who come to DU in the future. That is why we are writing to you today.

We want to acknowledge the Native American graduate student experience differs drastically from that of a Native American undergraduate student who has lived on campus 24 hours a day for four years, which is why this letter was written by those who have been a part of NSA leadership. We also want to highlight that this is not a new phenomenon for Native American and Indigenous students on campus. We speak from three generations of NSA leadership and 12 years of experience and institutional knowledge.

We have been pushing this issue consistently, just to be given the same answer by the Board of Trustees (BOT) and the Chancellor since 2008. We are writing to bring attention to the continuous pattern of cyclical violence directed at Native American students on campus for the past 12 years that needs to be addressed and confronted at its core.

Chancellor Haefners email addressing the demands of Righteous Anger! Healing Resistance! (RAHR) and NSA was performative and tone-deaf. The actual demands of NSA and RAHR were not addressed clearly. This email is seemingly good-intentioned and diplomatic. But it shows the years of emotional labor students have taken to educate others were for naught, as they are not being listened to thoroughly.

It shows that the words of the Indigenous community, on a campus that stands on stolen land and has a legacy of genocide, are not being heard but instead actively ignored. It shows the interests of the university lean towards the side of money and power. It is not with marginalized students on campus who do not possess the capital to make decisions for the university.

We cannot deny that the Pioneer nickname will hold a different meaning to those whose ancestors were not harmed by the historical definition of the word. Their ancestors were not murdered and assaulted by pioneers. However, stating the word has a dual meaning will always disunite the campus body and place Native and Indigenous students as the other side and in a position of marginalization within the conversation.

This consistent divide labels Native American students as the reasons we have to have this discussion and the reason peopledont like the term Pioneer. We argue this has and will automatically separate Native students from fully participating in their educational experience with the greater campus body.

We have outlined how we have personally been othered on campus and how being this voice of the other side has been met with trauma, brutality from campus safety, racism and campus violence. We have NSA alumni who are still paying their debt to DU. We must take a step back in advocating for Native American students to come to DU until we confront the cyclical violence within the campus environment.

Simply put, there is no way to reconcile the history of the word Pioneer. In the Chancellors email, he tried to say the way DU uses the word is separate from its historybut as a university that is founded upon the genocide of Cheyenne and Arapaho people, that is not possible. By keeping the Pioneer moniker, DU is telling its Native students, alumni, staff and faculty that they are not willing to reconcile its violent legacy and, in fact, want its legacy of genocide and harm to continue.

Pioneers killed Native people and stole Native land. That is the beginning and end of the word. It is not on non-Natives to claim that they can re-appropriate a word that continues to harm Native people. It is not their decision, so any justification for reconciling its meaning is simply not okay and continues to harm DUs Native community.

This harm against Native people is not unusual for DU. Besides their violent legacy, there is a consistent pattern of anti-Native rhetoric that has circulated within the DU culture for the past decade. The NSA co-chairs have felt the brunt of this harm and labor the most institutional trauma. We want to remind the BOT and DU community this has been a long-time conversation NSA has been laboring for the campus community by educating the other side.

Why We Stand with Current Native Students and Their Demands

We know that NSA has been met with continued hostility. Through using intellectual theory, we know settler colonialism and settler society will always see Native peoples as in the waybecause it is our land that is being sought after and desired for control (Deloria & Tuck). Our experience at DU as undergraduate students has stayed with us, and it is why we stand with Native students today. We affirm every single one of their demands, and we believe that each demand must be completed in order for DU to become a safe and healthy place for Native students and other marginalized students.

As a group, we address that the opinions on the LetsGoDU site do not speak for our stance. We completely agree that more work needs to be done beyond a name change, but considering how many years of harmful and violent encounters that surround this conversation that is supposedly occurring on an intellectual campus, we ask: how will you protect our Native students?

While we appreciate the intentions behind bringing new faculty, raising the Native American task force back up and providing full tuition to Native American students moving forward, we question if cycling colonial trauma inflicted by the campus environment is ethical. We see little recognition of past or present inaction and harm towards the Indigenous community on campus.

It is difficult to be heard in a predominately white institution that caters more to the majority as opposed to the minorities, the latter of which allows you to use inclusion and equity terminology to describe DU.

A memorial site dedicated to Sand Creek, within Pioneer Nation, will not bring justice to our community. We will continue to be reminded each day of a painful past without first allowing healing or envisioning a hopeful future. We ask that you reevaluate your dedication to upholding a violent legacy of colonialism and create true healing from past harms for your former and current Indigenous students. Most importantly, we ask that you create a safe space for Native students currently attending DU and for those to come.

Part of learning comes from activism and larger dialogues. We know realistically under the structures of capitalism and settler society, in order for the university to change the mascot name, money will have to follow. Given the structure of systemic racism and inequality, we do not possess this capital. However, it is within the constitutional rights of an individual to protest, which is fundamental within American society.

For alumniwho do not understand this is part of what conversations with different opinions looks like, it is not about bashing or condoning students for having a different opinion than you. It is not about suggesting that Dr. Ramirez or faculty who do not agree with you should be fired.

Facilitating greater conversations and educating through activism is the foundation of academic learning and the role of an educator and intellectual. Social change in America has been accomplished through movements and collective voices. Students should have the ability to learn these skills, which are imperative to the reality of todays social climate. We stand by Dr. Ramirez.

We want to contextualize our timeline experiences in the following letter. There is a reason the NSA has consistently gone to the front lines of these discussions. We do not try to be confrontational, but there has been no other way we have been able to be heard by administration. Our No More Pios Campaign PowerPoint was presented in front of USG, passed along to administration and met with inaction.

We are the smallest body on campus, therefore our voices are restricted and we have consistently been told that there are not enough of us to make a difference. Higher administration always argues that Native students are a small population of the student body, and as a result, our voices dont matter. They have used this argument to weaponize their power over NSA and dismiss anything our group has to say because we are insignificant in number and money to support the university.

That argument alone shows where the power in the university lies and the value of Native students is placed. We ask that if you continue to read from here on out, be open to understanding and learning about the history of DU from an NSA perspective.

2016-2020 NSA Elk Era: #NoDALP and #NoMorePios

We were informed by former Vice-Chancellor Lili Rodriguez at one point the only thing NSA could do to change the Pioneer name was to graduate, come back as alumni, and continue this conversation where it needs to happen. We are now the recent undergraduate alumni of DU, having graduated in 2019 and 2020. We have experienced trauma after trauma our entire four years attending the university. We are here to tell those stories today.

In the same year as the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline in Standing Rock in 2016, DU agreed to host the annualPipeline Leadership Conferenceon campus. This was a conference that included the company responsible for the Dakota Access Pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners (ETP). This was a slap in the face to Native students on DUs campus, who had to take time from their studies to quickly plan a protest against the event.

At this protest, DU Campus Safety and the Denver Police Department (DPD) threatened students with arrest and labeled the group as out of control. Community members and DU students weremet with riot gear, mace guns and other weapons used to intimidate students.

A retired Native American faculty member, Dr. Tink Tinker, was called a jerk during the protest by the DU Director of Campus Safety, Don Enloe. This was after Enloe seemed to imply that he was going to measure out the distance that was appropriate to stand in front of a DU building to protest.

A year later, during the DU Pioneer Frozen Four game, DU students lit a mattress on fire, blocked Evans Ave. and were later congratulated for their win by DPD. Pioneer Nation got to walk away with tweets of support and zero conduct cases, while Native students were met with threats from Campus Safety and members from our protest were pushed and regulated.

A few months after NSAs #NoDALP protest, in January of 2017, DUs Board of Trustees decided to continue to invest in the fossil fuel industry. To this, NSA responded with a letter about how the fossil fuel industry commits violence against Indigenous communities beyond the destruction of land. The letter emphasized that by investing in these companies, DU is complicit in violence against Native communities the university claims to be trying to heal its relationship. Neither the Board or Chancellor Chopp responded to the letter.

In the fall of 2017, NSA launched a campaign addressing DUs use of the nickname Pioneer. In March of 2018, DU Student Activists (DUSA) teamed up with NSA to host a blackout at DU Hockeys last home game of the season. Protestors dressed in all black and filled the student section of the hockey game. Every time DUs team scored, the group held up a banner that read: Pioneers stole Indian land and killed Indian people. #NoMorePios.

When we raise our voice as a campus, it is not met with dialogue and conversations. This protest consisted of students from NSA and other affinity groups, and they were faced hostility, aggression and reaction from a crowd of adults who yelled and heckled us. We were told to go back to where we came from, which would be funny to Native students whose ancestors were here long before theirs were, except for the fact that we had multiple international and immigrant students in our group.

Eventually, we left the hockey game for our health and safety. We got up, held hands and left the game together. That night, we made sure no one walked home alone. There were some folks that worried for our safety. This reaction was expected, so much so that Vice-Chancellor Lili Rodriguez and other DU staff came to chaperone the protest. DU never condemned these actions from alumni and Pioneer sports fans.

Those memories stayed with us for months after the protest, as pro-Boone and Pioneer alumni started sending threats our way and created rumors about the protest. We began to plan carefully about when and where we spoke up against the nickname, making sure we felt safe to do so. At times, we even dropped the campaign until things died down on campus and we felt safe again.

Earlier that year, NSA was asked if we felt safe attending the Homecoming Parade. We were confused as to why we wouldnt, but the Office of Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence (CLIE) offered to have additional security around our float if we chose to participate. The wording alone did not make NSA feel safe or want to be there, as staff were already thinking in that manner.

When articles were published in the DU Clarion about student support against the Pioneer nickname, there were many harmful comments. They asked why we were at the school if we didnt like it and made statements such as these students should go back to the reservation and Native Americans should have been genocided.

NSA members faced multiple instances of harassment from pro-Boone alumni during this time. One Native student, who worked at the DU Clarion, had comments cursing and harassing her specifically. A pro-Boone alumnus called her boss in an attempt to get her fired.

LetsGoDU, run by the same pro-Boone and Pioneer alumni who threatened us, made an organization chart in 2018 asking who did it? about the recently-enacted No Mask Policy. This policy was implemented by the DU administration due to safety concerns surrounding those who wear masks on campus to harm other people while remaining anonymous. The policy banned masks on campus, which included the alumni-funded Daniel Boone Mascots mask and made alumni upset. In their chart, they identified NSA as one of the causes for this change.This same website continues to put up hateful articles about our Native students, including pictures of our students and elders faces in them.

In 2018, an alumna from the Graduate School of Social WorkAlyssa Willieconducted a research paper about how the Pioneer nickname affected Native American students. She included interviews with student organizers.The paper concluded that NSA students were hypervigilant struggling with mental health effects from the Pioneer nickname such as anxiety, feeling unsafe on campus and not feeling a sense of belonging. Native students felt subjugated to microaggressions from other students, staff and faculty. They were constantly asked to be the spokesperson or interviewee for various students research papers.

2012-2015 Boone Protest Era: Continued Campus Safety Violence to NSA

In 2014, alumna Amanda Williams led the first ever No More Pioneer protest on DUs campus. The action was held during the creation of a Harlem Shake video that used Daniel Boone as the schools mascot.

Amanda Williams, Julia Bramante and Jozer Guerro held signs against the Boone character in front of Sturm Hall to demonstrate their disapproval of Daniel Boone in the Harlem Shake video. They were not there to stop the event. They wanted to show the campus was not being inclusive and the video being shot did not represent all students who attended the university.

As more people showed up, the organizer for the video called security and stated that Amanda, Jozer and Julia were being disruptive and prohibiting the video from being filmed. Campus Security came, and all three were then questioned if they had permits or authorization to be on Driscoll Green because the organizer of the video had a permit to film. Later, a letter from Campus Safety admitted this claim was false.

We were the only students asked to provide student ID to prove our identity as students. We were escorted off campus by Campus Safety because one of us did not have an ID card to prove we were DU students, even though the other two did.

We were placed on student conduct alert and were unable to register for courses until Chancellor Coombe made a phone call to the Student Conduct Office to release our records. During this time, Jozer Guerrero received threats from alumni that they would find out where he lived and harm him.

Guerrero said that while they tried to reason with the filmmakers and guards, the guards were rude and disrespectful and used excessive force on the shoulders and arms of the students during the incident. DCS Public Information officer, Sgt. Banet, said it was a use of reasonable necessary force. There were over 100 studentsapart from us there for the video, and many of them shouted racial slurs as we were forced off Driscoll Green.

During our meeting with the Chancellor after the event, we requested that the security cameras with footage of Sturm and Driscoll Green be reviewed to show what happened that day. We also requested the footage from the officers body cam. These requests were repeatedly denied.

Notably, the following year, another student organization on Driscoll Green requested to review security camera footage. Their request was immediately approved, and the footage was provided for them to review personally.

Jordan Ames, the administrative manager of the universitys marketing and communications department, lied to Westword about the event. He said the Harlem Shake group had a permit and Campus Safety was not aware of any complaints, despite the several made in writing by us.

During this time, there were efforts made to change the mascot. The university attempted to create a new mascot by forming several university mascot-focused groups (Mascot Steering Committee, Mascot Task Force, etc.). These groups were made up of alumni, undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty. The discussion within these groups, combined with the press surrounding the NSA and Harlem Shake video, led to conversations across campus regarding the controversy surrounding Boone.

It caught the attention of Facebook groups and alumni blogs. Offensive comments were made, such as: Amanda, Jozer and Julia should go fuck themselves; These students should go back to the reservation where they came from; They should go and get drunk on their reservation; Dont worry, this wont be an issue anymore once all of the Native Americans die off.

These types of comments were also made by the USG senior class president at the time, who went on to make senior t-shirts with Boone on them. A Native student had to work their way out of being in the same group project with this individual.

2008-2011 Colonial-Embedded Values of Playing Indian Era

In 2011, the DU Homecoming theme was How the West was Won, which was approved by Student Life, the Office of the Chancellor and Alumni Relations. NSA and CLIE (at the time called Center for Multicultural Excellence or CME) brought up issues with this theme and its colonial legacy. We pointed out that How the West was Won resulted in the genocide and removal of Indigenous peoples, which is directly linked to DUs history of the Sand Creek Massacre. Our complaints were ignored.

In October of 2011, right before Indigenous Peoples Day was officially recognized, the Vice President of Greek Life made racist comments about NSAs celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day during a Greek Life meeting. They stated, I just want to end our meeting by saying Columbus Day is a real holiday, which was followed by more racist remarks.

If an ally in the Multicultural Greek Life SLB had not said anything, those remarks would have been ignored. Later in November 2011, a Pilgrim and Indian Party was shut down in the Art Department when an NSA member brought up the problematic issue of Playing Indian. We are grateful to the Art Department Dean for immediately shutting down the event.

In spring of 2012, a DU fraternity and sorority held a cowboys and Indians themed party where women dressed up as Indians and men came as Cowboys.

Native women have the highest rate of sexual assault and going missing in our communities. Native and Indigenous women are vulnerable under the structure of colonialism, which we see to this day with Indigenous women in North and South America. The hypersexualization of Native women depicted through costumes and as objects by settler logic causes harm to our community.

This event resulted in a public apology by Greek Life to the Denver Native community. They were forced to do community service at the DU Pow Wow in 2012. The sorority and fraternity volunteered for a few years, but over time expressed they no longer understood why they had to attend our Pow Wow and service our community.

Their main argument was that they were not the cohort of folks who attended and held this party. This demonstrates two things: some non-Native students are not willing to learnunless they are forced to about our culture and how to respect it. They do not want to continue the process of healing from the harm their predecessors caused.

There is not a culture of learning and mutual respect from past wrongs on our campus. How can we have a dialogue on campus about the term Pioneer if there is no such facilitation or environment for such conversations to happen?

After the university publicly apologized, the conversation moved to a digital platform, where many anonymous racist remarks were made to the Native students.

In the DU Clarion, one student made note, If there were no Native students on campus, this wouldnt be an issue. Other persons added that the Native American population will eventually decrease, and when there are no longer Native Americans anymore, this will no longer be an issue. There was also an alumnus who made remarks on the comment section, stating, we didnt give out enough smallpox blankets to the Native Americans.

Since the release of your email, we have compiled these events as oral histories to remind the community where we stand and that we will continue to be here now and in the future. Oppositional thoughts and conversations have always been a part of campuss greater discourse. Yet, we want to call attention to the fact that NSA students are never safe when having these conversations that we are encouraged to participate in.

In solidarity with current Native students at DU,

Former Leadership of Undergraduate DU Native Student Alliance

Indigenous Alumni Affinity Group

Read more here:
LTTE: A response from Indigenous alumni to the Chancellor's affirmation of Pioneer - DU Clarion

Why the NSA Told Henry Kissinger to Drop Dead When He Tried to Cut Intel Links with Britain – The Daily Beast

LONDONHenry Kissinger once tried to come between the National Security Agency (NSA) and Britains GCHQ, their signals intelligence (SIGINT) brothers from the other side of the pond, and the response from the U.S. intelligence agency was short and swift.

The NSA simply said, Drop dead, says the author of a new authorized history of GCHQ, who explains that the two intelligence agencies have a closer relationship with each other than they do with their own governments.

The worlds two leading signals intelligence agencies are so tightly bound together that they share virtually all of the material they gather with no questions asked. Over the years, GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) has frequently protected the NSA from rivals within the U.S. including the CIA and Naval intelligence unitsand even their respective presidents and prime ministers come second in the hierarchy of loyalty, according to Behind the Enigma: The Authorized History of GCHQ, Britains Secret Cyber-Intelligence Agency by John Ferris.

I say in the bookand both GCHQ and NSA allowed me to say itthat at some point or another, every director of GCHQ and NSA colludes with each other in order to do something which their own national authority might try to impede, Ferris told The Daily Beast.

One such clash arose in 1973 when Kissinger, who was President Nixons national security adviser at the time, ordered the NSA to stop sharing signals intelligence with Britain in order to pressure London to support Nixons Israel policy.

The NSA refused to comply, challenging Kissingers authority despite his key role at the White House. Ironically, under the shared intelligence agreement between the agencies, Kissingers move would have left the U.S. flying blind in the Middle East because collecting signals intelligence in the region was entirely the domain of the British who funnelled the intel back to Fort Meade.

One of the most bizarre aspects of this unparalleled intelligence sharing partnership is that it is not enshrined in any treaty; its a subnational, totally non-binding agreement, which makes the NSAs willingness to stand up to Kissinger even more extraordinary.

If Jeremy Corbyn had been elected with a majority, I think he would have broken it and he could have done so. And if Donald Trump wanted to break it, he could do so. Any British prime minister or American president is free to choose. The problem is theyre so closely intertwined that it would cause massive immediate problems, or huge amounts of expenditure to overcome. That wouldnt have bothered Corbyn, said Ferris.

The relationship was also entirely secret for 25 years after World War II. It wasnt until 2010 that the documents behind the agreement were put into the public domain. This comprehensive book uses unprecedented access to GCHQ files to chart the full history of the agreement, which is called UKUSA (pronounced yoo-kusa, a bit like the Japanese mafia, by those in the know).

The only organization I can think of which in any way comes close is NORAD, the North American air defense system where the Canadian and American air defense systems are integrated. But thats much more narrow and specific than UKUSA, but thats the only other thing that comes close. So, yes, this is really unique, said Ferris, who is a professor of history at the University of Calgary in Canada.

At the end of the Cold War, during which British expertise on intercepting Russian communications had been instrumental, there was a fear that GCHQs influence would wane, but the agency, which is based in Cheltenham, southwest England, bucked expectations and repositioned itself as a trailblazer in modern signals intelligence.

With the resources freed from exhaustively covering the Soviet Union, GCHQ was able to start doing what its really good at, which is exploring new territoriesin this case, the early days of the internet, mapping it out for themselves and the Americans and then coming up with new methods of interception and cryptography to suit the new environment.

British paymasters recognized the outsized diplomatic clout they maintained in Fort Meade and in Washington, where GCHQ intel product remains highly respected, so long as the intelligence agency was allowed to thrive, and so investment in the agency remained relatively high despite the end of the Cold War.

Ferris was not allowed to detail current intel methods in the book for obvious reasons, but the documents published by Edward Snowden, who was employed by a contractor to work at an NSA facility, give an unmistakable insight into the current balance of the relationship between GCHQ and the NSA.

If Im judging simply by material which has been leaked, mostly by Snowden in the past five or six years, my sense is that the British are relatively much more significant than they were at any point since the 1960s, said Ferris. If you go through the Snowden material, youll find that a huge number of the technical innovations clearly are British, and, in fact, the Americans pay GCHQ to develop them.

The book argues that regular NSA efforts to subsidize GCHQ, which has a much smaller budget and staff, is a sign not of GCHQs weakness but of its strength. The British SIGINTers are seen as valuable scouts and innovators who routinely deliver a good return on investment. As the former director of GCHQ, David Omand, once joked, We have the brains. They have the money.

This is not to say, the NSA is not filled with brilliant people in itself, and their capacity for intelligence gathering is unparalleled. The Americans have this raw power, which once focused is overwhelming, said Ferris. I would personally say that NSA is one of the most technologically disruptive organizations in history. So, the two of them together are very formidable.

The relationship between the American and British signals intelligence communities blossomed during World War II, when U.S. pioneers were invited over to Bletchley Park, the legendary home of the codebreakers who cracked Germanys secret wartime communications.

Genuinely, they were astounded by the quality of every branch of British SIGINT and, in fact, came to understand that what the British were doing was very ahead of us in every single way, said Ferris.

NSA could trust GCHQ to have its back in a way that it cannot trust any other American agency to have its back.

John Ferris

Anglo-American relations were complicated during the course of the war, with Washington initially reluctant to become embroiled in another predominantly European conflict. After the war, American SIGINTers, with the help of GCHQ input, succeeded in convincing President Harry Truman that a large-scale peacetime SIGINT operation was necessary to ensure there was never a Nuclear Pearl Harbor.

UKUSA was established in 1946, linking American and British SIGINT efforts ever since. The agreement also took in Britains recent Dominions; Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Together they formed a global network which is now known as Five Eyes.

The relative merits of NSA and GCHQ have fluctuated over the decades. In the 50s and even early 60s, GCHQ was still seen as the more impressive intelligence producer. American internal memos bemoaned the supremacy of GCHQs final product, which was often deemed better written and more fully analysed.

In the latter decades of the 20th century, big American investments in supercomputing and expensive advances, including satellite technology, ensured NSA was in the ascendancy.

The agreement was founded on individual personal relationships between SIGINTers, and sometimes those were rocky. There were complaints that GCHQ was hogging the most prestigious roles; British assessments of American product were sometimes deemed too rude to share; and in the mid-80s NSA Director William Odom complained that GCHQ did not carry out its share of the work given how much authority it demanded.

The British clearly cant accept happily their own loss of pre-eminence in this business, Odom wrote in his remarkably frank diary. Socially I no longer find the British amusing, merely a pain in the ass.

But throughout it all, NSA and GCHQ, two largely civilian organizations, maintained their togetherness. All of the Five Eyes countries would send senior liaison officers and up-and-coming integrees to work at the other agencies, sharing intel techniques and honing each others skills. A no-poach policy ensures that the agencies are willing to let their best and their brightest take part in the exchanges. In Behind the Enigma, Ferris writes:

In one legendary moment, an American integree at Cheltenham and a British one at Fort Meade conducted negotiations between GCHQ and NSA on behalf of their adopted services; in another, every member of a Sigint conference between Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States held a British passport.

GCHQ is also part of American decision-making. There are lots of interagency meetings and important issues where GCHQ representatives are part of the decision-making process right on U.S. soil. On Sept. 12, 2001, the head of GCHQ was on the only aircraft allowed into the United States immediately after 9/11. General Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA, has since said it was decided in the aftermath that GCHQ would assume command of all American SIGINT if Fort Meade was compromised.

NSA could trust GCHQ to have its back in a way that it cannot trust any other American agency to have its back. And GCHQ and NSA provide each other with state secrets, which only a handful of other people would see. It is one of the most unusual arrangements Ive ever seen, Ferris said.

If the agreement does eventually collapse it will cost the U.S. billions of dollars to replace the input from Britain.

General Hayden, who was director of both the NSA and CIA, was an exception, but there has often been a rivalry between the two agencies which dates back to the 1950s when NSA was created: CIA operatives around the world had previously been responsible for foreign SIGINT collection.

There was a huge amount of blood on the floor, said Ferris, and relations were often tough over the decades to come. There are moments when CIAfor good reasons or badis not doing what NSA would like. And GCHQ helps NSA avoid some of those problems. GCHQ has perfectly civil relations with CIA. So, its actually easier for GCHQ to get CIA to help NSA than it is for NSA to get CIA to help NSA.

Many SIGINTers believe UKUSA will eventually fall apart now that the unifying threat of the Cold War has faded away and there is no guarantee that new generations of political leaders will share common foreign policy goals. The strength of the agreement was tested in the Middle East in the 70s when British and American governments disagreed over Israel, and similarly two decades before when Washington did not support British policy during the 1956 Suez crisis. On that occasion GCHQ actually hampered British government policy by refusing to cooperate with French intelligence.

If the agreement does eventually collapse it will cost the U.S. billions of dollarsFerris believes the NSA budget would have to increase by around a thirdto replace the input from Britain. But even more than that, one of the greatest intelligence-gathering partnerships the world has ever seen would be permanently damaged.

Here is the original post:
Why the NSA Told Henry Kissinger to Drop Dead When He Tried to Cut Intel Links with Britain - The Daily Beast

After Rajnath, NSA Ajit Doval warns China, says ‘will fight where threat emerges, will fight for greater good’ – Times Now

NSA Ajit Doval 

New Delhi:After Defence Minister Rajnath Singh asserted that he is confident that Indian Army will not let anyone take even an inch of country's land, NSA Ajit Doval issued a stern warning to China saying India will fight where the threat emerges and will fight for the greater good, not for self.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat also warned China and expressed confidence in the Indian troops saying, We must be prepared and the Indian Troops responded well to Chinas misadventure.

We don't secure our Rashtra, we only try to secure our Rajya, Doval said adding that Rashtra is created by India's saint and that Rajya can end but Rashtra can never end.

After performing Shastra Puja at the Sukna-based headquarters of the Indian Army's 33 Corps in Darjeeling district of West Bengal the Defence Minister said that India wants an end to the ongoing border tension with China and restoration of peace.

This is our objective. But at times, some nefarious incidents keep happening," Singh said after performing the 'puja'.

The tension between India and China escalated after the Galwan incident in which twenty Indian soldiers laid down their lives in an ambush by PLA soldiers.

In retaliation Indian forces also attacked the PLA leading to significant casualties on their side, however, China is yet to disclose the number of its soldiers killed and injured in the clash.

According to Indian officials, China suffered heavy casualties in the incident.

Indian forces also thwarted Chinese intrusion in Pangong Tso and occupied a number of strategic heights in the Mukhpari, Rezang La and Magar hill areas around the southern bank of the lake in eastern Ladakh.

Both sides held a series of diplomatic and military talks to resolve the row that began on May 5, however, no breakthrough has been achieved till now.

Read the original:
After Rajnath, NSA Ajit Doval warns China, says 'will fight where threat emerges, will fight for greater good' - Times Now

China govt uses United Front to gather intel on citizens abroad, says US dy NSA – The Indian Express

Written by Kaunain Sheriff M | New Delhi | Updated: October 25, 2020 7:14:37 amThe Indian Express investigation, China is Watching, was published in September.

Referring to revelations in a series of investigative reports by The Indian Express and other global publications on how a private technology firm in Shenzhen, with links to the Chinese government and Communist Party of China (CPC) uses big data tools for hybrid warfare, a top US Security official has said that the Chinese foreign ministry handles a United Front, which includes powerful tech firms that gather intelligence to influence private citizens overseas.

Pointing to the database of Zhenhua Data, which targets individuals and institutions in politics, government, business, technology, media, and civil society, US Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger has said that the CPC is compiling digital dossiers on millions of foreign citizens around the world, with the aid of new tools of digital surveillance.

Pottinger made the remarks from White House on Thursday during a video conference hosted by Policy Exchange in London.

The Indian Express, using big-data tools, investigated metadata from Zhenhuas operations to extract Indian entities from the massive dump of log files that constituted what the company called Overseas Key Information Database (OKIDB). The investigation, published in September, had revealed the firm is monitoring over 10,000 Indian individuals, including President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and their families.

The exposure last month of a Chinese database on at least 2.4 million people around the world, including many of us on this call, speaks to the Partys (CPCs) sheer ambition to wed traditional Leninist techniques with powerful new tools of digital surveillance, Pottinger said.

He claimed Chinas United Front Work system is handled by the countrys foreign ministry and gathers intelligence about, and works to influence, private citizens overseas. He said, The focus is on foreign elites and the organizations they run. Think of a United Front worker as a cross between an intelligence collector, a propagandist, and a psychologist.

Pottinger said while Zhenhua isnt a particularly large or sophisticated actor in the United Front world, it may even be acting opportunistically, because it thinks the Party will reward it.

He said, Far more powerful tech firms, including famous Chinese app developers, play a much bigger role in this kind of work. The dossiers Zhenhua is compiling include people in virtually every country, no matter how small. They include members of royal families and members of Parliament, judges and clerks, tech mavens and budding entrepreneurs, four-star admirals and crew members of warships, professors and think-tankers, and national and local officials. They also include children, who are fair game under Beijings rules of political warfare. No one is too prominent or too obscure.

Pottinger said the United Front Work is a serious business, and the focus is on foreign elites and organisations they run. He said, the United Front Work Department alone has four times as many cadres as the US State Department has foreign-service officers.the United Front gathers intelligence about, and works to influence, private citizens overseas.

Read The Indian Express investigative series China is Watching

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China govt uses United Front to gather intel on citizens abroad, says US dy NSA - The Indian Express