NSA World Series expected to bring 10000 visitors to the Region – nwitimes.com
MUNSTER -- More than 10,000 visitors are expected to be in Northest Indiana this week.
The National Softball Association Northern World Series comes to the Region for the third time in the past decade. More than 190 teams will compete in multiple age groups hoping to be crowned champions Friday.
Munster, Crown Point, Highland, Hobart, Michigan City and LaPorte will host games, with tonight's opening ceremony being held in downtown Crown Point.
Munster parks director Greg Vitale has known about this honor to host for several months. But he got some icing on the softball cake when he learned his daughter's team, the Munster Mayhem 10-and-under All-Stars, were invited to see what they could do against the best in the midwest.
"It takes a lot of coordination," Vitale said on Saturday at Community Park. "With 10,000 people coming to the area that's going to be an economic boom for the businesses around here. Finding out our all-star team was invited was awesome. I knew we would be hosting it and we've done a lot of work to get our fields ready.
"But I didn't know my daughter and her team would get to play, too. The kids are very excited for this opportunity."
The Mayhem is coached by Brandon Siurek. Two weeks ago, his team competed in a travel tournament in Michigan City and finished second against teams that had been playing at a higher level for much of the summer. And last week in Highland, in a traditional all-star tournament, his team won it all.
They will be competing in Munster in the C division again local teams from St. John, C.P. and Hobart, along with some teams from Wisconsin, Missouri and Michigan.
"This is going to give our girls some great memories," Siurek said. "When they heard this was a 'World Series' to them it doesn't get much bigger than that.
"We have a talented team. We work to have the girls lift and back each other up. We want them all to have a positive mentality about the game."
The Mayhem team was competing in a tournament in Munster on Saturday and a smile came to the faces of all the girls when the subject of the NSA World Series came up.
Emily Siurek is a pitcher for the Mayhem. While the parades and gift exchanges are going to be fun, she is looking forward to one thing.
"The competition," she said. "There's going to be a lot of good teams. I can't wait to compete against them."
Kara Vitale has spent a lot of time at softball fields watching her dad work. And, of course, play the game. Vitale is a catcher and pumped to be a part of this.
"Its going to be exciting to see teams from other states," Kara Vitale said. "And also to see players from other states. When I heard we got to play in this I was very excited. Everyone on the team was, too."
Cece Mason is one of five pitchers on the Mayhem. She expressed emotions surely shared by all of these youngsters competing in the NSA World Series.
"I was nervous and excited when I heard," Mason said. "We all can't wait to see how we do against all these teams."
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NSA World Series expected to bring 10000 visitors to the Region - nwitimes.com