Archive for the ‘NSA’ Category

Former NSA-er Harry Coker Nominated National Cyber Director – Dark Reading

President Joe Biden has announced that Harry Coker, former executive director of the National Security Agency (NSA), would be his intended nominee for the position of US national cyber director.

The position has been vacant since February, when Chris Inglis, who served as the country's first ever national cyber director and was former deputy director of the NSA, stepped down from the role.

Coker will have plenty to do:Earlier this year, the Biden administration announced a national cybersecurity strategy that was the first of its kind; there were 57 pages with over 65 initiatives that federal agencies would incorporate over the next few years within the cyberspace. These plans include enforcing liability for software products and strengthening infrastructure against cyber threats. If confirmed by the Senate, Coker would be the one to begin implementing these initiatives and ensuring that stakeholders are actively partaking in protecting organizations against cyber threats.

Coker served the United States in the Navy and held multiple positions in the CIA before moving to the NSA in 2017. In 2020 he went to work for the national security staff of President Biden's transition team.

In a press release put out by co-chairs of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission (CSC) Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) andSen. Angus King (I-ME) they stated, "We are relieved to hear that the Biden administration has finally nominated the permanent replacement for the National Cyber Director,and strongly support the decision to select Harry Coker, as we see him as being a natural choice for this position. Coker's long and distinguished career in government hasled him to posts in the National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency and the US Navy. We firmly believe that this experience and the expertise and skill set it imbued him with makes him highly qualified for the position of National Cyber Director."

The news of Coker's nomination comes after it was reported that Kemba Walden would not receive the nomination, though she had strong cyber and political support.

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Former NSA-er Harry Coker Nominated National Cyber Director - Dark Reading

Preventing Web Application Access Control Abuse – CISA


The Australian Signals Directorates Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) are releasing this joint Cybersecurity Advisory to warn vendors, designers, and developers of web applications and organizations using web applications about insecure direct object reference (IDOR) vulnerabilities. IDOR vulnerabilities are access control vulnerabilities enabling malicious actors to modify or delete data or access sensitive data by issuing requests to a website or a web application programming interface (API) specifying the user identifier of other, valid users. These requests succeed where there is a failure to perform adequate authentication and authorization checks.

These vulnerabilities are frequently exploited by malicious actors in data breach incidents because they are common, hard to prevent outside the development process, and can be abused at scale. IDOR vulnerabilities have resulted in the compromise of personal, financial, and health information of millions of users and consumers.

ACSC, CISA, and NSA strongly encourage vendors, designers, developers, and end-user organizations to implement the recommendations found within the Mitigations section of this advisoryincluding the followingto reduce prevalence of IDOR flaws and protect sensitive data in their systems.

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IDOR vulnerabilities are access control vulnerabilities in web applications (and mobile phone applications [apps] using affected web API) that occur when the application or API uses an identifier (e.g., ID number, name, or key) to directly access an object (e.g., a database record) but does not properly check the authentication or authorization of the user submitting the request. Depending on the type of IDOR vulnerability, malicious actors can access sensitive data, modify or delete objects, or access functions.

Typically, these vulnerabilities exist because an object identifier is exposed, passed externally, or easily guessedallowing any user to use or modify the identifier.

These vulnerabilities are common[1] and hard to prevent outside the development process since each use case is unique and cannot be mitigated with a simple library or security function. Additionally, malicious actors can detect and exploit them at scale using automated tools. These factors place end-user organizations at risk of data leaks (where information is unintentionally exposed) or large-scale data breaches (where a malicious actor obtains exposed sensitive information). Data leaks or breaches facilitated by IDOR vulnerabilities include:

ACSC, CISA, and NSA recommend that vendors, designers, and implementors of web applicationsincluding organizations that build and deploy software (such as HR tools) for their internal use and organizations that create open-source projectsimplement the following mitigations. These mitigations may reduce prevalence of IDOR vulnerabilities in software and help ensure products are secure-by-design and -default.

For more information, see the joint Enduring Security Frameworks Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices Guide for Developers, CISAs Supply Chain Risk Management Essentials, and ACSCs Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management.

Additionally, ACSC, CISA, and NSA recommend following cybersecurity best practices in production and enterprise environments. Software developers are high-value targets because their customers deploy software on their own trusted networks. For best practices, see:

ACSC, CISA, and NSA recommend that all end-user organizations, including those with on-premises software, SaaS, IaaS, and private cloud models, implement the mitigations below to improve their cybersecurity posture.

Additionally, ACSC, CISA, and NSA recommend following cybersecurity practices. For best practices, see ACSCs Essential Eight, CISAs CPGs, and NSAs Top Ten Cybersecurity Mitigation Strategies.

ACSC, CISA, and NSA recommend that organizations:

ACSC, CISA, and NSA recommend that organizations with on-premises software or IaaS consider using SaaS models for their internet-facing websites.

Organizations leveraging SaaS with sufficient resources may consider conducting penetration testing and using vulnerability scanners. However, such tests may interfere with service provider operations. Organizations should consult with their legal counsel as appropriate to determine what can be included in the scope of the penetration testing.

If you or your organization are victim to a data breach or cyber incident, follow relevant cyber incident response and communications plans, as appropriate.

[1] A01 Broken Access Control - OWASP Top 10:2021

[2] A massive stalkerware leak puts the phone data of thousands at risk

[3] Mobile device monitoring services do not authenticate API requests

[4] Behind the stalkerware network spilling the private phone data of hundreds of thousands

[5] First American Financial Corp. Leaked Hundreds of Millions of Title Insurance Records

[6] Biggest Data Breaches in US History [Updated 2023]

[7] AT&T Hacker 'Weev' Sentenced to 3.5 Years in Prison

[8] Fuzzing | OWASP Foundation

The information in this report is being provided "as is" for informational purposes only. ACSC, CISA, and NSA do not endorse any commercial product or service, including any subjects of analysis. Any reference to specific commercial products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States or Australian Governments, and this guidance shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

This document was developed in furtherance of the authors cybersecurity missions, including their responsibilities to identify and disseminate threats, and to develop and issue cybersecurity specifications and mitigations. This information may be shared broadly to reach all appropriate stakeholders.

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Preventing Web Application Access Control Abuse - CISA

Viv takes on double role at NSA North Sheep – The Westmorland Gazette

Now in her second year as Chair of the Northern Region of the National Sheep Association, Viv Lewis will also take on the challenge of Chair of the NSAs flagship North Sheep event this year. taking place at Bradford Farm near Ponteland in Northumberland on Wednesday June 7.

Everybody at the NSA and all the members we represent across the Northern Region are excited about this years North Sheep. The programme is looking fantastic, the venue couldnt be more appropriate, and the interest from those taking part and those planning to attend couldnt be higher.

This is the first opportunity weve had to hold this event for four years, and so much has changed for the industry and the community since the last time we met like this. Weve left the European market, weve endured a global pandemic and now were in the process of a major upheaval in the transition to a completely different UK faming policy.

At a time of change and uncertainty, North Sheep is going to be a great showcase for the passion that has driven generations of sheep farmers to commit their lives to build a better and stronger industry for generations to come.

The schedule of seminars planned for the day is packed with important information, including advice from Youngs RPS on making the most of the new forms of Government support schemes, and how to take advantage of post-Brexit export opportunities including selling into the fast-growing global Halal market. The event is also offering a seminar explaining the many different ways the younger generation can take their first steps in the sheep farming industry.

Virgin Money along with Carbon Metrics will host a panel announcing the results of Bradford Farms Carbon Audit and explain the challenge for farmers of planning their own path to achieving Carbon Net Zero.

There will be demonstrations of expertise from traditional stick making to Ladies Shearing, the Next Generation Stock Judging will be a highlight of the day, and also being staged is a post-mortem demonstration by veterinary pathologist Ben Strugnell which highlights the common causes of the diseases and conditions that all sheep farmers dread, and the ways that we can prevent them.

I owe a huge debt of thanks to the Woodman family and their team for inviting us to their farm, said Viv.

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Viv takes on double role at NSA North Sheep - The Westmorland Gazette

Food security action call as Sunak talks hailed by NSA – The Press & Journal

Food security action call as Sunak talks hailed by NSA Calendar An icon of a desk calendar. Cancel An icon of a circle with a diagonal line across. Caret An icon of a block arrow pointing to the right. Email An icon of a paper envelope. Facebook An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. Google An icon of the Google "G" mark. Linked In An icon of the Linked In "in" mark. Logout An icon representing logout. Profile An icon that resembles human head and shoulders. Telephone An icon of a traditional telephone receiver. Tick An icon of a tick mark. Is Public An icon of a human eye and eyelashes. Is Not Public An icon of a human eye and eyelashes with a diagonal line through it. Pause Icon A two-lined pause icon for stopping interactions. Quote Mark A opening quote mark. Quote Mark A closing quote mark. Arrow An icon of an arrow. Folder An icon of a paper folder. Breaking An icon of an exclamation mark on a circular background. Camera An icon of a digital camera. Caret An icon of a caret arrow. Clock An icon of a clock face. Close An icon of the an X shape. Close Icon An icon used to represent where to interact to collapse or dismiss a component Ellipsis An icon of 3 horizontal dots. Envelope An icon of a paper envelope. Facebook An icon of a facebook f logo. Camera An icon of a digital camera. Home An icon of a house. Instagram An icon of the Instagram logo. LinkedIn An icon of the LinkedIn logo. Magnifying Glass An icon of a magnifying glass. Search Icon A magnifying glass icon that is used to represent the function of searching. Next An icon of an arrow pointing to the right. Notice An explanation mark centred inside a circle. Previous An icon of an arrow pointing to the left. Rating An icon of a star. Tag An icon of a tag. Video Camera An icon of a video camera shape. Speech Bubble Icon A icon displaying a speech bubble WhatsApp An icon of the WhatsApp logo. Information An icon of an information logo. Plus A mathematical 'plus' symbol. Duration An icon indicating Time. Success Tick An icon of a green tick. Success Tick Timeout An icon of a greyed out success tick. Loading Spinner An icon of a loading spinner. Facebook Messenger An icon of the facebook messenger app logo. Facebook An icon of a facebook f logo. LinkedIn An icon of the LinkedIn logo. WhatsApp Messenger An icon of the Whatsapp messenger app logo. Email An icon of an mail envelope. Copy link A decentered black square over a white square.

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Food security action call as Sunak talks hailed by NSA - The Press & Journal

Mother arrested for abandoning baby like ‘trash’ in US: Reports – NewsDrum

New York, May 20 (PTI) Police in the US state of Georgia have arrested a 40-year-old woman for attempting to commit murder and reckless abandonment for stuffing her newborn dubbed Baby India into a plastic bag in 2019 and throwing her in the woods like trash, according to media reports.

Karima Jiwani was arrested on Thursday after she was identified as the baby's biological mother through DNA. Her nationality was not known.

A visibly emotional Forsyth County Sheriff Ron Freeman held a press conference on Friday to announce Jiwani's arrest on charges of attempted murder, cruelty to children, aggravated assault and reckless abandonment, The New York Post, a tabloid newspaper reported.

On June 6, 2019, a sheriffs deputy was called to the woods near the 1900 block of Daves Creek Road in Cumming by a neighbour reporting that he and his children heard a baby crying.

The baby was believed to be just hours old when the family heard what they thought were animal noises coming from a wooded area, CNN reported.

Deputy Terry Roper came upon a tied-up plastic bag in the brush, which contained a baby girl with her umbilical cord still attached, as seen in a graphic body camera footage that was later released in the hope of generating leads in the case.

The newborn was taken to a local hospital. She was dubbed Baby India by nurses who cared for her.

Sheriff Freeman said Friday that his deputies have spent thousands of hours trying to identify the person responsible for abandoning the infant.

Freeman said that in his 33 years in law enforcement, he has never wanted to make an arrest more than he did in this case.

This child was tied up in a plastic bag and thrown into the woods like a bag of trash, the sheriff said in a quivering voice.

Its literally one of the saddest things I have ever seen. According to Freeman, the first major break in the investigation happened 10 months ago, when detectives were able to identify Baby Indias biological father through familiar DNA, which eventually led them to Jiwani.

Within the past week, county investigators, assisted by the FBI, again used DNA to confirm that the woman was Baby Indias birth mom, according to the sheriff.

Freeman said that Jiwani, who has other children ranging from school-age to near-adults, knew that she was pregnant with Baby India in the summer of 2019 and had a history of concealed pregnancies and surprise births.

She allegedly delivered the baby in a car and drove for a long time without making any effort to leave the infant at a place where she could be found and taken to safety.

How a parent and I happen to be one, too can do such a callous thing is both incomprehensible to all of us and its infuriating, Freeman said of Jiwanis alleged act.

Baby Indias father did not know about Jiwanis pregnancy and is not facing any charges, he added.

Freeman declined to say what happened to Baby India in the intervening years, only saying that the girl now approaching her fourth birthday is happy, healthy and in a safe place. Jiwani was ordered held in the county jail without bond. She is scheduled to make her initial court appearance on Saturday. PTI NSA AKJ NSA NSA

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Mother arrested for abandoning baby like 'trash' in US: Reports - NewsDrum