Jeb Bush: NSA Bulk Telephone Records Collection Hugely Important
Video:Jeb Bush Backs NSA Powers
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is seriously considering a run for the White House in 2016, said Wednesday that the National Security Agencys program that collects bulk telephone records was hugely important, throwing his support behind the practice as Congress debates whether to reauthorize or limit it.
At an event on foreign policy hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Mr. Bush, a Republican, said, For the life of me, I dont understand the debate over the metadata program.
The programs many supporters say it helps the U.S. government prevent terrorist attacks. But its critics believe it exists with little oversight and few boundaries and could allow the government to spy on U.S. citizens.
Mr. Bushs comments are significant, as the legal authority that allows the program to exist is set to expire in June. Congress is weighing whether to rework the program in a way that would strip the NSA of some of its powers.
Details of the NSAs metadata bulk collection program were exposed in 2013 by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, prompting a vigorous national debate over how much power the government should have to spy on people.
Mr. Bushs support for the metadata program puts him in sharp contrast with another likely GOP White House candidate, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.
Mr. Paul is a critic of the NSA, and has joined a class-action lawsuit against the Obama administration over the NSAs spying practices. He also voted against a bill that would restrain some of the NSAs powers last year, saying it didnt go far enough.
Mr. Paul is popular with the libertarian wing of the GOP, and Mr. Bush as he made evident during his comments in Chicago supports more government spending on the military and a broader military influence.
Messrs. Bush and Paul will likely square off over the privacy issue on the campaign trail but also during GOP debates.
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Jeb Bush: NSA Bulk Telephone Records Collection Hugely Important