Archive for the ‘NSA’ Category

Reality Teaser: Sydney Sweeney Is an NSA Operative with a Secret – Yahoo Entertainment

Sydney Sweeney is being stalked by the FBI.

The Euphoria Emmy nominee leads HBO film Reality, based on writer-director Tina Satters 2019 play Is This A Room.

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On June 3, 2017, 25-year-old former American intelligence specialist Reality Winner (Sweeney) is confronted by FBI agents, played by Josh Hamilton and Marchnt Davis, arriving at her home to question her suspected role in the mishandling of classified information. Reality Winner is an ex-Air Force member and NSA translator who later received the harshest sentence, five years and three months in prison, for the unauthorized release of government information to the media leading to FBI director James Comey being fired for the investigation into how Russian interference affected the 2016 election.

Based on true events, the films dialogue, as with the acclaimed Off-Broadway play, comes directly from the transcript of their tense and transfixing conversation.

Reality debuted at the 2023 Berlin International Film Festival, marking Satters directorial debut from a script she penned along with James Paul Dallas.

Reality is gripping and deceptively layered, delineating both the FBIs queasily ingenious interrogation tactics and Sweeneys extraordinary range, IndieWires review reads. As evidenced in Reality and elsewhere, the actress is just so good at acting like shes on the verge of a freakout shes never, ever been happier, thank you very much and here her subtly reddening cheeks, caving into ragged panic, only grows more and more compelling as Satter swoops her magnifying class of a camera into boxier and boxier close-ups.

Sweeney is next set to lead Marvels Madame Web, a yet-untitled rom-com opposite Glen Powell, thriller Echo Valley alongside Julianne Moore, and religious horror film Immaculate. Sweeney additionally was announced to star in and executive produce a Barbarella remake based on the Jane Fonda 1968 film directed by Roger Vadim.

Story continues

Reality is produced by Noah Stahl, Brad Becker-Parton, Riva Marker, and Greg Nobile, with executive producers including Ellyn Daniels, Will OConnor, Daniel Ginsberg, Andrew Beck, Bill Way, Elliott Whitton, Eva Maria Daniells, Philipp Engelhorn, Caitlin Gold, and writer-director Satter.

Reality premieres May 29 on HBO at 10 p.m. PT/ET and will be available to stream on Max.

Check out the teaser below.

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Reality Teaser: Sydney Sweeney Is an NSA Operative with a Secret - Yahoo Entertainment

Blood pressure concerns lead to health benefits at Navy base in Italy – Stars and Stripes

Seaman Apprentice Krista Fitch takes the blood pressure of a sailor at the active-duty medical clinic at Naval Support Activity Naples in Italy on April 20, 2023. A program at the base seeks to improve service members' health with a focus on guiding those whose blood pressure could be a precursor to major medical issues. (Alison Bath/Stars and Stripes)

NAPLES, Italy A joint effort at Naval Support Activity Naples to tackle high blood pressure among active-duty service members is seeing success in getting them to be more conscientious about their overall health.

Service members flagged during routine exams are encouraged to seek follow-up care and counseling to address their blood pressure, U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and Navy Marine Corps Relief Society officials said.

But since October 2022, that advice has been reinforced by referral to a new program that includes a relief society visiting nurse able to provide focused follow-up care.

In that time span, flagged service members completion rate for necessary blood pressure checks has gone from just 7% before the existence of the program to 43% now, said Cmdr. Robyn White, a family nurse practitioner at the bases active-duty clinic.

The data track service members referred to the program from Oct. 1, 2022, through Feb. 28, she noted.

The checks are vital in determining whether a flagged blood pressure reading is an anomaly or an indication of a deeper problem, White said.

High and elevated blood pressure are among the top diagnoses for active-duty service members seeking medical care at NSA Naples, said Lt. Cmdr. Courtney Bailey, a clinic nurse who spearheaded the program along with relief society nurse Emily Mitalas.

Through the program, service members thought to have or be at risk of developing the conditions can see Mitalas, who instructs them about the importance of following up with blood pressure checks.

She also offers information about lifestyle changes such as limiting caffeine and salt intake, exercising more and reducing stress.

Seaman Apprentice Krista Fitch takes the blood pressure of a sailor at the active-duty medical clinic at Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy, on April 20, 2023. High and elevated blood pressure are among the top diagnoses at the clinic, officials say. (Alison Bath/Stars and Stripes)

The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society is a private, nonprofit organization that offers services such as financial aid in hardship circumstances to active-duty and retired sailors and Marines and their families.

High-tempo operations, frequent travel and shift work at NSA Naples are some of the factors behind the presence of high or elevated blood pressure in young, healthy service members, mostly in men ages 25 to 35, White said.

The base is home to U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet.

Such risk factors as smoking, consumption of energy drinks and other high-caffeine beverages or excessive amounts of alcohol, lack of exercise and weight gain contribute to what officials say is a concerning number of potential cases.

This is a byproduct of stress and usually obesity, said White, who added that anxiety also can be a factor in high blood pressure.

Normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80 most of the time, according to A person is considered to have high blood pressure when either or both of those numbers are consistently above 130/80.

Elevated blood pressure is when the top number is between 120 and 130 and the lower number is less than 80, according to

Addressing high blood pressure through awareness, lifestyle changes and perhaps medication keeps sailors on the job and ready to do their jobs, officials at NSA Naples said last week.

It also reduces susceptibility to complications such as stroke, heart attack or cardiovascular disease, they said.

Mitalas participation lets the clinic closely follow up with sailors in a personalized way.

Her role as the visiting nurse is sort of the (connector) between the clinic and patient, she said.

White pointed out another benefit. The program also demonstrates a way to promote health instead of tackling disease among sailors, she said.

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Blood pressure concerns lead to health benefits at Navy base in Italy - Stars and Stripes

Years ago, the NSA spied on World of Warcraft how have things changed since? – Polygon

It sounds like the plot of a Bush-era young-adult spy thriller: as millions of players raided their way through Azeroth from 2006 to at least 2013, Western intelligence agencies like the NSA and the British Government Communications Headquarters were working out ways to surveil and build informant networks to keep tabs on suspected Islamic extremists in World of Warcraft.

WoW wasnt the NSAs only target: Together with GCHQ, the NSA also turned its eye toward social MMO Second Life, Microsofts original Xbox Live chat service, and other popular Games and Virtual Environments.

We know this today because of former NSA contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden, who worked with newspapers The Guardian and The New York Times, as well as investigative nonprofit ProPublica, to release a trove of classified documents from the agency in 2013.

According to the leaked documents, MMOs were fertile grounds for exploitation along both signals intelligence and human intelligence lines. In one such document, GCHQ claimed that it had found clear evidence of suspected terrorists logging into WoW and Second Life, correlating usernames and IP addresses to targets, and according to the joint news report, the British spy agency had even used an informant in Second Life to bust an online crime ring.

At the time, the story was a bombshell, prompting companies like Linden Lab, the maker of Second Life, and Blizzard, the developer of World of Warcraft, to deny that any government surveillance was happening with their knowledge.

Looking back on this story almost a decade later, three questions remained unclear: How did the NSA do it? Why did it care? And what did it accomplish?

The story of NSA analysts snooping on Alliance guild meetings begins not with World of Warcraft or even video games at large, but instead as many stories of international espionage do with the Cold War.

After World War II, the United States entered into an agreement with the U.K. and commonwealth countries Canada, Aotearoa, and Australia, to automatically share all SIGINT data the constituent nations collected with each other. The UKUSA Agreement, colloquially known as the Five Eyes, established a network of listening posts at various points around the world, all pointed in the Soviet Unions direction.

As nations began deploying satellites and computer networks emerged, these listening posts became digital information collection centers. One of the many programs created during this period of technological shift was called Echelon, and its explicit goal was to monitor satellite communications networks.

Thanks to the documents Snowden leaked, we have at least one idea of how Echelon was used. By 2006, at the height of the war on terrorism, Echelon was collecting large quantities of data from around the world every day. Some of the data being scooped up came from WoW, namely country and time zone data, local IP addresses and realm server addresses, according to the leaked documents linked above. GCHQ and the NSA trained an open-source packet sniffer called SNORT to separate that data from the rest of the information pile they pulled in. This method reportedly allowed the agencies to identify accounts, characters, and guilds related to Islamic Extremist Groups, Nuclear Proliferation and Arms Dealing, according to a particular leaked NSA document titled Topic: Exploiting Terrorist Use of Games & Virtual Environments.

In this document, released in 2007, the NSA recommended broader interagency cooperation. By the next year, the office of director of national intelligence Mike McConnell would be sending Congress a brief 15-page report of its own detailing data mining projects to be carried out by ODNIs research division, IARPA. One of these projects, Project Reynard, aimed to identify the emerging social, behavioral and cultural norms in virtual worlds and gaming environments and apply the lessons learned to determine the feasibility of automatically detecting suspicious behavior and actions in the virtual world.

This research project lasted from 2009 to 2012 and included work from Stanford University, Lockheed Martin, and the Palo Alto Research Center. According to the ProPublica report on the Snowden leak, researchers involved with the Reynard Project were asked not to speculate on how their research would be used.

Spying on online games intuitively seems kind of silly. For most players, the virtual worlds they visit in their downtime or as a hobby are escapes from the pressures of reality, not doorways through which that reality can seep in. The idea that terrorists would be using those spaces to recruit, propagandize, and plan real-world attacks doesnt inherently make a lot of sense, even in a purely social sim like Second Life. As Kings College cybersecurity researcher Timothy Stevens notes in his 2015 paper Security and surveillance in virtual worlds: Who is watching the warlocks and why, contemporary news reporting on so-called terrorism in online games along these lines was met with hostility and derision from the online commentariat.

This scepticism was well founded: establishing direct connections between acts of virtual vandalism and actual terrorism was as absurd as it was unsubstantiated, he wrote. Why would a jihadist group form a recognisable entity in a quasi-public space to wage an insurgency against the government of Second Life, let alone to pursue more nefarious ends? What was the basis for expert claims that terrorists were using virtual worlds for training and recruitment?

In the mid-2000s the United States and its allies including the U.K. and some of its commonwealth states were chest-deep into waging the war on terrorism and everything that entailed. For the U.K.s part, in 2005 suicide bombers carried out a coordinated attack on Londons transit system, killing over 50 people and injuring hundreds more on the London Underground and bus system. Even if all there had been was a vague rumor that suspected terrorists were using these games and virtual spaces to organize, GCHQ, to say nothing of the NSA, was likely to check it out.

According to Stevens, the absurdity is the point. Spy agencies know that suspected extremists operating online are both tech-savvy and aware of good operational security practices. But games, places where nothing is inherently supposed to be taken seriously except maybe in the context of the in-world lore and story, are also places where one might inherently let their guard down. According to one of the Snowden documents linked above, NSA analysts wrote, These applications and their servers however, are trusted by their users and makes an connection [sic] to another computer on the Internet, which can then be exploited.

In short: While many see MMOs as sites separate from their daily lives, where they play and fight and occasionally get rewarded for their efforts with treasure, the intelligence community saw (and potentially still sees) MMOs themselves as the treasure, to be continuously plundered for fresh data on potential targets. The IC doesnt see the magic circle of Azeroth or Eorzea or Linden World as a barrier, but rather, as a veil from the publics critical gaze.

While the most damning revelations from the Snowden leaks like the fact that Microsoft had been a participant in the PRISM program and GCHQ had considered spying on people through their Kinects caused a long-term uproar, the forays into direct online game surveillance were taken less seriously, like in this clip of then-Daily Show host Jon Stewart making fun of the government for spying in WoW. Even as follow-up reports came out, like one detailing possible NSA/GCHQ surveillance in Angry Birds, it seemed like public outcry over this died as quickly as it erupted.

World of Warcraft: Legion

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

While civil libertarians might balk at such flagrant exploitation of a public space and personal data, according to Stevens many members of the intelligence community fall into a realist position where the Internets basic characteristics are dangerously inimical to state interests and the global village becomes a virtual battlespace and thus are more likely to look past those issues, provided said exploitation produces results.

Did the programs get results, or was it a virtual waste of time, as one NBC headline called it in 2013?

We asked the NSA and GCHQ for comment, as well as various companies who publish MMOs and virtual world games. Six companies got back to us with a variation of Blizzards own statement to ProPublica and company from 2013: We are unaware of any surveillance taking place. [...] If it was, it would have been done without our knowledge or permission. One company, Square Enix, did not respond to our request for comment.

While no new documentation has come to light concerning attempts by spy agencies to snoop on games, researchers like Stevens believe surveillance has continued.

We can be certain that all virtual environments, of which MMOs are a small subset, will be subject to increased surveillance and monitoring in the name of security, particularly for the purposes of counterterrorism and domestic counter-subversion, he wrote. However MMOs evolve they are unlikely to be ignored by an intelligence community armed with research funds and powerful big data analytics.

What is also certain is that there is now a much larger attack surface for intelligence agencies to go after: more network-connected devices, more online games, bigger, more diverse audiences. If MMOs were enticing to spy agencies in the mid-2000s, they certainly havent become less so in 2023. And as Ben Egliston wrote at Wired in 2022, its never been easier for companies to collect mountains of player data independent of any government, down to special tools in the game engines themselves.

So what did happen in the decade between the Snowden leaks and today? In short: The world changed. While most conventional war still takes place along battle lines drawn by former Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump, online the overriding threat has shifted away from a focus on foreign terrorism and toward domestic extremism. Researchers like Alex Newhouse, deputy director of the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism at Middlebury, have been studying right-wing accelerationist networks as they extend to platforms like Roblox.

The overall environment that were observing in the threat landscape is that there are a number of users who are using the social features of Roblox to basically create and propagandize elements that are associated with accelerationist violence, he tells Polygon. He cites an example of a Roblox group taking on the name of a 1970s-era white power paramilitary organization, as well as groups affiliated with Patriot Front and Atomwaffen Division.

One of the surprising aspects was just how robust all of these networks are; theyre pretty big, Newhouse says. They have a lot of propaganda built for the Roblox platform. Theyre really creatively using the different features of Roblox to do certain things. And the content moderation evasion tactics are really, really well developed. In response, Roblox says it uses a mix of staff and state-of-the-art automated machine learning technology to track and remove extremist content, and that it is very unlikely [players who dont seek it out] would be exposed to such content on our platform.

Roblox is a member of several tech industry organizations, like Tech Against Terrorism and the Christchurch Call, according to the companys vice president of public affairs, Remy Malan. We maintain a number of dialogues with people who study and track trends, and this helps us be informed on whats happening in the real world, Malan tells Polygon. Because our view is if things are happening in the real world, then we need to be vigilant about people trying to bring those things onto Roblox itself.

Additionally, Malan says the company invests resources into app moderation, chat filtering, and its reporting system, as well as regular training for the trust and safety team on new trends to be on the lookout for.

A spokesman for VRChat mentioned a similar system in place for its virtual world in an emailed statement, where a trust and safety team uses a number of detection methods and investigative tools (both proactive and reactive) to locate and when appropriate remove extremist content from the service.

And in a similar vein, a spokesman for Linden Lab, creator of Second Life, wrote: Privacy and security are cornerstone values of Second Life. Over the past decade, weve enhanced our account security posture in numerous ways to prioritize the safety of our residents. Those enhancements include establishing increased identity verifications methods (including Know Your Client procedures to better verify individuals during financial transactions), implementing enhanced identity verification methods, making improvements to our in-house tools to faster expose account threats, monitoring new behavior markers, using artificial intelligence to determine potential threats in real-time and implementing MFA (multi-factor authentication) across all accounts.

And if the government comes knocking? Roblox VP Malan says, If we get a subpoena request or other legal notice, then well look at can we comply with that, but we dont do anything different than any other private entity would do.


Image: Roblox Corporation

Theres something jarring, knowing that for at least a few years (and probably still to this day), the United States and the U.K. turned the eye of their surveillance apparatus onto the activity of random gamers; that money was spent and grants were doled out for research on the ways gamers interacted with each other and how they conceived of themselves in virtual space, which was then likely used to improve intelligence analysis on those games for that apparatus.

Playing online games often comes with a set of unconscious assumptions on the players part. One such assumption is that there is an inviolable magic circle where the real world cant be permitted to penetrate, lest the illusion of the game be broken. We hear this the most when someone demands that critics and developers keep politics out of my games! Building on that assumption is one where there is an imagined community of gamers that transcends national allegiances and circumvents sociocultural problems like racism and colonialism that is to say, while inside the magic circle, all players are unified by whatever goal the game has set for them.

And maybe most fundamentally, theres the pervasive techno-libertarian notion that anything online including and maybe especially games is by necessity a site of unmitigated individual freedom, especially from government interference. Anything that rubs against those assumptions creates a kind of cognitive dissonance, where such violation of the game space is simply too ridiculous to be possible.

At the same time, it seems as though surveillance and data collection, by corporations as well as governments, has become thoroughly normalized. We have become used to the idea that someone, somewhere has been snooping around in our digital wake, to the point where a common joke on social media involves the tellers personal FBI or NSA agent in the punchline. Our ironic reaction to this panopticism, as Michel Foucault put it, doesnt make us immune to its effects.

What [the NSA] will argue is that they dont use this for nefarious purposes against American citizens; in some ways thats true, Edward Snowden said in an interview with Last Week Tonights John Oliver one year after the NSA leaks. But the real problem is that theyre using these capabilities to make us vulnerable to them, and then saying, While I have a gun pointed at your head, Im not going to pull the trigger. Trust me.

We would do well not to forget the gun, much less the fingers on the trigger.

Update: We have added details of Robloxs moderation policies to this story, and have removed a reference saying Roblox is a member of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism Roblox works with GIFCT, but is not a member.

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Years ago, the NSA spied on World of Warcraft how have things changed since? - Polygon

Reality Trailer: Sydney Sweeney Is In Trouble As NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner – /Film

The footage focuses very prominently on Sweeney's face, looking like a ghost, sort of like her life is over. In many ways (not to spoil it) it probably is. We see men with badges going through her things, taking pictures, and bagging up items. It's clear someone believes a crime was committed, and it's probably every otherwise upstanding citizen's worst nightmare. To provide a bit more context, here is the synopsis for the film that was provided by the Berlin Film Festival ahead of its premiere:

The social media profile of a young woman includes pictures of her pets, her friends, and her exercise routine. But on June 2, 2017, the posts come to an end. This film begins on the following day and contains verbatim dialogue from the unedited transcript of an FBI audio recording. The audience witnesses the protagonist played by Sydney Sweeney arriving at her home in Georgia, only to be met by two men outside who politely inform her that they have a search warrant. What follows is a chamber piece focusing on the interrogation of whistle-blower Reality Winner and the search of her home.

The minimal cast also includes Josh Hamilton as Agent Garrick and Marchnt Davis as Agent Taylor. Tina Satter is in the director's chair, making her feature directorial debut. Meanwhile, Sweeney is becoming a real mainstay at HBO between this film as well as her roles on "Euphoria" and "The White Lotus." Plus, she's starring in Sony's "Madame Web" movie next year. Sweeney is undoubtedly having one heck of a moment.

"Reality" premieres May 29 on Max.

Here is the original post:
Reality Trailer: Sydney Sweeney Is In Trouble As NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner - /Film

NSA Part of Coalition Highlighting Cybersecurity Best Practices for … – National Security Agency

FORT MEADE, Md. - The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Security Agency (NSA), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are partnering with international partners cybersecurity agencies to publish cybersecurity best practices for smart cities, which integrate public services into a connected environment to increase efficiencies and improve the quality of life in various communities.Seven agencies from five countries has published the Cybersecurity Information Sheet, Cybersecurity Best Practices for Smart Cities, highlighting how the integration of operational technology into a connected environment has many benefits, but can also be an attractive target for malicious cyber actors to steal critical infrastructure data and proprietary information, conduct ransomware operations, or launch destructive cyberattacks.

The report examines risks deriving from three areas: a large interconnected attack surface, the ICT supply chain and vendors, and the automation of infrastructure operations.

The authoring agencies also provide recommendations to help organizations balance efficiency and innovation with cybersecurity, privacy protections, and national security. They recommend that organizations implement these best practices to ensure the safe and secure operation of infrastructure systems, protection of citizens private data, and security of sensitive government and business data.

Read the full report.

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NSA Part of Coalition Highlighting Cybersecurity Best Practices for ... - National Security Agency