Archive for the ‘NSA’ Category

People trust NSA more than Google, survey says

In a result consistent with previous polling, a new poll has respondents claiming they're more concerned about Google seeing all their private data than the government.

People claim to trust Google less than they trust the NSA. Are they telling the truth? TED 2014/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

People don't always say what they think. Especially in business and love.

Please, therefore, consider this question: whom would you trust more with your private data: the NSA, a company like Google, or your mom?

I ask because I'm looking at the results of a survey, conducted between October 9 and12, that asked just that. It asked simple questions, to which its sponsors hoped to get simple answers.

The results went like this. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being "I am shivering uncontrollably with fear") the idea of Google or a similar concern having access to all your private data got a concerned score of 7.39.

The idea of the NSA having its eyes and hands all over you? 7.06. What about your boss snooping? That merited a mere 6.85. While the notion of your parents knowing it all got a 5.93.

Of the options open to the respondents, they were most relaxed about their spouse or significant other seeing their everyday warts. This idea scored a mere 4.55.

The survey was created by Survata, a company whose purpose is to interrupt content by asking people to complete a survey before they get the whole content. Survata claims in its methodological explanation that it carefully vets those it thinks might offer insincerity.

I wonder, however. If these results are to be believed, then humanity is rife with those who speak out of several sides of their mouth. On the one hand, we claim to fear Google most, yet we allow it, Facebook and the like to crawl over our daily routines and information like summer flies enjoying a rancid grapefruit.

Excerpt from:
People trust NSA more than Google, survey says

Court: UK Spies Get Bulk Access to NSA Data

The British government's insistence that its spies don't use the vast espionage powers of the U.S. National Security Agency to sidestep U.K. restrictions on domestic eavesdropping was called into question by a court document published Wednesday.

The two-page memorandum challenges that official line, carrying an acknowledgement by Britain's electronic eavesdropping agency GCHQ that it scoops up an undisclosed amount of "unanalyzed intercepted communications content" from its foreign intelligence partners without a warrant.

For human rights groups challenging U.K. surveillance, the document shows that GCHQ can use its allies to engage in mass spying without proper oversight.

"The British public had been consistently persuaded by government over the last year that GCHQ are not using the NSA as a backdoor to sidestep protection in the law," said Eric King, whose group, Privacy International, has joined London-based rights group Liberty and Amnesty International in suing the spy agency.

King, whose group obtained the memo as part of its suit, said it shows "a huge gap in protection for British people."

GCHQ declined to comment.

Andrew Defty, who teaches politics at the University of Lincoln, said GCHQ was probably right to argue that the exchange of unfiltered raw intelligence isn't restricted by Britain's intercept legislation, known as RIPA.

"This is in all likelihood not illegal," said Defty, the co-author of "Watching the Watchers," a book about parliamentary oversight of Britain's intelligence services. "However, it does appear to go against the spirit of the law, which would seem to rest on the principle that interception must take place for a reason."

Defty said the revelation illustrates the need to update Britain's intercept law after the revelations by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about mass spying.

"RIPA needs replacing," he said.

Originally posted here:
Court: UK Spies Get Bulk Access to NSA Data

NSA Insider Reveals Shocking Ebola News Illuminati Ebola Outbreak 2014 – Video

NSA Insider Reveals Shocking Ebola News Illuminati Ebola Outbreak 2014
MERGENCY MESSAGE TO ALL PATRIOTS !!! Watch This Now Or You #39;ll Hate Yourself Later - Family Survival Course - **The Coolest Survival Knife You #39;ve Ever Seen ...

By: Rubye Obryant

NSA Insider Reveals Shocking Ebola News Illuminati Ebola Outbreak 2014 - Video

Bitmessage – NSA sichere Kommunikation – Video

Bitmessage - NSA sichere Kommunikation
Aufklappen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mein Blog findest du hier Follow me on Twitter http://goo....

By: Matthias Ja.

Read more here:
Bitmessage - NSA sichere Kommunikation - Video

SNL strikes again…lampooning the administration on the IRS…NSA…Ebola Little to – Video

SNL strikes again...lampooning the administration on the IRS...NSA...Ebola Little to
SNL strikes again...lampooning the administration on the IRS...NSA...Ebola Little to late SNL, this administration a joke since inception, just think of all those years of lost jokes It...

By: Werler Anson

SNL strikes again...lampooning the administration on the IRS...NSA...Ebola Little to - Video