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President obama warns versus unaccountable media Utilize

as mentioned in

Media playback Information Systems unsupported on your device Media caption Barack Obama opens up about the method he felt after Trumps inaugurationFormer America President Barack Obama has warned versus the irresponsible Utilize of media, in a uncommon interview ever stepping drop in January.Mr Obama was quizzed with Prince Harry on BBC Radio fours this day program.Prince Harry, 5th in line to the throne, Information Systems 1 of multi prominent figures that are guest-editing the program over the Christmas period.Prince Harry grills Barack Obama on his likes & dislikesMr Obama proposed face-to-face contact would help counteract extreme views.I have not done which many interviews however it was quite fun, especially interviewing President Obama in spite of the reality he wanted to interview me.

previous President Barack President Obama sat drop by the Britains Prince Harry for an expanded & far-ranging interview by the BBC this 7 days, & their conversation touched on media, the Utilize thereof, & Obamas take on what the current state of media means for human discourse.The complete interview covers a lot of ground, however the breakouts regarding media involve an admonition versus those in leadership Utilizing it in ways which protect establishing a popular space on the net, which seems an oblique reference to Trump & his Utilize of Twitter, which Information Systems often divisive, & seemingly intentionally very.1 of the dangers of the net Information Systems which people could have entirely different facts, Obama told the Prince, according to the BBC.The previous U.S. President didnt go very far as to completely condemn media in reality, he referenced it as a truly strong tool for people of popular interest to convene & get to realize each other & connect. however, he too told which people ought then take which more & meet & become familiar in public spaces, too, in order to deepen their mutual understanding.Featured Image: SAUL LOEB / Staff/Getty Images

as informed in

previous President Barack President Obama has warned versus Utilizing media in a divisive method during an interview with Prince Harry.He was being questioned with Prince Harry, 33, as fraction of the royals guest editorship of BBC Radio fours flagship this day programme.During the interview, Mr Obama told there was a danger of people becoming stuck in their biases because of media Utilize.During the Britain radio interview, Mr Obama highlighted the importance of communicating offline & taking time away from media.Prince Harrys interview with Obama was broadcast only after eight.30am Britain time.

collected by :EmyJakop

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President obama warns versus unaccountable media Utilize

Erasing Obamas Iran Success – Consortiumnews

The nihilism of modern Americanpolitics extends globally with one side seeking todestroy any positivelegacy of the other, as the Trump administration continues its drive to sabotage President Obamas successful Irannuclear accord, reports ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.

By Paul R. Pillar

Those wishing to kill the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the agreement that restricts Irans nuclear program, have never given up. The agreements ever-lengthening successful record, now more than two years old, of keeping closed all possible pathways to an Iranian nuclear weapon ought to have discouraged would-be deal-slayers. But the slayers got a new lease on life with the election of Donald Trump, who, as part of his program of opposing whatever Barack Obama favored and destroying whatever he accomplished, has consistently berated the JCPOA.

The themes that the agreements opponents push are now familiar. One of those themes is that the Obama administration was over-eager to get the agreement and consequently gave up the store to conclude the accord. This argument never made sense, given the terms of the JCPOA. The asymmetries in the agreement go against the Iranians, who came under a more intrusive nuclear inspection arrangement than any other country has ever willingly accepted, and who had to fulfill almost all of their obligations to break down and set back their nuclear program before gaining an ounce of additional sanctions relief. But the argument has had the attraction for the opponents of not being directly disprovable as far as any mindset of former officials is concerned, and of jibing with the opponents further theme of a mythical better deal that supposedly was there for the taking.

An additional theme from the opponents has been that the JCPOA fails to address other Iranian policies and actions that have ritualistically come to be labeled as nefarious, malign, destabilizing behavior (NMDB). This argument hasnt made sense either, given that it was clear from the outset of negotiations that no agreement restricting Irans nuclear program would be possible if the parties negotiating the agreement dumped onto the table their other grievances against each other. Any such futile expansion of the negotiating agenda would have meant that the Iranian nuclear program would have advanced ever closer to the capability of making a bombandthere still would have been the NMDB. Nonetheless, the theme has been a favorite of opponents because it distracts attention from the success of the JCPOA in preventing an Iranian nuke, because there always will be some sort of objectionable Iranian action that can be pointed out, and because the NMDB mantra has now been chanted so much that it has come to be accepted as an unquestioned given.

Josh Meyer recently offered a variant on these themes with an extendedarticle inPoliticounder the tantalizing title, The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook. The attention-getting theme that the author pushes is that a task force of the Drug Enforcement Administration investigating drug trafficking and other criminal activity of Lebanese Hezbollah was stymied by the White Houses desire for a nuclear deal with Iran. Unsurprisingly, this theme has been replayed by the usual players dedicated to bashing the JCPOA or anything Obama-related, such as theWall Street Journaleditorial writers. SomeRepublicans in Congress and evenEric Trump have echoed the theme.

The 13,000-word article aims to overwhelm with detail. Through the sheer volume of leads, tips, suspicions, and genuine facts, the reader gets the impression of a thoroughly reported piece. And Meyer clearly put a lot of work into it. But as Erik Wemple of theWashington Postpoints out in anarticle about the article, Meyer never produces any direct evidence that the White House intentionally impeded the task forces work, much less that any such interference had to do with the impending nuclear agreement. After wading through all the detail, the careful reader can see that the attention-getting thesis about the Obama administration supposedly sacrificing drug and crime enforcement on the altar of the nuclear agreement rests on suspicion and innuendo. It rests on statements such as that some decisions about the Hezbollah case might have been influenced by an inter-agency groups awareness of the nuclear negotiationsmeaning that, as Wemple notes, the decisions just as easily might not have been influenced by such awareness.

There is ample evidence that the Obama administration took numerous tough sanctions and law enforcement actions against Hezbollah, both before and after conclusion of the JCPOA. Meyer includes in his articleand give Meyer credit for this inclusionstatements by former Obama administration officials alluding to those actions. The very separation of the nuclear file from other grievances by or against Iranwhich, as noted above, was essential to concluding any nuclear agreement at allimplied that there wouldnotbe any moratorium on enforcement actions against Irans Lebanese ally Hezbollah.

Meyers piece suffers from a sourcing problem in that it relies heavily on just two sources who currently are employed by, or affiliated with, organizations in the forefront of opposing the JCPOA. One of those sources, David Asher, is on an advisory board of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which has become mission control for undermining and trying to kill the nuclear agreement.

Whether or not such institutional connections affected what was told to Meyer, the account of a task force within DEA that felt frustrated that the rest of the government did not run fast and run automatically with whatever case it was building has the familiar ring of something that happens regularly, and quite properly and understandably, inside government. Such happening need not have anything to do with White House interference or with any pending international agreement such as the JCPOA. When a team of officials works hard on a projectas this team in DEA that was investigating some of Hezbollahs activities undoubtedly didits members naturally will feel frustrated by any inter-agency review that keeps the government from acting fully and immediately on whatever the team came up with (by, say, quickly filing a criminal indictment in federal court). Such review is vital. Typically there are not just one but several important national interests and equities that need to be considered, and that go beyond what the more narrowly focused team members would have had in mind.

In the case of Hezbollah and drug-running, those other considerations would have included such things as the possibility of violent responses, the cost of possibly losing sources of information on the group being investigated, and the legal soundness of any criminal case brought to court. Some of these considerations get misleadingly presented in Meyers article as if they were part of some Obama administration effort to put brakes on legal actions against Hezbollah for the sake of preserving the nuclear agreement. For example, former counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco is said to have expressed concerns about using RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] laws against top Hezbollah leaders and about the possibility of reprisals. As thePosts Wemple observes, Expressing concerns about certain law enforcement strategies may have been Monacos way of, like, using her governmental experience to sharpen U.S. policy, rather than working as the cog in an alleged plot to take it easy on Hezbollah.

Beyond the multiple severe weaknesses in Meyers argument about what the Obama administration did or did not do are two important pieces of context that he never addresses. One concerns just what difference a more aggressive campaign against Hezbollah during the period in question, even if it were possible, would have made. Meyer makes it sound as if doing or not doing everything that this one task force in DEA wanted to do was the difference between crippling or not crippling a grave security threat. In aninterview on NPR, Meyer asserted that the Obama administration did allow a group that was a regionally focused militia-slash-political organization with a terrorist wing to become a much more wealthy global criminal organization that has a lot of money that can now be used to bankroll terrorist and military actions around the world. No, it didnt. Even if one were to believe everything that Meyers piece insinuates about an alleged White House obstructionist operation motivated by nuclear negotiations, this would not have made Hezbollah a much more wealthy organization, much less have made it more likely to conduct terrorist and military actions around the world.

Hezbollah has been in existence for more than three decades. During that time it has grown into a strong and multifaceted organization, including being recognized as a major political movement, with seats in the Lebanese parliament and portfolios in the Lebanese government. Money-making criminal operations have long been a part of Hezbollahs activity, and investigations and legal actionthrough several U.S. administrationshave long been a part of the U.S. response to that activity. What one disgruntled team in DEA wanted to do during one administration was a minor episode in this story, not the make-or-break development that Meyer portrays it as.

Another piece of context applies to the whole theme, of which Meyers article is one manifestation, about the Obama administration supposedly drooling over a prospective nuclear agreement with Iran and giving it priority over everything else. It wasnt Obama who gave the specter of an Iranian nuclear weapon overriding priority. It was other people who did that, and especially people who today lead the charge for aggressive confrontation with Iran and for killing the JCPOA. Well before the negotiations that would lead to the JCPOA ever began, the rallying cry of these forces was that an Iranian nuclear weapon would be one of the gravest dangers the United States ever faced. During the 2012 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Mitt Romney identified this possibility as the single most serious security threat against the United States. Most prominent among the alarmists was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who made sure the whole world would understand his dumbed-down message bydisplaying a cartoon bomb before the United Nations General Assembly. It was only after the JCPOA closed all possible avenues to an Iranian nuclear weaponand drained Netanyahus Looney Tunes bomb in the processthat we started hearing from the same forces more about how the JCPOA supposedly is bad because it doesnt address other nefarious Iran-related activity. Activity such as drug-running by Hezbollah.

Imagine that everything Meyers piece says or implies were true. Imagine that the Obama administration really did see a choice between getting the JCPOA and cracking down on Hezbollahs criminal activity. And imagine that the Obama administration said yes to everything that gung-ho team in DEA may have wanted to do. Then presumably the administration also would have to say, Well, yes, we did have a chance to negotiate an agreement that would prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon, but we thought a drug bust was more important. How would the alarmists, who had been ringing the alarm bell so long and hard about an Iranian nuclear weapon, react to that? We can be confident the reaction would not be to express compliments to Mr. Obama.

The gross inconsistency of those opposing the JCPOA reflects how their real objectives have little to do with the terms of the agreement or how it was negotiated. Their objectives have more to do with not wanting anyone to have any agreement with Iran on anything (Netanyahus objective, while he portrays Iran as the sole source of everything bad in the Middle East), or about staying in step with American supporters of Netanyahus government, or about not wanting any of Barack Obamas accomplishments to survive.

Paul R. Pillar, in his 28 years at the Central Intelligence Agency, rose to be one of the agencys top analysts. He is author most recently ofWhy America Misunderstands the World. (This article first appeared asa blog postat The National Interests Web site. Reprinted with authors permission.)

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Erasing Obamas Iran Success - Consortiumnews

Dancing with AIPAC:Obamas Missteps Sri Lanka Guardian

by Prof. George Bisharat(June 20, San Francisco, Sri Lanka Guardian) On his first day as the presumptive Democratic candidate for president earlier this month, Barack Obama committed a serious foreign policy blunder. Reciting a litany of pro-Israeli positions at the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), he avowed: Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.

In promising U.S. support of Israels claims to all of Jerusalem, Obama couldnt have picked a better way to offend the worlds 325 million Arabs and 1.5 billion Muslims. Israels 41-year stewardship of the Holy City has alarmed Muslims from Morocco to Malaysia. Upon seizing East Jerusalem in 1967, Israel razed the ancient Muslim Maghribi quarter to make room for Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall. Since 1991, Israel has steadily ratcheted down Palestinians access to Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. Most West Bank Palestinians can no longer worship there.Obamas unnecessary promise deviates from nearly six decades of U.S. foreign policy that held Jerusalem to be occupied territory under international law. This long tradition was first broken in 2004 when President Bush acknowledged Israels demands to keep its illegal West Bank settlements in a final peace agreement, including those around Jerusalem. Thus Obama, a Harvard-trained lawyer, would both scorn the international legal systems foundational principle the inadmissibility of territorial acquisition by war and echo President Bush, whose failed Middle East policies he has rightly deplored.

If Sen. Obamas Philadelphia speech on race was a model of courage and nuance, his AIPAC talk was brimming with the pro-Israel orthodoxy that typifies this years presidential campaign. Like presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, Obama also backed Israels so-called right to exist as a Jewish state.

How has it become an article of faith for U.S. politicians to support a states privileging of one ethno-religious group over others? For what Israel seeks in recognition as a Jewish state is permission to permanently discriminate against Palestinians. Israel is, by law, a Jewish state. Its declaration of independence and basic law declare it to be so. But its population, excluding the West Bank and Gaza Strip, is not exclusively Jewish: 20 percent of Israels citizens are native Palestinians, and another 4 percent are mostly immigrant non-Jews. Moreover, Jewish demographic predominance was achieved through the expulsion by force or fear of about 750,000 Palestinians in 1948. Israel denies Palestinians refugees with their offspring, about 5.5 million persons their internationally recognized right to return to their homes and homeland in order to maintain a strong Jewish majority.

According to Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, 20 Israeli laws explicitly favor Jews. Israels law of return, for example, grants rights of automatic citizenship to Jews no matter where they are from, while Palestinian exiles still holding keys to their family homes in Israel are denied this right. Religious parties play pivotal roles in Israeli politics, and Orthodox Jewish rabbinical courts govern matters of family law there.

Why should any American presidential aspirant promote ethno-religious supremacy in Israel? Dont we see a Christian state or a Muslim state as inherently discriminatory? Why dont we recognize the same in Israels quest to be ordained a Jewish state?

Like Israel, we are a nation that combines a sincere commitment to democracy and a history that includes injustices. While we have never fully atoned for our dispossession of Native Americans, in facing the legacy of slavery, we have made an unyielding pledge to equal rights. A truly visionary American president might respectfully press a similar commitment on Israel, not endorse its urges for ethno-religious privilege. The terrible suffering inflicted on European Jews in the Nazi holocaust does not entitle Israel to subjugate Palestinians.

Barack Obama whiffed in his first major foreign policy speech as the Democratic candidate. He may believe it necessary to pander to Israels U.S. supporters in order to gain office. But he narrowed future policy options to those that would undermine international law, offend core American values and diminish our standing in the vital Middle East.

(George Bisharat is a professor of law at Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, and writes frequently on law and politics in the Middle East.) Sri Lanka Guardian

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Dancing with AIPAC:Obamas Missteps Sri Lanka Guardian

Obama Abetted Tyranny In Iran – Trump Wants Freedom

Freedom protests have broken out all over Iran, lasting several days now.

Iranian troops have in at least one instance opened fire on the protesters andkilled five, and the crackdown is not just on heads but in the information battlespace as well: the government is prevailing upon Internet providers toshut down serviceto several Iranian cities, so that the mullahs will have total control over what information the Iranians get. But the Iranians have shown amazing courage. Thedemonstrations have continued, even after the killings.

The protesters want no more of the bloody Islamic regime that has tyrannized them since 1979: they have beenchantingwe dont want an Islamic Republic, death to Rouhani, and long live Reza Shah. Iranian dissidentPotkin Azarmehrexplained: Protesters in Iran chant Reza Shah, bless your soul referring to Reza Shah the Great, the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty, the nemesis of the clerics, the modernizer of Iran.

This is a historic moment. Thank heaven that to meet it, we have a president in the White House who stands for freedom and individual rights. Thanks to Barack Obama, the Iranian people who marched for freedom back in 2009 were routed, raped, and defeated en masse. The contrast couldnt be more vivid between Trumps immediate declaration of support for people yearning to be free versus Obamas shrug, then silence, and ultimately support for the murdering mullahs.

The brutality of the 2009 crackdown on the Iranian people marching for freedom, for one man one vote, was impossible for those of us in the West to fathom. We heard the horror stories. We saw unarmed people meeting bullets with sheer will. But you cannot win this way.

We watched our president of the United States sanction the crushing suppression of a people who were yearning to be free. We witnessed our president sanctionmass rape, torture, and the public hangings of innocent people by an Islamic regime that our president demanded for eight years that werespect.

Seven more years of crushing oppression followed. But now, I believe the election of President Trump empowered the Iranian people. The Iranian people have been waiting for eight years for another opportunity, and now, with Trump in the White House, they have seized the moment.

It has been a long time coming. Back in June of 2009, the American government under the Obama regime,abandoned the only true freedom movement in the Middle East. He sanctioned the cruel and brutal putdown of the Iranian people who marched for democracy in the Green Movement. Actually, it was worse than that: Obama aided and abetted the murdering mullahs.

Now, at last, we have a chance to right that terrible wrong.

Republican senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas put it well: Even after the billions in sanctions relief they secured through the nuclear deal, the ayatollahs still cant provide for the basic needs of their own peopleperhaps because theyve funneled so much of that money into their campaign of regional aggression in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen. The protests in Mashhad show that a regime driven by such a hateful ideology cannot maintain broad popular support forever, and we should support the Iranian people who are willing to risk their lives to speak out against it.

Of course, we should. After Obamas 2009 betrayal, they deserve nothing less.

Maryam Rajavi of the National Council of Resistance of Iran declared: This is the Iranian peoples great uprising to overthrow the mullahs oppressiveand corrupt dictatorship.

Iranian journalist Amir Taheri tweeted, A remarkable feature of current situation in Iran is that more and more security units refuse to attack protesters as they did in 2009. This may change but feeling at the moment is that mullahs might find it hard to persuade their gunmen to kill unarmed protesters as before.

They may find it hard, but not thanks to the enemedia. Obamas media lackeys are almost indistinguishable from Iranian state press. CNNs initial headline on the protests was not about the protests at all, but about counter-protests stage-managed by the regime: Iran protests: Government supporters rally. The headline has since been changed.

The mullahs might also find it hard to crack down as brutally as theyd like because of Donald Trump. TheTelegraphreported, Donald Trump condemned the arrest of protesters in Iran, telling Tehran that the world is watching as officials reported fresh demonstrations over the countrys struggling economy. Trumps full tweetsaid: Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regimes corruption & its squandering of the nations wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their peoples rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching!

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauertsaid in a statement: Irans leaders have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. As President Trump has said, the longest-suffering victims of Irans leaders are Irans own people.

And the White Houseadded in its own statement: There are many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with the regimes corruption and its squandering of the nations wealth to fund terrorism abroad.

If the Iranian people rise up, Trump will stand them. This is history.

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller

Pamela Gellers commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books

Excerpt from:
Obama Abetted Tyranny In Iran - Trump Wants Freedom

Obama-led VA Overpaid Veterans Choice Program Contractors $39 …

A VA OIG report shows the Obama-led VA administration of the Veterans Choice Program found massive overpayments, tardy payments, and erroneous payments.

Quietly before Christmas, VA OIG released its report into the administration of the VA Choice Program and its administrators Health Net Federal Services and TriWest Healthcare Alliance Corporation. The report addressed an audit for the period between November 1, 2014, to November 30, 2016. IG found VA overpaid program administrators by $39 million, made 224,000 payments in error, and made another 1 million payments late.

A quick search suggests no major news media outlet covered it directly other than RT.

For some background, President Obama and Congress pushed through VA Veterans Choice Program after VA was caught engaging in outright fraud to increase employee bonuses that caused countless veteran deaths nationwide. The program to this point has largely been a failure due in large part to VAs failure to properly administer the program.

RELATED: McCain Connection With TriWest

Many veterans believe the failures are intentional to justify maintaining status quo within VA. Meanwhile, certain insiders know VA is allowed to continue failing to further justify eroding the agencys mission in favor of privatizing the agency, entirely.

The VA Fee Basis Claims System is supposed to administer the Veterans Choice Program through administrators. It has utterly failed to properly administer the program but instead used the failures in other areas to skim money away from Choice to other programs.

RELATED: Veterans Choice Overbilled By Tens Of Millions

Here is the executive summary:

Congress required that the OIG report on the accuracy and timeliness of VA payments for medical care provided under Choice. This report addresses payments processed through VAs Fee Basis Claims System from November 2014 through September 2016. The Veterans Health Administrations (VHAs) Office of Community Care (OCC) contracted with Third Party Administrators (TPAs) to process claims and pay Choice medical providers. During the 23-month audit period, OIG sampled from a population of 2 million Choice claims. Of those claims, an estimated 224,000 were paid in error, and 1 million were processed in excess of the 30-day Prompt Payment Standard. The OIG determined weak internal controls over the payment process contributed to these errors. Also, the OCC did not establish clear written policies for Choice claim payments, ensure quality information was available to payment staff, use an information system that could adequately address overpayment of medical claims, establish monitoring activities to determine if payment controls worked, or accurately estimate staffing needs for claims processing. The OIG estimated OCC made $39 million in overpayments to TPAs. The OIG recommended that VHA management ensure systems used for processing medical claims from TPAs have the ability to adjudicate reimbursement rates accurately and issue written payment policies to claims-processing staff. The OIG also recommended that OCC establish expectations and obligations for TPAs that submit invoices for payment, develop sufficient claims-processing capacity to meet expected TPA claim volume, and ensure future TPA contracts contain timeliness standards for processing payments. The Executive in Charge, VHA, concurred and agreed that a full review of Choice payments and recovery of all identified overpayments is essential.


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