Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Trumps Lies vs Obamas – YouTube

Trumps Lies vs. Obamas.

After we published a list of President Trumps lies this summer, we heard a common response from his supporters. They said, in effect: Yes, but if you made a similar list for previous presidents, it would be just as bad.

Weve set out to make that list. Here, you will find our attempt at a comprehensive catalog of the falsehoods that Barack Obama told while he was president. (We also discuss George W. Bush below, although the lack of real-time fact-checking during his presidency made a comprehensive list impossible.)

We applied the same conservative standard to Obama and Trump, counting only demonstrably and substantially false statements. The result: Trump is unlike any other modern president. He seems virtually indifferent to reality, often saying whatever helps him make the case hes trying to make.

In his first 10 months in office, he has told 103 separate untruths, many of them repeatedly. Obama told 18 over his entire eight-year tenure. Thats an average of about two a year for Obama and about 124 a year for Trump.Separately, we have updated our earlier list of Trump's lies, which also includes repeated falsehoods. This article counts only distinct falsehoods for both Trump and Obama.

If we had used a less strict standard, Trump would look even worse by comparison. He makes misleading statements and mild exaggerations about economic statistics, his political opponents and many other subjects far more often than Obama. We left out any statement that could be plausibly defended even if many people would disagree with the president's interpretation. We also left out modest quantitative errors, such as Trump's frequent imprecision with numbers.

We have used the word lies again here, as we did in our original piece. If anything, though, the word is unfair to Obama and Bush. When they became aware that they had been saying something untrue, they stopped doing it. Obama didnt continue to claim that all Americans would be able to keep their existing health insurance under Obamacare, for example, and Bush changed the way he spoke about Iraqs weapons capability.

Trump is different. When he is caught lying, he will often try to discredit people telling the truth, be they judges, scientists, F.B.I. or C.I.A. officials, journalists or members of Congress. Trump is trying to make truth irrelevant. It is extremely damaging to democracy, and its not an accident. Its core to his political strategy.

As for Obama: His falsehoods tended to be attempts to make his own policies look better or to overstate a problem he was trying to solve. In a few cases, they seemed to be careless exaggerations he avoided repeating.

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Trumps Lies vs Obamas - YouTube

The similarities between Obama and Trump

I have long thought that this sort of thing may be true (the link is to a piece by Rich Lowry):

But every indication is that Obama and Trump are similar in that their modes of operating work much better for them than their parties.

Both pioneered a different way of doing presidential politics, and built a new coalition for victory. But no one could replicate Obamas model, and so far, no one has shown any signs of successfully adapting to, let alone copying, Trumps

As a result, the only Democrat left standing after the Obama years was Obama himself. Trump could be creating a similar dynamic.

Lowry goes on to criticize the Bannon approach:

This gets to the idiocy of Steve Bannons project to try to run Trump-like insurgents everywhere. Bannon is trying to recapture the magic of 2016, without the one indispensable ingredient Trump himself.

I agree about the similarity between Trump and Obama in this respect. But I disagree with Lowry in that I dont see it as really being about Trump or about Obama. I believe that the election of each of these untested newcomers (Trump even more of a newcomer than Obama) to the highest office in the land was a symptom of a change that had already happened in the US and in the electorate itself.

We are more polarized now is a cliche. But its true, and it didnt just happenits been building and building for at least two decades (and almost certainly longer that that). I would add that we are more cynical now, more conspiracy-minded, more disgusted with institutions that used to be more admired: the press, Congress, the FBI, and the establishment of both parties. The entire system by which party leaders came up through the ranks and were at least somewhat respected is broken; the electorate isnt buying it, for the most part. Outsiders and/or charismatic extremists are elected, and then they are found wanting and the pendulum swings to someone seen as an outsider and/or charismatic extremist on the other side.

Obama and Trump (and Bannon, for that matter) didnt cause thisthey are the results of it.

Originally posted here:
The similarities between Obama and Trump

The NLRB just blocked one of the worst union abuses from the …

This isnt getting anywhere near the same amount of oxygen in the news cycle as the Net Neutrality story, but it certainly should be.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) under the tenure of Barack Obama was busy handing out all sorts of goodies to the unions which finance most Democratic political campaigns. One particular burr under the collective, conservative saddle was a new reinterpretation of rules regarding the obligations of larger corporations who authorize the operation of franchises under their name. I wrote about this back in 2015 when the rule was originally finalized and it was a deplorable situation. The NLRB was basically trying to hold parent companies responsible for acting as the HR departments for all of their privately owned and managed franchises and subcontractors. This was an obvious backdoor for collective bargaining agreements and the biggest targets of the Democrats on this front were in the fast food industry. (McDonalds actually only owns about 30% of the restaurants you see. The rest are franchised.)

Now, with some new, Trump appointed blood at the NLRB, that rule has been reversed. (NLRB website)

In a 3-2 decision (link is external), the National Labor Relations Board today overruled the Boards 2015 decision in Browning-Ferris Industries, 362 NLRB No. 186 (2015) (Browning-Ferris), and returned to the preBrowning Ferris standard that governed joint-employer liability.

In all future and pending cases, two or more entities will be deemed joint employers under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) if there is proof that one entity has exercised control over essential employment terms of another entitys employees (rather than merely having reserved the right to exercise control) and has done so directly and immediately (rather than indirectly) in a manner that is not limited and routine.

This sounds like some dry legalese which could put some readers into a coma, but the distinction being drawn here is important. The phrase Joint Employer is critical here. When a subcontractor or franchise owner agrees to have the parent company exercise direct, immediate control over their personnel policies (rather than simply issuing guidelines which are left up to the smaller unit to implement and enforce) then the parent company is a true joint employer. In such cases, workers may wish to collectively bargain with the parent company or hold them accountable for labor law violations.

But when the subcontractors are left to manage their own HR affairs or the franchise owner is basically just renting out the brand name of the company, those conditions do not and should not apply. The NLRB has now wisely conceded this point. Of course, the description youll get of this story at the New York Times takes a decidedly different tone.

The ruling changes the standard for holding a company responsible for labor law violations that occur at another company, like a contractor or franchisee, with which it has a relationship.

The doctrine also governs whether such a corporation would have to bargain with workers at a franchise if they unionized, or whether only the owners of the franchise would have to do so.

While most labor law experts expected the labor board, which gained a Republican majority only in late September, to overturn the boards so-called joint-employer decision from 2015, the speed of the change came as a surprise to many.

Frankly, its shocking, said Wilma B. Liebman, a former Democratic appointee on the board who once served as its chairwoman.

Oh, yes. It must be shocking indeed that the NLRB would ask the business owners who are actually employing the workers and are directly responsible for them to deal with labor law enforcement or collective bargaining. And theyre additionally shocked at how quickly it happened. Quickly? Trump has been in office for almost a full year. It took some time to get new appointments in place, but frankly, Im personally shocked that it took this long.

As I mentioned above, this distortion of the rules under the Obama administration was primarily a sop to the unions who have been trying to go after the fast food industry for decades. In 2014 the NLRB sanctioned McDonalds for the actions of a few franchises who they claimed had punished people who protested fast food restaurants. This effort later morphed into the Fight for 15 movement which has always targeted McDonalds and the other big fast food chains. (Its also why theyre now moving more and more to automation and simply eliminating jobs.)

Its good to see the NLRB exercising some common sense. If you have a problem with your employer, take it up with your employer. Not with the company that they may be renting your services out to or simply paying for permission to uses their brand name.

Read the rest here:
The NLRB just blocked one of the worst union abuses from the ...

Trump’s Administration Is Reversing A Major Obama …

The Trump administration is removing climate change from a list of national security threats.

For years, this was the policy of the Obama administration, to include climate change as a national security threat.

From The Federalist:

The Trump administration will reverse course from previous Obama administration policy, eliminating climate change from a list of national security threats. The National Security Strategy to be released on Monday will emphasize the importance of balancing energy security with economic development and environmental protection, according to a source who has seen the document and shared excerpts of a late draft.

Climate policies will continue to shape the global energy system, a draft of the National Security Strategy slated to be released on Monday said. U.S. leadership is indispensable to countering an anti-growth, energy agenda that is detrimental to U.S. economic and energy security interests. Given future global energy demand, much of the developing world will require fossil fuels, as well as other forms of energy, to power their economies and lift their people out of poverty.

This matches President Trumps vision, sometimes shared using his trademark hyperbole, that the United States needs to emphasize national security and economic growth over climate change.

During his successful campaign, Trump mocked Obamas placement of climate change in the context of national security. Heres a sample of his approach from a campaign speech in Hilton Head, South Carolina, in late 2015.

H/T The Federalist

Trump's Administration Is Reversing A Major Obama ...

Illegal Alien Invasion Numbers Return To Obama-Era Levels …

The election of Donald Trump as the 45th president saw illegal immigration drop from the Obama era administrations policy of welcome everyone legal or not.

However, in the last few months, the surge of illegal alien invaders through the borders of the united States has surged back to the levels experienced under the Obama administration, possibly due in part to the continued DACA amnesty talks.

According to The Washington Times, data indicated that gains President Trump made early on in his tenure have worn off.

Illegal immigration across the Southwest border has surged back to Obama-era levels, according to the latest data released Friday that suggests the gains President Trump made early in his tenure have worn off.

Nearly 40,000 illegal immigrants were nabbed attempting to jump the border in November, which was up about 12 percent compared to October, and more than twice the monthly numbers from March and April, when Mr. Trump touted his early accomplishments.

Perhaps just as worrisome for officials is the rise in families traveling together, which surged 45 percent last month, and unaccompanied minors traveling without parents, which rose 26 percent in November.

Department of Homeland Security spokesman, Tyler Q. Houlton, stated things have improved over the worst years of Obama under President Trump, but more needs to be done. And, that action has to come from Capitol Hill.

The administration is working tirelessly to secure the border, enhance interior enforcement and establish a merit-based immigration system. But we need Congress to act immediately to close immigration loopholes, fund the border wall, terminate outdated visa programs and provide the necessary tools for DHS officials to carry out their mission, Mr. Houlton said.

Securing the border has to be the first priority.

This includes more than funding the wall; it means building the wall.

Along with the wall, continual monitoring by agents stationed on the wall is required.

Moreover, government needs to allow agents to do their duty when encountering illegal alien invaders, which could mean use of force should violators fail to heed warnings and instructions.

Clearing out illegal alien invaders inside the border is paramount to deterring others.

Regardless of whether their home countries want to take these individuals back or not is irrelevant.

If the illegal alien holds citizenship in that country, that is where the illegal alien belongs.

A tough stance against these criminals has to be taken to prevent more individuals from suffering the fate of Kate Steinle.

Lets face it. Its a terrible miscarriage of justice when the men who took the life of Kate Steinle gets acquitted of murder and manslaughter charges and a man who places bacon on the steps of a mosque gets 15 years.

Closing immigration loopholes as well as ceasing outdated visa programs is another step in the right direction.

Our immigration law should end allowances for anchor babies, chain immigration, and leniency for employers hiring illegal alien invaders.

Most visa programs should be ended since many entrants into the republic overstay their visa. While this may not seem fair, life isnt fair.

It is because of the criminal actions of a few that an overhaul is badly needed.

And, corporations should be hiring American citizens over foreign workers who may work for less.

Providing tools for government agents charged with protecting our borders is paramount to our security and vital to protecting against invasion. This would include knowing where individuals who enter the republic under a visa program are located, making sure these individuals leave when their visa expires, and deporting them rapidly when caught, denying them from entering again under any circumstances.

Most importantly, our schools and universities need to cease indoctrination and degrees in gender studies, womens studies, transgender dance, and a number of fluff degrees, returning to preparing young adults for a productive role in society instead of violent, non-critical thinking social justice warriors who do nothing but disturb the peace.

All of this requires funding from the taxpayers. While we hear that the government has no money, the government continues to pay out foreign aid, use taxpayer money to pay off sexual harassment claims against Congressional members, mismanage Veterans Administration funds, waste money on witch hunt investigations, fund the United Nations and NATO, and funds to spy on and provide constant surveillance of American citizens.

Theres a host of other wasteful spending in Washington, DC that could be curbed if members of both chambers actually represented the people and the States. Unfortunately, these corrupt politicians would rather waste money and time to impeach Donald Trump, protect the Clinton crime family and their cohorts, and combat the fallacious climate change to the tune of less than one degree Celsius over the next 100 years.

To many, there seems to be plenty of money to be found in Washington, DC to protect the republic from invasion once wasteful spending is eliminated.

Other issues that have contributed to the surge in illegal alien invasion are cartels learning to exploit legal and policy loopholes, according to CBP officials.

Policy and legality should be the same if an individual does not enter through legal channels, the individual doesnt stay.

Moreover, there should be no type of refugee program in this republic or any other.

While there are individuals who need asylum, those requirements should not extend to war torn areas, nations with corrupt governments, or cartel-run governments.

These proposals may seem harsh, but, it is only because of the severity of the problem created by decades of Congressional folly that harsh measures are necessary.

This is not to say that persecuted sects of people, such as Jews and Christians in certain countries in the Middle East, should not be accepted into the republic.

On the contrary, these groups are definitely deserving of asylum since an ideology centered on murder, slavery, misogyny, sexual abuse and terrorism threatens their very existence.

With criminals, corrupt politicians, and individuals supporting terrorist organizations occupying much of the legislature and government agencies, citizens are likely to see an increase in the pushback against President Trumps policies to secure the republic from illegal alien invasion, wasting more of the taxpayer money on witch hunts instead of doing the business of the republic.

Citizens know that Democrats, leftists, progressives, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and liberals are the enemy; however, Republicans are not friends of constitutionalists.

In fact, establishment Republicans and RINOs are just as much of the enemy as the others.

Adding in the Obama holdovers to this mix makes government the enemy to the people as well as the republic.

Unless this dangerous group of people are ousted and replaced with constitutionalists, the republic will become more foreign to all, appealing to the worst elements of those seeking entry into our borders.

Read the original:
Illegal Alien Invasion Numbers Return To Obama-Era Levels ...