Slap in the face: Another Obama-appointed judge rescinds senior status and becomes third on federal bench to pull reverse retirement on Trump since he won the election Law & Crime
Excerpt from: Slap in the face: Another Obama-appointed judge rescinds senior status and becomes third on federal bench to pull reverse retirement on Trump since he...
Michelle Obama says Barack got cuter when she found out he was from Hawaii and calls him cheap HOLA! USA
See more here: Michelle Obama says Barack got cuter when she found out he was from Hawaii and calls him cheap - HOLA! USA
Donald Trump and Barack Obama agree on this one thing. Theyre both catastrophically wrong Toronto Star
Read the original: Donald Trump and Barack Obama agree on this one thing. Theyre both catastrophically wrong - Toronto Star
Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Trump from Replacing Him After Surprise Decision Not to Retire LatinTimes
Read this article: Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Trump from Replacing Him After Surprise Decision Not to Retire - LatinTimes
With Help From President Obama, Baseball Doc The Turnaround Takes Swing At Oscars Deadline
Originally posted here: With Help From President Obama, Baseball Doc The Turnaround Takes Swing At Oscars - Deadline