Former president Barack Obama delivers a speech during the 4th Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta on July 1, 2017.(Photo: Adek Berry, AFP/Getty Images)
Following the failure of the Senate's attempt to repeal parts of Obamacare, thespokesman for former president Barack Obama lauded the mobilization of people, but noted that there's still more to be done that will depend on bipartisanship in Congress.
Spokesman Kevin Lewis described the successes of Obama's signatures health care law before adding, "President Obama has always said we should build on this law, just as members of both parties worked together to improve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid over the years."
Obama has not made his own statement about the defeated bill.
Here's the full quote from Lewis:
The Affordable Care Act has always been about something bigger than politics -- it's about thecharacter of our country. It's about the 20 million Americans and counting who've gained the security and peace of mind of health insurance, and the tens of millions more who benefited from upgrades like free preventive care, such as mammograms and vaccines and improvements in thequality of care in hospitals that have averted more than 100,000 deaths so far. It's about the dreams protected, and the untold misery and ruin prevented.
Today, it remains that way because of everyone who mobilized, organized and made their voices heard. The Affordable Care Act has made America stronger and healthier, but there will always be more work to do. President Obama has always said we should build on this law, just as members of both parties worked together to improve Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid over the years. President Obama still believes that it is possible for Congress to demonstrate the necessary bipartisanship and political courage to keep delivering on the promise of quality, affordable health insurance for every American.
Lewis's statement echoes what congressional Democrats have called for: bipartisan work on the existing health care law.
"We must work together to improve the law," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York said early Friday, shortly after the repeal bill failed.
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