Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Here’s what keeps Obama’s former cyber policy advisor up at night – CNBC

For months, the world has been captivated by the slow drip of information about Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

R. David Edelman, a former advisor to President Obama on technology and cyber issues isn't as worried about what the Russians did in the past as he is about what the state-actor could do in the future.

Dr. Edelman says the current news environment and emerging technology could create the perfect conditions for Russia to mislead the American public with misinformation.

"It is worth thinking and perhaps worrying about the intersection of Russia-style information operations and artificial intelligence," said Edelman. "Too often, people simply believe what they see online, especially if it confirms an existing bias. And new research is showing just how easy it is to impersonate a voice, an image, or even a video of a well-known official," he said.

The former cyber policy director imagines a fake broadcast being accepted as truth.

"I think in 5 years it will be very difficult to tell truth from fiction. Video forgery, audio forgery, deep learning provides tools that state and non-state actors could use to create confusion," said Edelman.

While malicious Russian cyber activity in nothing new to the U.S., the tactics used have become more sophisticated over the years. In 2014, hackers thought to be working for the Russian government broke into an unclassified White House computer system, according to reports. Then, there was the hacking of the State department email system which was described by law enforcement and congressional officials briefed on the investigation as the "worst ever" intrusion against a federal agency. In 2016, cyber hacking activities were aimed at Democratic party groups including Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and his emails were released on WikiLeaks as part of an "influence campaign" directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a declassified U.S. intelligence report.

"What we saw in the election hacking was simply an extension of a longstanding series of aggressive actions Russia has undertaken throughout modern history usually within their sphere of influence, in the region to sow discord to favor the political preferences and to ultimately discredit the West," he said.

As Obama's cyber policy lead Edelman was on the team that established the U.S.-Russia "red phone" designed to de-escalate cyber crises. The phone was used by Obama to warn Putin of potential consequences if Russian interference didn't stop. "While we did find ways to work together, to try to prevent crises or miscalculations, there was no point in the last nine years where U.S. experts regarded the Russians as a friendly actor," Edelman said.

The election meddling was in line with Russia's policy goal of destabilizing the Western order, he said. Still, Edelman thinks the Trump candidacy may have led them to become bolder as time went on. "They saw the potential to really shake things up," he said.

Since the Russian security services didn't hack the election in the sense of changing votes from one to the other, the narrative around the cyber intrusion should change, Edelman said.

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Here's what keeps Obama's former cyber policy advisor up at night - CNBC

Gov. Greg Abbott: How George Soros is helping Obama Democrats buy their way back to power – Washington Examiner

Liberals are trying to mess with Texas. And they don't plan on stopping there.

Still reeling from nearly a decade of devastating losses in statehouses across the nation as well as in the 2016 presidential election, Democrats in Washington, D.C. are plotting to pour hundreds of millions of dollars in state and local elections across the country.

With the help of hedge fund billionaire George Soros, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee hopes to wrest control from voters of congressional re-districting in 2021 when booming conservative states such as Texas will gain seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. All for the benefit of their special-interest donors.

That the first fundraisers for this self-described "super group" were held in San Francisco and Los Angeles reveals one of their goals: to reinstate Rep. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. But they aren't stopping there.

Headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder, the tax-exempt 527 political action committee plans a three-pronged attack to flood state-level races with outside money, to leverage activist courts to wrest control of state redistricting plans, and finally, with the formidable community organizing prowess of former President Barack Obama, to fund astroturfed ballot initiatives in the guise of "fairness."

During Obama's eight years, Democrats lost 12 governorships, nine Senate seats, 62 House seats, and more than 900 state legislative seats.

Republican legislators are now the majority in both chambers in 32 states, and an amazing 33 states, including Texas, are led by Republican governors.

Resoundingly rejected by voters, Democrats' last hope is to pervert congressional district maps to subvert the will of the people.

Here's how.

Every 10 years, states redraw their legislative and congressional districts based on Census population changes.

People vote with their feet, and Texas has grown more than any state in the nation with many of that number coming from Nancy Pelosi's California. They are attracted to Texas by the good-paying jobs being created here and the freedoms offered here.

Less government, lower taxes, smarter regulations, and right-to-work laws these are the pro-growth economic policies that help our homegrown businesses flourish and that attract employers to Texas from states that over-tax and over-regulate.

As a result, more Texans are working today than ever before.

Those winning conservative economic policies are threatened by the Democrats' plan to re-engineer Texas' district maps to make them look like California's maps.

The Soros network has their sights set on re-drawing congressional districts in the Lone Star State to push their progressive agenda and turn the Texas dream into a California nightmare.

But they're not stopping there.

The Democrats are looking to re-draw hundreds of congressional districts across the nation.

Soros has meddled in local elections before, including efforts to influence secretary of state elections and their administration of election law.

In 2016, he also reportedly spent nearly $11 million on a dozen local district attorney races, including one in Harris County, Texas. The vast majority of his selected candidates won when their opponents were overwhelmed by the inflow of cash and negative campaigning.

Those victories, along with recent successful efforts to challenge redistricting maps in a handful of states, have given Democrats a taste of victory.

What Obama could not accomplish while in office, turning red states blue, he will attempt to do now through the machinations of this "super group" a partisan focus unbecoming a former president.

I've got news for Nancy Pelosi and her pet project: Texas is not up for grabs.

I'm running for re-election to make sure that San Francisco liberals such as Pelosi will not be running our great state. I'm committed to preserving Texas' liberty. And I will continue to fight back against the liberal agenda that threatens the future of our nation.

The GOP needs to take the Soros network and the Holder, Obama, and Pelosi alliance seriously.

The integrity of the people's vote is at stake.

We must ensure re-districting efforts reflect the will of the people not the depth of donors' pockets.

I urge my fellow Republicans to act now.

Complacency at the state and local level in 2018 will threaten the integrity of our elections and the future of our nation for generations to come.

Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) is the 48th governor of Texas.

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Gov. Greg Abbott: How George Soros is helping Obama Democrats buy their way back to power - Washington Examiner

Trump mocked Obama for three chiefs of staff in three years – The Hill

President Trump's decision to dismiss Reince Priebus as his chief of staff on Friday has drawn new attention to apast tweet criticizing former President Barack ObamaBarack ObamaOPINION | Let ObamaCare implode obstructionist Democrats own that failure Trump mocked Obama for three chiefs of staff in three years Priebus forced out; Kelly to replace him as WH chief of staff MORE for going through a number of chiefs of staff.

"3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why @BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda," Trump wrote in one 2012 tweet.

3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why @BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda.

Rahm Emmanuel, Bill Daley and Jack LewJack LewTrump mocked Obama for three chiefs of staff in three years Mnuchin wants clean debt-ceiling bill Conservative Republicans' bill seeks to take bite out of debt ceiling MORE each served as chief of staff for Obama, between 2009 and 2013, beforeDenis McDonoughDenis McDonoughTrump mocked Obama for three chiefs of staff in three years Former Obama UN ambassador to meet with Senate Intelligence panel: report Trump administration must release Clinton emails State Department tried to hide MORE stepped into the role.McDonough served through the rest of Obama's tenure, through January of this year.

Pete Rouse also served as interim chief of staff under Obama, between Emmanuel and Daley.

Trump announced Friday that he would be replacing Priebus with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general.

Priebus, who was Trump's first chief of staff, made it only 189 days into the president's first term.

Read more here:
Trump mocked Obama for three chiefs of staff in three years - The Hill

Treasury Ends Obama-Era Retirement Savings Plan – New York Times

The myRA program was deemed a conservative way to save and tailored for people who were not accustomed to investing in the markets because account holders could not lose money. The funds were invested in United States Treasury savings bonds, which paid the same variable rate as the Government Securities Fund, available to federal employees through the government retirement plan.

There was not a minimum deposit or a fee. But the maximum workers could save was only $15,000. At that point the balance would be rolled over to a private-sector retirement account, perhaps a more traditional portfolio of stocks and bonds.

Mark Iwry, who built the program over nearly six years while he served as senior adviser to the Treasury secretary during the Obama administration, said it had been designed to have many uses over time. Besides being a safe way to introduce people to saving for retirement, it was expected to serve as a key investment option within some state-run retirement programs geared to the tens of millions of people without access to employer-sponsored plans that are in the process of being created.

The program was also seen as a place to direct a portion of a tax refund, and as a bucket of sorts that could be used to capture the small sums that are automatically rolled over by employers from larger 401(k) plans when workers change jobs.

The decision to cancel the myRA in its introductory phase reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of its purposes and potential as a long-term investment in working families economic security and financial independence, Mr. Iwry said. There are several legitimate ways to assess a programs costs and benefits prematurely is not one of them.

The closing of myRA is the latest step taken by the Trump administration to reverse Obama-era savings initiatives and investor protections. In his first month in office, President Trump requested the review of a rule that requires brokers to put their customers interest first when handling their retirement money. He later signed a joint resolution that reversed a rule that would have made it easier for states to create their own retirement savings programs.

Several states including California, Illinois and Oregon are moving ahead anyway. And while some states had plans to include myRA as a safe investment alternative, that will no longer be an option.

The program offers a really good solution, said Tobias Read, state treasurer of Oregon, which is running a pilot of its retirement savings plan this month and had expected to use myRA as its capital preservation alternative. Without it, we will be forced to look at other options, which frankly arent as good for that purpose.

On July 14, a group of Democrats in Congress wrote a letter to Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, asking that his department demonstrate its support for the myRA program.

Given that this administration has worked to reduce access to retirement plans for millions of Americans, the letter said, it is more critical than ever for the Treasury to strengthen one of their remaining options for retirement savings.

A version of this article appears in print on July 29, 2017, on Page B2 of the New York edition with the headline: Treasury Ends Obama-Era Retirement Savings Program.

Treasury Ends Obama-Era Retirement Savings Plan - New York Times

Obama Credits Supporters For Thwarting Health Care Repeal –

Barack Obama on Friday credited supporters of the Affordable Care Act for saving his signature legislation from Republican-led efforts to dismantle it, while the former president acknowledged that the law can be improved.

Obamacare remains the law "because of everyone who mobilized, organized and made their voices heard," a spokesman for Obama said in a statement following the GOPs failed attempt to repeal parts of the legislation.

"President Obama has always said we should build on this law, just as members of both parties worked together to improve Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid over the years," Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said. "President Obama still believes that it is possible for Congress to demonstrate the necessary bipartisanship and political courage to keep delivering on the promise of quality, affordable health insurance for every American."

GOP efforts to repeal parts of Obamacare fell short early Friday morning when three Republican senators, along with all Democrats, voted against it.

Democratic groups flooded the halls of the Capitol and GOP town hall events around the country to protest the GOPs repeal efforts.

"The Affordable Care Act has always been about something bigger than politics," Obama's statement said. "It's about the character of our country.... It's about the dreams protected, and the untold misery and ruin prevented."

Obama had remained largely on the sidelines during the debate over Obamacare this year.

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