Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Former Obama UN ambassador to meet with Senate Intelligence panel: report – The Hill

Former President Obama's ambassador to the United Nations is set to meet with congressional investigators on the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed session on Friday, according to a CNN report.

Senate investigators examining Russia's role in the 2016 presidential campaignand possible ties between the Trump campaign and Moscow have interviewed a slew of former Obama administration officials in recent weeks.

Obama's former national security adviser Susan Rice met with the intelligence panel last week, as did former chief of staff Denis McDonoughDenis McDonoughFormer Obama UN ambassador to meet with Senate Intelligence panel: report Trump administration must release Clinton emails State Department tried to hide Sunday shows preview: McMaster hits circuit for second straight week MORE and James Clapper, Obama's former director of national intelligence.


In addition to speaking with the Senate Intelligence Committee, CNN reported, Power has also agreed to meet with lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting its own investigation into Russian election meddling.

Spokespeople for the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee declined to confirm the panel's reported meeting with Power to The Hill.

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Former Obama UN ambassador to meet with Senate Intelligence panel: report - The Hill

White House defends reversal of ‘Obama policy’ on transgender military service – Fox News

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders staunchly defended President Trumps decision Wednesday to ban transgender people from serving in the military in "any capacity," a move that touched off a firestorm in Washington and beyond.

In her first, solo on-camera press briefing since she replaced Sean Spicer, Sanders faced a battery of questions on the presidents abrupt Twitter announcement earlier Wednesday morning. She said the decision was based on consultation with the presidents national security team and the Pentagon.

This decision was made after extensive discussions with the national security team and it was in the militarys best interest to end this Obama policy, Sanders said. ... This is a very expensive and disruptive policy and based on consultation with his national security team, it erodes military readiness and unit cohesion, and he made the decision based on that.


The decision effectively reversed one made at the end of the Obama administration. Transgender service members had been able to serve openly in the military since last year, when former Defense Secretary Ash Carter ended the prior ban. But Carter also gave the services until July 1 to develop policies to allow people already identifying as transgender to newly join the military, if they meet physical, medical and other standards.

When pressed repeatedly Wednesday on what would happen to transgender service members currently serving in the military, Sanders could not say. She said implementation of the policy would be something the White House and Department of Defense would work together to lawfully determine.

The decision is based on a military decisionnot meant to be anything more than thatobviously this is a very difficult decision. Its not a simple one, but the president feels its the best one for the military, Sanders said.

Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he would give military chiefs another six months to conduct a review to determine if allowing transgender individuals to enlist would affect the readiness or lethality of the force. The deadline for that review was Dec. 1, 2017.

Sometimes you have to make decisions, and once [Trump] made a decision, he didnt feel it was necessary to hold that decision, Sanders explained, adding that Mattis was immediately informed of Trump's choice.

Some lawmakers including Reps. Steve King, R-Iowa, and Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., backed the president's decision, as did groups like the Family Research Council. But the move drew criticism from past secretaries of defense and lawmakers from both parties.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., slammed the announcement and said anyone fit to serve in the military should be allowed to do so.

The presidents tweet this morning regarding transgender Americans in the military is yet another example of why major policy announcements should not be made via Twitter, McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said.

Trump made his announcement in a series of tweets on Wednesday morning:

After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allowTransgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelmingvictory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.

At Wednesday's briefing, reporters questioned Sanders over a tweet then-candidate Trump posted in June 2016, when he said: Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.

Sanders responded that the president has made very clear that he is committed to fighting for all Americans.

The on-camera briefing was arranged on the heels of Anthony Scaramucci being named White House communications director.

At the beginning of the briefing, Sanders told reporters that from time to time she would like to give a reminder of why we are here every day.

She started by reading a letter to the president from a 9-year-old boy nicknamed "Pickle" and added some personal reflections about her own family.

I have three children, and the oldest, Scarlett, starts kindergarten in a few weeks, Sanders said, noting she is the first mom to be White House press secretary. As a working mom, its not lost on me what a great honor, and privilege it is to stand here at the podiumI hope to send my daughter a message, and every other kid in America, dont listen to the critics, dream big and fulfill your potential.

Fox News' Barnini Chakraborty contributed to this report.

Brooke Singman is a Reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @brookefoxnews.

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White House defends reversal of 'Obama policy' on transgender military service - Fox News

How US Military Policy on Transgender Personnel Changed Under Obama – New York Times

July 2015: Moving to End an Outdated Approach Photo Credit Zach Gibson/The New York Times

Mr. Hagels successor as defense secretary, Ashton B. Carter, announced that the Pentagon would move to allow transgender people to serve openly, making good on Mr. Hagels promise of continual review.

In announcing the plan, Mr. Carter acknowledged the many transgender people who were already serving in the military.

We have transgender soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines real, patriotic Americans who I know are being hurt by an outdated, confusing, inconsistent approach thats contrary to our value of service and individual merit, he said.

In previous months, lawmakers had begun to openly champion the cause of transgender service members.

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., speaking to the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, argued that transgender people should be allowed to serve in the armed forces.

The vice president, who was still contemplating a presidential run at the time, called transgender rights the civil rights issue of our time.

A study commissioned by Mr. Carter and carried out by the RAND Corporation found that allowing transgender people to serve openly would cost little and have no significant impact on unit readiness.

The study estimated that 2,450 active-duty members were transgender and predicted that around 65 would seek to transition each year. It estimated that the cost to the Pentagon of those procedures would be $2.9 million to $4.2 million a year.

The study predicted that service members would not seek to transition were the procedures not covered by the Pentagon, and that they would likely have higher rates of substance abuse and suicide as a result.

Effective immediately, transgender Americans may serve openly, Mr. Carter announced, on June 30, 2016. They can no longer be discharged or otherwise separated from the military just for being transgender.

He said that the Pentagon would cover the medical costs of those in uniform who wished to undergo gender transition, and that it would begin a yearlong training program for service members on the changes.

Mr. Trumps victory in November was greeted with alarm by many in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, who feared reversals of political advances.

All across America right now there are millions of people who are terrified, Mara Keisling, the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, told The Times.

Mr. Trump had sometimes seemed to court their support in his race against Hillary Clinton, tweeting during the campaign, Thank you to the L.G.B.T. community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.

Two transgender cadets one at West Point, the other at the Air Force Academy were denied their commissions because of a loophole in the Pentagons transgender policy, which officials said only covered active-duty service members.

The policy, which had been released in October, was written by Brad Carson, an undersecretary of defense under President Obama.

But Mr. Carson said that he had envisioned academy personnel as being covered by the same rules as active-duty service members because theyre already in the military.

A year after Mr. Carter lifted the Pentagons ban, Mr. Trumps defense secretary, Jim Mattis, delayed a plan to allow transgender recruits to join the military.

According to a Pentagon spokeswoman, the delay would allow service leaders to review their accession plans and provide input as they consider the impact of transgender recruits on the readiness and lethality of our forces.

Congressional Republicans were also attempting to roll back the Obama policy. In early July, the House narrowly rejected a bill that would have stopped the Pentagon from paying for gender transition and hormone therapy.

On Wednesday, Mr. Trump swiftly reversed what had been ushered in by the Obama administration, saying on Twitter that he had made the decision based on advice from generals and military experts. (He did not specify whom he had consulted.)

After consultation with my generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. military, he wrote in a series of tweets.

Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.

How US Military Policy on Transgender Personnel Changed Under Obama - New York Times

Michelle Obama: Some People Still Can’t See Past the Color of My Skin – Us Weekly

Michelle Obama opened up about the racism she faced as the first black first lady during an appearance at the Women's Foundation of Colorado's 30th anniversary celebration in Denver, Colorado, on Tuesday, July 25.

WFCO president and CEO Lauren Casteel asked the former first lady, 53, which pieces of "falling glass" hurt the most after breaking the glass ceiling of race during her eight years in the White House.

"The shards that cut me the deepest were the ones that intended to cut," Obama responded, via the Denver Post. "Knowing that after eight years of working really hard for this country, there are still people who won't see me for what I am because of my skin color."

During the conversation, the Chicago native spoke about resilience while reflecting on being called an ape. "Women, we endure those cuts in so many ways that we don't even notice we're cut," she said. "We are living with small tiny cuts, and we are bleeding every single day. And we're still getting up."

Obama also reiterated her previous statements that she does not plan to seek public office, though she and former President Barack Obama intend to stay involved in public service. "The people in this country are universally good and kind and honest and decent," she told the audience. "Don't be afraid of the country you live in. The folks here are good."

The activist stayed away from discussing the current political climate under President Donald Trump during Tuesday's appearance, though she did take a few subtle shots at him, according to the Denver Post.

The Obamas have been enjoying life out of the spotlight as of late. Since leaving 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in January, the couple have vacationed in California, the British Virgin Islands, Hawaii, Italy and Indonesia.

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See the rest here:
Michelle Obama: Some People Still Can't See Past the Color of My Skin - Us Weekly

Scaramucci: Obama holdovers are responsible for leaks – The Hill

New White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Wednesday blamed holdovers from the Obama administration for a series of damaging leaks that have rocked the White House in recent months.

Speaking on Fox News, Scaramucci said that "political holdovers" from the Obama White House "aren't helping," and hinted that more staff changes could be on the way.

"Listen, we have to crack down on leaks on a number of different fronts," Scaramucci told "Fox and Friends."

"I certainly have the full responsibility in the comms shop, which I do believe will be corrected shortly."

Scaramucci cautioned viewers to remember that it's impossible for him to reach a point of absolutely no leaks,but pledged to clean up the White House press office.

"People are suggesting I'm going to try to get the leaks down to zero, that is absolutely impossible in Washington, I'm learning a little about this town, but what I do want to have happen is people who report to me, if there are senior people in the administration trying to get them to leak information on each other, we're getting that to stop right now."

D.C. is the kind of town, the Wall Street financier said, where people are "very nice to your face" but then stab you in the back.

"I'm more of a front-stabbing person," he said.

On Tuesday, Scaramucci blasted "leaks" of his planned firing of White House press aide Michael Short, despite himself personally telling a news outlet of his plans. Scaramucci added that he would "fire everybody" in the White House press office to stop the damaging leaks.

Im going to fire everybody, thats how Im going to do it, Scaramucci said on Tuesday, adding that he a thousand percent" has the authority from President Trump to do so.

Original post:
Scaramucci: Obama holdovers are responsible for leaks - The Hill